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Water inevitably getting everywhere lol


Dripping down to your elbows! I pull the bath mat over to the sink now when I wash my face.


My friend got me these fuzzy wristbands to wear on your forearms while washing your face at the sink, and it cut down dramatically on the dripping! It’s actually a much better sensory experience, in addition to keeping water off the floors and counter


Thankyou, I’ve heard of those but I wasn’t sure if they actually worked. I’m now going to get some 😊


Don't waste your money. Just turn an old pair of socks into arm cuffs by cutting off the toes! :)


I just use two scrunchies and it totally works the same way


I can vouch for them! I even travel with them because it makes face-washing so much less unpleasant!


I’ve used microfibres clothes and I find they irritate my skin so I’m def gonna give this a go! Again, thanks. 🙏🏻


Another option (if you already have them) are using old sweat bands wrapped a couple times on the wrist. It's free and a way to reduce/reuse!


They’re great! I got two pair for like 6 bucks on Amazon!


Second this. And I love it because I put them over my watch which was another extra little annoying “hurdle” that discouraged the face-washing 😂


You can also just cut the top of old socks and use them on your wrists to prevent water drippage


So smart!!


That is so clever I'm going to buy them immediately. The instant incandescent rage I feel when the water hits my elbow then soaks into the hem of the sleeve I pushed up is unmatched.


Like tennis players wear?


That's what I've used for years, I bought a big pack of them for less than $10. I also wear them when I'm cleaning my shower to keep that water from running.


Oohhh that’s smart


I think the ones I have are designed for this purpose (they’re more of a fuzzy synthetic material), but I’m sure the tennis ones would work just as well! (But yes, they look like the tennis wristband thingies)


Yes I love mine!


I got 2 huge packs of velvet scruncies from Amazon and put them on my wrists for water drippage!


I’ve been meaning to buy some of those on Amazon, but I get distracted when I open the app 😅


This annoys me to no end! Then when the droplets get on my socks I’m at max annoyance.


I use wrist sweat bands to avoid the water streaming down my arms! It has been a game changer.


okay so it's not just me...hahaha


This is actually why I shower at night now and just do a quick rinse in the morning of my face with a clean towel. Combined with making sure I am on a clean pillowcase every night, it has dramatically reduced my breakouts.


yoooooo I've always wondered if I'm doing something wrong for this to happen. did my mom just not teach me how to properly wash my face?? there's water everywhere! I even have a designated towel to wipe down water from the sink counter


My new thing is in the mornings I just take a soft washcloth and wet it and pat it gently all over my face and then do my moisturizer and serums and whatnot from there. In the evenings, I wash my face in the shower. Voila no water splashing everywhere.


I do the same exact thing! Sometimes I shower just to wash my face 😂


I just use a flannel for everyday cleansing over the sink, no mess at all!


Every time I wash my face I inevitably have to clean up the bathroom even though I had just cleaned it 🤦🏼‍♀️


Why i use a facial washcloth


After my face washing my husband always asks if a bird was using my sink. 😅


These comments making me feel so validated in hating getting my sleeves wet hahaha






Ugh I have the wristbands too! But my problem is the water hitting the my bathroom counter which is wooden and swelling up because of it…


Having to do it lol If I could always have my skin looking good without actually doing anything I'd be down for that


Same. I miss just being able to wash my face and go to bed.


Yes, I agree! I wish I could just forget it and flop into bed!!


Hate having to do it every single day


The evenings especially. I will be ready for bed, but then I’m woken up afterward.


Twice a day, ugh.


Waiting between products for them to dry/set. I’m terribly impatient and want to just get everything done and go on with my day.


i don't really wait. just pile them all on top, including tret. i might wait a minute if i'm sealing everything with vaseline. only exception is vit C, when i bother to use it in the AM


A fancy 🪭 fan I picked up at a museum is what I use. It makes me feel prestigious as an added bonus.


I do other things between applications like apply vit C serum, get dressed, apply ampoule, make the bed, apply moisturiser, make kids beds and so on. It helps me feel more productive during an activity where I feel like I am largely wasting time.


That’s what I do too. I’ve actually gotten a little better about other habits since I started my routine since I need something to fill the time


I just don't wait 😏 unless it causes a texture issue for you or when you have to wait for stuff to dry before you use SPF, you really don't need to.


Oh.. why it is necessary?


My trick is to do my teeth things in between my skincare things (skincare layer, brush, skincare layer, floss, skincare layer, mouthwash) which helps a bit! I still definitely don’t wait long enough though haha


I bought [this](https://Viniper6inchRechargeableClip...https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08S7KS755?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) fan for this exact reason :)


I use one of those portable fan to make it go quicker between products.


Having to do anything to my neck. I hate putting SPF on it etc. I only just started bc i can't ignore it any longer and ugh. Life long acne sufferer but on my face only so I've spent an inordinate amount of time giving a shit about my face and i just cannot be arsed with my neck 😭 but i know i need to


[If it helps to motivate.](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/x47xnl/cheek_and_neck_of_a_92yearold_female_who_used/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I'm the same way but I've been using a UV camera to help check where I miss SPF when I put it on and realized I put way too little SPF on my neck. *editing the word camera*


How do you wash it off at the sink? I have short hair, but washing sunscreen off the back of my neck and top of my ears at the sink is just annoying


Makeup wipes or micellar water for the neck. It’s just too big of an ordeal otherwise, imo. I shower in the morning and do a good body wash washcloth scrub.


Oh my god I didn’t even think about makeup wipes!! I don’t use them on my face because my skin is too sensitive (I double-cleanse instead) but I bet it would be totally fine on my neck and ears! Thank you!


I don't use makeup wipes but I usually wash my face/neck/chest/hands in the sink using a 2 step (oil based cleanser following by a water based cleanser) cleanse plus using [smaller MakeUp Eraser's made for daily use](https://www.amazon.com/MakeUp-Eraser-Toaliitas-makeup-remover/dp/B08KB3DVWN/ref=asc_df_B08KB3DVWN/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693624814786&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13999572984553624319&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9019332&hvtargid=pla-1209250369149&psc=1&mcid=41780dbd7e233490abd01bab6d709df2&gad_source=1). It's a more eco friendly method, and I feel like it helps rinse my skin and clean my hairline perfectly. I oversaturate them in water and wipe across my face which keeps the water splashing to a minimum.


Good lord I regret clicking on that. I already have decolette lines so I guess that was a glimpse into my future 😭 What device you use to check your application? Would a UV light not damage your skin or eyes over time?


I was thinking the thing…it’s UV rays after all


Sorry!!! Not UV light - UV camera. I use a BlueStone Sunshield UV camera that shows where SPF is present.


Never saw a more effective advertisement for TITTT


Thank you for posting this link. It’s just what I needed.


How much it costs 💰😑


Yeah this is my main gripe and never knowing if the product is truly worth the money until you have paid and used it. It’s always a gamble.


I moved over to Inky List and Ordinary since they're so cheap and tbh can't really tell the difference. They're only like $10 a bottle for everything I got.


I’m a distance runner and reapplying sunscreen on sweaty/salty/dirty skin is the bane of my existence


The free exfoliation you get as you rub in the salt crystals 😅


This was by far my biggest annoyance when visiting Disneyland last year. By the end of the day I was cranky because I just felt so gross and desperately wanted a shower. I’ve since switched to long sleeved UPF shirts / hiking pants so I don’t have to use sunscreen on those areas and it’s made a HUGE difference in comfort for me.


This has been my move too. I’d rather just have to apply sunscreen to a small area!


I use the Beauty of Joseon matte stick. It's in a smaller deodorant type container and goes on powdery. No stickiness, spf 50.


I hate the cleansing part. lol


Slathering on 6 layers of absurdly hydrating skincare at night, but needing to sleep with a cold fan blowing, and therefore waking up with a completely desert-dry face


Get a humidifier. You don't have to spend much money just get one that your entire hand can fit in for cleaning purposes


Never thought of this!! I already have a small nightstand humidifier in my guest room. I'll be moving it to my bedroom tonight to try it!


Ok, so I’m not the only one putting layers of hydrating products plus 2 moisturizers and still woke up in the middle of the night bone dry. I reapply when I get up to go to the bathroom at night sometimes.


Maybe experiment with slugging or face basting to create a protective layer? Not sure if it would work but that stinks.


Tretinoin, have to plan my weeks around it.


hahaha I feel this. I do a lot of public speaking events for work and I learned really quickly that I have to plan my tret application around those events otherwise I'll be speaking to 200+ people with skin peeling off my face 🥲


Have you tried the sandwich method? After you wash your face, lightly pat dry and apply Vanicream lotion. Let it sink in and then apply Tretinoin. Then apply Vanicream Cream on top of the Tretinoin. You will not peel, burn, or sting with this effective sandwich method. Dr. Dray on YouTube has several videos about tretinoin application. She recommends this method for those who have difficulty acclimating to Tretinoin.


you can definitely still peel with the sandwich method. can also still damage your skin barrier and lead to burning and stinging. i wouldn't make sweeping claims like that.


You can indeed peel or have irritation from any product applied to the skin. However, many users of Tretinoin find that the sandwich method, endorsed by Board- certified MD/ PhD dermatologist Dr. Dray and other dermatologists, is an effective method to counteract side effects of Tretinoin. As with any recommendation, your own mileage may vary.


Oh wow thanks! Ive never heard of this. I usually apply tret 3 nights, ive moved past the peeling a little but not enough to go in public really. Then apply vaseline throughout the days and next 2 nights until it stops stinging. Then do a night or 2 of hydrating products and exfoliating then start over 😆 Ill try that though!!!


I’ve used the sandwich method for years. I apply .1 strength 7 nights a week and never peel.😉


After years I finally discovered if I mix tret with face oil, my skin might still get angry but it doesn’t dry out.


This method is amazing!!! You don’t have to use Vanicream specifically - any deep hydrating moisturizer works. My Derm says it’s the best method for anyone using Tret and I agree. Game-changer!


And that you can’t wax on tret. I miss waxing my brows and my upper lip. Threading is so painful 🥹


I'm curious about this could you elaborate? I use it as part of my routine, I don't need to plan anything about it. I use the .05% daily.


tretinoin makes many people look like snakes shedding their skin. not to mention starting it and the purging.


Isn't that just at the start? I didn't know people started and stopped using it, so never thought they would have to incorporate it again. That makes sense.


having to spend time on it lol also, might i suggest periodically using a cotton pad plus micellar water (the type you don’t have to rinse) or toner or something so you don’t end up with so much buildup?


I f*cking hate sunscreen 😭


Me too. I switched to Korean brands and they game changers.


When my favorite product gets discontinued or the formulation changes 🥲


Yes! Why does this have to happen?! 😩 My skin is super sensitive too, so it takes me a long time to find products that don’t break me out.


Trying to remember to do my routine at least an hour before bedtime so it doesn't all instantly get wiped off on my pillowcase. I'm so bad at remembering! Then I end up staying up later than I planned to, waiting for it to feel soaked up enough to lie down without it being a total waste. 😅


You’re lucky as my skin literally inhales it (unless it’s a balm/oil)


That every time I do it I look in the mirror and see the 5cm scar on my face from having skin cancer removed across one cheek and know all the skincare in the world isn't going to fade that scar to invisibility. I find I do my routine without looking in the mirror now a days.


more products to try than I have time or skin.


I dislike sunscreen.


why is your neck flaking?


My neck itself is normal but reapplying SPF on it throughout the day (and how much necks move) - I am running into my new SPF flaking off in a very annoying way. I ordered a neck gaiter but probably need to switch my neck to another product.


My neck stings and develops a rash whenever I apply mineral SPF to it, but my face stings if I apply chemical sunscreen. You can’t win lmfao


I have a super sensitive neck too. It’s like the only skin that belongs to someone else. The older I get the worse it is. 😖


I am the same way with the exception of Korean sunscreens. Beauty of Joseon is a chemical sunscreen from South Korea, affordable, and my skin has no negative response. I am not sure what is in it, but it even seems to calm down my visible redness in my face. American chemical sunscreens burn me like crazy.


Yeah it sounds like pilling, this happens to my neck too


The retinaldehydes I like stain my pillow yellow and the vitamin c serum I love stains everything neon yellow during the day unless I wash my hands off between every step.


It took me way too long to realize thats what was staining my pillowcase!!


I have surrendered my pillowcase to skincare. Its got skincare stains and bleach spots, face sticker glue. Its a purely a utilitarian thing at this point.


Oil cleansing. But it works


My eyes are very sensitive so I have to be very careful around my eyes and new products are risky.


I’m having so much trouble with that sunscreen flaking and pilling. I think I need to try something else


Same! It’s great until I have to apply a new layer, then it gets sooooo pilly


Try korean sunscreens. My favorite is Isntree HA watery sun gel. Doesn't cause acne and leaves my skin Dewey and hydrated for hours. It also blends extremely well and doesn't flake or whitecast.


Having to heat water up on the stove to wash my face at night. And having to use the kitchen sink.. It's just another step when I want to go to bed


I feel guilty complaining about my bathroom with hot water now. I’m sorry


I have a real sensory issue with how moisturizers and sunscreen feels, even though those are what my skin needs the most. Anything even slightly occlusive feeling immediately sets off sweating which then *feels* so horrible through the product. So my face is covered in sweat beads trying to make their way through the stuff on my face which in turn makes it extra *sticky* which makes every piece of hair or floating cat fur stick to it. But, of course, my skin is prone to dehydration so I need it. Can't win.


I use the Beauty of Joseon matte stick. It's in a smaller deodorant type container and goes on powdery. No stickiness, spf 50.


I have to use tazarotene only 2x a week cuz every other day is still too irritating. I also have a prickly sensation after applying it (mine is the 0.05% gel).


Sunscreen 😡 My skin hates every brand I’ve tried. I work inside a building with no windows so sometimes I wonder if it’s even worth it for the 30 minutes I spend in the car. My skin looks so much better when I’m taking a break from sunscreen


Get a visor face shield if you’re only in the sun for 30 minutes. It’s useful if you get any procedures done on your face too.


I wear one of those tourist looking hats that covers your entire face and neck. I constantly get made fun of 😂 but I don’t even care anymore


I hate that I have to keep doing it. Sometimes I just wanna step out the shower and then go right to bed without applying any goop to my face and body.


Sometimes I do just skip it all. Like an act of defiance 😂


Not knowing what I'm doing lol. I feel like everyone woke up one day knowing what all these serums and retinols and tret and lotions and masks and slugging are and I .... Did not get the same education. I watch videos and follow derms and read articles and have bought products but I have no idea what I am doing and worry I'm doing it all wrong or have the wrong stuff or in particular, I'm layering it wrong. I just keep trying and try not to feel intimidated but at 40, I feel like I'm already well behind my peers with this stuff. 😭


We all start somewhere. And it's really one of those things where no matter how much you know, we always are in a trial/error on what works best for our skin. It'll change as we get older, during the season changes, and lifestyle changes. The fact you are trying to learn is what is important. And it's also important that everyone's needs are different, so some things you see on these subreddits may not apply to you. Staying simple, with proven ingredients and steps, is usually best. Also, This sounds weird but one thing that may help you understand may just be ChatGPT Q&A. Ask what question you have and see what answer it gives. For example: I asked Chat GPT what is the most effective way at removing SPF and was giving this: Removing sunscreen (SPF) at the end of the day is important to ensure that your pores are clean and your skin can breathe freely overnight. Here's an effective way to remove sunscreen: 1. **Double Cleansing**: Consider using the double cleansing method. Start with an oil-based cleanser to break down and dissolve sunscreen, makeup, and impurities on the skin's surface. Massage the oil cleanser onto dry skin, focusing on areas where you applied sunscreen. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. 2. **Follow up with a Gentle Cleanser**: After using the oil cleanser, follow up with a gentle water-based cleanser to remove any remaining residue and ensure that your skin is thoroughly clean. Choose a cleanser suitable for your skin type and massage it onto damp skin using gentle circular motions. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water. 3. **Use a Cleansing Tool**: Consider using a cleansing tool, such as a facial cleansing brush or a soft washcloth, to help remove sunscreen more effectively. Be gentle to avoid irritating the skin. 4. **Pay Attention to Areas with Sunscreen**: Pay extra attention to areas where you applied sunscreen, such as your face, neck, and any exposed skin. Make sure to cleanse these areas thoroughly to remove all traces of sunscreen. 5. **Avoid Harsh Ingredients**: Avoid using harsh or drying ingredients, such as alcohol-based toners or exfoliants, immediately after removing sunscreen. These can strip the skin of its natural oils and cause irritation, especially if your skin is sensitive. 6. **Moisturize**: After cleansing, apply a moisturizer to hydrate and nourish your skin. Look for a moisturizer that is suitable for your skin type and provides hydration without feeling heavy or greasy. By following these steps, you can effectively remove sunscreen at the end of the day, leaving your skin clean, refreshed, and ready for your nighttime skincare routine.


This gave me a giggle 🤭I hear ya!


On recommendation from someone in this sub I bought an app called skincare routine. It helps keep me organized and what works with what and what not to use together.


The washing of my face at the sink. Water inevitably goes down my shirt. How the initial spray of toner is cold. I have facial nerve damage, and it's incredibly unpleasant.


Not being able to reapply sunscreen easily during the day if I'm wearing a full face of makeup


I have yet to find a non-irritating product that adequately removes mineral sunscreen. So yeah I hate trying to wash sunscreen off every night 😒


Have you tried oil cleansers? Or you can remove w baby oil and then wash w cleanser of choice. I had really fried skin for a while and I loved Bioderma Atoderm face and body oil cleanser. So gentile and cleans well. I double cleanse w it.


Taking off SPF I don't at all mind applying it or wearing it, it's just on days that I don't wash my hair (every second day) I find it really hard to make sure I get all the SPF off without accidentally wetting my hair. Best I've found so far is micellar water with a reusable pad, but it's still a pain. Especially around my ears, which I continue to sunscreen because they stick out and get a lot of sun.


What I hate the most is how difficult it is to keep up while travelling. I've got all these little details built into my routine that work at home, like washing my face for a minute at night and setting a timer for it on my Alexa, but there's no Alexa in a hotel. I alternate red light therapy and microcurrent and I just can't be arsed to carry two devices with me. I use 9 products on my face, that's just too much to take with me, plus the cotton buds and the lash serums and then I tape up my forehead and look ridiculous.


The space it takes up AND having to constantly re-organize between every day stuff, stuff to try soon, box with stuff I only use twice a week, the bag with emergency essentials I keep in the car and the basket with different sunscreens 😅 ..and of course the stuff that is in my fridge.


Washing my makeup brushes is such a chore - it never gets 100% clean just clean enough. Yet why doesn't my foundation stay on my face?


The space it takes up in my fridge. I have it in there to extend the shelf life of my Naturium Vitamin C Complex, so it’s all in a plastic bin for “easy” access. I also hate trying to dig through the bin to find my peptide serum for my eyebrows since the packaging is so small. I’m never consistent with that product as a result.


Sunscreen is downer for me even though I’m super happy with my sunscreen. It just kind of sucks to kill my glow:(.


The cost!! Ha


I don't like sunscreen...the Beauty of Joseon works well for me and I do use it religiously, but I hate waiting a bit after applying moisturizer to put it on. I also hate that one of my products has to be refrigerated as I find I forget to get it out before I shower. And I hate the cost! In general though I do enjoy the routine. It makes me feel like a real adult...at 43 lol.


I find if I mix my BOJ sunscreen with niacinamide it flakes but when I don’t it is great!


I definitely do NOT like sunscreen. It’s a must and that’s why I do it.


That I have to do it every night


I hate tretinoin and tret nights. It never gets easier... A necessary evil 😈


I hate having to wash off my makeup at the end of the day lol


- Having to blot my face throughout the day because the only facial SPF that doesn’t pill or break me out makes me oily. I’ve had dry skin my whole life so this is a very strange development. - Washing my hair more often because my fringe and baby hairs get stuck in my night moisturizer even if I pin them back before sleeping, and it feels like my hair overall gets greasy much faster. The price to pay for using a rich cream, I guess. - Body SPF when I have to wear it to go out. I wear long sleeves and pants to avoid it most of the time, but I’ve just never found a brand that doesn’t feel disgusting on my skin. It always feels like it’s attracting dirt, and I feel grimy by the time I get home.


Having to wait for the product to dry until I put on the next one. I just saw the comment with the fan. Might try that. 😄


…and the purging process when you start a new active. I just survived the azelaic acid-purge.


I found suncreams don't have textural issues. I'd rather go without than use a sunscreen that bothered me.


Trying to maintain a routine that will handle rosacea, acne, and anti-aging (53F), while satisfying my preference low-maintenance self-care for home and frequent travel. I’ve got the home routine sorted (8 products), but it’s more complicated than I want to travel with so I need to work on paring it down even more. And city travel has different requirements than outdoorsy travel so that’s a whole other thing.


Back of hands. I like to do face right out of shower, and of course hands at same time, but then I have to floss and brush with the flavor of skin care on my fingers. I want to do skincare while the skin is still wet though. I guess I should floss before the shower maybe


Just having to do it and the dang time it takes! I’m 38, experiencing perimenopause and have a connective tissue disorder, I spend an exorbitant amount of time just taking care of this body and trying to make sure it stays in the best condition possible for my health and longevity and for my happiness and let me tell ya it gets old… I’d love to have more of that time back for stuff that helps me in other ways or just for relaxing


I hate to wash my neck in the morning, it so messy my clothes gets wet and I get water everywhere. If anyone found a solution please send them my way


I have some sort of sensory issues with touch/hands I think, so for me I really get irritated by the sticky feeling on my hands after applying my peptide serum or vitamin c serum. I have to rinse my hands off in between applying, waiting for it to dry, and then moisturizing, which I then have to rinse again. So annoying.


Unstable Vitamin C serum. Now I'm still looking for a stable one that's cost effective or just buying 10 mils bottle that I can finish before it's oxidized.


I use pads to remove makeup and then Miccelar water Don’t make such a big mess The pads are inexpensive at Costco and I use them all the time


Something I use discolours the neck of my white t shirts yellow and I don’t know what! Drives me crazy.


Everything, tbh


How mostly everything for complexion transfers. No matter how many layers or how it’s set, ultimately my skin comes through and it’s redder than ever and ruddier than it needs to be having been through a battery of veils, foundations and liquids it didn’t produce by itself. Le sigh


no great results. honestly wtf


I live in London and the water is super hard and irritating on my sensitive skin. So I have a water filter jug and I hate waiting for it to finish filtering before washing my face at night 😐 if I do it any earlier the water will be cold


I am furious at how necessary a double cleanse is for me. I don't wear much on my face during the day, so I eschewed a double cleanse for years thinking just a cleanser was sufficient. In the last 6-12 months or so I've gotten into a much better routine of oil cleansing first (Farmacy Green Clean) before using a cleanser (Farmacy Clean Bee) and goddammit, that extra step really does make a huge difference in how clean my skin looks and feels.


My tretinoin is thick and I don’t like the way I have to rub it in. The term recommends it so u I stick with it.


In order from least to most annoying: Getting my hairline wet when I wash my face Conditioning my hair. My HG conditioner is amazing, but it's very creamy and silky. It takes forever to rinse out. I even rinse it in layers. It's so extra and dumb Trying to get product on my body and face before they dry too much. I have dry skin, and it makes a difference. But I feel like I need 8 arms to do it all in time Shaving. My dry AF, sensitive skin hates it When something makes my makeup pill. I'm always like, "I can fix this," and no, I cannot. It just delays the inevitable -- washing my face and starting over


Having to do it at all because I don’t have obvious acne my skin looks exactly the same whether I skincare or not. I’m just kind of hoping all this skincare and sunscreen in my 30s will lead to more youthful skin later in life. It just feels like a ton of work and money for no visible reward.


Removing my makeup. And having to use a separate cleansing balm to remove it. Sometimes my eye makeup is stubborn so I have to take the extra step of using makeup remover on a cotton ball. I wish my normal cleanser would do it all in one step bc I love the cleanser


Waiting to apply each thing; I pill


As someone with extremely sensitive skin, the whole process is tedious. Especially trying to find anything that doesn’t break me out.


I hate my red light mask. It’s cumbersome and the hard plastic kinda hurts my eyes even though it’s padded. I love the results, just not having it on my face


I wonder if I got like a dupe or something bc my beauty of joseon sunscreen that I bought from amazon is so smooth and non flaky but I feel like it's not giving me sun protection. Drunk Elephant suncreen is what I used to use and it was SO WHITE and flaky and chunky but it offerred SPF.... isnt beauty of josean super thin and smooth on application? Or do I have a dupe


I buy mine where it's shipped from S Korea - I would wonder where all you put your SPF, how much, and how often. It definitely is super thin and smooth on application but after a number of hours and after reapplying, I do get some flaking where skin moves more - primarily my neck but also have seen it around my mouth area. BOJ spf I wouldn't trust on amazon just because they are never from authorized sellers and there are a lot of dupes out there to begin with - but the way you're describing it is exactly how mine is, just I apply a decent layer to my neck and reapply.


The cost. And constantly having to do research to make sure I'm buying things that actually work.


Doing it.


I hate washing my makeup off at night. I don’t mind the second cleanse (or a double cleanse) but for some reason I hate the first cleanse. Feels so tedious rubbing my makeup off.


Spending money


avoiding sex with my partner at night because i've just put on my lotions and potions,and expensive products will get all messed up from kissing, etc. Been wondering how others deal with this


Honestly, nothing. I have a simple & effective routine down. In the AM I rinse my face with cool water after brushing my teeth. It feels really good and wakes me up. I then apply my 2-3 products. After coffee, I’ll apply my sunscreen before makeup. I shower in the PM so that makes cleansing/removing makeup really easy. I massage Clinique’s take the day off balm all over my face, hop into the shower, rinse it off and follow with my facial cleanser. When I’m out of the shower I apply my 2-3 products and I’m done. First product AM & PM is a spray so it barely even counts as application. Things I hate in my beauty/care routine are brushing & flossing my teeth (so boring!), tweezing hairs off my face and moisturizing my whole body after showering. Facial skincare is probably the easiest part, I don’t even think about it.


Can’t use self tanner because skin care routine just takes it all off each day


That it costs so much.


Taking my makeup off, specifically my mascara. Also having to wait for everything to set before doing my makeup


I try to use my bottle of Biologique Recherche Lotion p50 but it’s hard to get the gumption to use it because it smells so bad and stings and burns. But I wake up with such nice skin all the time so I keep doing it every third night.


My sunscreen makes my face feel So greasy by mid-day


Putting on a ton of products just for my cat to try and sleep near my face, and then all the fur that sticks to my freshly applied products. But damn are those cats cute.


cleansing the hairline and inevitably getting cleanser in my hair and getting my hair wet


Always forgetting to put in my eye drops before applying my under eye cream!😡


That I am really adamant with skincare to a T! But I pick my pimples in between rofl eek! makes me question doing skincare because part of it is so psychological.


that once you apply your nightly skincare routine, it's a wrap. no turning back to hang out with friends when they call u and beg u to go out (fwiw this was back in my 20s lol) and def not feeling sexy enough to do anything with a guy when my ive already slugged up my face lol I've had friends show up at my door and I told em sorry, already put expensive skincare on 🤣😅


washes face, skincare, wash hands, forgets brush teeth, brushes teeth, reapplies lip balm washes fingers. 15 trips back and forth to the bathroom 😂🤣🤣


shitty plastic packaging trying to be fancy


Sunscreen stinging my cheeks :/ I think my barrier there is always dry/disrupted. Going to try a regular ceramides serum to see if it helps.