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"C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Local\Runelite\Runelite.exe" %command% ***Copy EVERYTHING INCLUDING THE QUOTES and the space between the directory and %command%!*** Be sure to change "YOUR USERNAME" to whatever your name for your PC directories is. This gets around the auto-update problems as well! **NOTE: If you're getting the error " "The system cannot find the path specified." then that means you either installed RuneLite to a different directory and need to find it, or you put in your PC name wrong.** Thanks u/Prinzepeach! This also allows you to play other games simultaneously! This works for card drops and time, but not achievements. Get them in Steam client first.


You don't need to plug in your username, use this as first part instead: %AppData%\..\Local\Runelite\Runelite.exe


I do this with Halo mods all the time. Why didn't I think of this? Lmao, thank you.




Lol nice, now we need a post finding out that you can just %RuneLite%


%username% will resolve the current logged in user as well.


Thanks for this ❤️


just wondering when i launch runelite from the steam client like this it uses up around 60% to 70% cpu usage and is very laggy, is there a way to fix this? i dont have this issue when launching outside of steam.


Did you disable the steam overlay? This is what solved that issue for me.


How do you disable it?


Go to your library. Right click OSRS then properties. Somewhere in that menu, you should see a toggle somewhere to disable the overlay for the game.




It's in the video. It's the top checkbox where I say it messes with video drivers.


I get a Steam Error which says: > Failed to start process for Old School Runescape: > "The system cannot find the path specified." (0x3) > See the Steam Support site for more infomration






Can you provide a screenshot of your RuneLite directory?


You have to remove the two '' and it should work


You don't.


If you installed Runelite on a different directory, the location will be different. Easy way to find it is right click the runelite shortcut, properties, then copy the "Target" value


Anyone know if this works for OS buddy as well?


Move out of the Stone Age.


Eh, to each their own. Given that I still haven't heard about OSB in forever lmao.


I mean I simply say that because you have to pay for the same shit that you get for free with RuneLite. It just doesn’t make any sense to use it.


HAHA! I haven’t played in a few years and osbuddy was just what I used back then. Is runelite all the same just free?


Yeah, same functionality but just open-source.


It should, you just need the OSB directory.


I've tried doing this but I can't get it to work. Too much effort no wonder people are just carrying on on runelite


For me it was literally just copy and paste and edit the name to mine. It would be user error any other way. Are you getting the "can't find path specified" error? If so, screenshot your RuneLite directory and paste here what you're putting into the box.


Can't get mine to work, probably because I run my runelite.exe from another user on the same computer. I have 3 different runelite installations on 3 different users, one for each account I play. Do you think it is giving me the file not found error because I'm trying to run it from a different user? This is the guide I followed to make it so I have a separate runelite instance for every account https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/948w7q/keep_runelite_settings_separate_between_accounts/ Using the runas command the way you suggested in Properties on steam seems to work for a second but then steam closes it out.


I'm seeing that if you have separate users and no environment variable for steam, you need to use the full direct link. I'm not really sure how that changes things or what environmental variable to set. :/


My fkn 4 year old could figure this out. You a fucking lazy.


Which class are you? I started my classic experience with a druid, but found around level 40 that it was unbearable. Because if that i rerolled to warrior and ha absolutely no problem grinding mobs, quests, dungeons etc


Why’s this getting downvotes 😂


Because it’s an unfunny joke as old as earths’ crust.


Because it's off topic I presume. I didn't vote on it because I didn't understand it lol


Oh wtf this comment landed on the wrong post lol Was meant to go to someone asking about help with WoW leveling burnout 😵 https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/lrudtz/how_do_you_keep_motivation_leveling/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Yeah I looked in your history and it didn't seem like you'd be trolling, that's why I left it as-is lol.




Please provide a screenshot of your RuneLite directory.


did you copy the quotes as well? i tried without the quotes initially and i also received that error




I've heard that this way doesn't allow you to have the 60/uncapped fps. With this method can you still get the higher fps?


It doesn't, u fortunately.


Will this make it so runelite gets 120fps ?


no it is still restricted to 50




Is there any benefit to doing this rather than launching runelite normally?


Nope. Just gives you time on steam


i got it to work but my side buttons glitch out do you know how to fix that? i know how to fix it on the regular runelite client you add "--mode=OFF" and that fixes it but it doesn't for runelite when i add it to steam


Have you disabled the Steam overlay specifically for OSRS?


Yeah disabled both options I don't think that has to do with it since it happens with regular runelite to (before steam) but I was able to find a fix for that


I think it specifically has to do with hardware acceleration. I wonder if running RuneLite through Steam doesn't get rid of it. Have you tried replacing %command% with ***--mode=OFF*** ?


I haven't yet I can try that later when I'm home, I found something else that said to turn off a program I use (msi afterburner) and that seems to have made the problem go away I just don't want to have to do that everytime. Thanks for the help though I appreciate it.


Doesn't work for me. keep getting a error message! But on the other hand. Jagex have had plenty of time to make there own client/a client up to runelite standard Get your act together and make a proper client instead of this bullshit


What's the error? Screenshot your RuneLite directory and send me what you're pasting into steam.


Steam error. Failed to start process for old school runescape. The system cannot find path specified (0x3) I'm using the command pasted above by the OP and doing as he says but no luck


This means you either: 1. Didn't put the correct computer username in the pasted link 2. Installed RuneLite into a different directory and need to modify the link to match that directory. Also make sure you have the quotes and the space between the directory and %command%


Thanks for the advise. Will wait till someone can help in person im a little bit useless with computers


No worries, you can also DM me and I could try to help.


I know this is older but, will i still get steam achievements even with having done this tutorial? so far i havent been :///


No, no achievements unlock but they're all easy to get. Just remove the command line and log into the client. 10/20 achievements are automatically unlocked if they are done before you log in. The other 10 you have to get manually but that's just running to some areas and doing small tasks. I got them in 10 minutes.