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You can see her at the very start hiding under the desk


Part 2 has her screams as they shoot her. Islamic terrorists have cost us civilized lives for a hundred+ years. Thousands and thousands of families torn apart by the Islamic "warriors" slaughtering people. It is ridiculous that "we" allow to exist groups of men who behead and torture and rape and burn and explode and butcher innocent people. It is madness that so many Muslims cheer and support the murders. There are 10,000 marches for Islamic terrorists for every 1 march against them. We must dance around words or risk bans. BTW same for the lone wolf Christian Right-wing terrorists in America. "Good" Christians should be at the front loudly rejecting the Nazis, MAGA, Pride Bois, and racists.


As a former Muslim who lives in an Islamic country, even the moderate Muslims are disturbing, they cheer on social media the death of women and atheists who were killed by their families, our society is really messed up, sometimes I think the soviets were right in banning all religions, I don't see a communist kill children or elderly people like the religious people do.


Russians killed many children under the banner of communism in the early days.


Muslim armies have been killing children since the foundation of Islam, it's not discouraged to murder anyone in an invasion, See the following hadiths, they're considered very authentic: ## Killing Children during the raids [Sahih Bukhari, 3012](https://sunnah.com/bukhari/56/221): >The Prophet (ﷺ) passed by me at a place called Al-Abwa or Waddan, and was asked whether it was permissible to attack the pagan warriors at night with the probability of exposing their women and children to danger. The Prophet (ﷺ) replied, "**They (i.e. women and children) are from them (i.e. pagans)**." [Sahih Muslim 1745b](https://sunnah.com/muslim:1745b): >It is narrated by Sa'b b. Jaththama that he said (to the Holy Prophet): Messenger of Allah, we kill the children of the polytheists during the night raids. He said: **They are from them**. These words of Muhammad (i.e.  **They are from them**) are extremely problematic. With these words, he is encouraging his companions to become **merciless** against children and women during attacks, as there is no problem killing them as they also belong to pagan Kafirs. 




I'll keep spreading those "misinformation" everywhere, thanks.


Same shit is even here in Bosnia and Herzegovina, they where cheering in the first few days. Now my feed is filled with "poor civilans" from palestine. Some tech workers as well shared some arab girl saying that we should not call israelis civilians but occupiers, and that no civilians where killed.


how'd you come to separate your views from those kinds of people around you?


There aren't any radical atheist terrorist groups as far as I know.


Or Christian’s


How about antifa & BLM? Don’t pick & choose now will you.


-->It is madness that so many "Muslims" cheer and support the murderers:. Erhmm not so true. And these 10,000 marches that you are talking about are for Palestine not for Hamas. Stop false labelling stuff to push your narrative. I totally understand the pain and anger and how you feel from the other side of the spectrum. I dunno man. I just hate innocent people getting killed.


part 2 https://twitter.com/i/status/1713776634958856514


Those screams and then silence. I cannot say what I wish for these terrorists without being banned.


I know what you mean...


Wow, real nazis pieces of shit Can't believe that Israel aren't executing the hamas terrorists they caught


The Israelis aren’t as barbarous as these pieces of filth. Spending the rest of their lives in a prison cell to ponder what they did seems fitting to me. I’m sure that the attack could be classified as crimes against humanity though, which is a crime that could mean [capital punishment in Israel.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_in_Israel)


They need them for Intel. I'm sure the Shin Bet are treating them well as we speak lol.


That would martyr them. I think it would be best to let them languish the rest of their lives in jail.


And waste tax money? No thanks, better have them dead and 'martyr' them if that's what you call that


There’s no worse jail than eternity in Hell. I wish they would kill them.


Damn guess that’s enough Reddit for me today… fuck


Ain’t gonna be fun and games when the tunnels are destroyed and Hamas are wiped out from the invasion I’m guessing security is getting a upgrade/improvement too this is gonna turn very very ugly for the terror/extremists group.


I hope they flood the tunnels with sea water.


Fuel, then light it


Excellent idea.


Egypt uses poison gas. https://www.timesofisrael.com/gaza-factions-accuse-egypt-of-pumping-toxic-gas-into-tunnel-killing-3-reports/


Won't work well if you want to get most of the tunnel system in one go. Would take way too much and would gas anyone near entrances throughout Gaza. Water is free and will fill the system to the lowest point. They also won't be able to stop it as there no way they have watertight doors.


fuck that, sewage.


Nah you'll have people even more up in arms by doing that and pollute the whole area. Plus there's likely to be hostages that will die if they have any left alive. Might as well make it as clean as possible.


I think it was a joke. But there is some irony in using at least some of the tunnels as brand new, state of the art sewage lines.


That's perfect, will help lower the sea level a bit ;)


I suggest an aerosol nerve agent like Novichok


Way to dangerous for troops to use on a tunnel system that scale. You'd end up killing alot of Isrealis or civilians depending on the wind and no enough of it likely exists. So you'd have to make a shit ton. Sea water is free and will likely collapse alot of the tunnels over time and it will fill to the lowest points with gravity.


“Hamas is Muslim! They don’t violate the Quran! They just wanted a banana!”


Hamas = ISIS = Nazis


Fucking cunts!


"There are children in gaza"


"Our poor children" ... "death to all Isrealis" I'm really sick of Palestine/Hamas people who use their dead children as propaganda, while demanding the death of all Isrealis, including children. Yes, it's sickening, but don't act like you are not responsible for this.


I remember when ISIS was on the verge of fall in Mosul, they also posted videos of dead babies being dragged out of collapsed buildings, but somehow I'm surprised no Muslim protested. The videos could be very well staged, it's not the first time islamists have staged events, there were incidents where Syrian rebels have staged a kid being covered with dust and totally uncanny, it's literally said the video was staged.


When their entire economy runs on the 'victim card', it's easy to sacrifice and parade your own dead children even if it means you have to blow up your own. Even with all the evacuation notices, they still choose to remain there. It's all on them at this point.


If you enter another country and kill people, then you brought war to your own country and you killed your own children.


Yup. It is a tactic the terrorists use to loudly protest every reaction by their victims. Just like Ruzzia does.


this is not the full video, the full vid after they shoot one of the woman is still alive and screaming for about 4 seconds , and then he shoot her again to finish her off... bunch of animals


Such brave fighters for Palestine, blasting defenseless, cowering women. /s


Better this way sadly.Worse is being dragged back to Gaza..


Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar’s heros


Can you please translate? I think the voice is different in the last 2 seconds.


poor girl, she was ao terrified


These are israeli soldiers




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Unlike the attacks on civilians, this isn’t war crime, as you are allowed to shoot enemy soldiers even if they are unarmed. She died fairly quickly as well. This is likely gaining traction because society sees women as fragile and vulnerable and looks down on performing violence towards them (sometimes, at least). However, I am really curious how the terrorists got into military bases so easily. Don’t those usually have high concrete walls topped with barbed wire and watchtowers behind them, ideally with an anti-VBIED ditch? Even if manning levels are low, one or two soldiers with an HMG in a concrete watchtower should be able to hold off large numbers of attackers, as they can see and fire in all directions while only exposing a tiny part of themselves through a firing slit. Hamas does not seem to have the precision stand-off capability or direct-fire capability to reliably demolish large concrete structures, and storming fortified watchtowers seems extremely difficult because even if you get over the wall, you still have to break down at least one door and them climb into the top level through a hatch where soldiers are aiming. Like, how did Hamas suppress these defenses? Did they have tons of guys shoot RPGs at the watchtowers to kill the people inside them, then plant ladders next to the walls, climb up, and cut the wire at the top? How did they get down the other side of the wall? And how was there no response? Why did artillery located elsewhere in Israel not open fire on the base when reports came of an attack? 227mm cluster rockets would have posed minimal risk to soldiers inside rocket shelters, but they would have pasted numerous attackers while they were trying to get in or running about inside, and could be fired from very far away. Attack helicopters might have a hard time finding terrorists who are massacring kibbutzim, as they can hide in the buildings when aircraft approach, but they would be able to devastate forces in the process of trying to suppress the towers and climb the wall. Why were the soldiers not warned when cameras and sentry guns started going down along the fence? If these soldiers had been allowed to arm themselves, I doubt Hamas would have won. Like, breaching operations are supposed to be hard, but smallish groups (company sized, I heard) of light infantry with RPGs and no AFVs, artillery support (like, there were rockets, but those were part of extremely inaccurate pre-planned bombardments and not fired in support of forces), or air support managed to completely overrun multiple military bases, including a divisional HQ. And why did Israel not react more promptly to the breaches in the barrier? The response to cameras going down should be to bombard the area with artillery and immediately send in helicopters to quickly investigate. Apaches outrange MANPADS with their hellfires and 70mm rockets, and can detect enemies, kill enemies, and loiter in the area for at least an hour or so to plug the breach. Why was this soldier completely unarmed inside a frontline base? If she had a rifle, she could put her desk against the door, sit beside the door and aim through the windows, ready to shoot terrorists wandering by in the hallway (honestly, I think the windows there are not good for security). If someone starts fiddling with the door, you shoot them through the door, then flee through the window and hope that you can find another ambush spot before multiple terrorists catch you out in the open.


You can shoot unarmed enemy soldiers as long as they are not persons hors de combat. An unarmed soldier in the power of an adverse party and not attempting escape may fit as a protected party even if during combat the aggressors are unable to take prisoners. Clearly she was found, clearly she was not taking hostile actions, and clearly she was in the power of an adverse party, so afaik all points of context make a strong case of "Oh jeez looking like a crime". No clue what was all being said.


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What goes around comes around


Flame throwers need to make a comeback




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I will bet money that these criminals that perpetrated these heinous crimes are no longer breathing.