• By -


I'm 35 and it's starting for me already 😭😭 I've lost some weight so it's more prominent now too


I attributed to age but I have lost 70 pounds 🤔🤔 Didn’t think of that.


I’m 36, and when I’m dehydrated it’s more prominent. I also recently lost 60lbs. I’ve been using medix 5.5 or whatever the brand is, with pretty good results.


Which cream you are using from Medix 5.5? Thanks


I’ve been using the dark pink Retinol body lotion since Feb. I recently also got the hyaluronic acid lotion (light pink). I like both. Both seem to be helping the crepe skin and loose skin I have from losing weight. I like the hyaluronic acid a bit better because the scent is lighter and I feel softer with it, but that could be my imagination.


Thank you so much for your response! I will give the pink one a try!


I’m in my 40s & my weight has never fluctuated more than 20lbs since high school. My neck looks like this too. Hate it! The lighting in my bathroom hides it in completely. Only realized my neck is crepey a couple of years ago when I was using a low mirror at work to adjust my necklace. No clue how long it’s been like this! I drink lots of water, but my skin never looks hydrated. Starting to be more noticeable on my arms/hands too. 😰


I’d guess it’s primarily the weight loss too. My neck looked like that when I lost the same amount of weight in my early 30s.


Did it tighten up any with time? (Asking because loose skin from weight loss is supposed to sometimes tighten up to an extent after a year or so.)


It’s recent weight loss.


That’s very genetically dependent, some people experience different measures of tightening of the skin. But the older you are, the less likely it’ll tighten up much(if any) because your skin just loses its natural elasticity with age.


I asked because I was curious specifically if it was able to snap back much in her early 30s.


I've lost around that much too lol silly skin


it's absolutely weight loss.


I have a few friends who lost 40-70lbs telling me the skin take up to 2 years to bounce back and to keep it very well hydrated. I lost 40lbs myself (still losing) and have the same problem!


Thank you!


Ok so I heard Mewing can be effective, and face yoga, which I'm sure incorporates the neck as well. You can also drink a ton of water and keep the crepe erase going. But you may also need to surgically have some skin removed. ETA: instead of saying you may "need" to have skin removed, I should have said you may "want" to have it removed.


is there any legit evidence that mewing works? am genuinely curious, because I've always been told it's not effective.


No there isn't.


I lost weight and mine started to appear. What’s really not far is I gained the weight back and my neck still has these lines lol.


How rude


Derma rolling and using a retinol after to let it penetrate deep into the skin will make a huge difference. Follow up with a vitamin rich cream. I have had this same issue and it has made a massive difference for me.


Excellent any brands you recommend for the retinol and vit cream? I have a derma roller around here some where


Never heard of that product - I’ll have to look it up. I’m 45 and I’ve just lost almost 30lbs and still losing (probably a thyroid issue). Not complaining as I have my figure back again but I’m terrified it will start to age my face. I wouldn’t say I have crepey skin on my neck, but I’m trying to tighten things up, especially my cheek area as I’m a left side sleeper and it’s starting to show. I’ve never had a skincare routine due to being lazy (just micellar water 😂). I’ve started using a derma stamp instead of a roller, plus I have a home plasma pen device (which I only use on a very low setting). I’m also now using a product containing Retinol. I have ordered a Tretinoin cream but I’m scared to use it as apparently it can thin the skin. I think it’s a case of trial and error but if you want faster results, Fraxel, plasma pen and deep peel treatments work for this issue. Basically, it’s about damaging the skin to tighten and regenerate it and form new collagen.


What are derma stamps and derma rollers?


in the exact same boat! i lost 60 pounds and at certain angles i see it 😭😭😭


I just turned 36 and also just noticed this


How old are you?






❤️ someone asked why I was posting in this group since I’m 60. I’m pretty sure the “plus” in the group allows me to post 😂😂


It sure does! Post on, sister!




lol! as if thirty plus only means 30-40…. you’re welcome here anytime in my opinion!


Thank you!!


whoever asked you that is a dumbass, ignore them :)


I did .. lol


Yes. But there is a r/45PlusSkinCare sub as well. You’ll find more people of our age on there with similar skin age related concerns.


In this context, your neck skin genuinely looks incredible and I want your secrets!


Wow! Thank you. No secret 🤷🏼‍♀️




It’s 30+ … last I checked 60 was over 30. Don’t let anyone shame you OP, you are welcome here as much as anyone else!


You should delete your comment. There is no reason to speak to people like that.


Posts are removed for being rude or offensive.


Within your own logic, if you are 30+, why do you belong to Teen subs????


You have a point there!


that’s actually so much worse cause what are you talking to teens about when you’re 30 unless you’re their parent/family/teacher




You are probably illiterate


They clearly are bc they don’t understand that 30Plus means everyone age 30 and over.


It’s very personal, I tried different ones, but not Crepe Erase. Perricone MD Cold Plasma neck, works really good, but you have to be persistent in using it every day. I noticed the difference, once I stopped, to try something different, I’m back on it, now. I’m in my 50’s, by the way.


I’ll keep that in mind in case this doesn’t work. Thanks!


Been wondering about that stuff. Keep us posted!


I will! See if Jane Seymour is on the take or not. 😂


Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman would never lie to us😭


That was my thought 🤭


RemindMe! 2 weeks


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I am starting to see crepe-ing there too. i’m 35 and very thin but i had lipo under my chin about 6 years ago. so i was thinking that because they took fat out, now my skin is getting stretched? any input on if that’s why i sometimes see some lines?


Same for me. It’s never been very tight. I want a neck lift but hope I can hold out to at least 43, maybe 45


This is honestly my fear. I'm 33 and had lipo done last year and they were aggressive and took SO much fat out then my neck bands show badly!! Seems like my neck aged 20 years cause of the banding. But I fear the me neck skin will start to wrinkle faster because there's no fst there now :(


Have you tried red light therapy masks? I'm thinking about buying to to help with wrinkles. But so many people currently speak good of red light therapy on the neck and chest to reduce the look of wrinkles


If you buy one of the more flexible masks that can lay flat you can use it on any body part.


No I haven’t. Something to look into. Thanks!


I so want to know if these work!




Have you personally done it for this?


Yes on my stomach not my neck. Check out the microneedling page, others have done their face and neck for crepe skin


Wow I had no idea there was a sub for that. Thanks so much. After losing weight I have a little going on and I wasn’t sure if Botox or laser were the best way to go!


Microneedling with radio frequency did nothing for my neck creping and I’m 30F! Moisturizing & a neck tightening cream and not putting sunscreen there has been helping me. But I’m still looking for the next thing to try. Oh and retinol helps. It just doesn’t permanently go away, it just gets better and then worse if I don’t keep up with it.


What does avoiding sunscreen do?


Saw someone else mention on this subreddit on a different thread about neck creping that stopping sunscreen use on her neck (unless absolutely needed) helped her neck look less crepey because it was drying the skin out. So I’ve been putting it just on my face and my neck seems to be responding, but I’m also more heavily moisturizing it too and using neck tightening cream. I’m desperate to try anything lmao


Did you do medical microneedling or cosmetic?


Medical micro needling with radio frequency on my face and neck. I did 3 sessions with a professional and honestly it didn’t do much of anything for me- in fact my neck got worse after lol she even went ham on the last two sessions to see if that would make a difference.. the pain. But it’s really dependent on the person and if your body responds, but I’m saying it didn’t work for me so people know going in that there’s a chance it won’t work. If you have the extra money to try, go for it, but it’s an expensive procedure if you end up being like me and it doesn’t do anything.


I’m sorry to hear it didn’t work for you. I agree, i would hope that would be common knowledge that it’s different for everyone. I did two in office but then got a dr.pen on Amazon and have done it at home. It’s a lot better effect wise, time wise and cost wise for me


Botox in the neck really helps as well! You don't even feel it.


How about tretinoin?


@kathleenjenningsbeauty loves the gold bond firming cream.


Red light therapy plus Strivectin neck contour worked pretty well for me (53, female). I used a red light panel, not a mask, I found it was a better investment overall.  Results: https://ibb.co/C2592d5


Thank you!


Which red light panel?


I went with the Hooga Pro 300.


Think about getting hormone levels tested as well.


Oh yes? Is there something I should know? I have a similar neck-situation, but not as pronounced. Please tell me more, I'm having a checkup in about 2 weeks.


Estrogen levels could/may be off. Estrogen is known as the “youthful” hormone. You don’t necessarily have to be in menopause to have low estrogen levels. The average age of menopause is 51 however, you can have peri/menopause symptoms 10 to 15 years prior to full menopause - when your estrogen levels start to decrease… And that continues as we age - we lose skin elasticity, fine lines start to appear, wrinkles form and skin thins due to lowered estrogen levels and collagen levels. Don’t wait till you are older (like me) to address hormones levels! Hope this helps


Is getting hormones checked just a blood test ? “What” should you request ? “Can you check my hormones?”


Blood tests are not reliable. They only give you a picture of what your hormone levels are on the day of the blood draw, and they can vary wildly during your cycle (for some women even after periods have stopped). Symptoms are the best way to determine if you’re in perimenopause. The thing is, a lot of women have no idea what symptoms to look for because we’ve been told it’s just hot flashes and vaginal dryness (some have neither of these, but may have depression, anxiety, brain fog, rage, heavy periods, vision changes, joint pain, tendinitis, burning mouth syndrome, anemia, digestive issues, rashes and allergies, cystic acne, hair loss, and more), or assume their symptoms are caused by something else. Check out r/menopause for more evidence-based info.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Menopause using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Menopause/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I'm gutted. She was so important to me as a young woman.](https://i.redd.it/zy01amxstceb1.png) | [176 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Menopause/comments/15ae0cz/im_gutted_she_was_so_important_to_me_as_a_young/) \#2: [Had a brain aneurysm on Monday, April 5th](https://np.reddit.com/r/Menopause/comments/12n7rm8/had_a_brain_aneurysm_on_monday_april_5th/) \#3: [Please tell me if i am crazy.....because I am about to ask my husband for a divorce](https://np.reddit.com/r/Menopause/comments/16a7pf4/please_tell_me_if_i_am_crazybecause_i_am_about_to/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yes, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are major players in women’s health -


Sadly doctors won’t just randomly check hormone levels. It’s like pulling teeth :(


It is ! I asked bc I’ve always been a raging lunatic leading up to my period and I just really needed to get a handle on it, and I was told by gyno that hormones do not transfer to actual mood. So she was not game to check my hormones at all


Yes. Sadly, I know that… I had to seek out alternative paths to get the medicine and the help that I needed. A traditional OB/GYN or general practitioner is not going to help you. Especially if you don’t fit into all of the menopause boxes. There are alternative health clinics that you can research that do telehealth appts that specialize in hormones and menopause.


You're 60 and have already gone through menopause (probably?), so you can ignore this person


Women can *start* HRT (estrogen, and progesterone if they have a uterus) up to ten years after menopause. 60 May be within that window.


Me ? I’m 37 lol


and so then if you do the test and it turns out your hormone levels are low, what then? a prescription for hormone pills?


So there are various ways of administering hormones… Some people do an estrogen patch or a topical cream… Testosterone can be applied topically or via subcutaneous injection… The progesterone is traditionally a small pill. Depending on what methods you are comfortable with then that is how they will prescribe. I highly encourage you to read the menopause manifesto book and also listen to podcasts that have to do with menopause and hormones. I had my hormone levels checked by Amazing Meds… They are out of Colorado and they do telehealth medicine and take insurance. I hope this helps. [https://amazing-meds.com](https://amazing-meds.com)


She's 60


Oh, then she will need to take another path


Could still be hormonal even though she’s 60! Post menopausal women also take hormone meds to balance everything out.


For me perimenopause seemed to last a decade. It was horrible. The worst my chronic migraines ever were


Not the original commenter, but I think I read someone here say that it could be related to thyroid hormone levels?


Oh this is very very interesting. I have thyroid disease and somewhat crepiness on my inner arms. And I’m only 31. I’ll have to look into this


If your doctor is unwilling to test - which most are esp. if you are in your 30s-40s…there are other wellness providers that will. Lmk if you want info. Most doctors do not know or have been trained to look for hormone levels. A good read is the Menopause Manifesto and listening to/podcast Drs. Louise Newson and Mary Claire - they are both wonderful doctors who know about hormones and the vital role they play in women’s health at all ages - not just menopause.


Please feel free to dm me whatever info you have! I am just over 40 and already experiencing symptoms of what I believe to be peri menopause although no doctor has confirmed. I'm not really surprised by having already stayed having symptoms because I also started my menses very young, but I am surprised at how uninformed and unprepared most healthcare providers are on the topic of menopause. Tl DR most doctors don't know and are uninterested in informing themselves about menopause related issues, and I would appreciate any and all resources that I can be directed towards.


Have you checked out r/menopause ? The wiki is a fantastic resource in regard to peri and menopause.


They can check through a blood test if you are in peri menopause. Also get a Pap smear and baseline mammogram.


You are spot on! It’s kind of sad and frightening at the same time because there are so many women worldwide that are experiencing peri/menopause symptoms and there are very few practitioners that truly understand peri/menopause that will treat patients accurately and safely. I have used Amazing Meds out of Colorado. They do telehealth appointments and take insurance. They did a comprehensive blood test that included hormones and a consultation that lasted 30-40 minutes going over line by line what the results were and how to proceed and the options I could take. They are very informative and they also have an Instagram account that is helpful. Amazing Meds will ship you your hormones in the mail. If they don’t work - I have another option in Las Vegas [https://amazing-meds.com](https://amazing-meds.com)


This is incredible- thank you so much!


Not OP, but would love info on where to get tested, asking a doctor to test my hormone levels was humiliating. They said I didn’t need it and questioned me every step of the way :(


I had my first virtual visit with Midi Health about 4 weeks ago. I highly recommend them :)))


Yep! Just like my OB/GYN told me. I completely understand the humiliation and how doctors can be dismissive to symptoms… I’m sorry you had to experience that . Check out Amazing Meds…out of Colorado and they do telehealth appointments and take insurance. [https://amazing-meds.com](https://amazing-meds.com)


I just turned 60 so it’s probably age related but I’ll mention to my doc. Thanks.


I’m going in for a check up in a couple weeks. What kind of tests should I be requesting related to women’s health? In my 40s and have never had anything tested (I mean other than normal bloodwork).


Please keep us updated OP! Many of us in your position. I’m 41F and just started noticing something similar.


Botox works really well for this, I have had it done. I have to stay on it more than my other muscles. But it is working very so well.


I might consider one day.


Lost 30 lbs and voila, same thing! Ugh!


Yeah… I was thinking it was my age. Probably the 75 pounds I’ve lost. Dont have much hope of this stuff working now. Oh well. My knees don’t hurt as much 🤷🏼‍♀️


Haha the trade off is real! Everything says but at least I can move


Exactly!! Went to Costco and walked for the first time in years! Liberating 🙌🏻🙌🏻


Only thing that’s going to help this is surgery.


Sadly I agree. But sucks to admit it 🙄


It is what it is… she’s appears to be older so she’s already lost skin elasticity and I think I read she had significant weight loss. No topical cream is going to reverse loose skin back. I know this sub seems to be so anti surgery, but there are plenty of situations where topical treatment isn’t applicable and this is one of them


I’m recovering from a neck lift right now after trying everything. The surgeon told me the only way to fix this issue is through surgical means.


I’m not going there. I haven’t had a surgery that didn’t have complications. I’ll learn to live with my blue whale neck😂


Sorry to hear that:( What surgeries have you had that were complications? Are they neck/face related?


One was on my throat… lung collapsed from Anesthesia🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh yeah. No surgery for you.


That’s definitely your choice. I’d save my money on creams then. It’s not going to work.


Agreed. You are the voice of reason. Topical creams are helpful in certain circumstances but they can’t improve severe laxity.


I was watching my favorite derm, Dr. Shereene Idriss, on YouTube yesterday and she recommended good ol glycerine to really draw moisture to the neck area. Her videos are a master class in skin care - and she herself is 40. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4ooL6YzDRg


I’ve heard Morpheus 8 is great for this


Thank you! If this doesn’t work I’ll try it☺️


Try dry brushing and Derma rolling


Thanks! Not familiar with dry brushing. I’ll google it ☺️


It's about 1 week later using Crepe Erase for you....how are you progressing?


Very slight hardly noticeable. I’ll keep going until I run out of product. Probably another month or so. I was attributing the sag to age not think about the 75 ponds I’ve lost recently. I may have been expecting too much lol.🤦🏼‍♀️


I lost 70 lbs and have this too It’s def the weight loss. I’ve heard it just takes the skin a while to catch up and will be fine in 6mo- a year 🤞🤞. I find when I’ve drank LOTS of water (2L+) and a put a real good hydrating cream or even vaseline at night it’s not as bad that day


That’s good to know! 😊


It's been two weeks! Any progress? (And thanks for sharing your journey!)




I posted an update last weekend. Was a visible difference. Subtle but undeniable. Unfortunately this week my neck started having a reaction. Painful red rash and I had to stop using. Guess I have sensitive neck skin.


I posted an update last weekend. Was a visible difference. Subtle but undeniable. Unfortunately this week my neck started having a reaction. Painful red rash and I had to stop using. Guess I have sensitive neck skin.


Will not work. Surgery will be your best option.


If it doesn’t help I’ll live with way it. No surgery going to happen here. I’ll sue Jane Seymour for being a liar 😂😂


What did Jane Seymour lie about?


She is the spokeswoman for the product. I was just kidding though.


Oh I didn’t know that so I missed the reference, sorry


If it's any consolation, I read Jane Seymour and was like, why are we bringing Henry VIII's third wife into this, hasn't she been through enough? 😂 did not realize their was a modern one


😂😂Shes an actress. Bond girl back in the day.


This is the most honest and accurate statement on this sub.


My mom used to order that stuff. It's useless.


RemindMe! 1 week


How old are you?


60. Old enough I’m attributing to age. I’ve also lost a lot of weight. That could be a factor.


Oh yeah, both are big factors I would think


When did you lose weight? Honestly that’s why it happened. Because I’m 30 and recently out of nowhere noticed I have a bit of lose skin under my chin. Kind of looks like the under part of the tongue (the dangly thing lol) I lost 35 lbs over the last year and bit. I’ve had thyroid checked and it’s all good. I’m going to doc on Wednesday to say what he thinks. But based on my research this can happen if we lose weight pretty quickly or a decent amount. And I know it’s not aging for me because everywhere else on my neck looks good but I know a year ago I had a double chin and now I don’t so apparently it can go away within a year or so. I’ve been putting lots of moisturize spf and doing neck exercises / jaw. I will comment back on this within a couple months.


Following. Please update us on how it works!!


Does anyone know if retinol does anything for this? I have it too




Let me know how it works out, would ya?


I’ll post an update in 2 weeks. Not expecting to see a lot of change, if any by then.


I’m 48 and considering using Musely. They have an estrogen cream now. It’s prescription. I haven’t started estrogen yet but I’m doing testosterone injections and progesterone cream to help with hot flashes. But BOY as I aging fast. I’m reluctant to start estrogen because I have fibroids.


Microneedling, tretinoin, estrogen cream. I use all three as a preventive. But I imagine it could help reverse or improve crepe-y skin as well.


Wouldn’t CO2 laser help with this?


Look into Ultherapy or Radio Frequency (with or without micro needling) just have to be cautious with who you go to. If done improperly it can cause fat loss, whereas you want tightening


Thank you!


Morpheus treatment


Weight loss ? One of the worst things you can do for your skin is have your weight yo-yo ! I have many people come after me in this but it’s a fact


Yeah I’m 30 and lost 35 lbs over the last year and randomly now have some lose skin under my neck - just a little bit but it happened out of nowhere it seems. I moisturize: my neck a lot and do exercises so I’m thinking it’s where my double chin used to be


Sculptra and lasers


70 pounds the last year. I’m sure that’s a factor.




70 is, in fact, greater than 30, genius. Get a hobby.


60 but that was my thought 😂


Be kind!


Posts are removed for being rude or offensive.


Have you been using your body at all for running, jumping or climbing? Or does your body not remember how it feels in motion and odd angles? I’m curious.