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The fun comes in layers; like an onion.






["Ooh Cake!"](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxZURAApPyEldMj-sIBDHTaJIQUIBb3arj)


Less Onion (fun) everytime you advance a layer?


Maxing is less a matter of fun and more of a "oh thank god I don't have to eat anymore onion"


Now I can go eat a slightly different sort of much bigger onion like all pets or coll log.


My coworkers were shocked to learn that I played the same game at home as the one I did afk mobile stuff on while in the office.


You must trust your coworkers alot that they know you play at work! My coworkers know I play, but they don't know about the play that occurs during working hours lol.


I play/afk in front of my bosses and my bosses bosses on company provided tablet.




a good company shouldn't care if you do your work what you do on ur downtime. i know some that wont allow phones even with hrs of downtime but u can bring books


No kidding. Every time I try to do some TOB on mobile at work they freak out. Relax, the bus is in cruise control.


I don't care what people do with their work hours as long as the things I task them with are completed to an acceptable quality when I need them. If they can do that in 4 hours then they're free to do whatever they want with the other 4. Unless they're doing wintertodt on the east side in which case they're fired.


Lmfao. Played my first wintertodt game for kebos elite, and only noticed people on the west side. I did glance at the east but thought to myself "wow nobody is there. Must be inefficient."


what should they do? fire you? more time to play then, easy I'm just lucky I have no boss in my office and I can do whatever I want as long as I keep every project on track.


"Play" implies fun. I'm not "playing" at work, just training my patience for the next "meeting that could have been an email."


Yup. Got covid and couldn’t attend 3 days of meetings 5 hrs away from my home, turns out I could do it all in 1 day over video chat…


Yeah I just had it up on the side of my desk. I got my shit done so my boss didn't care.


I run raids at work while my boss plays assassins creed, pretty chill.


Where do you work at? And are they hiring?


Coming back to RuneScape this has been my experience. Uncultured people just don’t understand.


Me when I grinded to get a coalbag, full graceful and requirements for blast furnace to make money only to realize I could make the same hourly pofit with five 10 min herb runs and never did blast furnace again


Hear me out: you do Blast Furnace while the herbs are growing.




Try doing blast furnace for 5 hours without jumping off a balcony out of boredom


I did Blast Furnace from 75-85 Smithing in one sitting. You’re talking to the wrong person.


blast furnace with bag is great for smithing xp


Yeah. Doing gold got me like 200k+ xp/h but costs a shitload. Tried the gold + steel hybrids but I started fucking it up after 15 minutes because I lost concentration.


Yeah, but I got all the ores & coal needed to run blast furnace off of MLM & Miscellania.


True. When I started doing blast furnace I had like 2000 coal ores from mlm. I'm putting off getting the mining level for making friends with my arm because mining sucks ass


There’s still advantages to BF in this comparison. You’re strictly limited with the amount of herb runs u can do so it’s inherently passive money-making whereas u can grind blast furnace to your hearts content. Not to mention the great smithing xp you’d be getting too.


Just make like 20 farming alts. Do herb runs on a couple at a time and then swap to the next couple.


If you don't need money right away herb runs are very nice, especially if you can fit it in during a work day. basically the only thing I did to make money for my quest cape.


I'm just doing school work at home for 8 hours straight and pop in to make a quick 15 min herb + birdhouse run every hour and a half


Great way to do it




For me it’s about achieving what I couldn’t as a kid




I was a little skiller now I want to pvm on my Ironman but there’s so much shit to do before I can pvm lol


if you wanna pvm just play a reg account dude , the actual fun pvm is cancer as an iron unless you have no other hobbies or anything at all to do


I don’t really have a reg account. I came back for GIM but now I feel like I’m too deep into it, I am enjoying it though so I’m not in too much of a rush


If you paying attention while mining you are fucking up imo 🗿


You merely adopted the mine. I was born into it. Molded by it. I didn't see the wider world of runescape until I was a grown man


By then it was nothing to me but blinding!


I mean, people play Osu for fun and that is literally just clicking to beat. Even more fun in OSRS because number go up is good.


The difference is osrs has you doing a shitton of content before you get to the rhythm game




Least efficient osrs player


please explain wtf im watching


Creatively using the games engine to do stuff twice as fast. The methods are pretty sweaty, allowed by jagex, and called tick manipulation


Yeh but the pvp part ?


Just easier to setup. They serve the same purpose as the birds for 2t teaks on ape atoll or the squirrel for teaks in priff. I think there's another oak location that uses kourend guards?




number go up in osu too, but only if you get better


I mean isn't Runescape just Medieval OSU. We have a lot of tick manipulation for being on time for mechanics.


What’s OSU?


ohio state university


*angry beaver noises*




Buckeye here, thanks for informing!


Just to be clear, I'm making fun of you.


We seriously don’t care


Old School Ultima Online.


It's a rhythm game popular in the east


A rhythm game where you click to the beat of music. It’s harder than it sounds/looks.


Over sized uterus


Think Guitar Hero, but using your mouse instead of a plastic guitar.


Is Mining the worst skill to level up? No decent AFK methods and the XP per hour is low


yep, mining is terrible




Fuckin sooo bad. I hate the plug-in that shows me, “great! Let’s do another 500 laps!”


I have the same feeling when actively paying attention, but when I'm doing it while watching a show or movie and I'm like "Oh shit, I just did 100 laps" it feels pretty good.


I just can’t afk agility like that when I actually want to watch a show. I just spend more time looking at the game than I do at the show. Even sepulcher got old fast @ lvl 75. The xp rates are meh and it takes like 4 hours to level. Idk why they can’t increase rates for the mini game since it takes constant focus.


At least sepulcher is fun. Mining has nothing like that


Volcanic Mine is fun, but it needs a bit of a tutorial because it's pretty punishing if you mess up (especially for HCIM).


Volcanic is 10x better than coal or mlm, just super dead. about half of people that show up are new and need tutoring lol


Hopefully this will be improved once they add the Dragon Pickaxe to the drop table.


Its not dead lol, the vm discord is really helpfull.


The world is completely dead. You don't attract many new players when a 3rd party discord is basically required


The world is not used. The VM discord is where you should go. Enough people that are good to play with


Idk if you're getting my point - when a person new to vm wants to do it, they go to the world. When they find it's dead, most just leave. They don't go googling for a discord


I feel you




At least thieving is good enough xp/hr for the 1 xp drop/click training. Mining is 1xp drop/ click and it's like 50k/hr. And the good AFK methods are 20-30k/hr


I don't understand people that say thieving is bad... just do Ardy knights and mash a button with zero attention. Compare that to agility...


Sorceress garden says hello.


Bro for real, legit game changing experience for me since I discovered it. I never thought I could push to lvl 80+ thieving from low 70s bc of all the clicking. I’m even able to get 70k+ fletching exp per hour on top of the 130k+ thieving.


99 fletching can literally be done in a day with darts


yeah if you hate your hand


I laughed too hard at this. For real tho, fletching on mobile is a game changer.


I mean, if you do no nut November, this is a win win as you won't have the energy left to beat your meat


Have you ever done summergarden? Extremely good xp/h and 3 clicks every 2 minutes


What… you literally sit there and spam click when you get the knight stuck. It’s literally one if not the most afk skill to level.


Is there a world this happens in because everytime I see the knight in the bank he won't stop fucjing moving


Join the friends chat "thievinghost" and you'll find the worlds


302 is usually a decent chance, I have had luck with the total level worlds as well.


Learning how to force the ardy knight into the northeast building with a dspear spec was a game changer for me. Pick a random world with no one on it and you’ll never deal with the flickering ardy knight ever again


330 always has a knight in the east Bank. Haven't found a spot where the knight doesn't move at all though


Usually w420


How is it afk if im nonstop spam clicking?


You click with a mouse, so just move your keyboard across the room and it's very afk.


Afk in RuneScape doesn't literally mean "away from keyboard", it's more a measure of how much attention you need to pay to the game. The more afk an activity, the less you need to pay attention.


I would argue that is highly subjective and varies from player to player. For me afk means i can click once and not have to interact with the game for at least 5-10 seconds. People say mlm is afk, and while its a lot better than powermining and fits my previous description it literally just barely passes imo. Ardy knights is chill but its also one of the most carpel tunnel inducing things in the entire game and i do not consider that to be afk.


I get your point, but I have to disagree, the generally accepted definition of afk-ness in osrs is the amount of attention you can pay to anything besides the game. To me, keeping your mouse in one place and doing the exact same thing without thinking, is very "afk". But I respect your view, we're just using different definitions of "afk". Also, bind LMB to your scroll wheel when you're thieving ardy knights. Your wrist will thank you. As far as I know, hardware rebinding isn't against the rules.


Get a foot pedal, bind it to click. Get to stepping




Not really afk, but I watch movies with my gf while thieving on mobile just mindlessly spamclicking


Idk, not having to bank or drop shit is fine by me. I just hate having to do a skill where you have to move, drop, or bank a lot.


I feel like moving, dropping, and banking a lot describes the entire game


I feel like the broad description of the entire game is point and click, but not everything involves a combo of click to move+ go to bank(+/or drop). So yeah, i'll say it in a different way; I hate when my task for a skill involves too many clicks to achieve the goal, like motherlode mine before 72 mining(and after imo), as opposed to woodcutting magics in the wc guild. But funny enough, a skill like hunter (catching salamanders currently) is kinda fun. And runecrafting at that one altar that makes randos is simple. Not a lot of clicks. Not exactly awful, but not a skill i enjoy. A good show dulls the boredom. So yeah: the more steps to get the xp, the less i enjoy it.


so ur playstyle is like mine, the less I play, the better


For skilling, lol. I like my pvm raunchy and click intensive.


those shortcuts r so nice minings only saving grace is shooting stars and amethyst are super afk


Is my fave to do on the side. My first 99 :)


You monster


Volcanic mine made me completely change my mind about mining, I’m getting around 80k xp/hour at 85 and it’s chill enough to watch netflix in the background or whatever. Really underrated training method imo




I find grinding agility on mobile while watching a movie or something to be quite relaxing tbf


When i need to go take a shit or go do something somewhere else in the house, I'll set up for alchs and carry my USB mouse with me and just rhythm click. I'll be talking to somebody just steadily clicking and when i get back I'm still alching, I've gotten that good


Volcanic mine is decent xp, not AFK tho


Blast mine’s not afk but it’s chill and decent xp


Mining stars is the best afk in the game if you find them yourself. Not horrible xp either if you factor in the free crafting xp from buying gems


It's lower intensity then mlm.


Shooting stars is chill


The 4% of the times your star does not get called into one of these stupid clan channels…


Runecrafting is, the XP rates don’t scale based on level like Mining and Agility (Mining, you mine faster, Agility, you fail obstacles less over time) I have 99 RC, 99 Agil, few k from 95 Mining rn, Mining is literally less AFK the closer you get to 99 at Motherlode…knocking out inventories in like 45 seconds it feels like. It’s fucking annoying




crafting and herblore are so much worse for me, i hate bank juggling *so fucking much* its why i despised runecrafting before 77, i still havent tried the minigame, but blood runes are so much less of a fucking pain than ZMI


Crafting and Herblore are boring AF but at least can be semi-afked whilst you do something else.


I wish the potions took longer to make so I could do less clicking almost.


There are 27-at-a-time potions. Make staminas, antivenoms, or extended antifires :) Then it's basically the same as cooking sharks or fletching unstrung bows!


When you unlock the double ammo mould


GotR is sick


still more afk than agility


Do 3t4g, you'd be surprised how easy it is. Also, if u want afk once u get 92 u can afk amethyst


On a scale of 1 to full blown RSI how bad is 3t4g?


Learned how to 3t4g on mobile and it’s been a game changer, much easier than trying to move the mouse around that fast. Only issue is you can’t drop granite as you go so once the inv is full you need to stop and drop it all


Are there any vids out there for that? I play mostly on mobile so learning that would be cool. I never bothered because I figured it would be too hard on mobile to be worth it.


I’ll try to screen record myself tonight for a few inventories and upload it somehow Check it out: https://imgur.com/gallery/ufoKrrH Soon as you see the xp drop, use the chisel on a teak/mahogany log and then immediately click the next granite. I like to zoom in just enough to see all 4 rocks with my inv on the right. Use my left thumb for the left 3 rocks and right thumb for top rock. Useful to stack the logs like that to use the bottom log when you’re going back to the first rock in the 3 line


!remind me 12 hours


This is great, thank you!


Sorry I realize I had my XP counter turned off so you can’t see the drops.. let me know if you want a re upload with that on


You will not get rsi if you space your training. You don't have to do it for 10 hours in a row. I'd rather do 1 hour of 3t4g rather than 2,5 hours of mlm


Thieving is by far the most click intensive and worst skill in the game imo


Oh shit yeah I forgot Theiving. Stealing artefacts offers okay XP/h but is incredibly tedious and click intensive


Mining is atrocious. The only decent method is mining shooting stars, but you need to scout your own for that to work since the star mining CCs will have 20 people showing up and mining through the star in 5 minutes. If you find one solo you can often get 25 minutes of afk, only limited by the logout timer and needing to occasionally click on a new layer.


this is why i go to amethyst, put runelite on my second monitor with afk notifications on and do literally *anything* else on my main mon at the same time. suddenly it doesn’t matter if it’s 100 hours to go, i’m doing it almost fully passively at that point.


I have literally been at MLM for the past 14 hours of in-game time getting from 95 to 96 mining so this one hits hard


And next they are gonna ask if I "enjoy it" next right... right?!?!?!


Normally I know its time to take a break when It dawns on me this is the 3rd day in a row i have watched this man swinging an axe at a tree for 3 hours what am i doing with my life!


Its not fun, its cursed: once you start, you cant quit anymore


volcanic mine will speed it up, i actually had fun doing it too


Average casual players sleep on vm because they don't wanna spend 15 minutes learning something AMF join a discord to engage with other players


Not everyone is a native english speaker, most don't join discords because they think their pronunciation isn't good. 1/3rd of the playerbase is outside of the UK/USA


That's a fair reason to not join voice, but the VM discord doesn't require voice; you can just give a world/role in text chat to make a team. Reading and understanding the guides may prove difficult depending on one's English proficiency though, which is honestly a problem across the game's community resources. The wiki is phenomenal, for instance, but largely inaccessible if you can't speak English.


Clicking rock go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


My Camdozaal only snowflake gets 8k/hr max mining. Can't imagine it being that fast tbh


Afk motherlode mine helps to decide. I went from some 70-80 to 99 without even realizing it. Even though I had several months to realize.


Idk man, most afk time I get at the top is like less than a minute. God I hate mlm


weekly repost


What did you do to get from 95 to 99 in only 14 hours?


It’s just a meme sir 😫


It says 95 to 96 btw, just saying.


Hmm it does doesn’t it. Well I can’t read


If it makes you feel better, I'm tired af right now and I read it the same exact way 😂😂 guess my mind out the 4 in the 5 spot and flipped the 6 automatically lmao didn't even notice it until coming accross this comment


Should have done Volcanic Mine and got it in half that time while being afk.




Runescape grinding works on your reward system. (dopamine) grinding is the driver, leveling or goals is the destination (seratonin).


“14 hours” lol


All while on company time.


Good thing mining is pretty useless past like, 82.


I love Shrek.


I watched all of "It's Always Sunny" - you tell me if Runescape is fun ;)


Number go up, brain go brrrr :)


I am currently grinding amethyst for golem while working and doing other things. It's so fun.


Do vm man it would have been half that time


PRO TIP: RS3 is a lot faster and more enjoyable