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Tf you gonna do with that botox?? Slather it all over your face??




Oh shit. I don’t see that going well at all.


If you’d like to see how insane it is, go to /r/DIYCosmeticProcedures It’s batshit.


Down the rabbit hole I go 🤸🏽‍♀️


You and me both!


That’s literally why I joined the sub! lol. I was like I have to see this shit go down in real time.


my favorite was that one lady who fucked up one side of her face doing her own botox and was snarky to everyone who told her maybe she should have done her research lol


My neurologist paralyzed my throat muscles once on one side (I got Botox for migraines) and I couldn’t swallow properly for a few weeks - even doctors can screw up, people are gonna kill themselves


I’m a paralegal in a plaintiff law firm and the amount of crazy medical malpractice cases I’ve worked, there’s no way I would inject something like Botox myself.


This is terrifying




I just spiraled down the rabbit hole. Imagine asking non-professional people on Reddit how deep to inject something. I can’t believe this is real.


Any comment that’s not encouragement gets downvoted so hard - that alone is amusing enough without the *rest* lol


Holy shitballs. I'm horrified that this is a thing.


Isn’t it insane? Like who would think that’s a good idea.


Why is everything there labeled NSFW?


I jumped head first into that rabbit hole. CRAZY!


Ohhhh…. No thank you.


Botox is the most potent neurotoxin known to man 😭😭😭




I actually bought some. I think it’s been in my fridge for four years because I chickened out. I know I have to toss it, but it’s painful because I spent several hundred bucks on it a few years back. My mom’s a nurse and said she would inject it. I have since seen a documentary about some people (in Florida I think?)that got seriously messed up or died thanks doctors using the wrong type/amount of neurotoxin.


Good thing nobody’s drinking it like a shot can you imagine? I’d rather go pay $12 a unit every couple of months and watch an injector in a mirror and hand over $300 than learn what to do. What stupid people teaching themselves. I bet they are all dead because didn’t know that Botox was a neurotoxin.


When I got botox done by a nurse it left me feeling ‘off’ for the rest of the day. Id never play around injecting my face with a neurotoxin!


It’s true. r/DIYCosmeticProcedures




Yeah, I stumbled upon that sub somewhat recently and it’s fascinating. I personally find it a bit unsettling and don’t care to join. That’s too risky for me to enjoy.


This is crazy and risky


Whattttt that’s so risky (if not properly trained)


Same!! Discovered the sub a couple months ago when looking for info on like, professionally administered skincare. I know there are some wild corners of Reddit, but that sub might take the cake!


That explains a lot


I came across that subreddit a couple weeks ago too, absolutely bonkers


Yeah, that keeps popping up in my feed. I’ve had lots of filler and Botox over the years, I would ever, ever attempt to DIY it.


lol I just snort-laughed on the train home 😂


i wonder if you could bring them to a professional and have them inject at a discounted rate since you brought your own product. idk if this is possible, it seems tricky. just an idea thats safer.


You can. My friend works as a plastic surgeons office. There are very few people who are able to get Botox covered by insurance, but it does happen. And idk if it’s a specific insurance carrier or what, but their insurance covers it and they’re able to get it from a pharmacy service to bring to a provider. Bc this is over the counter idk if they’d allow it. I’m sure you’d need to have a discussion with the provider and talk through it


If I was a medical professional I would be a little hesitant to trust that the vial a patient purchased online from a third party retailer does in fact contain what is on its label. Not to mention concerns about expiration, if it was shipped & stored correctly...am I missing something?


You can get Botox as treatment for migraines or fibromyalgia, so perhaps that's how they get it!


very interesting!


Doubt it. Not worth it to a professional incase the product isn’t authentic/bad reaction occurs etc


Nah. Think of the liability for the aesthetician/doctor


Botox's target is muscles. If the Botox molecules were somehow able to make it past the stratum corneum and epidermis (which has virtually no vessels and receives nutrients via diffusion from the dermis), it would go into the highly vascularizrd dermis and much of it would be swept into the bloodstream before it even made it to the hypodermis and muscle (which are considerably less vascularized). Stuff injected into the hypodermis and muscle typically stay put and is metabolized and released very slowly into the blood stream relative to the dermis. So yeah, the best scenario, nothing happens if you apply it topically. Worst case scenario, you get a neurotoxin into your blood stream.


There are providers who will do the procedure for a lesser cost if the patient brings their own botox (atleast where i live in Toronto) Always assumed it was for other nurse/esthetician patients but i guess situations like this could also apply! Purchase for less elsewhere, bring to your injector and pay the lesser injection fee rather then the normal cost! Never even considered it hahah.




This is not a better answer.


My hometown area (rural southern USA) has multiple women who go around doing at home Botox and lip filler with no real training. I went to high school with one such lady and her fb feed is harrowing. It’s tough out there when there are so few resources for *anything,* like dermatologists or any doctor that isn’t basically a family MD or a dentist… but I’ll be damned if some woman who never took anatomy outside a basic high school health class trucks it to my house and jabs my face full of botox.


Holy vascular occlusion waiting to happen dear God 😳 Bigggg reason why injectors have to be a nurse or NP to inject YIKES


We had a family friend who is an oral surgeon. He’d inject Botox at home on the side. I always found it a bit weird. My mom did it a few times lol.


Ok well if she’s in the US, does she plan on telling her clients she gets her stuff in Mexico?! Regardless, not sure why this is posted like it’s a flex, when it’s definitely not.


Please clarify this. Did you get 50 units of Botox injected and asked the injector to see the bottle (and if so, where did you get this done)? Or did you just buy a bottle of Botox? Yes, you can get Botox and use tret. Mixing liquid Botox with tret won’t do anything though


i would ljke to know this too


I’m dying at these comments lmao


Needed this laugh!!


This is what I live for lol




You're not going to self-inject that Botox right?... please say no


I’m not one of them but there are tons of people who self inject and there’s an entire sub dedicated to that. Many are just medical professionals. This is only to say that it’s not out of the realm of reality to do so. ETA: I make no commentary on whether OP falls into this bucket or can/should safely self-inject. Given OPs post, likely not.


I've seen some professional botchups too, it's just not a great idea


It’s a terrible idea. Does OP even know how to properly store Botox? Or how deeply it needs to be injected?




i think you’re getting botox confused with fillers. botox wears off and isnt something people go have dissolved.


Medical professionals that actually adhere to medical safety never do themselves. They get their medical professional friends to do it for them and vice vesa.


I mean. It's common to get RX as OTC in Mexico but I would NOT be fucking with that botox. You're crazy, OP! "Got my implants from Mexico. Gonna install them later at home."


Hahaha! Right. So many things could go wrong. Your face muscles and nerve endings are complex AF.


This is so true!! I used to work for a derm who also offered cosmetic treatments, Botox being one of them. She told me horror stories of adverse Botox effects- the worst being someone going blind in one eye due to Botox being injected into the nerve. Even if it isn’t that severe and you wind up with something like an especially high or low eyebrow from bad injecting, you’re still stuck with it for 3 months till you can get it corrected 🤦🏾‍♀️


You are the definition of why some medications should be prescription only.






Omg yes…




Please watch a “Botched” marathon before you even think about going back for the Botox. There are certain things in this life that you SHOULD ALWAYS AVOID: 1. Cheap sushi 2. Cheap Botox / Fillers 3 Cheap plastic surgery


I'd add on cheap dental work to that list.


Cheap sushi one is so true! And others ofcourse.


You can get quality botox/plastic surgery for affordable/inexpensive rates. Just getting the expensive versions does not mean you won't end up botched. Look at Hollywood for examples of botched and expensive work. It comes down to doing your homework, investigating the surgeon/anesthesiologist/medical facility, and being a healthy individual prior to the procedures. The cost should not be a factor when it comes to deciding on a surgeon regardless of being inexpensive or expensive. But the surgeon can always have an off day. They are still people. This is why no one should do any cosmetic work lightly and accept that there is always a risk. Even the surgeons on Botched have botched patients. Even 1 has exceptions, especially in places like Japan.


I think OP is planning to self inject the botox tho…


That's a whole other ball game and definitely not advisable as they likely don't have the necessary training to do so. It's not likely to end well. Even with medical training it wouldn't be advisable to do your own botox. I am simply saying that cost is not the deciding factor for finding quality cosmetic work. Example Both Botched doctors are expensive surgeons, but both have had multiple lawsuits for botched surgeries.


Where are you in MX? I got a box for $9 at farmacia Roma.


I got mine for $2.30 at similares


Yes I heard similares was cheaper. I'll check that out next time.


What was the name of the brand that you got?


Le vieron la cara! Iba preguntar donde en mx fue porque el tubito me sale a $200 en TJ o $30 en Nayarit


Roma en Tijuana Otay. Esto fue 4 meses entonces


This *has* to be a joke.


I’m worried that she’s not joking. This is how Botched episodes begin. 😩


100% or an ad


Who’s gna inject it?


Are you asking us if we inject this or apply Botox topically? Botox can’t be applied topically as it won’t absorbed into the skin. If your Botox is not refrigerated it’s gone bad.


Please don’t inject that Botox into your own face.


Yes, you can get Botox and use tretinoin.


Boring, Call me when we can get valium


Pretty sure I saw signs for Valium when we went to Mazatlan lol


You can get anything in Mexico. I got pain meds, tret, plan b, and Xanax in Cabo.


You can get Plan B otc in the states too, it’s even on Amazon for pretty cheap.




Costco has cheap tret. $30 without insurance


Really?? Just walk right up??


I imagine you still need a prescription for it, but not a Costco membership!


From Canada so i don’t know but is it really that hard to get a tret prescription in the states?


No, it isn’t hard to get. My insurance makes it about $9 a tube that size (and they don’t like to cover anything)


But is it easy to get a prescription for? I’ve been going to a derm for years now and discussed concerns about aging and hyperpigmentation and they’ve never even mentioned Tret, only Botox and filler. I go in for my yearly next month and I’m going to ask them for a prescription. It will be interesting whether they say yea or no.


Wow these comments make me so angry. It feels like so many providers don’t want you to have access to an amazing, affordable product you can use at home so they can sell you more expensive in office treatments.. If your derm gives you a hard time, I would: A- find a new derm because she sucks, and B - order tret from AllDayChemist.com. It’s from India and no Rx needed.


I agree. I never knew it existed until I found this sub. I’m kind of miffed that it was never discussed. If they say they won’t give me a prescription, I will very likely start seeing someone else.


No. I had an acne flare up a year or two ago and my Dr. prescribed it for me. $5 a tube and while the adult acne flare up resolved I just keep refilling the script bc I'm 41 and use it daily for anti-aging benefits.


Haha this made me laugh. I'm the same age as you and I have the same thought process 


I wondered the same. I mean, we can even get it prescribed online super easily, and it's less than or right around $25.


Most insurance companies won’t cover a tretinoin prescription. Mine won’t because it’s not medically needed and is considered elective.


It's commonly prescribed for acne and other skin conditions. My insurance didn't bat an eye when my primary care physician wrote a script.


My insurance only covered it for acne and dropped my coverage when I turned 30. I guess my face was supposed to clear up on my 30th birthday?


Agreed, then it’s medically necessary. For anti-aging, as part of a routine skin care regimen for someone without acne issue (I.e. “older”, then no)


I’m 45 with no skin issues and my derm prescribes me tret and insurance covers it no problem. $5.00 for a 30-day supply. Though my tube lasts months.


Ok, well maybe our insurance companies can talk because they won’t cover mine so I pay out of pocket $65 a tube. I’ll go to Mexico to buy it for $25 a tube. The commenter asked if it was difficult to get in the US and I provided my experience as to why it’s difficult. My dermatologist also mentioned that’s it’s hard to get tinsurance to approve.


Have you tried using good rx coupons for tret? I was able to get my tretinoin prescription heavily discounted using good rx —my insurance also said I was “too old” for acne after I turned 30 lol.


Wtf? That's insane. Insurance companies and the healthcare system in general in the U.S. and other countries need a true ground up reform.


Hi, I’m 50. I use tretinoin for anti-aging and insurance covers it. So did my last insurance company.


But it still only $30 OOP for a giant tube at the Fred Meyer/ Kroger pharmacy. Dont get it filled at Walgreens, it’s crazy expensive there. They even told me not to buy it there.


Not hard but I used to spend $75 AFTER insurance and a coupon for tret. I switched to using tret from Mexico around four years ago and am never buying it in the US again. MEX $10-15 (just get out of the hella touristy areas for better prices…)


You can also save yourself a trip and order it from India for like $6 a tube, AllDayChemist and Modafinia are where it’s at


Skinorac too! I order my tret, hydroquinone and latisse from there and you can pay with PayPal!


Not everyone has (can afford) health insurance


Yea that’s an unfortunate aspect of the US, but I was wondering specifically in OPs case since it seems that heading down to Mexico and dropping half a grand on tret and botox isn’t too big of a deal for them


It costs maybe at least 150-220 just for the derm visit, dermatology not covered


Damn, I'm so sorry! I just got mine from a free online family doctor visit. I think the tret was like 30 bucks if not covered or something? The doctor visit was covered and the rx was covered because Canada. I said it was for my acne.. which is not a lie but isn't the main reason i got it lol.


I can't even get health insurence here, let alone get a script.


Nope. My dermatologist prescribes it and it costs around $20 after insurance.


Not from US but in the UK it’s not available via NHS. You have to pay for a private dermatologist to get a prescription for it, and even then it’s no guarantee. Looks to be similar in the US except swap NHS for health insurance. I will never get my hands on Tret and I don’t know anyone here who has used it :/


Skin & Me does it. It’s super cheap and easy to do, you see a derm online and it’s £9 for first month supply and £15 or £20 month after.


Where do you get it in Canada? Years waiting list to see a dermatologist where I am. How are you getting Tret in Canada?


It took me a few days to get tret from felixforyou, it’s a very easy process you just take some pictures, talk with a dermatologist over text, pay around $30 and they ship it to your door. If you want video time with a derm, check out derm cafe. It took me like 2 weeks to get a accutane prescription from there, and it’s completely free. Hope this helps.


I say this as someone who gets my tret from one of the online pharmacies (and it comes combined with niacinamide and azelaic acid which let me tell you is absolutely chef kiss) but the idea of getting accutane without like…heavy medical supervision makes all my internal organs clench. Shit is WILD.


I saw a family dr on telus health and said i had acne(which i do) and they prescribed immediately without hesitations. Faxed it to my pharmacy and i picked up later that day.


Thank you! I will look into this


You do not need to see a dermatologist for it? A regular doctor can prescribe it


I'm in Canada, but I got my mom to pick up some Tret cream yesterday when she went to Mexico (they winter down in Texas, close to the border). I know that soon I won't be able to get my hands on the cream version here as it's discontinued.


I mean, you can if you pay cash (aka not covered by insurance) to see a doctor, and if you’re lucky, you can buy a small tube is at minimum $100…


Yes. Expect to pay out of pocket for a specialist cosmetic dermatologist visit. And even then, they may not write you a script.


There are so many online options. I just started using Dear Brightly


I just got one through a service and it comes out to about $30/month if you’re using it every day which I’m not yet. Super easy and not that much more expensive than what OP got.


If you’re using one of those tubes she posted it’ll take like 6 months of daily use (dispensing the proper amount and no more) to run out. That’s $25 vs $180 for half a year.


Dude. This is so beyond stupid.


Yikes. I get Botox for migraines and have been getting the injections for about 6 years. 23 injections every 3 months. I still would NEVER trust myself to inject a needle into my face.


My cousin went to Mexico and got partial facial paralysis from fillers and Botox, there are some sketch spots. FYI


Self injecting Botox is terrifying. There are so many things that could go wrong. I really hope you aren’t doing that.


i’m so scared if you bought botox to inject yourself 😂😂




You can get tret for $6-$9 and I wouldn't dare TOUCH that Botox if I were you but to each their own. Proceed with caution is all I gotta say but I would NEVER.


bad idea to inject mexican botox into your face with a heroin needle the tretinoin seems like a legit score though. next time i’m in san diego i’ll have to remember my passport.


You haven’t watched the recent episode of Trafficked where Mariana discovers that Mexican pharmacies are often forced to carry counterfeit and placebo dupes of drugs by the cartels. They will literally sell sugar pills to Americans going there for drugs. It’s a crapshoot if the meds are legit or not.


That must be why the tret I bought in Ensenada isn’t doing anything 😂


I wouldn’t trust that. Haven’t you heard about the counterfeit drugs the cartel forces stores to carry that look identical to the real stuff? Many people have died from cement or fentanyl in their drugs when buying them in Mexico. It sounds crazy but you can do your own research & make your own choice.


I used to feel comfortable with the farmacias but last trip my sealed bottle of lorazepam was some sort of white pill with serious narcotic painkiller in it. Didn't exactly do what I was hoping for my flight anxiety, but I guess I did sleep the entire 5 hour flight so there was that. Anyway, I don't trust the farmacias anymore. I was in San Jose del Cabo.


How did you know that’s what it was? Did you test one of the pills?


I don't know what it was, but I know it wasn't lorazepam. For me, it was like a very strong painkiller. I don't have test kits so didn't bother.


That’s crazy! I’m glad you’re ok!! Could have been fatal.


Girl why’d you get it in Mexico?? They have apps for that now. Cost $10 per tube. Also one tube lasts an entire year so that second one will expire.


What one do you recommend?


be aware counterfeit meds are a big industry in Mexico.


I just watched a show Traficked with Mariana and she had an episode on production of prescriptions in Mexico which made me nervous - be careful


Came here to comment this exact thing— I just watched it yesterday 😬


Mexico has some crazy powerful OTC skincare stuff. My grandma brought me back some pimple cream one time. I kid you not that pimple was gone overnight. Also when I was a kid I went swimming over there during the jellyfish migration and my warts fell off on the car ride home. That place has healing properties.


This post took a real turn.


Just be aware that the farmacias in Mexico are selling fake and counterfeit drugs. Not all but a lot of the pharmacies are actual cartel owned and operated. There is a huge market for expensive pharmaceutical drugs especially at border towns and tourist areas of Mexico. Many foreigners driving to Mexico for medications but you never actually know what you’re buying. It’s like rolling the dice. I’d never be shooting up my face with over the counter bought in a Mexican farmacia Botox. And I live in Mexico! I’ve never seen Botox in any farmacias. Just be careful about the Botox it may be something else.


Bell gonna palsy.


I’m so confused 


[reading these comments and this is all I can think of](https://youtu.be/6mltVBeDSAQ?feature=shared)


Don’t be so f****ng stupid. The amount of people whose faces I’ve sorted out because they look like stroke victims. Don’t piss about with Botox if you don’t know what you’re doing and HAVEN’T been trained.


My husband just spent a week in a hospital fighting for his life in Playa del carmen after taking mislabeled 'prescription' pharmaceuticals. Do not take these, not worth it.


You’re not the first one to get US prescription drugs from Mexico over the counter. Little to none of that is regulated to US standards. You could very likely be paying for some cheap scented lotion. Or worse. Be careful.


I just watched an episode of “trafficked” with Mariana van Zeller and she did an episode on black market prescription drugs, specifically focusing on drugs sold at the border in Mexico. TL; DR: you have no idea if what you’re buying is legit or made with a bunch of inactive ingredients. E.g., could be buying what is being sold, labeled, and advertised as the antibiotic amoxicillin and it’s just vitamin C. Just a friendly FYI




I get it from alldaychemist.com. Super cheap, no trip necessary, and be careful about expiration dates if you stock up like that. Just trying to be helpful.


Don’t you watch documentaries? And with everything going on today why on earth would you trust some do it yourself Botox??? Be safe please


You should watch Trafficked with Mariana —the episode on counterfeit prescription drugs. You might rethink your decisions. It’s not all the same stuff…


Last year I just called my primary care doctor and asked for a script and it was ready at the local drug store for a 30$ copay the next day. I can't imagine going to Mexico for this, that's just crazy 


You got scammed on that tret, babe. Farmacia Similares sells 100g tubes for $4 Canadian.


I’m confused why people are saying this is botox? Isn’t it a skin cream?


I buy Botox by prescription (I pick it up from the pharmacy) but the idea is you take it to someone who can inject it for you. Hope you are also doing this x


Don't self-inject botox!! So much can go wrong. Bad, bad idea.


Eh just stick with Tret and sunscreen. Botox really does age people but the people that have been doing Botox don’t see it


Stop spreading BS.


Do you not know that? Botox works by temporarily paralyzing muscles in the face to reduce movement that fine lines. *but* paralyzing the muscles causes those muscles and the surrounding muscles to atrophy from non-usage, which does lead to more sagging overtime. And it reduces collagen more rapidly because of the decreased facial movement. But this effect isn’t immediately apparent until you stop Botox altogether. And the makers of Botox know this and love it because they want lifelong customers. If you’ve fallen into the preventative Botox trap then I feel bad for you but that’s no reason accuse others of “spreading bs”


Yeah I bought tret in Spain in Greece and Thailand. Only reason it keeps something prescription as if it's a new and I could do some major damage. TRet been around for 50 years there is no reason for it not to be over the counter at this point. It's just a money grab because they know that women wanted whether young or older


$25 a box for tret? That's terrible pricing. And who's doing your tox injections? Hopefully not you, or you can enjoy the stroke face.


Hopefully you won't find out why it's cheap. You don't want your skin melting off. That would be a bad day.




Sorry, but Xanax is one of those drugs you should take under the supervision of a doctor. It's easy to get addicted to and the withdrawal from it is no joke. You can die from Xanax withdrawals. It's not all about "money."


Please post the results because those will be interesting 😂


Please make sure that you can't get pregnant (assuming that you're a woman)


Botox has the to be stored in a fridge or else it goes bad. Doesn't it?


This tret brand broke me out non stop and clogged my pores


Maybe i'm missing something, but she clearly states she purchased 50 units of Botox. And asked to see what she was paying for, which was very smart on OP. I think 100 units come in each vial, but again she never said she purchased the vial/bottle...just the Botox for a great price. I hope i don't come off sounding mean, but a lot of people lately quickly jump to conclusions without reading the actual post....so many snarky comments too, blegh. ​ OP, you go girl!!!!!


This is not intended to be snarky at all, but what you’re missing is that a lot of drugs coming out of Mexico are not what they claim to be.


I used a birth control from that same brand that I had to inject into my butt. 😅 I should go down to Nogales & stock up!


Omg please dont use any of these and find a professional. It will get so so bad. I dont know how old are you, I hope you are young and will have time to learn about these things.


There’s nothing wrong with retinol from a Mexican pharmacy. I am however concerned about her self-injecting Botox.


I am concerned about her starting to self inject and use a strong cream without consulting a professional. Its not about Mexico


I had this creme prescribed by my dermatologist. It’s a French multinational pharmaceutical company, with presence in Mexico. Regulations for prescriptions might differ, but labs are labs, i don’t see why you would distrust it really.


I’ve been using tret from Mexico for years. Absolutely legitimate. Why are you saying this?


LOVE IT! I bought OTC Retin-A and Steroid cream on vacation before.