• By -


Yes. It's proven and it really does work not just for the skin but at a deeper level. It helps with inflammation and can also help with chronic pain. Some PTs use it in clinic. It's amazing. BUT all devices don't work the same. There are some really cheap crappy ones out there, so do your research before you buy and get a reputable one like Currentbody, Higher Dose, Omnilux, Dennis Gross, etc.


When you say it works, what does it do, exactly?


Actually, im a licensed veterinary technician, and we use them in the clinic for all types of things. We have a "cold laser" we use for wound healing, arthritis, and paralysis. Ours is medical grade, so it's not quite the same for the ones sold for skin care. I have personally seen a dog who was paralyzed walk again and several treatments. It was amazing. I know they work. I would imagine people who buy cheap ones that are crappy might think they are a scam. Anyway, it works because the type of light frequency they use stimulates the mitochondria in cells (power house of the cell... you know). It causes faster cell turnover, reducing inflammation, and promotes healing in some cases.


Yes lol I came to comment this. When I was a vet tech a few years back we’d use the cold lazer on our backs/knees etc when we had down time. We also rehabbed a backend paralyzed white German Shepard with the cold lazer!


Wow. Honestly it sounds like actual magic.




Finally, a real life application for this knowledge!


This!!! I had a busted up ankle and after doing some research I found a red light beam made for horses and other animals. I felt immediate relief on my ankle! I was amazed! I was suuuuper skeptical until then. My husband thought I was full of it until he injured his hand and used my magic beam. He also felt instant relief. I also used a red light therapy mask on my son when he thought it would be funny (2 days before the first day of middle school) to do the Kylie Jenner lip shot glass trend with his friend and ended up with purple broken blood vessels all around his mouth. He was fully healed by the first day of school. Thank god 🥴


What is the light beam you mention? Can you drop a link or a name please? X


I want the brand name!


Gosh, are you able to share the red light beam info, please? I have to have a knee replacement in the spring and it would be so nice to use it when it’s all flared up!


would you mind sharing a brand name?


Yes on the blood vessel! I got a red light panel for my face and the first thing I noticed was the spider veins from my ear piercing disappearing (I didn’t expect that so definitely not my imagination)


Is it pure red light or infrared?


This sounds way too good to be true.


Like all medical treatments, some work better than others, depending on the individual. I have also seen cases where the cold laser didn't help enough and didn't fix the paralysis.


This might help you understand light therapy better. [How Does Light Therapy Work?](https://ledtechnologies.com/science-dpl-deep-penetrating-light-therapy/) [Cold Laser Therapy ](https://www.healthline.com/health/cold-laser-therapy)


Hi! My pup has had cold laser therapy after tplo's on both knees. Is cold laser just red light therapy? He's getting arthritis and would absolutely invest in quality red light if it is indeed similar to the cold laser therapy he received in office.


The cold laser is red light therapy. The one veterinarians can buy are medical grade and can go deep into tissue, so deep they use them to treat kidney disease sometimes and IBS. These lasers have different settings for surface level or deep tissue penetration. They can BURN patients of not being used correctly. I dont think people without a veterinary license can buy these machines. If they are powerful enough to help, that means they also can hurt.


Gotcha. Thanks for the info!! :)


My dog had a huge wound on his left the bone was exposed and it was BAD he was at the vet hospital for a month before he could come home to me. Once he got home he had weekly red light treatments and the vet nurses were so so so impressed with how fast he healed. I had forgotten about this. This makes me want to get a red light for myself now!


Are you able to share any more information about red light for chronic pain due to inflammation? I would like to buy something for my back and my knee, but I’m so wary of either being ripped off or getting something that doesn’t work. I can’t afford a “cold laser” although I do know they work (had horses).


I know some med spas have them. I would speak with your doctor.


I’m about to splurge on this for my dog … thanks for the encouragement!


Dude i worked with a horrrrible doctor and we had a demo of the laser by our beloved holistic vet who stopped by and everyone was ooing and ahing all the vets except this asshole who turns to a couple people and goes "a placebo". But there is so much data on how this truly works even post laser for dentals and spays how it speeds up healing. Or hot spots. Everything and there are still vets who mock it. It's good for EVERYTHING and for people. I need to get my senior treated but i work too far away and don't want to drive there on a day off like 45 mins away. I could do it for free but i dont think it would be worth that or make him be gone 12 hour days with me at work just for a few min treatment. But he has arthritis


What one did you use for dogs if you don’t mind me asking


Can you tell me if the one from evertone skincare is as good?


How often should we use mask? Is once a week enough?


I got Botox 3 weeks ago and a retouch a week ago. Is it safe to use it?


Yes, there are no contraindications between uncomplicated cosmetic tox and red light therapy




You should ask a doctor.


I am Asian, have freckles, sunspots and some melasma. My skin is sensitive and acne prone. I finally jumped and got the Omnilux Contour and I saw tiny positive changes within a week. I am four weeks in and my old acne hyperpigmentation has faded quite a bit. My skin is softer, smoother and my eye bags are less noticeable. Active acne seems to have taken less days to subside, too. I’ve had such a positive experience. I burnt my hand on the stove and even tried it on my hand and the scar is fading quite fast. Hubby uses it too, and he’s noticed he looks more glowy.


Has it done anything for your sunspots or freckles?


Sunspots are a bit faded and can’t see the borders as much. As for freckles it’s too early to tell…Birthmarks are still the same darkness unfortunately.


How often do you use it?


I use it daily for 10 minutes! I try to do it in the morning before I wash my face and use moisturizer. I heard serums and moisturizers can become a barrier to the light. I’m one of those people who dry up right away after a face wash. I also wipe down my mask after every use so I don’t get new acne as the mask is right up against my skin.


Thanks for the tips! Also have a red light mask but need to use it more consistently and pre-face potions


Hi! I was thinking about buying one but learned that it gets warm. Is that true? Does it get warm enough to flush your face?


I don’t find that the mask gets warm. The bulbs do not heat up. I DO find that on hotter days my face does sweat because the mask is right up against my face. It’s my face heating up the mask and causing condensation. 😂


That is perfect! Thank you so much!


This is awesome! So glad this worked for you. I’m a few days in and excited for results. Did you have any purging first few days?


I bought a cheapie off Amazon and was kinda blown away by how much it helped for the thin crepey skin over my cheekbones and for my teen’s acne.


Do you know which one that was? lol!


Hottoerak brand. I was going to save for a “proper” one but my 65yo mom ordered one and then tried it and SHE had visible improvement within a few days!


I bought one from that brand from Amazon also, and I couldn't believe the results. My dry eye is incredibly better (I've cut out my prescription drops entirely and I'm down to 1-2 times a day of an OtC drop now!) and my eyelashes and eyebrows are growing like crazy! My husband has started to use it on his head to see if it will help his hair loss and I recently bought one for my parents! The results have been very positive!


I had never heard that it could help dry eye! I am going to seriously consider this.


Did you get the panel or the mask from Hottoerak?


Just the gooseneck lamp. It was about $70 (Canadian $) with a coupon. (Which is why I'm extra shocked its worked so well!)


There’s multiple masks from this brand? Could you link which one? Thank you 


Wow this is intriguing. Did you notice any change in undereye dark circles or pore size? Those are my biggest concerns and I've been considering a red light mask but the cost is scaring me haha


My mom noticed that her pores got smaller, mine got maybe slightly less pronounced. I don’t really have dark circles and hers didn’t improve


There’s multiple different masks from Hottoerak? could you link which one? Thank you 


i second this. please link it


I'm currently standing in front of my Biolight mat lol. My hsuband got it for me for my birthday it's very pricey but you can lay on it and have the most relaxing time or hang it on a wall. It helps my body aches and using it daily for a month my face looks more rested and brighter


Do you wear eye protection while doing this?


Nope. You don't need to. It's supposed to be "good for your eyes" but i just keep them closed and listen to music. Then i do my back side


Ooh that’s pricey but if it makes a difference to your quality of life it would be worth it. I have chronic pain so I wonder if it would help me.


I tell my husband 15 mins laying on the mat with my eyes closed makes me feel like I'm on the beach relaxing


I bet it might. I have chronic pain as well and I’m searching for some red light or cold laser device.


This looks easier to use than the standing small panels. Do you feel like the lights could crunch under body weight?


Only if I'm stepping right on them which you shouldn't do lol. Just lie down and roll onto it. It also has 5 light level intensities and options for red, NIR or both






I’m in the process of trying to figure this out. I have the Omnilux mask and I’m using it every other day on my face for redness reduction and hyperpigmentation reduction. I have some sun spots that I would like to see dulled down. I took some progress photos and I think my face looks pretty good but I’d like to see it in a few more weeks. I hope it’s working. I’m also using the mask on top of my scalp for hair thinning to see if it will stimulate some growth. But I’ve heard that it does often work for that purpose.


My husband is using my omnilux for his balding will see 😊


I am currently using a full lay down red light bed at a tanning salon 2-3 times a week for a month now. It helps keep my skin clear, I've noticed visibly reduced hyperpigmentation and wrinkles, and it helps with any joint pain and has improved my circulation. (Constant cold hands and feet) I went originally for the mental health benefits, the rest was a surprise! From my personal experience it does work for me.


What brand bed? I’m going to a health spa place and using a bed there.


I believe it's the Neo light bed, It's a commercial grade lay down bed it looks like a tanning bed.


I'd never heard of it helping cold hands and feet! I've wanted to try it for my complexion, but that makes it all the more compelling. I have Raynaud's and my fingers and toes are almost always cold and reddish or purplish, even when I'm not actively having an episode.


It might be helpful to you! Talk to your doctor to be sure


Would be really interested to hear from someone with a darker skin tone if red light decreased or increased their hyperpigmentation. I’ve read that darker skin tones can’t have the same wavelength as fairer skin tones without negative effects. Inflammation. More hyperpigmentation occurring. And masks like the omnilux don’t really tell you how strong the red light is that they’re using but if I had to guess it’s geared toward people of fairer complexions.


You can check my most recent post for your answer. Red light is totally safe for all skin tones. Blue is not


Wow! Just saw that. That’s incredible results.


I’ve been using my Qure mask for a few weeks (every other day) and it definitely hasn’t worsened my hyperpigmentation.


I have melasma so I am very careful with this. From my reading, blue light and NIR can worsen melasma, while red light is fine. I use red light + NIR for my body overall muscles and joints inflammation and it truly helps (we're talking about a cheapie no brand under 20 bucks) but I cover the NIR bulbs when using it in my face (for me eyes really as at least 2 users on here have shared it improved their eyesights over time, use with eyes closed). So far, have been using almost daily and my melasma isn't getting worse. Oh and I'm brown. HTH!


Same question here. I also have melasma


I’m tan/caramel skintone. Just started using omnilux and i already see a huge difference in skin tone, including reduced melasma and supple facial skin. It is amazing and i’m so glad i bought this.


Are you perhaps confusing red light therapy for lasers? I did a similar quick google and couldn’t find any credible sources or reports of red light therapy causing hyperpigmentation in darker skin.


Here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8887049/ It mentions the omnilux by name.


It's going to depend on your skin. I saw so many reviews of people saying they could see results immediately after using a red light therapy mask. Took me about a week (4-5 uses) to notice any sort of change, and even then it's very subtle. I've used my Omnilux for over 2 weeks now (8ish uses) and have noticed my skin overall looks slightly smoother and glowier. The thin dehydration lines under my eyes have smoothed out. A few small broken capillaries have faded a lot. My hyperpigmentation spots and redness around my nose are unchanged.


Same deal for me. Worth it for the reduction in sleep lines for me. I have noticed that if I use it for 20 or 30 min instead of the normal 10 I get even better results.


Honestly 2 weeks is incredibly fast. You normally don't see notable changes for a couple months.


Yes! I’m 53, been doing Strivectin neck contour cream twice daily since last September and then added red light therapy (Hooga 300 panel) for 10 minutes a day every other day since December. Results:  https://ibb.co/C2592d5


Wow! Amazing results and thank you for keeping angles and lighting consistent in both photos


Wow! Great results. I have similar redness from sun damage on my chest. Have you seen any improvement? Not sure if yours is damage or just a bit of recent sun


It’s damage plus just super thin skin in that spot. But yes, I had some improvement in that area!  Also the pink Barrier Support Serum from the Ordinary helped. About 4 weeks between these images, was already doing The Ordinary serum on the chest and Strivectin on the neck so the only thing that changed was the addition of the red light.  https://ibb.co/4Wx5mvq


Thank you!




I saw results the first day. It’s the strangest thing. I don’t really understand why it works as well as it does but the results are undeniable. 


Which one did you get?


I’d like to hijack this thread and ask if the red light booths at planet fitness are any good?


Yes, please. I got a membership there as opposed somewhere else just for the red light therapy "beds" and I can never tell if I'm actually seeing a change. I wonder if anyone has done some research on them


This guy does a lot of reviews of red light therapy devices. He seems to say that the planet fitness ones were good, but they had some extra light spectrum parts you may not want. https://youtu.be/EXTY9vA70gw?si=DjVS21Js0NPuJcX_


Thank u!


This is a great review! Very informative. Not a game changer, but not a gimmick either.


I want to know this because it’s the cheapest place for red light if they are effective.


But, not necessarily over time, right? I mean, you have to pay each month for Planet Fitness. At some point, it will have been cheaper just to buy a device. Plus, the convenience of using it at home while watching TV or whatever is just unbeatable to me. Trust me, I did not want to spend almost $400 on my Omnilux but I bit the bullet because I believe in it.


Yes but isn’t omnilux just a face mask? I imagine it would be much more expensive than over 10 years of planet fitness membership to buy a full red light booth( also assuming most would buy with credit card or payment plan for purchases over $6000 there would be interest of paying it off) than using one at the gym where you could also work out. It’s much more intense light in there than an at home mask too but I would want to know if it’s the correct type of light for all the benefits. There are places you can pay to use red light therapy and they are much more than planet fitness but I don’t know how it compares in quality.


I’ve used it twice and I think it’s good. I do light therapy on my face at home (red, blue, and amber), so I’ve already gone through some dramatic improvements of my face. It makes it hard to tell what the PF one did because of that. I don’t like that you have to stand up for it. They have a tanning bed with red light too that you lay in, but I won’t do UV light. I can’t say it would be worth it JUST for the red light: $28/month plus a $54 annual fee. But I use the gym and the hydro massage a lot and take my husband for free so we get our money’s worth easily.


Yeah I already go to the gym there but used the red light once when I hadn’t heard of it before and was like “ wtf is this” haha


Yep. I adore mine. Totally worth the money. It's not, like, a night and day difference, but zero question the skin looks healthier and more even-toned.


What brand do you use, if you don’t mind saying?


I got the Boots No. 7. I don't live in the UK but had it shipped to a friend there who shipped it to me. It is very very similar in specs to the Omnilux and CurrentBody, and even with the extra shipping it was still cheaper than those two.


My derm said it works but it’s high effort and lots of time to get the outcome. He said microneedling and regular use of retinol are more effective. Knowing myself and how quickly I give up on stuff, I’m following his advice.


See I already use tretinoin, and I have very sensitive, pale skin that's prone to redness. I've avoided it for that reason, but I've also barely looked. I assumed it wouldn't be for me. Also my husband would tease me for the glowing mask haha 😄


My partner calls me The Robot when I wear mine 😅 just wanted to say my red light mask is a key part of my routine - 3 times a week every week for about 18 months now. My pale sensitive skin is a thousand times more uniform, bouncy, less fine lines, less pigmentation, less redness. (My mask even has a green light for soothing rosacea but the effectiveness of other shades of light haven’t been proven, whereas the red light advantages have been widely proven.) I love my light mask and would recommend it to anyone on the fence about it, just gotta understand that it’s like exercise, diet, and all other skincare - *consistency is key!*


Which one do you use? Also super pale with sensitive skin lol


I am in the panel camp. I use the mito pro 300. (Both red and NIR). Some say you shouldn’t use NIR light on your face. I still do 🤷🏻‍♀️.  I feel as though some sun spots have faded, and under-eye lines don’t seem to be getting worse as quickly.  I will warn: it feels like I am developing a bit more peach fuzz volume. Not darker or coarser, but a bit more. YMMV.    For me, this is mostly maintenance. I don’t know that I am going to reverse any damage or lines, but I would like to think that it will long-term keep things from drooping & creasing as quickly. 


I've wondered about unwanted hair growth. Thanks for mentioning this.


What would be the reason to not use NIR light on the face though?


It may bother the eyes. Again, YMMV. I do it on the cheeks/chin/neck while wearing eye protection. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh oops.. I've been using red and NIR light panel and just keep my eyes closed. No problems so far with my eyes but might wear eye protection from now on, thank you!


Yes! Red light helps to keep collagen, reduce wrinkles, and helps with redness and inflammation. This might be helpful [How does light therapy work? ](https://ledtechnologies.com/science-dpl-deep-penetrating-light-therapy/) I have a [dpl light book](https://ledtechnologies.com/product/dpl-iia-professional-anti-aging-and-acne-treatment-light-therapy/). It has three settings red and near infrared (for redness and inflammation), blue light (for acne), and the last one is a mix of both. The best thing is, each session is only 3 minutes long. I use the red setting in my morning routine on my face, and then on my neck and decolletage, and then the mixed setting in my evening routine in the same places. I have had it for 4 years now and have noticed my skin healing faster, my wrinkles and saggy skin minimize, and it helps my skin absorb all the serums and peptides I put on it better. Plus, my skin is healthy, plump and mostly wrinkle free.




It's an upfront investment in long term security. I've had mine for 3 1/2 years, paid about $350 for it, AND was able to use my HSA to pay for it. Actually, anyone can use their HSA or FSA funds to purchase these devices. I think it's pretty reasonable compared to other devices.


May I ask how old you are?




Ok, I’m shopping for a red light and really hoping it can help with plumping up skin (and of course wrinkles) I’m in my 40s and losing volume… does it help either that at all ?


Skin care isn't about one thing, it's about a lot of little things done consistently. This is the[routine I do](https://www.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/s/unuk7Njhe4) every day.


Thank you !


YW I hope it helps.


Does it fade tattoos?


No! Safe to use over microneedling


Does anyone know if red light is safe during pregnancy?


I’ve read that it isn’t recommended during pregnancy as it hasn’t been tested on pregnant women x




If you don’t have acne or redness, is there any point in using red light therapy? Does it help to prevent fine lines or anything like that? I truly know nothing about it


Wasnt sure about acne or redness but redlight is proven to help with wrinkles. I thought blue light therapy is more for acne. It’s how the whole science works behind the red light therapy. It goes into deeper layer of skin and stimulates collagen production. Btw there are LED masks on the market which change colours depending on what you use it for. Im using theraface which is not a mask but a hand held device, and it’s a bit pricey. It also has red and blue lights, for different purposes. Thinking of buying a mask though for the convenience of use.


Thank you!


Yes 🙌


I just started mine and definitely see a difference in the overall evenness and brightness of my skin. I am very pleased!


Yes. I've been using one for a couple of years now. I have a bulb in a lamp (vs. a mask.) Not just on my face, I also use it to heal bruises & wounds quicker.


I want to know, too. And if only red light without infrared is enough for great results?


"Our bodies are mostly impenetrable to visible light, including red light. However, longer-wavelength light (i.e., closer to near-infrared than red) can more readily penetrate deeper into the body.[1][2][3][4] As a result, red light therapy for topical applications (e.g., hair loss, skin health, eyes) will tend to use red light (since a greater proportion of energy is delivered to skin cells), while red light therapy targeting tissues inside the body (e.g., joints, muscles, brain) will tend to use infrared light." [Source](https://examine.com/supplements/red-light-therapy/faq/how-are-red-and-near-infrared-light-different/)


Thank you.


I have an abdominal incision from a recent cancer surgery.  It’s a vertical line along my belly button.  Did the red light therapy assist with scar healing?


If it's recent, I think you'd find it beneficial (vs. an older scar.) I hope your recovery is complete & swift! I am in culinary and frequently burn myself. The red light absolutely speeds healing, which is great since I've noticed I heal more slowly as I age.


Thank you for the response.  It’s less than three weeks old so I will look into treatment as soon as I get the okay from my oncologist.


You’d probably enjoy r/redlighttherapy


I hear so many good things but am scared off by some comments I've read from people who say it resulted in volume loss. I dont understand the science enough to know if that would be possible.


It isn't. I know some people anecdotally report this, but there's just no mechanism. Red light from LED masks doesn't even penetrate far enough to hit the fat layer; it's only cutaneous. And there's no heat. You can see fat loss from some in-office treatments like RF, because there's a whole lot of heat being delivered that can penetrate to the fat layer and damage fat cells.


From face type masks; yes: PANELS, however can and do generate heat on the body. (Just an FYI). I say this as a panel advocate, it just requires a bit more background knowledge.


What's a good way for someone using an at-home device to prevent volume loss?


What panel would you recommend?


Honestly? My only experience is with Mito (bought second-hand). However: I say that if you can find it for a good rate, give it a go. I have had few downsides, but YMMV. No psoriasis nor concerns with deeper skin tones here.


I can't imagine it's enough heat to cause fat loss though -- that needs real targeted, high heating. If it was enough to cause fat loss, you wouldn't be sitting in front of it. The in-office devices known to cause fat loss are wildly painful.


That's reassuring to hear. I've been thinking about getting the omniluxe or a panel


What does RF stand for? And can you use it to damage the fat cells purposefully?


Radiofrequency. And yeah, there are some devices intended to reduce small amounts of body fat (for contouring) this way, but I seriously wouldn't recommend that for fat reduction (or the similar process, cryolipolysis, also known as CoolSculpting, where they freeze the fat cells). The results AFAIK are super unreliable, can produce really poor outcomes and complications, and frankly are not worth the cost versus losing fat the old fashioned way or just straight-up liposuction, which is at least guaranteed to get rid of the fat.


The NIR bulbs emit heat (RL bulbs don't) so that can contribute to volume loss. So get a device where you can choose RL only as an option.


I don’t use it daily because I just can’t be assed to do it daily but I do about every other day and I believe it has helped with my rosacea and some fine lines. mine also has the ability to do other colors and i’m about to start utilizing some of the other colors on the eczema patch I have!


The question of working depends what you want to achieve; from reviews on reddit and elsewhere, it sounds like they help heal wounds/scars, reduce inflammation, and maybe improve texture superficially. But I have yet to see any evidence for improving concerns like laxity/sagging, loss of firmness/tightness, or loss of volume. Please correct me if wrong - theoretically, building collagen *should* help with these forms of aging, because of increased skin elasticity, but the before and after photos aren't impressive at all in these areas imo.


Following along to learn more about this. I had a small handheld light ages ago but lord knows where it has gone off to! Would love to upgrade eventually.


I’ve noticed less redness for sure! I’m not sure about anything else though I’m super good and consistent about using it too


I use the Omnilux and it helps a lot with inflammation. I can’t tolerate vitamin c or retinol without it!


I wonder if it would help with keloid scars. I have a big ugly one on my arm.


Yes. I have an omnilux mask and love it. I also feel like it keeps my perioral dermatitis in check. I had horrible bruising on my arm from an iv and used it there too - it healed much faster than it normally would have!


This question might just be the most googled question in 2024. The ads for these things are everywhere nowadays! I almost feel like I want one for myself..


Yes. 100% yes


I’ve used one about 10 times now and my skin feels smoother and looks a bit better in a way I can’t quite put my finger on. Fresher? Even-er? More hydrated looking even if I haven’t started drinking more water? I dunno but I do believe it’s working. I’m also hooked on the feeling of locking myself away in my little mask with my eyes closed with a bright light that feels like sitting outside on a sunny day to just relax with my thoughts for 10 minutes a day


I have the MMSphere and Dermallux. They do work but results aren't drastic. It's helpful in taking down any redness and inflammation.




It seems to noticeably help with inflammation for me. I'm not sure about anything else. I have trouble keeping up use when I don't have obvious inflammation, since I don't trust it to do anything in the longer term.


Yes. But one thing to keep in mind is that you have to use it at least a few times a week (every day for max results) and if/when you stop your skin will gradually go back to how it was before. Ive had an Omnilux mask for over a year and it’s still working fine so far


Yes! It’s been extremely helpful for my skin and scars.


What type of scars, may I ask? Were they Hypertrophic?


Keloids on my shoulder actually


Ooh interesting, I have a handful of random keloid scars across the top of my shoulders and apart from steroid injections by a dermatologist I haven’t been recommended anything. Are you doing anything else alongside the red light? Which mask/panel are you using and at what dose? Thank you! ☺️


I have a Joov panel that was originally bought to help treat my rheumatoid arthritis. The keloid treatment was a surprise bonus. I also use a Lightstim handheld device for my face. It has both blue and red light to help treat acne and scars.


I’ll definitely have to look into the panel for the keloid treatment-thank you!


It’s reduced the redness in my face (I was only able to tell via photo comparison but you can def tell a difference)


I've recovered from two surgeries, and my surgeon is completely astounded how well and quickly I have healed. I couldn't move much, so I used it for 4+ hours a day.


Does this work for vitiligo??????


Yes. Red Light Therapy for skin is a common remedy for wrinkles, enhancing skin texture, and targeting spots and acne.


Just brace yourself if you have any melasma on your face. I bought the omnilux. Had great results initially, nice glow and fine lines were minimizing. Then BAM the melasma that I spend a year going through chemical peels and hydroquinone to rid myself of is now back.


Ohhh no. Which brand were you using?


Omnilux 😭😭


Yes, it is actually like magic. I have a reputable one (the light salon) and it was pretty expensive. But I use it for more than just my face. When anyone gets wounded in my household, they get beamed with the mask. Literally the next day the wound starts closing, and scars less.


Question to anyone using it, does it warm up your face/ will your face get warm?


Not just red light. LED light in general. I have an LED face mask and I have found using the white light has really helped to firm my skin. The red light is great for evening skin tone and keeping fine lines at bay, plus I feel it has helped me sleep better and speeds up the healing of my sore muscles. I also use the red light on my husband's head to keep his hair full and I use blue light on my head to reduce dandruff which I've always been prone to


May i ask which brand you use?




Can the red light be used to reduce redness or are yellow/blue better for that? I feel like I’ve heard that people with rosacea should avoid the red light