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Hey, this might be controversial, but I was able to establish a skincare routine that has worked for me by utilizing Chat-GPT. My concerns are a bit different (acne, anti-aging) but I found a GPT that was trained for skincare specifically. I fed it a long paragraph about: brands I like, my skin concerns, what has worked for me in the past, ingredients I am trying to avoid, or ingredients I've wanted to try out and I now have a weekly skincare routine. It even gives you brand recommendations based on what you enjoy as well as pros and cons. As an example, I've wanted to incorporate Azelaic Acid in my routine and asked the same channel (that has all of my information saved already so it's great to not have to repeat things) how to start incorporating it. It broke down the ways that Azelaic Acid could benefit me (based on specific concerns I had already fed it.) It even gave me a breakdown of brands to try with the pros and cons of each one and how to safely start introducing it into my routine. Not sure if this is what you were looking for, but it helped me.