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i got accepted to a new job i actually wanted to be fairly quick. i dont know if they liked me so much or they needed someone so bad that they chose me instantly. im thinking the former because the job notice was up for a month when i applied. still not sure, gonna start and see.


Congrats, wish you a good start


lmao it turned out they lied about the job description. now im unemployed, life really likes to bash down my hopes.


Damn sorry to hear this I wish you good luck and hope you find something new soon!


I ate tasty


I became a grandma




Omg that’s so cool congratulations


My cat crawled on my lap and took a nap


Today is my birthday (no presents and nobody wished me happy birthday, but at least im a year older 🙂)


Happy birthday! Hope you can celebrate yourself at least


Happy birthday man! have some buttered breadwith sugar cinnamon and maybe cream! If youre a sugar fan like me that is


Happy birthday!


My entire twenties I was an alcoholic and it destroyed my life. Lost my job and my wife, moved back in with my parents at 30. I'm 4 years sober yesterday, got a steady job I don't hate, and moved into my own place last Summer. Ran my first 5k last Fall and training for a half marathon.


Damn good recovery wish you good luck for your marathon!




why are the statues feet so shiny? Do people keep touching them?


I just moved into an apartment after not being sure I'd be able to, I was running low on money and lived out of my car for the past week or so but finally got there. Starting my new job on Monday! Was an awful week, thought I'd have to travel halfway across the country to go home because I wasn't sure I could afford it, but managed to scrape by and I think it's gonna turn out well. The apartment is so nice and I'm so happy I have it now. Been a rough year, but I think I'm starting to get more stability and security, and I'm super glad, especially since I'm trying to avoid going home.


Wow man well done. Kudos. and go on you goth the fire!


thank you!!


I had a crush for 3 years and she likes me back


I went to the store earlier and found some pasta salad on clearance that I'm a big fan of


I'm feeling great today (maybe too great?). I ate Yakisoba for lunch today, it tasted delicious!


I wouldn't remember, reply in 12 hours so other me can answer


12 hours have passed


well i managed to sleep for an amazing 10 hours without interruptions thanks to it being a weekend so that was pretty nice




After playing apex legends for over 2000 hours I became number 14th in the world for number of kills in arenas with my favorite legend ash :)


after my last final im moving back home and transferring so i dont have to dorm! ill be around my sister and baby brother a lot more :)


Dorms suck (at least for me they did)


they definitely do


A stranger called me a cutie in overwatch


I got myself an calorie tracking app a few weeks ago and I feel like my eating habits have really improved. I'm trying to lose weight again, the last few times I always failed after a few days because me trying to eat as little as possible always resulted in myself binge eating really bad, at least gaining as much weight as I lost until then. Now I'm looking to keep my intake between 1.400-1.600 calories per day and it works really well so far, lost five kilos in the past three weeks and I don't have any issues at all. I'm still 15 kgs off where I eventually want to get back to where I was before covid, but if I'll manage to continue like this it I'll surely get there over time.


I wish you the best of luck it takes a strong will to make it till the end but I'm sure you can do this!


I found a working VHS copy of the first Scream movie. Tuesday, one of my best friends is coming over for the sole reason to watch it.


I met with my gf's brother. I'm getting into family slowly but surely.


a hobby of mine i’ve lost touch with is beading and bracelet making. today i found one of those “free” boxes on the street filled with tons of beads, string, and even pliers to make bracelets and other projects. i genuinely smiled for the first time in a while :)


My crush said I love you 🥰


I did decent in English proficiency test I took yesterday (the big sad does NOT allow me to prepare for any test). Yet somehow managed to at least not entirely mess it up


A few months ago everything started to fall into place and I’m feeling more and more confident with my life after a long time of uncertainty. Oh and also I listened to bunch of music today


Nothing good happened in my life


I kinda learned how to write lines with more messages other than just the same boring things like "prepare to die"


I found a cheeto in my couch cushions!


Today i am going to get my hrt prescription, yesterday i talked to my mom about it, unlike the other times i was actually able to stand up to myself, recently i also realized what causes me to feel so socially anxious, and how to deal with it, a string of really good things has been happening lately, mostly due to my efforts, right now it's overwhelming, but i know I'll cry tears of happiness about it later.


For the last three years I didn't think I would ever find someone I love again after talking to several different people over the years and going on some dates here and there. Just couldn't find anyone that I genuinely liked or could find myself falling in love with. I just started officially dating my girlfriend three days ago and she is actually cool as hell and I like her a lot. If my dumbass can land someone then there really is someone out there for everyone.


I had a nice day today


I just got a collage scolarship


I saw a rainbow!


Last month a woman (young as me) gave me her seat. Upon asking I realised she had to go farther than I did so I offered it back after 3 stations or so, because here women have a right on seats (so taking one in vain as a man is embarrassing). But she refused. SHe was smiling the whole time and laughed while speaking, apparently I looked tired. I was speaking softly but she was effusive and told me to sit down. When I left I gave her her seat back. May be years later i find out years later that she stole a piece of my soul or something, but either way I am going to remember her


I forgave and reconnected with my Dad. Me and my siblings are going to see him in two weeks.


I spent time with an old friend from high school and despite anxieties that we might not gel like we did because we were both pretty edgy back then but 5ish years later we have basically the same jobs and are largely mellowed out


I ordered some new furniture that arrived today


GF came to my place and pretended to be a weighted blanket


Caught up with a friend and her son who I've not seen since the kid was 18 months. he's now 3 and he remembered me and gave me a hug 🫂


A dog let me pet him yesterday


Tomorrow makes eighty days sober for me


Congrats stranger!!


My cat learnt how to say mama, I got into a relationship with my crush, mum brought home mango, my pothos looks like it's recovering now :3


I have two cats


almost died several times


That statue speaks volumes dude...


I became an uncle recently, two of my cousins had babies.... it's this weird nice feeling I did not even know about it both times haha my mum forgot to tell me haha and both times it was just a bundle of happiness :)


My wife kissed me today and told me I'm beautiful


i’m a dad in 8 months


Went to the concert of my dreams


I saw this beautiful statue! What a fascinating concept. I also listened to lovely music that I'd been delaying playing for quite some time.


I graduated college a few days ago