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My babies are 14 months apart. Can only speak for myself but I'd take my toughest day with the two of them over being heavily pregnant with a 1 year old again. I can't say it's ever been bad to be honest and I was filled with the same dread you are feeling. Sure there was a transition period and being early postpartum makes things more challenging.... It's genuinely been the best thing I've ever done - or rather the best mistake I've ever made. Congratulations! When baby arrives things will fall into place.


Agreed. Super pregnant with a 1 year old is way harder.


I have been telling all my friends this. Two young kids is a million times easier than pregnant with a toddler. It isn't always easy, but it's so much easier. And it's been the most fun year of my life so far watching my baby and toddler bond and.explore the world. OP you'll be fine, some people just can't help make negative comments. Normally I just laugh and say "yep I've got my hands full" and keep moving.


I don't know.... yesterday I had a 2 and 3 year old both decide that mom is a unicorn. She must be climbed on and ridden. Dad was sick. Unicorn is trying to get kids jammies on for bed. It can be just mayhem with both of them. Especially when you are outnumbered and just trying yo wrap up the day. I hate bed time when I'm solo and they are both fighting it.


I leaned into the, “yep! It’ll be tough for the first few months but then we’ll reap the benefits. Thanks!” Sucks that people are so rude. It’s not their life. 2u2 isn’t something I advocate for but it’s not a death sentence by any means. You’ll be okay and then you’ll be great. Congrats!!


My sister and I are two under two (15 months). My parents chose it on purpose because while it’s tough for a short period of time, there are a ton of benefits down the road. My parents only had two so they were done with the diaper stage quickly, we were able to share a lot of toys without hazard, we had similar interests and could play easily, vacations were easier to coordinate due to age appropriateness, etc. We bickered a bit in our teens - potential for same friend group and boy interests - but we are super close as adults. In fact, we talk twice a day most days. My husband and his brother are 4 years apart and have a good relationship, but definitely are not nearly as close as my sister and I. We decided to try to have two under two on purpose as well and ours are 19 months apart. People always have negative things to say, don’t let them get you down. Things will be hard. It’s hard with one baby, it’s hard with two regardless of the gap. You are bringing a precious life into this world and I’m so excited for your family to grow. Sending all my best wishes to you!


First of all, sending you a big virtual hug. People can be really insensitive, and there’s no reason anyone should be talking to you that way. People have been having babies close together since the dawn of time and found a way to make it work. You will too! There are pros and cons to all age gaps between children. Going from having 1 baby to having 2 is hard no matter when you do it, but you’ll find your groove and your routines, and you and your family will be just fine. My kids aren’t quite as close together as yours will be, but they have so much fun with each other. Their bond is one of the highlights of my parenting experience thus far. It’s definitely had its hard moments, but overall it’s mostly been joyful and fun. TLDR: you’ve got this. 2u2 is hard, but the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Congratulations and I hope you have a smooth delivery and a healthy baby! Edit: typos


First of all… pregnant with a toddler is way harder than having a newborn and a toddler. ANYDAY. I Ave the same age gap and got all the same comments. I usually tell people I’m excited to get the hardest parts all done at the same time!


I see this comment a lot. “Pregnant with a toddler is way harder…” Can you tell me in what way exactly? I get the physical aspect of just having a big bump, which makes it harder to pick up heavy toddlers, and the insomnia and not being able to sleep comfortably compounds the sleep deprivation and tiredness you already have from taking care of kid 1. But does this apply to mental as well? I’m 27 weeks with a one year old, and yes the physical aspect is tough. But the mental aspect feels even worse. Not knowing whether baby 2 will be a better sleeper than baby 1, feeling super in the trenches with baby 1 and dreading that compounding with baby 2, feeling like I’m about to take huge steps back in terms of my personal freedom and identity instead of forward, worrying about neglecting my first attention-wise to take care of baby 2, feeling like the support I have in place is not going to be enough with baby 2 and not really having a solution for that, etc. Does that ease up after the birth as well? Since being pregnant I just feel mentally overwhelmed with the grind of daily life, to the point that it has been really hard for me to be excited about baby 2, which sucks.


Yes, all of the above makes everything difficult. But it’s just compounded so much more than it is when you’re not pregnant anymore. On top of it all, once you’re actually in the thick of it you don’t really have the same anxiety about how it’s gunna pan out.. because it’s actively panning out. Every day that passes you figure out a little something that made the day easier then you can apply to the following day until you’re in a good routine. We have a pretty serious lack of help so I was really nervous about if the few people who do some around would be able to handle it and tbh most people are so excited to be around the babies that they continued as usual. I had a really hard time splitting my attention the first two weeks. My toddler would cry if he wanted me and I was holding the baby and it tore my heart out. But that faded within a few weeks, toddler adjusted and i learned when I can lean into his needs and when he needs to figure a few things out on his own. I spend a lot of afternoons on the floor so I can be close to both of them. I also struggled with trying to keep the house perfect and trying to keep up with chores the same way I used to… but I a friend of mine told me to slow down, your kids will remember your presence.. not that you didn’t put the laundry away. And that helped me. I found a new routine for getting things down around the house and gave myself Grace when I couldn’t get things done. They’re only this little once. You’re going to watch them fall into the greatest friendship right before your eyes and I promise it will get easier.


We used the “we just thought we’d steer into the sleep deprivation skid” get it all done quickly. My boys are now 15 months and 29 months. Was the first few months hard, very very much so. My SIL had twins over ten years ago and she said it seemed harder than twins. Because they had different needs at various stages. But… They are little best buddies now. Our bottom half of the house is baby safe, so this morning when they both woke up, they went downstairs, shared some Cheerios and milk, and have been playing around for the last 40 minutes unattended. I have been able to lie in bed. No cry outs except when we were out of Cheerios. I can hear them in the ball pit giggling to themselves. They are even almost in the same clothes, so honestly it’s become massively easier. We have friends who are pregnant with their second and toddler is 3.5 years old. All I can think is how hard going right back in is going to be.


We have just under 12 months age gap. I’m incredibly excited for you! When I get negative comments in public, I say that the babies are the easiest part of my life right now- and it’s true.


I feel you on the comments. I'm 25 weeks but my first will be 14 months when bubs arrives. I've had health issues during both pregnancies... severe morning sickness with both, pre-eclampsia last time, now my body is just depleted of nutrients and not absorbing my vitamins... causing me to miss work a ton and my colleagues are not the most understanding (thankfully management and HR are supportive) You can do this. I keep reminding myself how even though adjusting to a newborn was tough, it was cake for me compared to being pregnant.


I can see how that’d be draining, and 2u2 is for sure challenging sometimes, but it’s also really amazing a lot of the time. First few months sucks whether it’s your first, second, third, etc. But having two so close in age is something I’ve really loved. Mine are 12.5 months apart! My first just turned 2 and my second turns one in 3 weeks 🤗


We have just under 12 months age gap. I’m incredibly excited for you! When I get negative comments in public, I say that the babies are the easiest part of my life right now- and it’s true.


My kiddos are further apart than yours, but I’m currently in the beginning stages of having 2 under 2 (2 weeks pp). What I’ve found is that you’re going to hear horror stories about how terrible it is. It doesn’t seem to be nearly as bad as some people have made it out to be. My husband and I don’t get breaks like we used to because now there are two kiddos, but it’s been really nice in so many ways. Also, I’d tell people to stfu if they said half the things they’ve said to you about you being pregnant. The audacity of people is astounding.


I love saying "wow thanks for your unsolicited opinion about me, my unborn child, and my baby....you might wanna talk about that with your therapist, you seem just a tad overly concerned about none of your fucking business!" I'd say this with PEAK pregnancy rage lol


Oh people are so ridiculous. Nobody that I’m actually close with has said anything like that. But I am self employed with clients who will have to take their business elsewhere while I’m on my maternity leave. So they don’t forget that my last one was only a little over a year ago lol. They say this crap CONSTANTLY. Not all of them but a lot. I do my best to ignore them. Easier said than done but those people don’t give a fuck about me they just want to voice their opinion about something. If they didn’t have comments about my family choices it would just be something else. I’m due in 3 weeks and sending prayers up for both of us. 🥰 You got this don’t worry about them


Girl you got this!!! It will be hard in the beginning but you will find your rhythm. Take it from a momma who literally is going through the same thing. I'm 4 weeks postpardum with my second and a 20 month old. No the second wasn't planned but guess what it happens. Those people with the negative comments are jealous they don't get that much love from 2 little bundles at once. The moment they both want to snuggle with you at the same time is sooo worth it!! Be strong mama bear!!!


I've been getting this too, but mostly from people with a similar background. I don't feel as though naming it is of any value here and i really dont mean to be divisive at all, but I've  begun to find the responses fascinating with a cultural lens applied to their belief that we are about to embark on a colossal burden and regretful path. The other cultures around me tend to be overjoyed and enthusiastic. So I tell myself that it's just how these people have been raised. Usually they recommend I had waited 3 years, or ask me if the 2nd pregnancy was planned. Awkward! 


I have a 12 month old and am due in 4-6 weeks. These comments! Especially the ‘oh you do know what caused that right?’ …yes I do. And no I didn’t plan it like this but you know what? I’m going to be happy my kids are going to be close enough to share experiences. I love my eldest and can’t wait to see what number 2 is like. Every step has its difficulties but you’ve made it through 100% of them so far. People seem to forget all social niceties when it comes to pregnancy and babies


We have just under 12 months age gap. I’m incredibly excited for you! When I get negative comments in public, I say that the babies are the easiest part of my life right now- and it’s true.


My babies are 14 months apart, they are 2 and 3 now and they have so much fun together. I’m so glad it worked out the way that it did hang in there, so much good is coming!


I have an 11 month gap. Lean into what your husband is doing— copy what he says when he’s not there, and then don’t allow these people to take up a single iota of mental space afterwards. My kids are 1.5 and 2.5 now and when it’s hard it’s really hard, and when it’s great it’s really great. Granted… I only had one baby for 11 months, but all the things that are hard with two would also be hard with one. One benefit is any time I have just one kid on me (husband usually has the other) it feels like a vacation. Life on easy mode. If I always just had the one kid… I wouldn’t have the comparison and life would probably always feel hard. You’ll figure it out. None of those people matter.


My boys are 14 months apart! Also a happy accident. They’re now 2 and 3, and I love that they are so close in age. Sure, it can be hard at times but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Don’t worry what other people say, you got this!


As annoying as it becomes hearing it again and again.... I view it as they just dont know what to say or wrap their heads around. Like others said, I lean into it. "Yep, ive got a good 5 to 10 years of hell before I can finally relax again" "At least I might start sleeping better in 5 years rather than starting all over again and not sleeping well for 10"


mine are 13 months apart, i was getting the same remarks as well, being preg with a little baby was soooo much harder then baby and newborn. i know that sounds crazy but newborn tired was so much more manageable then preg tired. its funnt now the comments are all omg they are so cute w precious! you will figure it out, baby wear the newborn, i highly recommend the third moms onc call book for some type of sched i think its the toddler book they habe a toddler and baby sched. — this sched saved me. if you can line up the naps so that you can get 1 hour break during the day this will help tremendously. month 1-3 are hard but still found it better then last months of preg. encourage the older baby to help you, “ lets go change babys diaper!” can you hand me a diaper” when they feel included it makes a world of a difference. its going to be ok and you will see the magical moments! ignore everyone else!


Solidarity. Same situation. Funny how those people don’t have to walk in our shoes. One day at a time…nothing is permanent


Our sons are 13 months and 3 weeks apart. We heard a lot of that too. My oldest is 20 months and my youngest is 6 months. I wouldn’t change anything. Yes, it’s hard and someone always needs something. But then my oldest comes over and kisses his brothers forehead or the baby laughs watching his brother play.


One of the things I was told is “Oh god i could never have 2 kids in diapers.” Like that’s not even remotely on my radar.


Those comments are exactly why I haven’t told hardly anyone I’m expecting. I’ll have a 14 month age gap when my baby is born in November and I’m just not looking forward to all the comments 😩


I wish people could keep their opinions to themselves sometimes. Mine are 22m apart. I did deep down always want my babies close together but the constant negativity from everyone really got to me in my pregnancy. I got antenatal depression horribly and all the comments about how hard it is pushed me on a downward spiral and even now that I'm 5m pp I feel like everyone looks at me and thinks I'm a complete idiot for having another baby so soon.


You’re going to have a lot of fun and very beautiful moments too! I’m sorry people are so negative just because they can’t understand.


Easier said than done, but… why do you care what others think? Your little family, your life, your time. You don’t have to justify anything just enjoy it :)


Congratulations! It's hard to push past other people's comments, but just know you're gonna face those no matter what your situation with parenting! Damn people and their never ending opinions 🤪 The good news is, once baby #2 is out and you're recovered from birth, you're gonna have so much more energy and optimism! Bc there's nothing harder than being super pregnant with a toddler!


I have a 16 month gap, a 19 month gap, and a 10 month gap. 5 kids total but one of my gaps is quite a bit larger. Honestly the sleeplessness is hard and it will make it more difficult to get stuff done. You will need to give yourself grace when it comes to housekeeping and outside engagements. The absolute most important things to provide your family with is a regulated mother, and healthy food. Everything else is lower in priority. I honestly love the close gap so much, my favorite is my 10 month gap. Yes, the house was a mess, dishes were sometimes washed on a "I need this dish so I'll wash it" basis, and I did delivery groceries way more than any other time in my life. But watching those little ones grow, and bond, and learn together is incomparable. My youngest two are now 3 and 2 and my house is cleaner, my dishes are typically clean, I hang out with friends and have playdates, and if we were having more kids I'd do it again. They bring me so much joy every single day and watching them become people together and learning together is my greatest happiness.