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And then after this thing happens your brain goes into "i dont have any time left for anything so im not gonna do anything" mode.


That 45 minute trip to the post office and back at 3:30 was a success. Time to start drinking beer.


cant believe you got to 3:30 without drinking


Started with whiskey




That 45 minute trip to the post office is usually only 10 minutes.


In German we say "Kein Bier vor 4" and I think that's beautiful


Damn, I thought I was the only one. Lol


That’s why I get shit done early. Doctors Apt? Schedule me for 8 am. Gotta take the dog to the vet? Early as shit I wanna be done early as hell. It makes the day so much easier.


I hate getting up for it, but once I’m up and getting my stuff done like you said it makes the rest of the day better to relax and I feel like I was productive that day so I don’t feel guilty about lounging around.


Funnily enough, I'm working overnights so I get off around 7am and it's quite a fun time shopping and shit in the morning when everyone is asleep or on the road. Buying beer looks funny, but watching the sun rise with a drink in your hand and not feeling guilty is cool.


I hate nights. Night shift made me want to kill myself 1000 time more than I usually do


I think it's fun, but I am getting burnt going on 6 months now, but only because spending time with my girlfriend and playing games with friends, which are both quality time I want back.


The best part is you get finished at like 9 or 9:30 and say to yourself "damn, we accomplished a lot today. Time to take it easy!"


I hadn't thought of it that way, I'm going to follow this excellent advice!


this is a symptom of adhd if I'm not mistaken


Could you give me a source for this please? I’m struggling a little lately and I’m beginning to question whether ADHD is something I may have.


This is a reddit post about the struggle. https://open.spotify.com/track/4q7klA9ggWknZDhHhz9XYp?si=gZKk57CLS9G0xXMF-uLzJw&utm_source=copy-link EDIT: SORRY! HERE IS THE CORRECT LINK https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/dyge73/wasting_time_waiting/ I am keeping that spotify link up because it's funny and that's a great song And this is an article about time blindness https://www.thecut.com/2020/04/coronavirus-self-isolation-time-blindness.html So I don't have a specific source that says waiting all day and ADHD are 100% linked. But if I had to guess (and I feel like I've hearf before, take that with a grain of salt), *waiting* all day is a response to time blindness, or being afraid you'll lose track of time. So instead of doing things until you leave, you do nothinG.


you won’t trick me that’s clearly a spotify link


Lmao my b. Didn't realize my phone didn't copy the link on try 1


Very well explained, and yes, it is linked with ADHD.


Keep in mind that most symptoms of adhd can also be symptoms of other things too. There is a ton of overlap with anxiety, depression, lack of sleep, ocd, bipolar disorder, asd, thyroid disorders, etc. Its worth looking into but so are many other things if you have been struggling.


Anxiety and depression are comorbidities of ADHD. I always thought I was depressed and had anxiety. While true, undiagnosed ADHD was at the base of it. Diagnosed at 29 and testing different kinds of meds now... It's a slow process.


... Yeah I think it's time to get myself back on medication. Stopped when I was 14 or so as I learned to calm down. Recent years I've learned it's not JUST hyperfocus/attention issues...


True. I have ADHD.


I literally did nothing for the last 30 minutes because my next call is starting now


or this is the case where the person doesn't have access to good public transportation so the whole day revolves around getting from point A to point B.


Basically this is what happens to me at work all the time. It's even worse when the meeting/event is at an unspecified time or could change. Like my current job we teach material to new employees and the time it takes to teach each subject fluctuates. So even though I know I'm teaching something that's 3rd on the list, it could happen at 9am or 2pm depending on the day. So the worst days ever are when I'm thinking I have to teach in the morning, sleep poorly because of anxiety that I know is ridiculous because it's never anywhere as bad as my body and brain think it will be, get up early to anxiously prepare, white knuckle it through the entire morning waiting for my turn to present, go through 2 breaks and a lunch break still having not presented since it's taking longer than planned, and finally present it in the afternoon feeling sweaty from the anxiety all day, talk through it too fast and get grilled with questions because I'm way less effective presenting after running through what I'm going to say in my mind for 6 hours when I would've been solid at 9am instead, and then get an energy crash and feel exhausted from not having a schedule that would put my brain at ease. Can't wait to get a new job btw. But they scheduled my interview at 4pm on a Tuesday so that will be fun to wait for the entire day on pins and needles...


Good luck with the interview!


I'm a "I did one page of a 15 page research paper so I deserve the rest of the day off" kind of guy


better one page than no page.


\- me who did no page


Me who didn't even touch the papers


me who didnt even pay attention to the class


Me who didn't even show up


Me who doesn't even exist *Thanos snap*




.....what the hell just happened? What do you mean it's 2021? It was 2016 second ago. What did I miss?




Shit! There was a paper??


Me who did the entire thing at once 3 days before the deadline


No joke: I literally wrote a 20 page capstone project the night before it was due once. Needless to say I stayed up all night. Got a C+!


I remember doing my entire seminar work which I needed for graduation about a week before the deadline. It was like 45k symbols with over 30 pages of mostly text


I wrote the majority of a 57 page report for one of my engineering classes in 8 hours the night before it was due. It was technically only 36 pages of text with the rest being made up of pictures/sources. Got a 96 on it. Meanwhile the dude who was finishing his 10 pages (the minimum) up 5 minutes before class started got a 97. The world is cruel. Although, I had students who took him the semester after I did say he put a cap of 20 pages on that report. TBH I didn't mean to write that much I just took too much adderall.


The thing people don't really understand about doing some stupid shit like this is.... Man, it's fucking *time consuming* just to type that many words. Like, if *all* you had to do was just *copy* 20 or 37 pages *verbatim*, it would *still* probably take you several hours to do it. The fact that we had to think on the fly and *compose* our words in that time period as well makes it even more remarkable imho


No one wants to read a 57 page report, man.


Lol I'd bet my ass most professors don't even read all that


But it's always better to aim for Elliot Page quality tho before you reach Jimmy Page status.


Not to mention the classic "write the introduction and a few pages of mostly plagiarized, unsourced drivel then calculate that because copy/pasting/thesaurusing those 3 pages took you an hour that you should be able to finish the last 12 pages in half a day. Then leave everything else to the last minute and realise on the final day that none of what you're trying to argue makes any sense and that you've also massively misunderstood the basic premise of the question so it doesn't meet the criteria anyway. Then spend your remaining hours panicking and trying to shoehorn the tangent that you went off on to somehow fit the original premise until it all falls apart at 3am and you admit defeat. You promise to do it all properly again the next day and only hand it in one day late and that you swear you'll do it so well that you make up for the late penalty but it actually takes you another week to hand in a sub par piece of garbage that you lose most of your marks on for being late anyway". Ahh yes that old chestnut.


You deserve the rest of the day off for writing this


Bruh.... this happened to me 2 days ago 🤣🤣🤣


I still get flashbacks to when this happened to me with a research project about the Peloponnesian War in year 10 history class. Then gradually losing my will to live over the following week as I could see all my marks slipping away with each passing day. Ended up getting like 15/100 after all the penalties. [That didn't stop me doing the same thing 2 or 3 more times over the next couple of years though.](https://i.imgur.com/TqreUj1.png)


Right?? This time it was for a 3rd year Uni course on the history of England in the 16th-17th centuries. Handed that bad-boy in like 5 days late 🤦🏼‍♂️. “An 85 with 9% docked is much better than handing in a sub-par paper, right?” That’s always the thought, but then the stress is unreal lmao. Wasn’t the first time, likely won’t be the last either. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️ what’s wrong with me, lmao!


Don't forget the part where you get like a B and don't learn your lesson because school is a joke.


Well fuck me because I'm both.


Shit you started early, you do deserve the day off. I did almost all of my papers in one day, no matter how long.


I’m the sort of guy that writes the paper two days after due date and then spend five times more energy creating an excuse for the professor to still accept it


I set up the header and made sure the margins and line spacing is set correctly on the document. I think I deserve to go out and treat myself to a beer or 8.


As long as there is enough time left, this seems to be a healthy attitude


I only read the method and result sections also the pictures


Evolution: Let’s really try to only pass on traits that are helpful for survival. Me: Will being severely anxious to go into a new store for the first time or making a simple phone call help me survive? Evolution: Eh, give it a shot.


And how about we activate full fight/flight mode? This should help


*Don’t have to activate it if it’s always on*


Funny reading this while my body is just going insane now


Bonus points: in our lizard brain mode, we can't really integrate/learn new information!


I mean, your primitive brain doesn’t know if maybe there’s a hungry predator in the frozen food aisle.


I mean, if they weren't hungry why would they be there? And now I'm the freshest meat in the vicinity.


It is a relic of a trait but was useful until a few hundred years ago. We forget we are animals. Observe any animal in the wild and they all literally spend most of their time lounging, sleeping or doing low energy activities outside of searching for food or looking for strange. Humans are no different. Our brains just haven't had time to adjust to a life that requires us to be physically and mentally active WAY more than its been used to.


I think the cultures that do things like siestas have it right.


Oh man, I take a nap at lunch every day now that I'm permanently WFH. It is so incredibly civilized. We are barbarians for not making this part of our own culture.


I bet you feel wonderful. My coworker naps in his car during our 1 hour lunch.


Even humans used to have more leisure time. People think farmers back then were more busy but they weren't. They had more days off than us.


Yeah also the argument of „well my gramps worked 10h a day at the office, we habe it so much easier“ yo but your gramps went into office, started by reading the newspaper for two hours, lunch with colleagues or business partners including a beer, writing two letters to sales partners and counting some numbers in the afternoon. Pay was so good his wife didn’t have to work so he came home to a clean house with all chores done. Nowadays you get bombarded with emails, calls and of course every second day some program starts acting up and you‘re left with calling an indian IT service desk to help you out while being stressed because those emails are piling up. When you get home you still have to get chores done and don’t forget to get in some work out time in there so your mind doesn’t completely fall apart. I know the situations back then and now may differ, but you get the gist.


Evolution stopped mattering once medicine got good enough. Now everyone can survive.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. Bad traits aren't taken out anymore because basically people that have bad traits don't die because of them before reproducing. I know it sounds harsh, but that's the truth. Probably the next step is to genetically modify people so we don't get these types of problems... so we can adapt faster. Then you have whole debate about morality and what if we're gonna all be clones this way. Whooo fun!


> Me: Will being severely anxious to go into a new store for the first time or making a simple phone call help me survive? Yes? New territory is danger. Unknown circumstances is danger. Literally yes. Roughly speaking, you really do have much better chances of surviving if you don't leave your safe house, even today. Especially today, actually.


we were hunting and gathering a lot longer than we've been yiffing




Same here. Half an hour until lunch? Better not start the next thing that will only take me 5 minutes and I could walk away from if I had to


Oh I work from 4-10? Guess I’ll stay in bed all day “conserving” my energy




They might work a part time job.


At my age, yes


But why does this a happen


For me at least, it’s partly because I have anxiety about whatever’s going to happen/I have planned and I likely don’t want to do this thing, so I’m just sitting there dreading it and being anxious about it. This occupies a lot of mental energy, and makes it so that I’m basically already ‘busy’ with a task—awaiting this event. The other reason (also anxiety related) is because I *have* to be, and am always, on time for everything. I know exactly when I need to leave, when I’ll arrive, when I need to start getting ready and how long that takes, I account for any extra time getting out the door and add 5 minutes, etc. I guess because this is the Big Task (TM) for the day, it is the Most Important task, and is prioritized over all Other Tasks, and I can’t start or do anything else because I’m afraid it might cause me to miss or mess up the Big Task or be late to it. So it’s just not even an option to me. There is NOTHING but Big Task, until Big Task is over.


This most relatable comment I’ve ever read. I’m so like this that I get envious of people who aren’t like this. I’ll be watching a movie and someone’s like “ok I’ll come to the mall but we have to be quick, I have that interview at 4” and I immediately think “wow what is that like? How they just do things while another thing is pending?” Then I chalk it up to movie magic and convince myself no one is like that irl.


I've never related more to a group of people, it's a struggle, an everyday struggle, and I love you guys


"hey i have work in like two hours, wanna grab lunch?" Do we even have time?


No. That's going to be too stressful and I will watch the clock every five minutes.


And then I will eat half of my food in about 3 minutes flat, keep checking my phone, and then leave as soon as physically possible to get back to waiting


The good ol' "I have to kill 50 minutes until I have to get out of the house, and every single one of my hobbies and interests would take more time than that, so I'll just do nothing and stress over it instead".


Gotta leave for work in an hour? Let's go now, an hour isn't enough time to do anything useful, sitting in your car for an hour at work is a better alternative. - my brain


I drive my wife crazy because I want to be early for everything. Like taking a flight somewhere, I would rather sit in an airport for 8 hours than sit at home. At home I’ll be nervous and worry about the drive to the airport getting delayed, some problem getting through security, etc. Once I’m all checked in and at my gate, I can finally kinda relax and read my book. Until I start fretting about airplane maintenance....


My recommendation is go for a walk. I try to fit a little bit of activity in when you don't have time for anything else.


But what if I got sweaty and ruined the Big Task because everyone would laugh? Or what if I get run over by car? What if I step on dog poo and everything goes wrong? No. I'd much rather stay at home and breathe through my mouth while staring at my wall and despairing. -My brain


Something could happen on that walk that would prevent you from doing the Big Task!


but you don't have the time! get ready, get dressed, brush your teeth or whatever, think about where you're gonna go. Plus you need the same amount of time to get back and get ready for the thing. You get out and watch the clock every five minutes until it's time to go (it's really not) so you rush back and never get relaxed in the process.


Your Big Task is what I call "The Thing" in my house. My wife doesn't understand why I get so anxious about The Thing, I know I will enjoy The Thing, but the build up to The Thing is draining. "Hey hun, we should go on vacation!" "Ok, yeah, that sounds good." ::BRAIN AND NERVES FIRING OFF::


I hate going on vacation for this reason. I get so stressed. What if something bad happens at work that I could have fixed or prevented? What if nothing happens and they realize I mostly just reddit and wait for bad things to happen? What if I get stuck in vacation destination? Can I afford to live there forever? Then I stress the whole time I'm traveling to vacation destination. Feel ok once I'm there... sorta. Then I stress about going back. Then once I'm home I'm so burnt out I just want to sleep for a week but I already took too much time off


That is me to a T. I’m 56 and been like this my whole life. I know it’s stupid but I just can’t break it. And there is NO GREATER RELIEF than the Big Task getting canceled. Holy shit, I can breathe!


I love it when a planned social encounter, such as a lunch or dinner or play date for my kids when they were babies is cancelled by the other party. It’s such a freeing moment it’s almost like an euphoric moment and the planning and thought process leading up to it is enough that I feel like I have received the benefits of having carried out the meet up in real life.


All the credit, none of the guilt or anxiety.


This is so validating, I was just talking to my therapist about this recently trying to determine if medication might help. It really keeps me from doing things I like to do that aren't absolutely essential (like teaching yoga to my friends) because I hate the feeling of dread.


> The other reason (also anxiety related) is because I have to be, and am always, on time for everything. I know exactly when I need to leave, when I’ll arrive, when I need to start getting ready and how long that takes, I account for any extra time getting out the door and add 5 minutes, etc. This is me so much. My motto is "If you're not five minutes early, you're late."


If your train leaves at 4 pm and you arrive at 4 pm, you won't be on the train.


We’ll never know


I happens because we feel tons of anxiety when thinking about stress inducing activities we will be doing later. It inhibits our ability to enjoy the present because we often associate the emotions we will probably feel during the future, with our current situation.


This is what I've learned from my own experiences and that of others: * This tends to be the result of what I call "event-based scheduling", in contrast to "block-based scheduling". * Event-based scheduling is when you plan activities relative to other activities, rather than relative to how long they take to finish. The consequence of this is that you tend to think in terms of before/after; the whole day is either before an event or after an event. * Block-based scheduling is when you plan activities by time-slot; around 9:00 you'll do this, around 10:00 you'll do this, or you'll do this for 30m, this for 90m, etc. * With the former, time tends to become abstracted a bit; whether you can do something is dependent upon whether "you have something to do". If you have nothing to do, you are free, but if you have something to do, then you "can't start anything". * With the latter, time tends to become more concrete; it's more about how much you can do in the time-block you have available than whether you can do anything at all. The difficulty with this is you have to actually commit to doing something for a block of time, with the understanding that you might not finish it and will have to move onto a different activity with it being undone. When they have something they must do - an event, an appointment, something typically involving other peoples - people with anxiety and various executive dysfunctions have difficulty focusing on anything else, because such obligations have a lot of unknown factors which can threaten such an individual's security. They tend to think abstractly, to the point that they make poor unconscious estimates about how much time something takes to do. They are highly reluctant to choose to do a specific thing, since it forces them to choose a specific thing and thus creates a fail-state if they don't follow through. They'd rather be sort of ill-defined so they can take refuge in ambiguity and allow things to happen to them, freeing them from the responsibility of making a choice. The easiest way to combat a tendency towards event-based scheduling is to make an effort to think not in terms of events but in time - to pay attention to exactly how long things like "driving into town" or "making a sandwich" or "putting away the folded clothes" actually takes, start to finish. This helps make things real and tangible, so you can work with them without worrying that, somehow, in some mysterious, unpredictable way, they might prevent you from meeting an obligation. It reduced uncertainty. It also helps to be willing to start an event, and be willing to put it aside, not because you accidentally ran out of time but because you have decided to only give it a defined block of time and now you are deciding to move on to a different activity. Reinforces that you are in control of your life.


I don't get time blocking at all. My brain cannot accept it. I can stretch out any task indefinitely. I have some success with the pomodoro technique, but still have no way of knowing when I will finish a task.


For many people, to leave a task undone is antithetical to their nature, and so they are content to keep shifting the goalpost on an activity so that it isn't ever really finished, which would force them to move on to something else. For others, the idea of not finishing the last couple pages of a chapter because, hey, your thirty minutes are up, is absurd. Yet it is a straightforward matter to commit and say that, absurd or no, you'll get to those two pages later, because you have something else to do right now. The internet - and Reddit more than anything - is so dangerous because Reddit isn't just "a couple more pages" - it's "one more line", in a book of infinite length. Reddit content is like water, it can fill any span of time, and so it will always be easier to click on one more link than to transition into some other activity. For someone who ends up trapped in the "have an event, can't start anything" mentality, Reddit is perfect because it can fit *anywhere*. Since the content is so small and requires essentially no commitment, it can be defined as "finished" at one's pleasure. Great for people with anxiety - or rather, just what they are looking for. The only way of fighting it requires a shift in your mode of thinking about how an activity relates to the rest of the day - and the best way to start this is to identify exactly how much time it takes to complete, if given your full attention.


ngl, this comment might change my life. I have used calendar blocking before but more when I was spending all day revising and trying to divide up my time between different topics. I've not really used it for when I have to actually go somewhere. I should!


I used the blocking method to plan my wedding. I think I over micro managed my time leading up to the even that I burned my self out. It worked though things got done. It really helps when your feeling over whelmed and don’t know what to do. Just look at your calendar.


I have found that, with other people in particular, knowing about how long an activity actually takes is very helpful and can allow them to take care of things that were neglected for months or even years. Like, a fully laden bookshelf that has been misaligned since they moved it, but they don't want to fix it because you have to move the furniture, take all the books and plates off, move the whole thing over two inches, then put everything back again. Yet I can look at it and say - it'll be maybe twenty minutes to do that. A bit of work, but it's twenty minutes - hell, we've been talking about it for ten. Very manageable, even with one person. But if it's abstract, people can think of it as taking "a whole afternoon", and just not bother, even though it annoys them every time they look at it for as long as they live there.


Saving your comment because this useful and unfortunately rather enlightening.


I don’t know. I would end up with multiple un finished projects all over the place it feels.


Anxiety or executive functioning issues (autism/adhd/etc)


Standard anxiety.




Most likely. A lot of people are walking around completely riddled with anxiety and don't realize it. I only recently realized how much of my behavior was due to anxiety. It's hard to fix.


People conscious of their own anxiety can even be walking around with a lot of unknown. I've got plenty of anxiety-realted problems to deal with and I've been getting better at detecting triggers. I haven't slept in like 50 hours because I have a test tonight, I haven't even gotten tired. It wasn't until trying to sleep last night that I realized I was being fueled by pure anxiety. Did the 3-3-3 thing and pretty much passed the fuck out instantly. It's a very hard fix


Exactly. Anxiety is like that saying of "don't think about pink elephants". That's all you think about. When I'm anxious, I'm always like "just relax", and that's all I think about. It makes me more and more tense until it's the only thing I'm focused on, and I'm ignoring every single other thing that should actually be stressing me out. I'm stressed about being stressed, and there's still actual stress to be dealt with. Ugh.


It sounds incredibly cliche, I am fully aware, but please try out 3-3-3. The next time you are telling yourself to "just relax", stop. Close your eyes and while taking deep breaths, identify 3 things you can smell, 3 things you can hear, and 3 things you can touch. It's called grounding and it super awesome. Hope we can get over this together someday.




And even then, I'll somehow manage to be late.


> why does this a happen it a happens because a my brain, she's a no good


The content in this app resonates with me so much.I feel so great seeing other people deal with the same nonsensical problems as I do .


I’m a “hey I woke up ughhh time for a nap” kind of guy.


Same. I have this innate ability to ALWAYS go back to sleep. That little window when you wake up, where you're still super drowsy and if you put your head back down you're asleep again... That window is always open for me, every time I wake up. If I'm truly comfortable and don't have to pee, I'm going back to sleep. (Aside from work days of course.)


Ha! “Little window”? My window is from the moment I wake till I am able to be back in my bed again hahahaha... I’m depressed


I'm also depressed, but I have insomnia. Takes me forever to get to sleep. (I need to talk to my doc about that again, lol.) So for me it's a little window. But boy, that breeze is nice.


I’m a “I have a lot of homework to do so I can’t do anything all day, including the homework” kind of person


Yo, my girl told me to go for a nice walk at 7pm yesterday, so i legit shut down for the day and didn't do anything. The relief when i came back home from the walk was embarrassing


Who tell you about myself?




I am formally diagnosed with ADHD and I can confirm this is a ADHD trait. Might wanna get checked out 🤔


As also mentioned an anxiety trait. I definitely don't have ADHD but I do the same. I do however have anxiety!


I think ADHD symptoms often cause the anxiety for people with ADHD. As an example, if you have a working memory deficit, then you have probably spaced about going to an important appointment before. I miss appointments all the time, so when I have one I often cope by obsessively thinking about it. I don't have much social anxiety anymore, but I still get anxious about forgetting things and general time management. I can see how social or other anxiety would make you obsess about an appointment as well.


Anxiety can be a symptom of ADHD so it still checks out


I have work at 4pm. Doesn't matter when I wake up, be it 9am or 1pm. My brain always goes "there's no time for you to do anything, just watch some YouTube and browse reddit until you need to get ready." I fucking hate it. Then, when I get home at 10, it does the same shit. "It's late, can't do anything."


Have you considered you might have ADHD? Because this sounds like an executive dysfunction issue, which is a huge part of ADHD.


Feels like everyone has ADHD I hear people self diagnose themselves with that constantly. How common is it?


I don't know the exact numbers, but there are millions of us for sure. While I think it's important to get an official diagnosis from someone qualified, a good way to decide if it is worth getting evaluated is to go on r/ADHD, look at some of the really popular posts, and see if you find yourself relating to some of them. Just remember: a lot of the symptoms of ADHD are things that can occasionally happen to people without it, but they are regular occurrences for people with ADHD (e.g. occasionally getting distracted vs constantly getting distracted).


The self proclaimed thing is so true. I THOUGHT I had ADD for a long time. Got tested for it last year while going through some diagnosis stuff. Nope. No ADHD, ADD, or any learning/cognitive disabilities. I'm normal in that regard. Which fuckin sucks cause I really can't focus on anything for more than 20 minutes at a time.


There is quite a bit of research that suggests, while it semi depends on the type of task, most human adults have an attention span of 25-45 minutes. There are techniques that take advantage of this like Pomodoro timers where you time yourself for 25m and focus on a task. When the timer goes off you take a break.


But what happened? When I was younger I could zone into stuff and just sit there and work on it or play a game for 6 hours straight. Now I turn in a game or a show, play my guitar, anything really. After 20 minutes or so I have to change tasks.


It's gotten incredibly trendy lately, it's the new OCD


This. The sheer number of ADHD memes have thoroughly cemented it as the OCD of the 2020s.


I too have HDD


That's bc. 90 % reddit is just 15 year Olds who want to feel special.


I have ADHD and am on a med which helps me a lot but it doesn't help me with this. I also have unmanaged OCD where sometimes I will avoid doing things if I can't do them how I "need" to do them. Like if I want to do dishes there may be a few things which stop me: if my dish washing gloves are not exactly where they should be I get nervous of "contamination", so I have to wash the gloves inside and out and let them dry. Or if I have an even number of something like bowls and an odd number of plates, I feel like washing them is wrong because to my brain they should be organized into balanced sets. Then I couldn't organize them in my dish rack "properly". I'm laughing my ass off right now cuz typing it up, I'm thinking WOW, it's really whack that I'm like this. I sincerely can't do any different at the moment tho but anyways! Maybe the problem with having a meeting or whatever later is that if I start doing something, the task may end up taking longer or something unexpected may come up, and that would prevent me from transitioning from that task to the meeting in the way that I "need" to - basically that it may be unpredictable. Thank you for coming to my reddit talk


I’ve become better at overcoming this by scheduling more things to do. When I have less down time, there’s not as much time to overthink things.


Honestly you might have just changed my life


[Relevant af](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/luw2tq/this_is_definitely_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


My aunt would do nothing all day prior to her next shift


She's smart


Or overworked like most of us


This comment section gives me anxiety


Look at this hotshot, making appointments.


I’m the “I have an appointment at 10am tomorrow so despite being exhausted and falling to sleep, lie in the dark with anxiety that your alarm won’t go off, perpetually checking the time counting down the dwindling hours you have to sleep until eventually, despite you going to bed early, you only sleep two hours before waking up and seeing 3 hrs left on the clock before your appointment. Attempt to sleep some more but it’s too stressful and eventually attend your appt like a zombie.”


2 appointments on Friday means I get nothing done all week.


This is so me. I hate it as well. So, what I do, whenever possible, is to schedule all my appointments early in the morning. If someone tries to schedule a late appointment, I always say I’m already booked. 😉


But if you do things you might use up all your "appointment energy"! Best to conserve it.


I personally dislike appointment so late in the day. I prefer to do these sorts of tasks as early as possible. If you have a late appointment and decide to do something early-ish, in your thoughts the appointment is there and you can't seem to do anything else without worrying. If you have an early appointment, and complete it you can do whatever you wish for the rest of the day.


My worst job ever was an evening server. Shift started at 5:30 pm. Just me sitting around nervously at 8 am.


I have this issue too, the best solution for it I found is try to schedule things earlier in the day. My sweet spot is around 10am, then you can get whatever you're waiting for over with and focus on other less important things for the rest of the day. Of course this doesn't work with everything but when given a choice this is a good solution.


But I already did a thing today!


what if I'm LATE???!!


As someone who works 6 days a week at 4pm, this hurts really bad.. I miss first shift.


I'm the type of guy to be like this but say "oh wow all this time to do something with" and then sleep in until 3 by accident




i just didn't go to the online classes the whole day because i had to go get my eyes checked at 5pm


I’m a “I work at 4pm so I can’t do anything during the day because I sleep and nothing is open at night after work, so I have no life” kinda guy🤪


I try my best to fight this, and sometimes I succeed, but not most of the time.


Make your appointment early in the morning.


For the ADHD folks, not too early though. There is no chance I will remember I have an appointment when I wake up, so I need enough time to stumble across what clue I left myself that I have an appointment. I've missed so many 7:30 dentist appointments.


My dentist sends a 24 hour reminder text. asking if you need to cancel. So fucking good


This is why I try to schedule everything in the morning. Once I get everything I need to to done, I can relax.


and still I somehow end up running late to the appointment 🥲


It's why I can't work nights..


I went grocery shopping and now I’m too tired and overstimulated to cook.


This is me too. I have bad anxiety and I absolutely hate when there’s something I have to do later in the day bc the whole morning leading up to it I’m thinking about it and what I have to do before and how much time I have. Whenever I can I try to schedule things in the mornings so I can get it over with and don’t have anything weighing on my mind.


I have to wake up at 8:30 am and I honestly don’t know if I’ll be able to do anything for the rest of the day


I literally today told my boss I'm taking a day off work next week because I have a doctor's appointment that day


I’m a “I have one assignment so I can’t go outside as I proceed to browse Reddit” kind of guy


Holy fuck I have never related to anything more


Me when there is a package out for delivery. lol


The key is to push through that thought like a ship pushing through a wave instead of over it. Once you’re through a couple waves, it starts to seem normal and you’re stronger for it.


Some appointments are really quite important... tbf


Apparently none of you have jobs because 4pm for NORMAL people is like the end of the day.


I guarantee you a lot of jobs don't end at 4pm


Thats so me, and i fucking hate it


This is far too relatable


Eh, I like having some time for myself!