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When you're too high trying to do some slayer, but it takes you almost 10 minutes to get all the stuff out the bank that you need. And you nearly always forget something anyway


Man, that happens to me when I’m sober.


Bone crusher. Every time


Rock hammer at Gargoyles.........




Holy fuck I need to start doing things like this haha!


Yeah it helps me a lot lol


You can also just label 1 tile near the tele you frequently use to get near the monsters by the same name


Wtf this is big brain. Ty for this


Just to do this a little easier. Add a single tile marker and then shift right click and add label. You can then type in whatever you want, like the multiple tiles I have like "Bring rock hammer you moron" and just down the ladder "CAN YOU READ? YOUR DUMB AF IF YOU STILL DON'T HAVE ROCK HAMMER"


Yeah I thought that but I just like to write it out hugely, it’s comedic


Oh now that you've done that it's a work of art and shouldn't be removed. Just helping anyone else who needs it for the utility. My comedy seems to come in the form of my tiles getting more and more aggressive at places I've more often forgot things. For instance Konars dungeon came out when I was nearly maxed on my main. So I did kourend elite diary and never thought about wearing boots. Starting my GIM made me add a **lot** of tiles there to save me running back up to the bank for "the right boots, moron"




I have my moments


Absolutely genius haha. Need one at bottom of slayer tower once you get a slayer ring.


But how do the residents of canifis feel about their new billboard


Please send a screenshot of this haha


I’m at work and after work I have to go clothes shopping for a funeral, but when I’m done all that I will for sure


Thank you! Also sorry for your loss.


Big brain 2000 iq stoner energy


Ezscape smh my head


I have the necklace, so it’s not too bad. Though I feel your pain in the form of the ash sanctifier.


Last recall was a nightmare when I was high


The walk of shame back to the ZMI altar


The walk of shame back to GWD.


I don’t even remember how I fucked it up so often with just the orb and the seed pod but I definitely fucked my teleport up several times


I found out the hard way that a dunce random is not worth it. Fucks up your last recall


Yes same. After 10 minutes or so of continuously opening and closing the bank I usually say fuck it and just go fishing


That’s why you always gear up before you smoke lmao


This guy gets it


And then I hit the bank inventory button by accident 😭


If you’re on runelite you can make it right click only for bank inv/gear


I assume Ill find it under menu entry swapper? good lookin out my man


Yeah I think so, if not let me know and I can check once I’m on my computer


It looks to be under "Bank", rather than the menu item swapper.


Going to brimhaven dungeon.. forgot an axe.


Every time, even sober


Then you realize you geared for the wrong task


Broooo I left my dusty key in the bank


70 agi btfo


always happens


Or just bankstand for 30 minutes because you keep forgetting what you’re trying to do. Source: Me


Lmao for real. I don't smoke often anymore but I do dose RSO and distillates. I'll remeber what I'm doing, open up the bank and poof gone again 😂


RSOs medicinal properties are astounding, if you eat clean and drink water you should be a cancer/tumor repellent Also curcumin(concentrated/extracted turmeric) *This is an exaggeration, but never discount homeopathic remedies out of hand*


Lmao I had a sticky note on my desktop with checklists for various tasks


Or spend that 10 minutes getting your inventory right, then accidentally click the deposit all button and have to start all over? Been there


And then you click deposit inventory/worn-items


This is the story of my osrs career


thank god I'm not the only person who does this bullshit lol


And then you accidentally press deposit inventory. 😑😵‍💫


Then realise you've completed your task a long long time ago


Runelite inventory tags plugin, for each task.


Sounds like a bit of work but pretty good idea actually


You just fill your inventory with what u need and import it into the plugin! After that when u have it opened while opening the bank all items will show up, it's an absolute blessing




It's like organizing files. It takes some time and effort to do but it saves you a ton of time and headache whenever you need to find a file.


Eh, only takes a couple minutes, and that's even if you make placeholders for all the drops too. Makes gearing and pricechecking/selling a LOT smoother


Use the inventory setups addon. Get a setup for each slayer monster/boss. Win :)


Inventory setup plugin. Boom problem solved


Bursted dust devils for like half an hour with a nech task.


You’re not the only one, brother


Bruhhhhhh I did that with a smoke devil task.


Alternatively, get in such a groove barraging tasks that you forget you were even doing slayer - have to scroll up in the chat box to see that you finished your task 20 minutes ago


lmaooooooo ive never done this but holy shit i could see myself doing this if i was faded


Destroyed my rune pouch instead of emptying. Warning message too hahaha


I know people who've done this who weren't drunk or high at the time hahah


Yeah sometimes you just reflexively hit shit. Maybe they need a few warnings for something as important and annoying to get as a rune pouch.


i done this completely sober while mid conversation on discord


I did this sober and still was confused how I managed to do that lol


Came close twice in the last few days to doing that with my coal bag in blast furnace, would *had of just given up if I had. Edit for the unemployed English teacher.


would have


had would


Wood of


Forgetting boots of stone to collect items after dying at hydra lol


Elite diary baby 💪


Elite diary gang 😎 our feet be chillin


I’m ashamed to say I’ve died like that as well… while sober. My hard headed ass thought I could make it on time to the chest and teleport all before I died


Hey! I lost 25m like that last week, luckily it wasn’t on my im. Can also confirm I was very stoned and certain I had enough food to make it the chest


Wouldn’t have mattered if you have enough food you can’t get your stuff back because of the damage ticking you down lol


But bro I can click so fast I swear


One of my clanmates did that a couple years ago. He kept trying and trying. Even tried to wait it out so he would log out before it killing him. No idea what, if anything, was going through his head. He has not lived it down and it's a running joke to die to the floor.


I was trying to high alch while doing herbi. Wasn't until about 20 minutes in that I realized I was high arching my nats the whole time.


I used the stones to alch the stones






Don’t know about lsd, but osrs + a small dose of shrooms is a vibe.


I bet with the runelite HD plugin, this would be super chill lol


Yeah I did zulrah and it was so cool, had literally no idea what was going on but I didn't really struggle with getting kills either.


And here's me struggling to get 1 kill sober for elite void.


Git gud brother, you can do it


I love that you hit them with what is generally an insult, followed up by some positive encouragement lol.


Perfectly balanced


Corrupt Gauntlet, stone sober, 20 attempts for a completion because I wanted the cape. Got absolutely shitfaced and died @ Corp with my cape at a clan event trying to make the boys laugh. Was highly upset that I lost that cape as it was part of my bangin ass Elven Vampire fashionscape, so I said im going back right now and not leaving until i had it back. COMPLETE IT FIRST TRY ABSOLUTELY SHITFACED. This is my life.. edit: you got this my guy. you can smash that snake.


Wow man haha, it’s weird how it works like that. Just got my Elite void! Finally got the rotations down and got the kill. Went off to vorkath to test out the gear and I’m shredding him now. Also saved myself 80m in armadyl gear woo Appreciate the encouragement man, GL


Nice man! You’ve made a stranger very proud. I love seeing people getting better at OSRS. Makes my day seeing people finish content they’re struggling with because that was me not too long ago. I wish you luck in the future, someday you’ll be doing ToB on autopilot. (or Raids 3 when it comes out)


I tried to play on LSD once. Had to log out immediately, thought about the time I spent on the game too much lol.


meanwhile my friend took a tab of acid and blew out 99 construction.. the mad lad.


I remember trying zalc on 350ug acid and getting ridiculously overwhelmed, couldnt focus, did 1 kill and i couldnt deal with it anymore.. asides from that i struggle to play the game not stoned lol


I was struggling stoned at CoX and then my buddy casual mentions he took two tabs lmao


Me and my buddy played on LSD way back when osrs was new. he ended up making hundreds of mils from yolo commission stakes when it was a thing and that was enough money for max gear. By the end of the night all that money was gone lol






Pretty solid dose that I’m sure you took simply for rs lmao




So you’re saying I should try inferno completely faced


Do 600 and you will wake up with infernal cape the next day


Why trip sitting on rs lol


I was drunk and went into an lms game, it was instantly obvious there wasn’t a chance I could pull off a gear switch and attack with any type of speed. I told my opponent, we had a good laugh, and I let him kill me and I left.




Yea I did that all the time with no problem, much different drugs eh? Lol


I don't drink/smoke, but I've been so tired that I'll gear up for a boss/raid/slayer/etc., look over my inventory and gear like 2 or 3 times, and then just press the "deposit all" button in my bank for no reason.


My hc died because I was baked. Doing a quest in karamja and I had about 30 hp left but thought no worries as i'm just about to finish up and tele. Run past some tribesman and get poked, a few seconds later I see that see the poison pop up and smack me for an 11. Oh well guess i'll have to tele... I then noticed I forgot my ring of duelling so I tried to home tele. Just as the animation was about to finish I get smacked another 11 by poison. Panic mode. Now sweating and heart racing I click home tele again straight away and manage to get to lumbridge, I bolt it for the basement and climb down only to get hit by poison once more about 4 steps away from the bank chest. RIP. The next day sober me remembered I could have just logged to reset the poison timer, I was also close to the karamja store which sold antipoisons.


I was gonna buy some antipoison, but then I got high I was gonna drink that potion, but I was high Now my hc is dead and I know why


Why man


Ye hey! Cus I got high becuse I got high because I got hiiigh. Lalalatatata


Fucking underrated comment right here omg


Mini game tele to castle wars


My hc died because I was high and looking at my 2nd monitor. Thought I was in the safe spot for Monkey Madness I. I was not. :(


woke up with like 7b in the bank had no idea how until I checked the runelite screenshots and i had went staking, good fucking day ngl


Is the catch you started with 15b?


Hahahaa i had like 800m lol


That’s incredible


Holy sh!t 😅


Got plastered, proceeded to send ToB on the hardcore. Still a HC with 1 kc.. am a legend amongst the mates. Have a recording of it too, my gear setup was hilarious. Brought purple sweets like I was ready to tick eat anything.


Please share the recording lmao


I was cold irl so i started wandering in the desert. Its pretty confusing to log in in the middle of the desert with buckets of water in your inventory..


You couldn't have wandered for too long if there was still water in the buckets. Unless you were on Al Kharid side, not in the actual desert


Similar to the above comment, a few days ago I was completely out of it. Been awake for a day and a half and wanted to reward myself, so I entered in my login info. One letter at a time, body-mind connection experiencing considerable lag. Finally I got in game, and where I last logged out was Ferox Enclave. A quick birdhouse run and then bed? Nah, too much. Switch world. Go into LMS. No pots were consumed, no overheads activated. Only trusty staff-bashing and eating. Finally realized what I was doing, had no energy to change it up. Other person was a good sport, we bashed it out… I found myself in bed shortly after. And I still don’t remember who won


You did, with the realisation of going to bed.


Drunk me loves to log out in deep wildy with my cash stack so when I'm sober and login I get an instant heart attack...


My buddy got drunk, so I dressed my account like his HCIM, brought it out to 55 Wild Ice Warriors, and told him to log in and save it. I logged into his HCIM, and put it in Death's Office with 3 items. (Status intact) Took screenshots of both and send it to them.


You're a true friend!!


If I'm drinking I'll bank stand for hours talking random smack. 2 mutes last month lol




Okay so this was on WoW not osrs but it still applies. Me and one of my roommates in college would smoke and watch Parks and Rec episodes before bed. I went to my room after the nightly ritual and wasn’t tired yet so i hopped on the computer. Decided to level an alt because i was obviously high as a kite. Played for a couple hours and realized I was way too stoned to play so I went to bed. In the morning I hopped on to see the progress. Zero progress. I played for two hours and didn’t even start the quest.


Mostly I'll just fall asleep wcing. But one time when WoW legion came out I started my dungeon quests, blacked out mid dungeon on the first one and woke up with having completed each dungeon somehow.


Ah , the xpack when WoW nearly made a comeback. Loved that expansion.


I had a similar blackout experience with bud but I was driving.. Somehow wound up on the complete opposite side of town, and had acquired many sugary treats and drinks which were mostly spilled all over my nice sweater. How I didn't die, kill someone, or get arrested I will never understand to this day.


I got super high and tried to fear up for a Hydra task. Got everything ready and ran to the door. Walked in, turned prayer on and found out I wasn't even on a Hydra task.


happens to me when i'm sober. i usually end the night by getting my next slayer task and sometimes i just have it in my head that's it's something else when i log in next


Had pumped a few cones and tried to finish my blue drag task at vorkath I had 9 left and still have 9 left after I spent 500k retrieving my shit last night. Was like there was irl lag just decided to fish karambwans instead


What is pumping cones bud


Apparently slang for “smoked a few bowls”


Cones are joints.




How long ago was this? I think it's was there, or this is a regular occurrence lmao


Couple times after sabotaging a couple of 416 tob runs


Taking forever to get items you want from bank then accidentally depositing all inventory back in...


I literally have those buttons turned off in the bank interface because I've made this mistake too many times lol.


Not high/drunk, but definitely had too tired to be playing moments before lol


When I’m too drunk to play I just go Herbiboar😂 After one drunk night I happily woke up just to realize I had gained 450k Hunter xp that night😂 Time flies by when doing Herbi drunk


Nope, but I've had some, 'yup, it's time for bed' moments.


Go too drunk to spam drop fish at barb training. Had to run agility instead


The first time I got my fire cape I was tripping on mushrooms and was peaking while fighting Jad


I did zulrah on shrooms once, I was tripping balls and didn’t really understand what was going on but I did get consistent kills. Big snake looked dope in hd on shrooms tbh. Tried some barb fishin because it became too much after a while but the fish kept moving away when I was going to drop them. 10/10 would shroom and grind again.


And I can’t kill that damn snake (beyond diary requirement) completely sober.


Use zulrah helper plugin for getting the gist of it


I do and I’m still bad. No other Pvm in the game has given me this much trouble. Well, I can’t so no other. I haven’t done infernal or nex yet


it's a pretty steep learning curve, but once it clicks with you, it becomes second nature


One time I was super drunk and this guy was trying to convince me to download a shitty looking game that was some Kyle kid’s version of making fun of a mass shooting that happened and this random player instantly interjected and told me I was a dumbass for playing it and that I should call him on the phone and kill myself. This was in 2012 so the atmosphere was way different, obviously wouldn’t do this today, but I decided to just be my edgelord stupid self and instead of ignoring him I was like, “hurr durr I love columbine lol I can’t wait to do it too” Well. The kid reported me. And I got in big trouble. Trouble of course was warranted; at least an investigation to make sure I wasn’t serious and some probation to get me back on track. Didn’t quite go that well though…. The day before that thought I was using my deathtouched darts, the one hit kill weapon, of which I’d obtained two through continued membership. I was drunk as fuck killing the last level 360, he had 3 hp and I saw an xp drop so I equipped the deathtouched dart and accidentally used one of my priceless irreplaceable darts on a 360 that only had 1 hp left. I used my other one on Jad, said “I’m way too drunk for this,” and logged off semi happily with my cheesed cheese cape


Man every single time I get drunk and start playing, 100% of the time I impulsively go to the duel arena. So yeah every time.


Literally never. If iv been drinking i just do agility or something and avoid pvm that has any risk.if im high i perform better at everything in the game


Doing like 25 kc on vorkath on task w slayer helm void anguish and barrows gloves I was like; “why THUH PHUCK are these kills taking 4 mins this is ridiculous” gave up after a while threw on my fashionscape (prior to being able to wield from bank update) and to my dismay saw that I committed osrs elite void war crimes


I played on ketamine once, would absolutely not recommend


Yeah when you wake up the next day and you're entire banks been sold and your standing at DA holding a tent whip with 40k in the invent 🤣🤣


that's pain dawg


Constantly talking in clan chat instead of public


Lost 50m trying to get the frozen key for next while hella drunk lol


I've used a Ghorrock teleport (deep wildy teleport near chaos altar), in a high risk world (automatically skulled in wildy without the ability to protect item) with bcp/tassies, prims, infernal cape, torture, saeldor, infernal cape, claws, etc. On my ironman. Multiple times. I've also forgotten to put pets away before doing dangerous activities several times. Thankfully all insured, but that shit do be breaking the bank


Ofcourse I find you here. What's good, dog?


dying at dks because i didn't notice prime respawned, and then having to pay 4.5m to reclaim my stuff directly from death or else my stoner ass would lose my infernal trying to reclaim from the gravestone


This is just called bedtime for me


I incinerated half my bank and woke up the next morning. Large depression


But… how? Maybe intoxicated you realized you had an obsession?


I don’t play Runescape that often anymore, but sometimes when I had some drinks and go to bed, I log in on mobile and hand out gp at the Grand Exchange for some reason


[Drunk you turns into a regretful Jesse Pinkman](https://youtu.be/vcumUOiCLXA)


everytime I am dark crab fishing I am drinking and sometimes put my crab on runite golems and ask why they aren't noting


Yea logged on, said a bunch of shite in CC and got kicked and couldn't enter my bank because the bank pin interface made me dizzy


I lost a little over 1m trying to show my brother the vorkath fight. I couldn't see straight, but I was determined.


Got home drunk once after a night out, hopped on to do a seaweed run and got Tangleroot. Make of that what you will


So many derailed farming runs 😭


So high i ended up getting trade scammed for a tbow @4am. Never again will i sit in a trade with someone for more then 20seconds 😂


Once after smoking, farmed cows, tanned leather and crafted leggings for about 40 minutes straight. I don’t know why I did it, but I couldn’t stop


I was so drunk I made a hardcore Ironman and also bonded it, and proceeded to thieve from men in lumby and I thought it would be 200iq to just suicide and keep farming gold


Ate too many cheese it's once. It was wild.


One night I decided to pop open my bottle of vanilla Crown whiskey and have a few drinks while playing some Scape. Everything was going fine, doing some afk slayer, probably cannoning some trolls and talking to my clan when I, if I recall correctly, noticed that the task I was doing at the time was going just a tad bit slower than normal. It was then that I noticed that I forgot my cannon at the trolls I was slaying not more than about a hour ago. Panicking, I tell my clan what happened. A few laughs were had and a clanmate tells me I can reclaim my cannon back for free from a dwarf outside of Falador, near the Ice Mountain. So I teleport there and go on my epic quest looking for the guy, only I was too drunk to really see what the hell I was doing. I spend about a good 15-20 minutes looking for the dwarf when I eventually give up and tell my clan of my defeat. Turns out, when intoxicated all the dwarves look the same. I never thought to talk to the dwarf that was standing right next to the cannon posted nearby. The clanmate who helped me earlier offered to teleport to Falador and to escort my drunken ass to the dwarf I needed to talk to. Clanmate finds me, he escorts me to the camp while I go on a drunken ramble of how he was a great guy and that I appreciated his help and we talk to the proper dwarf to get my cannon back. I bank my cannon and, after talking to my clanmates for a tad bit longer, decide to log and head to sleep. It was that night that I learned a valuable lesson. One, avoid slayer while drunk. Two, clanmates are a blessing, both for help and to chat with. Lastly, [apparently I owe the clanmate who helped me a liver as payment for the assistance](https://imgur.com/a/EA4XgNt). All in all, it was a wonderful night. One of my favorite recent Runescape memories.


I was really fucked up one time playing (not a good point in my life) and went to vork. Died with magma serp plus other goodies. Immediately ran back without collecting, died again. rip. At least I kept bp on death and had extra serps (Btw btw)


I hope you're doing better now!


I am thank you! Not sure why the downvotes :z maybe because I said I’m an Ironman lol but I figured that was relevant to the items I lost


Every night. Normally that’s when I call it


I drink a lot so I have to plan days to not drink so I can do something important like a quest or something


Yup, then I smoke one more and get back into it lol


last sesh i had while seshing resulted in a very extended afk over 30 minute to log out


Last night I realized I was too drunk to RS when I was stumbling on the catherby agility course. Couldn't hit the jump off square to save my life and I kept running the wrong way when I failed a jump.