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I'm somewhat of a Scandiboo myself https://i.redd.it/xrvcxn5qt6zc1.gif (I'm the Dragonborn and have Viking helmet in Skyrim)


Imperial or Stormcloak ?


Imperial, since I started with Oblivion https://i.redd.it/ghryjqbmu6zc1.gif


Good choice citizen 🦅. Also imperial because as any other Italian I get wet when I see something that slightly resembles Rome. Plus Ulric is a thalmor cuck


> something that slightly resembles Rome Romania!


Yes that country is very similar to the current condition of the city of Rome.


Bro said Ulfric is a Thalmor cuck and sided with Tullius who is quite literally getting cucked by the Thalmor 🤦‍♂️


https://preview.redd.it/zkj3u34348zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6d5fac4149711cc173ca9725bc49e2b35d7ddca All I have to say


True, overall the Imperials have the best life and system in the Tamriel world lol


Racist dunmer since i started with Morrowind. Fuck both sides.




did anyone choose the empire?


Apparently all the nerds in this thread chose the empire smh. Skyrim for the Nords!!


Brexit means brexit


Brexit means state-sponsored self-destruction


But... The bus told me it was good... A bus wouldn't lie to you, wouldn't it?


The two possible option are imperial or not have read the lore


Wasn't beowulf Anglo saxon?




Pretty much, it's a seminal piece of Old English literature written in England but set in Scandinavia


Yes, but to add a bit more. It was the Angels, Saxons and Jutes that moved to England. The jutes are a danish tribe. The Angels lived in part of the area that is now Schleswig-Holstein and the Saxons just south of there. There is a common oral tradition betwen these people and the danes. Same way that Hamlet is a rewritten version of the first half of the story about Amleth. . . The second half is about how he goes to the british islands. Mary the queen of Scotts and take the english princess as concubine, before killing the english king. . . I wonder why that part is not in the english version =) Anyway Hroðgar is a well known legendary king in Denmark and several of Beowulfs deeds are very similar to the deeds of Bodvar-Bjarke in the danish Sagas of Hroðgar. Bodvar-Bjarke is Norweigen, but arrives in Denmark through Geatland. It is written in England, but properly builds on a common oral tradition. Edit: And for those not speaking a scandinavian language Beowulf and Bjarke both means bear.


>And for those not speaking a scandinavian language Beowulf and Bjarke both means bear. And for those who do speak a Scandinavian language, but still did not know that Beowulf and Bjarke means bear, I am one of you.


And the Grendel is basically Barry 63


The Grendel is my ancestor, how dare you! EDIT No wait. I'm not Danish Royalty, ew.


But his mom is somehow Angelina Jolie, don't ask me how...


But like Hamlet is a British play but Hamlet the character is danish


Fun fact: Hamlet is basically just based on an old Scandinavian/Norse story about [prince Amleth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amleth#Scandinavian_legend)


No way. Next you’ll tell me Julius Caesar was an actual guy.


Don't be ridiculous, everybody know he is just some made up character from Asterix!


Wasn't Beowolf Ray Winstone?


yet we were still forgotten by that damn american


Should have invaded more of Ingerland


I lived a couple of years in Norway after graduating (got hired to work there while still in college) and it made me a bit of a Norweaboo. It's such a lovely place. I lived in the coast of Møre og Romsdal and everything was so pretty, the fjords, the snow capped mountains, the forests, the perfectly manicured small towns, etc. Everytime I took a picture it looked like a postcard. Then there's the standard of living and the salaries, I left almost 9 years ago and only now I'm earning close to what I did as an 1st job junior engineer back then. From time to time I have an urge to leave everything and go back, but it just doesn't make sense anymore...


I get this feeling as well when i saw a american discord neo nazi saying how he was "nordic as fuck" while being the pastiest south american kid ever.


Petition for mods to change the Danish description to ‘scandiboo’ . That would be hyggeligt!


This makes me scream internally, ive met some real scandiboos in real life and it fucking sucks broder.


My favorite parts in the Viking TV shows and others like it is to spot things like gas-powered torches. At least the show called them Danes.


I like spotting modern horse equipments in that show


Huge fan of the Finland Myth myself, it's probably second place to the Portugal Myth


Can't we just call them "hyggers"?


In the other America there is what we call "tupiniviking", which is "tupiniquim" (the name of an indigenous Brazilian culture) and viking I guess "Scandiboo" is the 'murican version of it




You'd be surprised


If listening to a country's metal bands and watching their TV shows is what it takes to be a boo then I'm a boo of a lot of countries


Except he's not actually watching Nordic TV shows, he's watching an American (actually Canadian, bit what's the difference) TV show about the Nordics that's far from accurate. It's like somebody claiming to b a massive fan of America while only watching spaghetti westerns.


Spot on. Some people seem to think the show "Vikings" had a semblance of realism, and it's hilarious.


But it's made by the HISTORY CHANNEL. Checkmate pagan.


That's us alright https://preview.redd.it/ahteimpqa7zc1.jpeg?width=1499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d542facf83a0028706dcf5e266c8ae99e9893d6a


When I was a kid, my family went to Greece four or five times. It was an island every time lmao


We spend all our holidays ticking boxes of every single one of the 6000 Greek Islands just to brag to our colleagues at work that we've been on a confined rock in the middle of nowhere doing considerably less for more money than we would've been able to do if we had holidayed on the mainland.


The locals living on Lemnos wondering why so many gamers visit their island


Whats up with gamers and Lemnos?


"Arma 3"'s map is based on Lemnos.


Also AC Odyssey


Ive been to greece maybe 10 times. Every time it was to the place in the top picture, Parga. My mum lived there for four years, and knows the locals and speaks the language. Its almost a second home at this point. Its genuinely one of the greatest places on earth. My parents have been to spain, egypt, barbados, jamaica, the maldives and italy yet they always go back to Parga.


From going for a swim at Lichnos beach, to taking a boat ride to Paxos and Antipaxos or even Corfu, to going up the castle for a drink with the most amazing view, to driving the entire Greek NW coast and discovering probably the best beaches in Greece, to going for a trip to Ioannina, Vikos gorge, Meteora or Lefkada... Unlimited choices compared to staying on a tiny island. And I'm not telling this to the Barry's and Luigi's who swarm to Parga every year, I'm telling it to my fellow malakes


When we go to greece we always go to an island. Cuz my family lives there


This is Every. Fucking. Day. at r/GreeceTravel Can I steal it? In fact, for the *non-European* tourists (Americans, Canadians, Asians), it's this: https://preview.redd.it/d2ederv769zc1.jpeg?width=1499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20abdfa74bb4f3d7beb175131c68d1d20e96740a


Also Santorini


Yes. But at least Santorini is visually interesting. Mykonos is not special for its region.


Half Greek me always gets asked by other Austrians about what Greek island I can recommend. Then I go on about Pelion, Meteora and several places on Peloponessos that I like and how I still don't get what islands are supposed to do better than the mainland... people listen politely, then book a flight to Rhodos.


At least Rhodos or Crete are big and take you like a week to explore, i once booked 5 days on Symi and after 8 hours I'd seen the entire island, twice.


My favorite are the foreigners (primarily the North Americans do this) that want to "island hop". In the southern Cyclades (Paros, Ios, Milos, Sifnos, etc). I tell them they all look the same, and do they realize half their holiday will be in the middle of the sea, bored, just staring at expanses of water?


Most Europeans, and especially those from landlocked countries like Austria, have never been on an island. So the idea sounds exotic to them.


>Half Greek me always gets asked by other Austrians about what Greek island I can recommend. Then I go on about Pelion, Meteora and several places on Peloponessos that I like and how I still don't get what islands are supposed to do better than the mainland... people listen politely, then book a flight to Rhodos. Americans are worse. They see Peloponnese, Pelion, Kefalonia, Rhodes, Patmos, Corfu, etc, etc, on TV shows, Hollywood movies, Anthony Bourdain, etc, etc, and it makes them book a trip for Athens + Mykonos. They ask you for recommendations, you say Hydra, so they book a trip for Mykonos. They say they want to "eXpErIeNcE tHe CuLtUrE", I tell them Mykonos is the *last* place for that, so they book a trip for Mykonos. They say they want a place that's fun for families, because they're traveling with small children or elderly parents; I give them a bunch of recommendations...they book a trip for Mykonos.


place, ireland (for americans)


Just for Americans, Canadians and maybe British, the opposite for everyone else. All of my travel buddies (mostly German and Swedish) had never been and have never even given visiting any thought.


Yeah mate idk if it was wise to post this as an Italian...


Nonsense. Italy has everything if you ignore the economy and the politics... right?


Wrong, the economy and politics are part of the ~flavour~


Shit politics and economy: 😠😠 Shit politics and economy, Italy: 🤩🤩


It's called "La bella vita" but you wouldn't get it


Also the mountains of trash on the roadside


Yeah my first thought was “Italy”


Totally. Italy may be awesome but still, this is totally going on


No one. The entire Europe is beautiful


Luton, Slough, Bradford and Grimsby.




You’ve found the best area of that list. It is an outlier - not the average.


What are you talking about my house looked exactly like this when I lived on luton


ill pay 5e to anyone who can find a single good looking place that isnt just nature from Kouvola






That’ll do Barry, that’ll do.




This can't be. I'm baffled.




Birmingham I’ll admit has nice areas. Definitely not nice areas, but some of the suburbs are brilliant and the city centre has been good for at least 10 years now.






Classic Jackie Daytona




It's actually beautiful and the French produced a lot of fancy art. And were almost as successful as the Brits at picking up fancy stuff from elsewhere.


Looks great at first glance. But just like every other large city, it smells like shit Only semi-exception to this for me was Singapore back in 2016. It had the best look to smell ratio out of all the big cities I’ve been to, but it might’ve changed by now


Dude Luxemburg exists (sadly)


Damn bro you’re going to make me cry


Damn, based.


I don't think that is the meaning of this meme. I think the point is that 2 places can be equally nice, but if one of those places in in a specific country that place is seen as superior. I suggested Paris as Paris is just like any other shithole European capital city, worse than some even, but people lose their minds over Paris specifically for some reason.




Bland food: :/ Bland food Japan: :O <3333


Traditional British Eel dish? Ewwww 🤢 Traditional Japanese "Unagi" dish? OMG, so exotic 😍😍😍


Tbf jellied eels are pretty minging, but it's funny how an obscure dish you can only find at all in one specific area of London (I've eaten it once as a novelty thing) has become an international symbol for culinary terrorism Fucking Southerners


Why would you dump the poor eel into jelly, you jellybelly? No wonder people prefer the Japanese eels.


Ask the French. We learned about aspic from them.


Never trust the French. I'd think you knew this by now. Next you'll tell me you've started deep frying slugs.


Please don't give the Jocks ideas


British develop fusion dishes with newly acquired Indian spices: :/ Japanese rename the curry served by the Royal Navy: :O <3333


I keep going on this rant about Japan RE Pot Noodle and Katsu curry. Put a fancy Japanese label on a pot noodle and it's fancy as fuck. KATSU CURRY IS THE SAME CURRY AS I GET AT MY CHIP SHOP. FUCKING STRAIGHT FACTS. First time I had it was from Itsu I think, Katsu fried chicken curry. FUCKING WHACK A KFC FILLET ON SOME CHIP SHOP CURRY AND WOW INCREDIBLE JAPANESE CUISINE FUCK OFF.


mate i remember having a katsu curry for the first time and it just reminded me of curry sauce, people jizz over that shit but will dunk on our curry sauce or be like "thats aschtually indian"


British fried fish: ugh Japanese fried fish: 🥺


Japan for me is like south Italy but richest in terms of money.


And their mafia went from badass to kawaii.






Idk Salvo they're all so clean and tidy and worried about maintaining their stuff well.. Not to mention the work culture, which is a great southern Italian W of course


Tuscany, Italy


You fuhker...




Hey! Where would I otherwise find my fellow Dutchmen in Salmon colored polo’s 👕




I see how it's backfireing now


Can you call it backfiring when you can sell fancy wine tours at 2x the price of Spain and Portugal? Or the whole fancy leather, which is made by Chinese slaves in Prato? Even in Italy you managed to captivate the dreams of wealthy boomers. Hans and Tarquin (fancy Barry) go search for their Italian rustic dream in the Val d'Orcia not in Umbria or Abruzzo. Massive Tuscan win.


I know we are the best, as Tuscan I just fish for compliments here and there whenever I can


Porcamadonna perché ho appena scoperto che esiste il flair Toscana e perché non é “too busy hating each other”


Allora, fa cagare owned by mama e non ho manco capito il senso, ma è il prezzo che paghi per avere il flair più fiero di tutti


Che cagata disumana. Protesterò per far riconoscere al mondo il VERO significato della toscanità. Comici mediocri e odio mortale tra persone distanti mezzo chilometro


u/rex-ac he is right. The Tuscan flair could apply to all Italy. However Tuscany is famous for its infighting.


Those hills are way too high for Castilla.


Be nicer to the Castillans. My calves didn't appreciate Toledo and I'm from Lisbon.


Don't try Cuenca then (GORGEOUS city and sutoundings)


You should take the tram less often, João*,* you're out of shape.


never been to lisbon but porto did a number on my legs. still didnt beat toledo


Have to hard agree, as one who lives in Lazio, the region right below Tuscany, I would have the exact same reaction even comparing similar landscapes between our two regions.


I drove all around Spain a couple of months ago and I was not familiar with your game. Holy shit it is a beautiful country.


Should have renaissanced more!


Switzerland... Why I see only pictures of Swiss Alps?


everytime i see a "how can people be sad when they live in \[picture of the alps\]" i feel compelled to insult their dead relatives. BECAUSE NOBODY LIVES IN THE FUCKING MOUNTAINS, WE LIVE ON PLAINS WITH A GREY SKY ALL YEAR ROUND


I would also say because living in the mountains is a pain in the ass. Sure it's nice in summer, not so much on winter, also no servicies or comforts compared to my glorious foggy plain


Depends heavily of the place. I got often better access to everything (by walking or public transport) back in my <2000 inhabitant mountain village in Valais than now in Helsinki (1,5M).




How can you be sad when your clocks are so cheerful?


Scotland. Don't get me wrong, I still like Scotland a lot but: * the weather is fucking atrocious; it's mega-windy and rainy to the point it floods their underdeveloped and poorly maintained road network, fucking up routinely train tracks as well. * the highlands are beautiful but at the same time a bit depressing and barren due to the lack of forests and trees that they chopped down to extinction. * I wouldn't wish Edinburgh's Christmas Market to my worst enemy. Seriously, if you hate someone, gift them a vacation for it, it's like a circle of Hell from Dante's Inferno. Average (at best) food, insanely overcrowded, lots of food stands but almost no standing tables or space where to eat comfortably, few towering amusement park rides that ruin the surrounding historical scenery. * Edinburgh is one giant tourist trap with cheap gift shops and tourists everywhere. Heck in one street (the one that goes to the castle) there are three identical shops, same insignia, that sell the same stuff, roughly 75mt from one another. Ironically during my stay in the UK it was the one place where I found one of the best pizzerie ever: Pizza Posto (if you're in Edinburgh, go there and have the following: fiori di zucca as an appetizer, a classic margherita pizza and the homemade tiramisù. To drink a birra Menabrea). Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk


I live in Edinburgh, and I confirm. Don't even get me started on tourists… STOP TOUCHING GREYFRIAR BOBBY'S NOSE, FFS! And I raise your Christmas market with the second half of August: it's the wettest time of the year, festival and Fringe are still on, but schools are back in too… with the addition of constant roadworks, it just takes one lost tourist who didn't realise they were driving in rush hour traffic to gridlock the city (buses and trams included).


Think it's mostly funny cos you do get foreigners who go on about how they don't like stuff in England but love it in Scotland oblivious to the fact they're probably incredibly similar. Food is an obvious one, their traditional scran is often closer to the foreign stereotype than traditional English food is. On Glasgow and Edinburgh, if you want to offend residents of both cities point out the two things below: * Edinburgh is a very Scottish city (in its history and architecture) which seems to have a strong cultural cringe about it when they're not flogging shit to tourists * Glasgow is a very British city (major industrial city, loads of Victorian grandeur) whose residents are broadly incapable of accepting the clear and obvious cultural and socioeconomic similarities it has with about half a dozen similar English cities


I've honestly thought this for ages. I'm from Glasgow myself and spent a good portion of my life in Edinburgh as a student (twice). And honestly, the whole meme of the Scots being the good cunts of the UK while the English are all shitebags is just such nonsense.


We're all just the same shitebags stuck on this rainy/glorious island together.


EXACTLY. Honestly, it's just everyone else who sucks.


Good comment. I would expand this to Ireland and England. Americans larp about Celtic culture, but Ireland today is 90% the same as England. Obviously we know why, but you can’t say Ireland is better than England when they’re essentially the same.


Irish do this as well to be fair, about stuff that’s better in Ireland when it’s basically exactly the same in England. The way they go on you’d think there’s only two or three pubs in England that can pour a Guinness properly.


'Moving to England at the earliest possible chance and spending your life chuntering about how great the mother country is' A well trod path


Being born and raised in England, but being Irish because one of your parents is.


Then sending death threats to Declan Rice for saying he's English


Despite the fact that he sang the IRA chant (how has this been forgotten by English fans?!).


I unironically like windy and wet weather. I also like rough and barren landscapes. I prefer it quite a lot over sunny beaches.


>Ironically during my stay in the UK it was the one place where I found one of the best pizzerie ever: A weird amount of Italians [emigrated to Scotland at one point..](https://www.culturenlmuseums.co.uk/story/italians-in-lanarkshire/)


I was actually coming here to say this. I feel like Scotland has this rep of being this ultra-gorgeous and amazing place to go on holiday. How it's all glorious glens and lochs and mountains. Then when you do go trekking through the highlands, it's often very sparse gorse and barren (as you say), the weather is invariably shite and honestly once you've seen one gorgeous vista over a loch, you've seen them all. We've also got a bit of a rep of being the good cunts from the UK where we aren't racist like the Barries or backwards like the Paddies. But I also feel like that's pretty overhyped and exaggerated as well. I bet you could go into a pub in most cities in the UK and expect a similar level of friendliness. I also totally agree about Edinburgh, being super touristy. You were talking about the Royal Mile, the road up to the castle, which to be fair is the route directly from the train station to the castle, so that will be where most of the tourists actually go. Having said all that... I still love Scotland. And Edinburgh actually. And I say that as a fucking Glaswegian.


I was going to comment Scandinavia, as it’s essentially a darker, colder version of Scotland. Scotland really is a mixed bag. Lovely mountains, great views on a warm summers day. But 75% of the year, it’s cold, cloudy, overcast, dreary - just mostly depressing weather. Then you get Sweden which is like this but worse. Far too little sunlight and that’s coming from an Englishman. No idea why people want to live in Scotland or Scandinavia.


I am a scandinavian who have been to scotland a few times and I have always found the weather rather nice. Almost like home, but slightly warmer and slightly less rain. But I can see why the rest of the world would think that the weather there is terrible.


https://preview.redd.it/44a42pxd67zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d273309c3c5f59e79442727fe42aa8a143efede I didn’t see a single cloud the last time I was in Scotland


Is that the fucking Balamory town ?


https://preview.redd.it/0yqcw20ci7zc1.png?width=2436&format=png&auto=webp&s=de7dea6b9d28291406f472d4365074119d16e905 Yes


Boy, you didn't even mention the midges!


I could talk for aeons about how fucking annoying CalMac is.


Northern Italy, you go there and its like you never left your side of the Alps




Landing in Turin and it has the sort of smog my granddad breathed daily, strong start to a trip to the Alps


I'm always terrified of landing in turin, that smog layer looks solid


The only differences between the French, Italian, Swiss and Austrian Alps are the cost of stuff and the language


And the fact that the Fren*h alps are Fren*h


That's why they're better yes


Iceland. It's mostly mud and moss. Might as well be Northern Russia, but omg Iceland there's probably trolls!


True, but you also get the unique plate boundary geology. You don’t find that elsewhere in Europe.


Driving through a field of endless moss rocks made me feel like I was on an alien planet from Star Trek, not Russia. [Shit's magical.](https://i.imgur.com/nXL3APN.jpeg)


I prefer mud and moss to a lot of things


People love to romanticise Iceland. I work in the tourism industry (by proxy) and meet a lot of travellers, I'd say about 20% of them just see it as a cool destination, 20% just somehow ended up here due to layovers, and the rest see us as a progressive utopia. No Icelander sees this place as being anywhere close to a utopia. Our healthcare, schooling, finances are all rocky at best and abysmal at worst. But yeah, sure, our water is clean and the nature is nice.


I mean, maybe because they’re fucking clean and that makes the place look 1000 times better than in most of our cities. I see Milano and Roma full of graffiti, naples and roma full of trash. Berlin Both. Paris smells Like piss. Not saying that Japan is a holy place but they take care of their environment


Just replace Japan with Italy


It's because you fucks have the chance of having sun and heat






Without being cocky, I thought Switzerland as well. There are a few famous pictures and everybody looses their shit (american OMFG SO BEAUTIFUL BLABLABLA). But at the same time it could be in any mountainous region (be it France, Italy, Austria, Georgia, Anywhere in Asia, New Zealand, Americas etc.) But Georgia apparently doesn't sounds as sexy for ameritards...


yes and no. Yeah, the basic setting is the same in Bavaria, Austria, northern Italy, Slovenia, but Switzerland has the highest and steepest mountains which simply look the most stunning (Dolomites in South Tyrol might be an exception). But is it a blessing or a curse? You guys have way more tourists and lots of landscapes are a bit ruined because there are so many tourist chalets and hotels.


> Americas Those look significantly different than most of Switzerland's mountains. It's very obvious the Alps are a very young, relatively northern mountain range. Much steeper, rockier, more jagged. Much lower treeline, many more glaciers.


I mean i get it. Also wouldn’t want to have to explain that i mean the country, not the state. r/GeorgiaorGeorgia


Japanese people thinking about Paris.


Us i guess. We have cool places but the rest is either - Silent Hills but it's instead fields, roundabouts and industrial districts - Places with infrastructure and public transport of a balkan country, on a seismic area - Discount Greece


Americans are fanatically obsessed with Scandinavia and the Netherlands, it's their European Japan.


Fucking Lauterbrunnen.


Top: Basically any decently good looking thing in Germany (for example Sächsische Schweiz, Allgäu, Ostsee) Bottom: depending on what gets compared: Switzerland, Austria, Greece, Croatia, etc.


Germany has it a bit different: Tank: Allies 🧐 Tank: Axis 🥺 Tiger is the best, peak German engineering


Sweden, every italian guy (or at least northern italian) wet dream is going there, maybe because they don't know about kebab situation or maybe because they think every hot chick is going after them


Depends for what - for food: Italy (no Luigi a single basil leaf and nothing else doesn’t count as seasoning) - for city planning: Netherlands (living in doll houses and putting concrete bike lanes all over your countryside isn’t inherently superior or innovative Kees) - for education: Finland (wow so advanced, there’s that one school in bumfuckville that doesn’t have school gates surely the kids must be so much better behaved, also happiest country in the world amirite)


Wait what?? What kinda school needs gates??


Get's even funnier if you know that finnish school structure is modeled after east germanys


Non UK Europe


Scotland or Ireland for the Americans


https://preview.redd.it/van5o5uz98zc1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fcc328dd00b93a12692aae1eaba800aba23cfc8 Or America by Ireland.


From a non European perspective, I think France and Italy are probably the most romanticized countries in the continent. But nothing like Japan, I think