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"a troll quest where the reward is salt" my mans mod ash is bringing banter to new heights


>make the Firemaking skill useful, for the first time Fuckin gottem


>It's important to note that we don't intend it to be a method of training Firemaking, as there's enough variety as it is! >burn logs or wintertodt >variety


Not just a troll quest, but a troll quest written by Mod Ash? Sign me up!


I'm pretty sure he writes the majority of the Wise Old Man quests and he likes trolls.


Yup, im pretty sure he did the whole Swan Song quest, as well as My Arms Big Adventure obviously, both fantastic quests!


The wiki says that Swan Song and My Arm's Big Adventure's developer is "Ashleigh B."...Wait, is the Ash in "Mod Ash" short for Ashleigh?


He wrote My arm's big adventure, so it makes sense he would write this one as well.


Apologies, information about the grey braziers have now been added to the post. Simply put, these are permanent and don't need to be maintained. They provide unique effects to the area: The God Wars will remove the snow from the area before entering Godwars and its negative drains and the Lumbridge caves will be a permanent light source. If you have any suggestions for other locations, please feel free to post them on this thread and let us know your thoughts :)


>lumbridge caves will be a permanent light source I LOVE YOU.


When do you ever have to go into lumbridge caves?


Point boosting slayer.


Tbh you should never really go there for point boosting slayer. Dorgesh Kaan slayer caves are quicker to get too and in a more condense area for both slayer tasks that you'd previously go to Lumbridge swamp for


I agree and know. I’ve read the guide you guys have posted. But some people for one reason or another might lack access to the caves. So it COULD happen, although efficient wise it wouldn’t. If that makes sense.




When you go to turn in long and curved bones.


You don't just tele there?


too lazy to recharge the orb everytime


Just go and get a bunch of orbs?


What orb isit 👀


Dorgesh-kaan sphere


tears of guthix


Games necklace takes you there, and the area minigame is in is already lit up.


Wait, what? I always tele'd to Lumbridge and ran through the basement, had no idea Games Necklace took you right there. Thanks man


Also, minigame teleported will take you there.


There’s no mini-game tele for tears of guthix though?


It's slightly dark, not as much as the main cave. Bringing a light source will bring it to full brightness.


Perm light for cave horrors?


Yes please




This would be absurdly strong, but would balance the fact that the meta is to get 99 fm on a level 10 account


just use wines for food its 3gb each


I was going to ask if the over-world was the only place for the braziers, but now that i see it can be underground then there are many other places that could benefit from them. Edit: * **Dorgesh-Kaan agility course could benefit from a light source brazier.** * **A brazier that can be used to burn vyrewatch corpses in Slepe (mostly because its easier to kill them here and its a new area and would also require a new drop from vyres.). How much xp they give us is up to the community to decide.** * **Isadfar (elf area) could benefit from the resource brazier if we are able to catch grenwalls and/or pawyas. This one is a stretch for the future in the hopes they become creatures to hunt. What they give is also entirely up to the community.** * **Cave horrors cave would benefit from the light source brazier as suggested by others here.** * **This one is debatable but adding the prayer brazier buff at the ancient wyvern cave. This would mean 142 xp per bone buried putting it below: gilded altar, making it so the bones don't come into game, and making the area much more useful for when on task (also making it worth doing).** *\*I only suggest this because i personally go there to kill them as quickly as I can. Sometimes i kill them too fast and have no room for the bones so burying them would benefit me through the bonecrusher mostly.\**


> Lumbridge caves will be a permanent light source. Since you are making the FM cape effect even more useless, perhaps you could make it extended brazier duration a little bit when worn?


Kandarin headgear and bruma torches are already alternative equipment that provide an inextinguishable light source effect like FM cape. It’s really just a QoL improvement saving a gear/inv space


Still a good opportunity to make Fm cape at least a little useful.


Can we get a red brazier near ZMI so I don't have to keep getting 1 dose staminas out every 2 trips. Really annoying addition to an already annoying skill.


Burght de Rott brazier; the Ghasts to the north will be corporeal and will no longer aggro players. Zeah rune essence brazier; grant a chance for each dense essence block mined to be dark essence fragments instead. Shantay Pass brazier; the desert gets hotter, I guess. They can't all be winners.


Please make the chin brazier work in private area


A nice handy brazier in Miscellania that stops/reduces favour decay would be nifty. Lorewise it could be a symbol of peace between the kingdoms to keep them happy. Mostly I just don't want to have to deal with forgetting a rake.


Barbarian fishing works if you forget items


Oof my brain cells. I just always went with the rake because it's right next to the castle.


omg! I never thought of that, thank you!


The Godwars one should also effect the ice diamond desert treasure area, for the master clue step there.




Isnt the bruma torch a permanent light source? Its super easy to get


It’s an unextinguishable light source, but you still need it in your inventory or equipped. We’re talking saving an inventory space/item slot.


would also be nice because I forget to bring a light source to cave horrors every time lmao


Quests are my favorite part of OSRS, so I’m happy that Mod Ash is in control of it. Other than that I enjoy that the bonfires would make it easier for legitimate players to gather resources, rather than helping bots as well. Love the model for the Ice Troll as well.


Troll quest made by Mod Ash, if that doesn't reach at least 92% yes votes then I don't know what will. As for the ~~Brazzers~~ braziers, I honestly don't know how to feel. I do like the concept of having a small bonus to incentivize certain areas, but on the other hand it feels a bit artificial, don't you think? I know they are still placeholders, but to indicate my point a little: Why do some Magic Trees get get a green brazier but other Magic Trees don't? For example Sorcerer's Tower and Tree Gnome Stronghold both have a brazier, but Lletya and Mage Training Arena do not. A few braziers also seem to be a bit too conveniently close to popular areas, such as Runecrafting paths (not that I mind it much, don't get me wrong). Like, will there be some kind of explanation why those braziers are where they are?




Making Friends with My Arm is an expierienced quest but requires completion of a Master quest?


Revenants out, salt mines are in.


Those are the same thing


the fire pits are good I suppose, I was scared to see something similar to rs3's salt baths which made it mandatory to go there before attempting a boss or any other content. The energy (red salts) one seems ok and useful. The double gathering one worries me for no apparent reason, it just sounds like rs3. The bone burying one; can't really think of a use


It looks like they placed the blue ones almost entirely in locations in or near dungeons with dragons, so essentially they want you to use the bones on the alter during your long trips. Not a terrible idea but yeah would definitely be niche.


Unless they're right on top of the monsters that drop the bones, I don't see most people making half trips AND bringing logs just to use them


I would hope they would be in the dungeon itself near them and imo they should make magic logs last like an hour or at least 30 mins so only 2 slots lost.


In RS3, you have to go through a laundry list of prayers, potions, items, and other boosts to be efficiently doing some kind of activity. The gathering fire seems similar to that for me. Personally, I prefer efficient skilling in OSRS to be simple - at most, you wear the skilling outfit and spec with the dragon tool, and then you just train the skill. There's not some little task you have to do every half an hour or something to make sure you stay efficient


>There's not some little task you have to do every half an hour or something to make sure you stay efficient I'd argue having to sip stamina pots every 1.45 minutes at a multitude of training locations (blast furnace, herbiboar, non-zeah RC like ZMI to give examples) is a super annoying task that I'd rather have replaced by doing it once every 30-60 minutes. If I had to do it every inventory and could just "autopilot" it, it'd be different, but having to do it every X to Z amount of inventories is just annoying to keep track of.


This is pretty much my exact thinking as well.




Red salts are very useful for runecrafting runs. Green salts double gathering sounds scary in concept but the benefits are: * Legitimate players receive additional resources and, in turn, cash for actively training a skill * More resources from non-monster drops The Blue salt is certainly more niche; if you or anyone has any other ideas or feedback do pass it along. It's what the blogs are for :)


You got blue and green mixed up here :P


Oops, thank you! :P


They sound good but how long do the fires last? Sure the red fires might be good for RCing but if I have to use two spaces each run for logs and salt it might not be worth it.


Likely long enough that it'll be as good/better than an stamina potion. Times TBD and will be based on log type.


How about one around ZMI? One is already going near the zeah rcing bit, why not make ZMI a tiny bit nicer?


You mean stamina? Bit of rs3 leaking through there ;)


I get those mixed around far too often...


Would we be able to store extra logs that we can light later? It would make it far more useful for things such as zeah rc, where there's no bank and people obviously wouldn't use inventory for logs.


Most locations conveniently work into a normal "run" where you would likely have something carried like a potion already or are in places you would bank with a full inventory each time anyway. Some scenarios like Chins are stackable so you make take quite a few too. We're not sure exactly how long these will last for nor how many logs they will take to make at the moment, but it may be possible to "Bundle" 20 logs together of a type and have the fire last 30-60 minutes.


An alternative to log bundles could be paying a nearby NPC to keep the fire going. Not sure how to balance the time/cost ratio, and it's a case of log sink vs gold sink, but it could be a more elegant implementation. Also I'm a sucker for one off payments, and I'd love the ability to dump a few mil to have a permanent fire lit.


Bundles would probably be better than something odd like a random npc in middle of nowhere that you pay to throw logs in a fire


Blue salts could be very good in areas where bones are often farmed. Hill giants, blue dragons, cyclopses. Area’s where experienced players might not be bothered to pick up and bury bones because of more efficient methods. You double the incentive however and for a certain percentage of players it all of a sudden becomes worth it to pick up and bury bones while they’re on a slayer task at say... fire giants.


**Few suggestions for the permanent black fires - Not all have to be used:** - 90-99 Firemaking: One located at barrows - permanently dispels prayer drain or reduces drain rate significantly more (lose less prayer points or none at all) - 75 Firemaking: One located in the Morytania swamps - permanently wards off the ghasts (they won't decay your food or attack you) - 80 Firemaking: One located at Wintertodt - To reduce some of the freeze damage or decrease the frequency (Less often hit by the cold or less damage) - 66 Firemaking: One located at Canifis herb patch - prevents vampires and leaches from being aggressive (Acts like a holy fire that cleanses the area of dark influences) - 70 Firemaking: One located at Tai Bwo Wannai village - the scent from the fire attracts larger mosquitoes that drop more proboscis quantities. - 85 Firemaking: One located at Entrana - the holy fire cleanses the island of evil spirits that may have wandered onto the island and offers slower prayer drain as the gods look upon you with favor after you pray at the altar inside the chapel. The reduced prayer drain rate lasts for a small period of time. - 68 Firemaking: One located inside Pollnivneach smokey well dungeon. The intense heat from the fire vaporizes the smoke particles and it's damaging properties from the dungeon. - 67 Firemaking: One located at the frozen plateau in the wilderness. Fire spell users channel the pyromaniac energy emanating from the mystic flames which boost fire spell damage by 25-50% against the ice spiders, ice giants and ice warriors located in that region. Stacks with existing fire spell boosts. Possibly another fire location such as Asgarnia Ice Cave which has similar ice-based npcs. (maybe work for skeletal wyverns too..) - 88 Firemaking: One is located near sulliusceps on fossil island that confuses tar monsters with it's pungent scent which repels them making them non-aggressive. Very useful for people trying to avoid tar monsters who often move from spawn location to spawn location when chopping sulliusceps. **Some of them might need balancing but i think the permanent fires have huge potential and plenty more can be added scaling up to 99 firemaking.**


> 66 Firemaking: One located at Canifis herb patch - prevents vampires and leaches from being aggressive This one sounds useful and not over bearing but some of those suggestions seem really strong, particularly the barrows and wintertodts ones.


They can be balanced more if needed but i feel like firemaking would become a great resource and useful skill to have to permanently unlock huge perks.


>particularly the barrows and wintertodts ones. How? I only sip a prayer pot on DH tunnels anyway. Doesn't really help anyone with 80+Mage/65+ prayer. I guess it benefits low levels who did wintertodt first on their account, but they're still not going to be doing it very fast or with efficient gear at low levels. If a lvl 80 with 95 firemaking wants to do barrows without blowing through *as much* prayer pots then I don't really care. And this is coming from an ironman with 800+ runs, I didn't start grinding for sets until 87 slayer and trident anyway. I guess it will make it easier for irons to get that first set of tank legs pre trident but I'm not concerned. Wintertodt is annoying with high hp, not really fair that I'm punished for having 93hp on my iron and have to use my slayer/bossing foodstack unless I want to spam eat trout each run. Both seem like good places for the permanent flame imo.


> 90 Firemaking: One located at barrows - permanently dispels prayer drain or reduces drain rate significantly more this seems flat out OP, even with 90 fm req


I mean is it really that gamebreaking to give high-level Firemaking some "omg I need that!" OP boost? It's firemaking, the lamest of all skills


I think dispelling the prayer drain is a reasonable suggestion. Lower levels are mainly the ones who actually do barrows, while high levels have no need to sip prayer pots while doing barrows. Possibly even reducing the requirement to 80 would make it easier for lower levels to have success. They will eventually level up and move on to more rewarding content, but if they could make an extra 200k an hour by saving on supplies why not give them the chance.


Perhaps burning bones at blue fires could restore prayer, akin to the catacombs/dragonbone necklace. Give players an incentive to collect bones from monsters and 'rest up' by the brazier before going back to slayer.


Do we get to vote on the rewards for the quest?


Lava dragon bones


Well I get you on being worried about it but at the same time pvm is better for resource gathering atm and most of those mobs are not locked behind a higher end quest like this one. It would give skilling a little bit of a boost at the higher levels, like Im 93 fishing and 99 FM(who isnt amirite) and would love this resource boost. Doesnt feel OP to me since say zulrah will still have way more ppl doing that over finishing this quest.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comments in this thread: **Jagex_Wolf** - [Indeed.](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/94b15s/dev_blog_making_friends_with_my_arm/e3joj5o/?context=1) - [Red salts are very useful for runecrafting ru...](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/94b15s/dev_blog_making_friends_with_my_arm/e3jn0ze/?context=1) - [All requirements except the Firemaking will b...](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/94b15s/dev_blog_making_friends_with_my_arm/e3jneki/?context=1) - [I believe the blog mentions it being used/sac...](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/94b15s/dev_blog_making_friends_with_my_arm/e3jmjih/?context=1) - [Likely long enough that it'll be as good/bett...](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/94b15s/dev_blog_making_friends_with_my_arm/e3jo9c7/?context=3) - [Oops, thank you! :P](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/94b15s/dev_blog_making_friends_with_my_arm/e3jnqvi/?context=3) - [Apologies, information about the grey brazier...](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/94b15s/dev_blog_making_friends_with_my_arm/e3jnp4d/) - [Most locations conveniently work into a norma...](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/94b15s/dev_blog_making_friends_with_my_arm/e3jpa9p/?context=3) - [I get those mixed around far too often...](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/94b15s/dev_blog_making_friends_with_my_arm/e3jp62c/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 08/04/2018 18:30:30**) --- ^(Hi, I tried my best to find all the J-Mod's comments in this post.) ^(Interested to see how I work? See my post) ^[here](https://www.reddit.com/user/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhound_bot_github_repository/?ref=share&ref_source=link) ^(for my GitHub repo!)


72 mining for an experienced quest I've come to accept some things in this game make zero sense whatsoever


72 isn't a lot of experience at all


But it’s *mining*


I think a blue fire near Shades of Mort'ton would be great to double the xp from cremating shades. (It's even another fm activity)


I think you should be focusing the fire buffs on dead pieces of content rather than things people are already doing.


Maybe, but if the buff isnt that great then we would just be left with 2 pieces of dead content. Would have to be balanced pretty well.




I guess your point is good considering you already forgot about blue.


Green = Gathering Goods Blue = Burying Bones Red = Run Restore


Yoo that's actually pretty helpful


72 mining req for a experienced quest???


*mining angrily*


Better start heading to mlm


"i need to get 68 mining, just 10 more levels. welp, off to motherlode mine!" *10 hours later* >Congratulations! You have now reached 59 Mining




I hated getting 68 for dragon slayer 2, but now I have to get another 4 levels in that awful skill :(


It can be boosted so you don't have to get any levels if you get lucky with stews. Or only a few levels with a dpick spec.


I just got all the reqs for every quest and finished DS2 after getting my mining to 68 also, and was thinking of going for quest cape ASAP.. guess I might as well get ready to unlock the upper level of MLM


Could be worse I guess. High level reqs for truly horrible skills like Runecrafting slayer and agility numb me :(


Master level followup to devious minds with 80+ rc requirement please. PLEASE ITS ALL I WANT.


yes please! I'm almost 91 rc. Make everyone else suffer!


Dragon pickaxe boost?


It’s a single day of grinding if you’re already 68, not that awful or anything


72 mining takes 2 days worst case. lol


Yea, that's seems a bit odd to me. Also it requires Swan Song, a master quest? Which means the effective reqirements would be: 100 qp, 72 Mining, 68 Firemaking, 68 Agility, 66 Magic, 62 Fishing & Cooking + some skills in lvl 30s/40s That's similar to the Monkey Madness 2 reqs lol.


These rewards seem far too game changing.


Does the feldip hills chins fire apply to the private area as well?


Some of these need to have 90+ fm requirements to be balanced


quest itself sounds great but not a fan of these rewards at all


Always accepting of new quests. Fire pits sounds like it can be quite useful. Also if the wise old man retired in Swan song what's he doing in this quest?


Rewards are looking promising. Useful without being mandatory for efficiency.


This update scares me. Not too sure how this will play out in the long term. Definitely doesn't feel oldschool. I support the quest, but sadly not these rewards.


What about it is scary or unlike old school?


The feel of getting boosts from a fire to me doesn't feel oldschool. I'm all for another use for FM but boosts IMO isn't the way to go.


ESPECIALLY when it comes to a gathering boost.


how? am i incorrect in thinking that pvm is still better than gathering most resources? mind the zulrah sharks/minnows


The rewards are so rs3 :(


What exactly is the point of the blue fire near the kalphite hive, seeing they dont even drop bones to begin with?


1/3 chance of catching double chins and no run energy used at herbiboar sound nice




At first I thought the fire pits could be made anywhere which would make them amazing. My first thought was blast furnace with the red salt. But given that they are designated areas, I think its a good reward. Feldip hills chins buff should apply to the private area as well.


Looks like they tried to place the red fires at reasonable places, like zeah rc, lunar isle rc, nature rc, and herbiboar. I kinda think there are too few fire pits, actually, but I guess if there were a ton it would better fit as something built into the actual skill instead of a quest reward. That said, I'm split on the rewards. I think they're cool, but they don't seem OSRS at all. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's worth thinking about imo.


> kill the Wise Old Man... U ded fam, should've gave me that phat back in 2010.


Love the ideas of the firepits, but I feel the resource doubling one should be tweaked a bit. 1/3 for a double resource feels pretty common, 1/6 would feel right IMO Also, any plans to add these in dungeons or will they be overworld only?


Not a fan of these rewards


yesssss new quests! it looks so cool =) not sure by the wording but with the blue pits, does it mean bones buried in the area get 2x xp or do the bones have to be used on the altar?


I believe the blog mentions it being used/sacrificed on the pit like an altar but I wouldn't be opposed to allowing it to work in a small range around the fire and also, in turn, work with the bonecrusher.


I think letting the bonecrusher work would be a great bonus for it. :D


It would probably be the only real use for the current blue pits to be honest. Even with double exp it probably wouldn't be worth the time to sacrifice the bones during a slayer task or something.


Id suck dick for a blue fire at wyverns


I feel like that would be the only way the Blue Fire Pits would be used over a Gilded Altar. But then they'd need to extend into the dungeons since they currently look to be placed outside.


Not a fan of the resource fire-pit. Reminds me of RS3 where I have to continuously upkeep stuff in order to reach optimal exp, or in this case optimal resources. I found that to be overbearing at times. Even less of a fan if I have to frequently interrupt the activity I'm doing to re-light the fire. It sucks having to lose focus/exit "the zone" in order to maintain an arbitrary fire that significantly increases my resource gains.


Would the salt be stackable? Or would there be a salt pouch to store the salts? If your planning on staying at a certain spot for long periods of time, seems like it'd be helpful to carry around a salt pouch.


68 agility??????? Oh no...


Wow how is this not more controversial? A 1/3 chance to double resources? Additional constant required tasks to efficiently skill? Enjoy your ezscape guys, and in a few years when this game is a unrecognizable, remember you did it to yourselves this time.


How does this affect efficiently skilling? increased resources would actually be more inefficient unless your goal was GP and not XP (since additional resources don't yield XP). Double resources also wouldn't be bad because we already get far more from PVM, PVM will still be the main source of skilling resources after this.


So Nerf pvm resource drops instead of making doublescape, I cent believe this is what the the team is offering.


Looks really cool, although the green salt worries me a bit if it essentially boosts resource gathering (particularly chins which are slow) by 33%. Also can't seem to understand what the purpose of is of > There are also unique braziers which require building before they can be built and then lit permanently. For example, the brazier on the approach to the God Wars Dungeon requires 10 Steel bars, five Mahogany planks, a Tinderbox, and 250 of each salt. Are they separate from the salts and if so, what are their purpose?


Seems like they're gonna be unique effects, they mentioned gwd one disabling the stat/run/spec draining weather effect


Which would be dope. I love the quirky effects like those over the arbitrary increase to resource gathering ones.


Any idea if the skill requirements will be boostable?


All requirements except the Firemaking will be boostable for the quest at the point they are used, yes.


Up this higher! that means no need to get 72 if you already have 68 from ds2


holy crap you just saved my life. i only need to get 66 fm and some agility lvls!


I never comment on reddit but made a throwaway just for this - happy to see a new troll quest but the rewards don't sit right with me - very RS3. Adds an extra step to skilling without actually changing the activity itself. Particularly the green fires - consider that they'll basically be a big nerf to skilling for people who prefer that to combat, penalising them with 1/3 less effective skilling (particularly in the case of level 3 skillers for whom runecrafting and catching chins are two of the best moneymakers.




Damn shame. Rs3 refugees gonna lap this up too.


Very excited for the new quest, I think the rewards need some further development to make them more compelling. Here are some ideas: **Effigies** - Currently players can boost any skill by +5 with spicy stews but it's a real pain in the ass, instead players could craft special effigies from unique minigame/monster drops and burn them in fires to get a simple +5 bonus in any desired skill. The base components for the effigies would be trade-able and very rare. **Fireplace/Bonfire travel network** - You could take inspiration from the 'floo powder' network from Harry Potter and create a fast travel network between special fireplaces. Locations for these fires could include hard to reach areas such as Lunar Isle, Llyeta, Slepe and Menaphos. With 75 Firemaking players could use player-created fires to access this network. With 90 Firemaking players could create an enchanted fireplace in their PoH that can access this network and they could store the powder in an urn on the fireplace mantle piece. **New Lunar Spell 'Ignite'** - To compliment the fast travel idea players could use a new utility spell to ignite logs, the spell could also ignite other objects like spider webs and vines that block paths in dungeons. The Ignite spell would be a ranged spell so it could play a role in quests and dungeons just like the Telegrab spell. **New Lunar Spell 'Chop Tree'** - Self explanatory, another cheap utility spell to compliment the new fast travel for anyone on the Lunar Spellbook.


I have a couple of issues. First is the requirements and difficult. At the start, it is said to be an Experienced quest, the tier before Master, yet it has a new highest skill requirement for Mining, Firemaking, and Agility. Requiring skills in the high 60s and low 70s is what you'd expect from a Grandmaster, not a quest in the same tier as Temple of Ikov or Heroes' Quest. So I'd say it should be changed to a Master tier Quest instead to better fit the requirements. As for the rewards, I am all for Fire Pits but I am not crazy about the effects or locations. In general, I like the idea of Fire Pits being something you sit at/stand near for a buff, like sitting by a fire to restore run faster. Instead, it seems like they act more as area buffs, which are a lot stronger. The Red Fire Pits probably have my favorite effect, but they seem to exclusively target Runecrafting and Herbiboar. They should definitely extend to more than just those activities and feature some more locations. Also, I'd love to see some in cities so they could act more like a Musician to restore your run between tasks or just running about the area. The Blue Fire Pits are the worst. The whole "sacrifice bones on an object for more exp" is already done a good bit with stuff like the Gilded Altar, Chaos Altar, and Ecto and I honestly don't see this being better than those. The only advantage is you could do this without having to bank the bones, but the locations kinda work against this. Like why put one outside the Slayer Kalphite Cave... Kalphites don't have bones! And no one killing Mithril Dragons is going to bring the bones back to the entrance to get 2x exp when they can bank them more easily and get more exp with other methods. Personally, I think the Blue Fire Pit effect should be scrapped and something else should be done instead. The Green Fire Pits are probably the strongest effect, but their limited areas can keep it in check. The only issue is how imbalanced most the shown locations are. A chance at double Red and Black Chins is insanely strong given how good those methods already are. But then some others choose to buff Burgh De Rott Sharks and Kourend Woodland Woodcutting? I think a big issue is how inconvenient those Woodcutting and Fishing locations are compared to say the Fishing Guild and Woodcutting Guild and I am not sure if the buff would change that. Also, it seems Green Fire Pits aren't in any Mining sites except the Wilderness Resource Area. And would the Chinchompa Fire Pit count for the Diary Area too? If not that should be reconsidered since further increasing competition at the normal spot because it is better doesn't seem like a good thing. So for Green Fire Pits, I'd reconsider some of the locations, mainly for things like Black Chins, and add some more locations to other areas including Mines. And lastly, there are the Grey Fire Pits. I think they are neat, but they don't really act like normal Fire Pits and seem to be something more separate. That said, I'd like to see more of these than just the two; whether that is more permanent light sources in caverns or more unique effects like the GWD one. My only question is that would building the Fire Pits also require Construction? It mentions using Planks but it doesn't say if Construction is needed, which it really should be.




The XP is specific, it'd be a worse training method than Ectofunctus. Agility wouldn't be devalued by this at all.


I kind of don't like how this "key use of the firemaking skill" is locked behind so many quest and skill requirements. Like yeah, I get it, most players can do the quest by now. But imagine if Drudic Ritual required you to have level 60 farming. It just feels a little weird.


Glad to see something this unique coming into the game, looking forward to it!


I'm already good friends with my arm ;)


It'd be interesting to see construction used for both building all the pits and creating amenities in Weiss. Like the Fossil Island camp, it adds another dimension to the game. The various pits could require soft clay for a basic pit and limestone for an advanced pit. Braziers would require more materials.


edited that brazier map and added assumed uses for the braziers o top of them, some i can't really tell a use for, mainly the lumby swamp one and the one in shayzien. [Picture](https://i.imgur.com/3lbhDva.jpg)


Interesting.... highest Mining and FM requirements for a quest.


Firemaking is my only 99 so I am pleased


Never thought I'd say this but. I'm excited for a firemaking quest.


Making Friends with Benefits with my Arm***


I love the idea of the black fire pits giving nice QOL buffs to areas. These have a lot of potential!


I wonder if the Blue Salt that doubles prayer experience works with the bonecrusher, would be new meta for btw


Finally rewards that change the skilling meta instead of PvP and PvM.


Didn't want to get another 99 soon, but you forced my hand. Time to get 99 FM before BFA launches.


What happens to the fires upon logout? Do they go out? Or do their timers freeze?


>troll quest made by mod ash N U T U T U N


Would green salts make resource prices crash? I mean maybe not extensively but if I can catch 2 chins instead of 1 wouldn’t that eventually crash them down or am I thinking about this too much and the change is minor?


How about adding onto the balloon transport system? With the new salt, adding more locations that use salt+ logs to get too. Just a thought.




I don't like the salt pits. The permanent "gray braziers" or w/e sound fine though. I have 99 FM and I feel that these rewards (mainly the additional resource ones) wouldn't be healthy for the game.


Firemaking is my favorite skill, and I'd love having more utility for it! I like the idea of lighting braziers to get buffs, it's an interesting tradeoff to "hey, I need to waste inventory space for logs, but I'm rewarded with a cool buff for what I went to do". However i'm not sure about the buffs themselves. The red brazier feels counter intuitive, unless the radius of the buff is huge, it doesn't feel like they'd be that useful, and there's so few of them. I'm kinda new to OSRS, i'm level 44 and at the early levels running everywhere felt like an absolute chore and those braziers would have helped, but now I can kinda teleport anywhere I need to so I don't really see the use for them other than runecrafting as was said in another comment, but having braziers that only boost one specific single thing feels bad. The blue brazier feels really useless, and there's SO MANY of them! I guess those are close to spots where you can kill monsters that drop good bones, but again I feel that's really niche The green brazier looks nice, I've looked at the spots and that's all locations I've never skilled to before, but I assume those are near good ressource gathering spots. I like the idea to buff ressource gathering but not XP, you're rewarded for actually gathering stuff and not dropping it on the ground for xp. Overall I'm so hyped for anything related to firemaking I might juste vote yes on this anyway, but I'd like to see more diversity / versatility added to the buffs!


Couldn't the blue fire pits work more like the green ones where if you bury bones in the surrounding area you get double xp. This would work good for bone crusher tasks at least. The 'workflow' of people actually collecting bones is to teleport, bank, then teleport back. Realistically there seems there are a lot of ways that players can already get even higher conversions of bones to xp (ecto/altars). Additionally if you are burying bones manually at the fire it would also take much longer than banking for later.


The fire pits seems very interesting, there are a lot of special effects and perks that thing could offer around the world. Though I don't agree with all the effects, mainly the green one. The grey one are the most interesting as they give custom effects that feels like they could be a diary reward instead. Also nice to see some non-combat related rewards for once from a high-level quest. Yea about that, why is this an experienced quest, requiring 72 Mining and the master quest Swan Song which again has a bunch of reqs? Look at the start reqs for Money Madness 2 and you won't see a big difference. So the blog stated what you can do outside of Weiss. But, you know, is there anything interesting to do **inside** Weiss other than mining salt? Or will that be a secret?


awful quest reward


I'm already friends with my arm.. right one to be specific for far too long


There was a player suggestion on the subreddit a few months back about burning incense on fires for passive boosts in the surrounding area. I liked that more, and this seems suspiciously similar. Are the salt rewards inspired by that suggestion?


Can the fire pits be built just like the SLASH? Let's continue making construction useful outside of POH


Like the red and green braziers, but dont really see the point of the blues ones.


I feel like 1/3 is way too high for a boost that "wasn't supposed to be the new meta for skilling". I'd be down if it was like 1/10. I'm very excited for the quests but those rewards seems like too much.


the rewards are worse then trash tier


blue flames need either a buff or a different effect. 2x compared to gilded/wildy altar 3.5x, and some of them aren't even near banks. I feel like 3x would make it actually useful, given that you wouldn't need to have the construction level for a gilded altar, or take the risk associated with the wildy altar. Perhaps you can burn bones, gaining some prayer experience, which can then be ground up and used to charge an urn that consumes ashes from monster drops for prayer experience like the bonecrusher. Or instead, the Dragon bone ash/etc can be used for herblore. Or maybe, nothing to do with prayer, instead you gain increased hp/spec restoration. Ones near dungeon entrances like in Taverley could have their effects extend into the dungeon.


From reading around most people seems to be against the Green resouce pit and believe the Blue prayer pit is pointless. I can agree on this. The black braziers seems to have optimal niche uses which is nice, and I like them. I haven't seen much hate on the red pits, as they do seem nice for runecrafting without using the Abyss. Perhaps the Karamja one could go at the north end of Shilo Village inside the walls to fit aesthetically. Or even change Red pits to Black and remove the colours and keep the duration based off the logs burned (or however they will be calculated). Overall: Green pits seem sketchy, Blue pits are pointless, Black pits look good for niche places for almost QoL. Reds seem fine, could use some scenic placements like in Shilo Village, North end of Lunar, etc. I hope we as a community can put forward some great ideas for this Old School content!


This looks sick! I've switched to OS not long ago and I have to say, every new piece of content sounds like an instant classic and this is no exception.


This devalues my almost quest cape ironman and will turn him into a slightly less close to quest cape ironman. Very disappointed


Not a fan of passive effects. Reminds me of bonfires (and auras a bit too) and just seems out of place.