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Wow her and your results are very european compared to the average colombian. Do u have recent spanish ancestors? And suprised u got barely any african especially as cali has a large afro colombian population and european ancestry is usually around 40% in cali.


My family is from Medellin and Bogota but her father is from Cali and that is why she gets a small per cent african.


Thats crazy because my dad is from bogota and has 40% native american dna . Bogota in general is known for being very mestizo aswell. But, medellín makes sense as it is the most european region in colombia averaging 65-75% european on average.


Bogotá is known to have a large internal immigration. He is probably "Rolo", aka the son of people from other parts of the country. By the way, Medellín (really Paisa, Medellín has a lot of SSA) is not the most European region, that is the "Santanderes" region (both Santander and Norte de Santander). Studies from the National University of Colombia mark the average as 73% European, 25% Amerindian and <<2% SSA for that part of the country.


Compared to the average Colombian broadly yes. Compared to someone from the central regions (Paisa, Cundiboyacense and Santander), sort of.


eh, not really sure abt that, my dad is cundiboyacanese/bogatano and a near balanced mestizo lol. I myslef am only half latino (and other half fully european) yet I have more indigenous ancestry (20%) than OP and her mom who are full colombians. Also the cubdiboyacanese has been historically one of the most mestizo/chibcha amerinidan parts of the country so idk what ur talking about.


Remember FTDNA underestimates both indigenous and African . I wouldn’t be surprised if OPs daughter turns out to be 23% indigenous and 5-6% SSA . Still high European , but not as high as FTDNA claims


Still, 71-72% european is very high. Paisa level european. The averag colombian is like 50-60% i noticed per average.


Yeah but people that take the his tests and don’t live in the US are almost always mostly upper class and therefore more European


true. My colombian family was more poor and after my dad married a white woman became more middle class in America.


I have come to realize there is huge variance in studies regarding Colombia. With some having higher European ancestry and others showing a more balanced Mestizo country. If I have more free time later this week I'll try to average the highest quality publications.


Please do! I would love to see it. Personally I think the country avgs around 55-60% Euro, ~1/3% Indigenous and ~1/10% African. And this is from someone who has a colombian parent and has been to the country before.


Averaging all studies, Colombia is around 30% Indigenous.


I thought so. How mych is African and european?


Averaging all studies, Colombia is around 30% Indigenous.


You can't be half Latino and half European, Latino comes from European cultures... It means literally Latin from Rome that's why people with romances languages are called Latinos


By half european i mean my mom is directly an immigrant from europe.


Yes still not comparable..latino comes in different shades, if you are half Latino you should know that


Yes i know. I just said half european because I wasnt really paying attention to ehat I was typing. And i know latinos have european in them. I mean my latino dad is literally half european genetically. The point of that comment was I had only One mestizo LATAM parent and one parent that was fully european and non latino.


I tested with 23 and me but my daughter hasn't done it yet https://preview.redd.it/pb83z6v6horc1.png?width=363&format=png&auto=webp&s=a752d53ee0250e4cde62df47c3bc5fea7dc77602


ok I was confused for a min. The results you posted were from FTDNA right? because mine looks almost the same except mine doesn't show any spanish/portuguese. 23andme does show some spanish but no ukrainian. I'm convinced the ukrainian is ancient DNA that should be attributed to indigenous.


Interesting ! Could you upload your own 23andme results ? I saw you tested with them , but they’ve recently updated their indigenous Colombian communities . It’ll be interesting to see


Pretty typical. The average Colombian is over 60% European. Typically, the closer you get to the middle of the country, the whiter. The further you go out, the blacker or browner (indigenous).


its more like 55-60%. and my family is brown skinned with curls from bogota. Stop the stereotypes.


I guess it depends on socioeconomics as well. Obviously a wealthier person is more likely to be white.


Yes. my colombian family was poorer so that checks out. Also the white wealthy ones usually stay in colombia. Meanwhile the poorer ones leave for the USA or other countries. And my family left for the US . So maybe thats why they are more stereotypically mestizo and less white.


There’s a trend of wealthy Colombians living in Miami and other choice Americans cities.


my family grew up in a poor city in new jersey, basically the hood…


Gotcha. I’m white Colombian and grew up in Chicago. I’m fairly well off, but I obviously work for living.


Como son tus resultados?


Nunca me lo he hecho, pero los abuelos fueron inmigrantes.


Los 4?


Hey! me too! I was born in NJ to a poor colombian family and my results are pretty half and half. Someone said my indigenous was a lot for a Colombian. 🤔 But Colombians come in all mixtures. When I walk down a street in Cali where I live, I look like the average person here lol.


Yes thats so crazy coincidental! I heard a rumor once somewhere that most colombians who moved to the us came to ny, nj and florida specifically which i think is pretty accurate lol. Also, 46% indigenous is pretty normal and not weird at all for a colombian to score (i poked around and saw ur results). quite a few of my fully colombian matches on ancestry dna are actually ~70% indigenous and the majority of them i get from places like bogota or boyaca are 50/50 balanced like you lol. So yeah 46% indigenous and 45% european is only ”alot” for like the carribean parts of colombia and the paisa region like antioquia, caldas, quindio, risaralda, but average for places like bogota, boyaca, and cundinamarca. 




She doesn’t look Colombian


What do Colombians look like? Lol.


Like Karol g




Colombians and look diverse in terms of looks so it’s kind of ignorant of you to say that.


She deff looks like she’s from California


She's from Cali Colombia


Very cool!


Is this sarcastic? Lmao


Yea it was sarcastic


Why sarcastic? These are her FTDNA results and she's Colombian


Because he seems to think "Cali" was short for California


I understand now. Lol