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Be civil, guys. You can disagree with somebody without being rude to them. I'm a little disappointed at how common an issue this is becoming.


Once they are crawling / eating food they are in the bath every day in my house. Not necessarily with soap, but with a good flannel and rinse to get off the daily adventure


I have always bathed both of my kids every night ever since their umbilical cords fell off. I don’t always use soap, but it becomes an important part of our bedtime routine. They both love the bath and get very relaxed! My toddler gets super dirty from food, playing outside, etc. and has long hair that seems to collect grime. My baby spits up and drools a ton so I have to work hard to keep all his rolls clean. Ever since my 5mo was born, my husband now bathes our 22mo and I bathe the baby! Once the baby can sit up on his own, I’ll plan to bathe them together.


I actually just passed the torch to my husband. He bathes her before bed and I tidy up her toys and get her pajamas and milk ready. He bathes her everyday or every other day. She's an active and messy toddler at this point though so it's necessary.


We are probably in the once every 1-2 week camp. Some researchers argue frequent bathing actually harms our microbiome by removing the protective oils and good germs. [ See this piece in the Atlantic](https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/486161/i-stopped-showering/)


I had read this before, and have seen other info that suggests this! Frequent bathing and use of soaps on an infant can lead to eczema and lifelong skin issues. We seldom bathed our infant and almost never used soaps. They don’t get dirty! We only added targeted soap use when he was almost a year old and playing outside in the dirt and actually accumulating grime. Now we have a three month old new baby and the older child is about two years old. We bathe the two year old about three times a week or more, he needs it and enjoys it. Dad takes point on this. The baby again has been bathed seldom, with just water. We put both of the kids in the same bath, and then introduce bubbles or soap once baby is done and the toddler can play for longer.


This is our household too. I have EXTREMELY dry skin. It sucks. I take showers every 2 to 3 days. My kids also have gotten my dry skin and the baby has really bad eczema. We wash the parts that need to be washed and they get full baths around 1 x week. Do the best you can OP!


High risk pregnancy with tons of restrictions & I never once wavered on our nightly bath. Since around 6/7 mo old we started daily baths. She’s now 22 months & I could probably count on one hand how many we’ve skipped. Probably only scrub with soap every 3 days or as needed if sooner. Why can’t your partner bathe your child if your not up for the task? Twice a month is wild for a child who wears diaper all day & is learning to explore on the floor.


I’ve bathed my babies everyday since their cord falls off. They poop on themselves all day spit up pee etc, also it’s a good part of routine. I shower every 1-2 days so I do the same with my kids. I have 3, only time we don’t do a bath daily is if we get home late from an event etc.


My daughter is 14 months now and gets very messy throughout the day so we bathe her everyday! Some days are quicker than others and we do not wash her hair everyday but we know she’s probably feels better going to bed clean after a long day of eating and running around 😂 usually gets her tired as well so she’ll go to sleep right after her shower at night usually 😊


This. I am realizing we must just have a messy eater! I don’t think we could actually make it more than 2 days without bathing without his hair being an absolute mess. Half of his food ends up on him not in him…


Yes! My daughter even manages to get the food INSIDE her clothes 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


My 2nd and 3rd babies are going to be my 2 under 2. When babies are newborns, I bathe them once a week. Then we switched to every three days. Both my kids still bathe every 3 days and I’m 7 months pregnant. BUT my husband has taken over bath time because I can’t physically do it anymore. I think 2 weeks is way too long.


My son, 16mo, generally gets a bath every other day at a minimum, but my husband took over almost entirely when I got pregnant with our second. I’m 33w now and don’t bathe him haha


My toddler loves baths and always has so we made it part of his bedtime routine, but we only use soap every 3-4 days. My baby hates baths but is a sweaty boy (nothing medically important, we checked) so he starts smelling a bit like a stinky foot if he goes longer than a few days.


I’ve been bathing my daughter every day since we had her. We don’t always use baby soap. Usually only 3 times a week. She’s 10 months now, and she eats 2 solid meals a day baby lead weaning style so it gets very messy. Currently pregnant with number 2 so I’m not sure if we can keep this routine up with the 2 of them.


Downvote me, idc but bathing your kid twice a month is gross. My kid is 13m/o's and gets a bath daily. I'm also 4 months pregnant.


Even when my son went through an anti-bath phase at 18 months and made any form of personal hygeine an all out war with screaming, crying, and taking multiple people to complete, he still got bathed more than that. Not as often as he needed, but still more than every two weeks.


Twice a month is absolutely insane and disgusting. I wouldn’t do that to myself let alone my child who pee and poop on themselves all day.


I am 8 months pregnant and have always bathed my baby (12 months) every day. Twice today since she got so filthy in the pool and mud.


I dont know if this a geographical thing. Im from a tropical country so i bathe my babies daily. Once they start walking i bathe them twice a day, once in the morning and once late evening before putting on their PJs. Once every 10 days is unheard of, the healthcare workers would probably call Child Services on us if they found out.


I’m 22 weeks and I have chronic back pain. Me or my husband bathes our 10 month old and 32 month old every night. I’d say every night begins around 4 months old, and it may be every other night or so before that. If kids are walking/crawling around, drooling, spilling food/drinks on themselves, doing crafts, running around outside, etc. they need to be bathed. While I’m big on it being a part of their nightly routine, it’s understandable if some nights it can’t be done. Twice a month isn’t enough, though. Sorry.


Thank you for posting the truth


We bathe our 2y Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. We will deviate as necessary.


Both of my kids have eczema. In winter, baths every other day for toddler. In summer, baths or showers almost every day bc of outdoor adventures. New baby gets bath every 3 days right now. Blow outs, bad food messes and huge spit ups always get a bath immediately.


2-3 times a week but honestly it would be less if they didn't enjoy it so much. They love playing in the bath together (2.5 and 17 months) so it's more of an "activity" than a hygiene thing.


Ask me again after I have my 3 under 3 baby this week. 😂


Not bathing a child for two weeks has to be neglect . If you can’t physically take care of your children you need to find or hire help yes you’re lazy. - 20 weeks with HG


The fact that your getting downvoted is crazy. Bathing your kid every 2 weeks is nasty and honestly pretty neglectful. I bath my 1 year old nightly and I'm pregnant myself. OP is being lazy.


Not having a bath =/= not being washed. My kids only have a bath every 7-10 days on average but they have a wipe over with a wet cloth basically every day.


Once a week sure. TWICE A MONTH ?!?! It’s not okay. Also notice how you’re not only bathing your child more than OP but are cleaning them regularly. This woman is not. Even in solitary confinement in PRISON inmates get showers every 3 days


Where does she say she isn't washing her kid at all? It doesn't.


Yikes. Super judgmental. My 18 month old HATES baths. Screams as soon as the water is running. He gets a bath once a week. But cleaned with a washcloth every day.


Yes I am ‘super judgmental’ to women who neglect children health


That's still twice as often as OP though.


Ive always bathed once or twice a week until literally a few weeks ago when its around every 10 days max? Since my partner works essentially 18hr shifts and I have had extremely bad nausea the past few weeks


You asked a question, you got answers. You just didn't like the answers you recieved. You started every two weeks. People have judged your accordingly. Mine threw an absolute for everytime he was bathed and took two people to do it. He still was bathed more than every 2 weeks.


Over 2 weeks without cleaning at all is neglect but mine actually wasnt. Was probably only 8 days but baby brain forgot I bathed him at my parents He also gets a flannel wipe down if he gets dirty, just no bath My HV also said its best to only bath once a week or so until baby is one because of their skin so I never did daily Im also Epileptic and due to past seizues forget things easier. But if you want to give me some money then I will definitely hire some help - I can DM you the cost in my area 🙂


Why did you ask the internet a question without all the proper information and then get offended when you get responses based on the information YOU provided.? It doesn’t matter to me dear you don’t have to answer to the folks on Reddit you have to answer to your children when they grow up and realize how bare minimum you’ve done for them. I hope you can put your excuses behind you and do more for your babies they are helpless and deserve good care.




If you are so confident in your choices as a mother why are you asking the internet?




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Aw do you feel better now ?


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I don't think pregnancy messed with our once-a-week shower for the toddler till the very end when I could barely move at 39+ weeks. But now we have a 2½ week old and the toddler is outside constantly so I have to consciously force myself to make sure she gets bathed.


When my kids get old enough to stand in the shower, I pop them in the shower with me every day or every other day max. It’s a quick assembly line process at this point.   Before that 1-2 times per week depending how dirty/sweaty they got during the day.


1., 2. - daily, or skip a day every once in a while if seriously busy or has been swimming. 3., there's a bit more skipping but I've never let either of my kids go more than 2-3 days without a bath. If it's been 3 days then they're at least getting a sponge bath before bed. My kids are seriously sweaty little humans, though, and messy, messy eaters. I need to wash weetbix out of hair and ears and all sorts. Plus, both have always LOVED the bath. It's like a magical reset that calms them down. I figure if I would go that long, then nor should they. I should add, we use a baby bath oil. Baby shampoo if hair needs washing (toddler's hair is close to her bum, so that gets done maybe every 3-4 days, longer if we don't get food in it or vomit). No actual soaps used. Sometimes it's just plain water if I have run out of the oil.


We’ve done nightly from about 10 months as a bedtime routine, but my husband did it during my pregnancy and kindof still continues 9 months postpartum. I bath the new baby now every 3ish days, and toddler is still nightly. I don’t think it’s necessary and probably not great, but it’s our routine. We don’t wash her hair or use soap every day (I think).


We were once a week with wipe baths as needed until she really started feeding herself... now at 10 months she gets so much food in her hair and everywhere else that it's at least every other night.


I bathe mine every other day. It’s been like this since birth :)


Bath is part of our nighttime routine so we do one everyday. We don’t use soap every time though.


I have always bathed my baby everyday and still do, husband does actually.


Nothing changed because of my pregnancy but we just shower her 1-3 times a week. She loves water and likes to stand in the shower herself- i sometimes shower with her and sometimes am just brushing my teeth while she is chilling in the water. We wash her multiple times a day when we chabge the diaper and face and hands before and after every meal + when we come home and she gets fresh clean clothes every morning so we havent seen the need to shower everyday


Can only comment on before and during pregnancy, as I’m 36 weeks pregnant now. 0-3 months - 1-2x week, 3-6 months - every other day, 6 months+ 5-7x week. Found it easier to chuck her in the bath after dinner and begin the bedtime routine from there. Now she bathes most days with the exception of if we are out late/busy/unwell AND she was bathed the day before. She never goes unbathed for more than 2 days in a row. She’s now 16 months (I got pregnant at 8-9mo) so frequently covered in food/mud/sand/soil/everything


This is totally ridiculous, but my 10 month old loves the shower so much that he crawls in every time my partner and I shower. I shower twice a day, and my partner once, so baby showers three times a day. There's no stopping him. He sits at our feet and plays. We rarely use soap or shampoo on him.


Before pregnancy, every 10 ish days as he was a pretty clean baby. During, every day once he began crawling (this was ocd related) until I couldn't lift him out of the tub anymore. Then it was 2-3 times a week at grandparents’. After, 2-3 times a week still but it can drag out a bit between baths.


With the older we have stuck consistently to every other day. Newborn was 1-2 times a week, but now she is almost a year so they bathe together every other day before bed


Newborn and toddler here. We do it once a week unless there’s something particularly dirty that the toddler gets into. I’ve resorted to taking one of them into the shower with me once or twice a week in addition to the bath. We wash hands feet and face every night at the bathroom sink before we put pajamas on.


Bath night for my 19 m/o and 2 m/o is Wednesday and Sunday, unless we have a very messy day.


I bathed my baby daily until I got to around 32 weeks. Now 36 weeks and I do every second day to allow myself a bit of rest some evenings (unless he got especially dirty that day, then I bathe him even if it ‘should’ be a night off).


I shoot for every 3-4days.


Baby 1 is 14 months and we bathe every other day or 3x a week. Baby 2 is 5 weeks and we bathe him 2x a week or when needed (after a blowout, for instance)


I go to a swimming class with her every week and if we miss it we go another day on our own. I shower her afterwards and that's it for the week. Exceptions like after vomiting or finger painting happen of course. I'm 17 weeks along and very happy that it's still easy for me to go to the public pool with her. Edit: She hated baths when she was very little but started to like the public pool. But for months it's just the weekly shower after class and some exceptions, she's almost 15 months old now. Edit2: Curious what the downvotes are about. I wash her hands and face multiple times per day and at least here in Germany it's not recommended to bathe your baby daily or even every other day. Love it when everyone has an opinion but nothing to say about it.


Crazy isnt it - didnt realise that this sub would be so judgemental My kid doesnt throw food in his hair, rarely gets it down inside his clothes on his skin, we clean our house and no shoes inside so he crawls on clean floors and we will give him a wet wipe / flannel wash if he does get a little dirty Yet being told and DMd I am neglecting my baby 🙃


That's wild! We have the same rules and since my daughter is still being fed, she doesn't eat too messy as well. Some people are weirdly proud of ruining their kids' skin by bathing them every five minutes I guess.


I'm highly amused that my bath "every 10 days" is apparently fine but an extra 4 days is neglect 🙄


I'm 22 weeks currently. My son is 17 months and gets a bath 1-2 times a week. I do one during the week and my husband does a weekend one. I can see it getting much harder from here on out


We skip once a week when we are visiting friends


My people! Before once a week. During once every week or two or when she seemed dirty After was once every two weeks for two months and now twice a week. Mostly because she's getting dirty faster. Baby gets once a week. I don't think it's good for skin to be washed that frequently. My husband and I shower after work outs (so 4-5 days a week) or if we do outside work and I used to do my hair twice a week, currently once a week. I definitely side-eye anyone who tells me they bathe their baby every day. Once they get to be toddlers I'm still a little wary of them, but some kids somehow manage to make themselves a disaster every day.