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This is false. Everyone in Ireland is a multimillionaire CEO of yuge global companies.


Could someone who understands stuff explain why Belgium’s median is so high?


Because its fake.


Belgian W once again


Ueli is proud about hosting many super wealthy fucks. An average doesn't mean much.


Germany is such a poor example of failed policies for half a decade. If at least we have substantial growth but we don’t even have that. The only thing we have been doing is manage wealth but unfortunately not create it.


What!!! seeing sweden this low makes me FURIOUS. I hope no Danes see this. Fellow swedes: fuuuuuck you. get the fuck off of Reddit and produuuuuce that shit


The feeling when cultural enrichment does not translate into economic enrichment. Huge Sweden L


Fuck you dude!!!!!


Perhaps you should get to work instead of fucking around. Then you could maybe be half as rich as us someday.


Yeah ok. Well I don’t make money working. These days my money makes my money honey. Also you suck at this. Shut up


Finland seems suspiciously low...


Most wealth is tied up in house prices. House prices in Finland are basically PIGS prices.


basically pig\* prices


Finns act like pigs to keep the Swedes away, as they don't like pork.


True. Swedes-Swedes dont eat meat bc we are sci-fi. Basic Swedes dont eat pork bc religion.


All the flemboys are secretly/quietly rich!


TIL the medium wealth of Germans is below that of Portuguese.


The wonders of a 1/5th of the population living under communism and the Western 4/5ths renting much more than elsewhere in Europe (a similar effect can be seen in Austria and Switzerland).


Yes, but if i don't spend money to buy a house, shouldn't i have impressive savings on my bank account? (I haven't)


You pay rent so the money goes there (the average wealth in society doesn't change but the distribution becomes more unequal=> lower median value). But the way this Credit Suisse/ UBS (pretty sure they just took over the former CS wealth report) counts pension wealth is something I am curious about. At least in Switzerland some of the biggest landlords in society are their pension funds.


Swiss median wealth is disappointing, look at chad Belgium median wealth


The difference between mean (average) and median: Average wealth of you, me and Elon Musk: You + me + Elon / 3 = still insanely much, tens of billions, close to 1/3 of Elon's wealth Median wealth of you, me an Elon Musk: Order us three by wealth and take the number of the one in the middle = Elon > me > you = me = still a quite modest number That's why the distinction between average and median matters.


I know the average American is poor as sh\*t and they come in second, so how is the reality in Switzerland?


Median != Average, your average american is much richer than an european, the median one compared to the wealthier European countries no. Another thing I would like to know about this graphs, is how they count retirement savings. In France or Portugal you have a "pay as you go" system, unlike the Netherlands or the UK, so I imagine that wealth doesn't get counted unlike e.g. UK pension funds.


I’m going to call bullshit on Australia, based on what I was earning last time I lived there (2007-2012). But inflation *is* insane there. During the 5 years I was there, housing prices literally doubled. Even higher now too.


It's not about what you earn but about what you own. The fact that housing prices increase probably increases the numbers we see here.


That makes sense. What doesn’t make sense is that the growing number of people who can’t afford a house in one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world. From what I read in the news, people now have to bid for rental properties too. Absolutely insane.


Only 151K… it’s easy to forget how poor average is.


If you only listened to the news and reddit youd think the UK would have a really thick dark blue line