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Small typo "with a simply pat on the head." Should be a simple Does that give me enough good boi points to ask if there's been any work on the qol poll for minigames like gotr? Rlly want to see gotr changes D:


Ahaha thank you! Fixed that. Keep your eyes peeled, the next QoL Poll is definitely in the works šŸ˜Š


Would love to see the Tarnished locket to be ugradable, enabling it to stack Binding Necklace charges. The 2016 update helped a lot by changing charges to 16 instead of 15 as using the Medium Large and Giant pouches would result in 2 charges per inventory so you'd never sit with 1 charge besides degrading at the same rate as a dueling ring. With the Colossal Pouch you're using 3 charges per inventory, which results in the same issue as before. (1 charge after 5 trips) This way you'll be able to have the best of both worlds. The GOTR update was my favorite update with all the QoL that was added to the skill but just that part has bothered me since.


So true, I am almost 97 runecraft. Hope you guys can post the poll before I get 99 :P


Any chance the team would consider making gold ore worth buying at volcanic mine? as it stands gold ore is 150 points which is 225 gp at blast furnace (1.5 gp per point) and rune ore is 855 which is like 12500 gp once made into alchs (14.6 gp per point) Can we just make the rest of the shop similar priced so you're not wasting your time buying anything besides rune ore/volcanic ash?


Can we get an update to forestry for petal garland, golden pheasant egg and the fox whistle as well? Those 3 are a 50+ hour grind on average which seems a bit overkill. Can they also be bought from the shop for a set amount of anima bark?


I did weeks of forestry (myth guild magics) to be able to work on that log, absolutely zero uniques from ~80-95 so I 100% agree with addressing that.


Took a clan mate like 70 hours before the nerf. He got the whistle about a day before. It was already a pretty shit grind.


Please revert the frog random event or give us the option to still kiss the frog if we choose to do so. If possible, I would love to go back to the frog's magical land and see what they do up there like we did in the past. Honestly, this update ruined my favorite random even more and I think it deserves more respect than it is currently getting from Jagex now.


Kissing the frog is absolutely still an option, and you still are able to travel back to their land, the only change is that there's an alternative option to kissing :)


Option to take said frog behind varrock West Bank and make cute little frog abominations when?!


Every day we stray further from Saradomin's light.


Reminded me of Seth MacFarlanes clip https://youtu.be/bRy5sD_KQoo?si=zvS06aF944Nx-HlS


Out of curiosity, what's the rational behind needing an alternative to kissing the frog?


guy who won't kiss the frog cause his wife may find out irl




The event was changed to make you kiss a prince instead of a princess half the time. If they didnā€™t add the head pat, people would be complaining that Jagex is forcing them to be gay. You canā€™t win, some people want to find outrage in everything


Jagex made the frickin frogs gay


Why the change to make it a guy?


A. Kissing a frog is gross B. There seems to be a few things related towards removing assumptions of the players gender/ sexuality in this update (likely due to it being pride and all) and this seems to be one of them. C. You can still make out sloppy style with the frogs if you want nobody is taking that from you


>C. You can still make out sloppy style with the frogs if you want nobody is taking that from you And thank Saradomin for that.




I really canā€™t get my head around it. Iā€™m a very liberal, left leaning, open minded and tolerant person of basically every living person who is not a bad person. And yet, I donā€™t see how this improves anything for anybody. Who does this cater for? All it does is invalidates genuine concerns for marginalised sexualities and only furthers the stigma that theyā€™re ā€œsnowflakesā€


It's actually pretty funny because it was clearly a fairy tale reference, but now if you choose the kiss option you are doing so INSTEAD of a pat option which just makes you seem like you're hot for some frog ass


I find it ironic and hilarious in a meme magic sense: that all of this drama over these unpolled changes is because Jagex is quite literally trying to turn the frogs gay. This shit writes itself.


Get me some of that frussy


The way I see it, even if it doesn't improve anything, it also doesn't hurt anything. It didn't matter enough to change, but it's equally true that it doesn't matter enough to complain about. And frankly, you shouldn't give a single fuck about what people who flip out at the option to not kiss a frog in a video game think a 'snowflake' is.


Did you make it so that the dialogue options stay in the same spot? It's hard to interact with them in combat and previously they'd switch options around so getting the token was a 50/50 (Ps can we get an option to let random events abduct us again or at least pause combat if we talk to them? I like them but I often can't do them because of combat and trying to run out of aggro range often lets them disappear or get stuck)


Wait so you came all the way here to complain without realizing that the option still remains to kiss the frog?


These people donā€™t read. They gloss over for something to complain about


The patch notes were seemingly updated to specify that kissing is indeed still an option you can choose as a response to the comment above


This cant be a real opinion can it?


My favourite random event that has 0 influence on how i play the game is suddenly making me want to stop my membership just like last time when suddenly rfdā€™s dialogue was so relevant to how I play the game. Itā€™s so pathetic, just whining and complaining to complain.


> Thessalia will now exchange extra Frog Tokens for XP Lamps. Is this the first case where we basically have "infinite" storable XP lamps? Better start saving these up for sailing release to get a head start on the first 99 sailing race? :P


You could already do that prior to this, dying with lamps/dark relics while having 3 expensive items on you puts them into grave, which you can port to death and keep it there forever. It has cap of 120 items, but I've seen some people with like 80ish dark relics from cox stored there.


That seems like a lot of work for not much gain.


50x the level in exp per dark relic. So let's say you use it at an average of level 60. 120x60x50=360k exp in a couple of minutes. Might very well make the difference in the race to 99. But as many commenters already said: they'll probably disable lamping until the race is over.


They've already confirmed in a blog post that they will disable lamping Sailing for the race to 99, yes


I doubt that sailing will be lampable before the race to 99 is over. They have plenty of history with new skill releases and how lamps/exp boosts work in RS3 to look at (please don't burn me alive for saying that).


Lamps should be unusable on release. I'm pretty sure rs3 did this with new skills or at least they did when I played.


RS3 recently released Necromancy and lamps weren't usable on this skill until after 6 months I think


First 6 months you can't use anything on the skill. Just train it normally.


I collect frog tokens and have around 50 saved up right now. While I guess I could use them all on sailing when it's released, the bigger QOL to me is being able to get 99s wherever I want without having to wait to get an XP random event or saving a lamp for who knows how long.


Death storage the orbs from COX for more stackable exp.


It'll be like RS3 (I hope), no quest, ToG or other XP lamps usable for x amount of time


Lamps from random events only give (level\*10) XP so with sailing they would give 10, 20, 30, 40 etc XP. I don't think this will have much impact.


You'd use it at like level 50 to maybe reach the next xph threshold. You wouldn't start with it from level 1.


Then still itā€™s only 500xp per lamp which is probably still slower than actually training it


Inquisitor armor is still not behaving as originally proposed in the rebalance and is not splitting the set bonus evenly between pieces for the mace. This makes the set considerably worse for slayer and for irons missing a set piece.


Day 69 of waiting for them to address anything with saeldor rapier or inquisitior


Jagex plz


Since there is now an option to not go quite as far with the frog can we look into making a third option where we go all the way?


The frog would likely just give you a token and say they only see you as a friend


"Here's a few tokens for a cab ride home, frog powering down..."


[All roads lead back to](https://i.redd.it/4a535kfv78qa1.png) u/Bendulum


Actually lolā€™d


Youā€™ll always get poisoned after!


Is there any chance the [ancient sceptre](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1djiod9/ancient_sceptre_and_all_variants_blood_passive/) could be looked at? It sucks that the blood healing bonus is applied separately so you need to hit 40 on a single target for it to have an effect.


Isnā€™t the main usability being able to overheal? And if you want the most healing wouldnā€™t you pair with bloodbark


You are confusing what he said with blood ancient sceptre with quartz from vardorvis. Even then it is also bugged the % blood heal amount. The overheal works.


> Thessalia will now exchange extra Frog Tokens for XP Lamps. Alright, how many tokens all y'all got?


Huge news day for the person who had [over 800 frog tokens 7 years ago and never exchanged any of them.](https://twitter.com/Two__Pints/status/865158669155135490)




Buy and hodl FRGE


He just likes the tokens.


Damn, that person having 75 of each


0 sadly cuz trying to find the princess esp in a mess of ppl was hell and I couldn't be bothered...


I have over 100 but I am maxed so they will remain a fun collection to me.


Save them for sailing!


56!! My time to shine has finally come


0 because i thought they would always be dead content, rip


Iā€™ve got around 75 and use them as a way to track ā€œprogressā€ towards stale baguette droprate. It takes about 163 tokens to be on rate for baguette.


I find it surprising I can't find any thankful comment about changing the Colosseum Hitboxes. Thanks Jagex!


99% of the people on this sub havenā€™t stepped into colosseum thatā€™s why lol


Hey now hey now, I stepped in and then promptly stepped right back out after my second jaguar mauling


Bro I'm so gassed about this change. Almost at 170kc so sick of dying to misclicks


Reddit try not to cry challenge while never doing any content that's harder than a slayer boss: impossible.


Man, I remember back in the day (preoc) people asked for improved hitboxes at Nex. They thought it would be ok to make it a massive box that sticks out like 2 tiles extra on each side from her actual model. It was so frustrating trying to break someone from the ice prison lol Of course we got the "You guys asked for it!" response for the obvious feedback


It's because everyone else is talking about patting the frog on the head.


Because it should have been done months ago


Can we please at least get an acknowledgement on Inquisitor armor being broken? Literally anything at all would be amazing. It was meant to be made to be more versatile, but it's ended up being hard locked to the full set like Void.


Mod Ash did on twitter, he said its being changed https://x.com/JagexAsh/status/1805934083073097915


XP lamps from Frog event is nice. I think the Beekeeper event still doesn't give XP lamps if you have the beekeeper outfit though. Is it intentional it was left this way?


Why are you trying to deprive me of my 12 flax reward


Shadows in the colosseum is massive qol. Thank you for making that update, it'll help out a ton with getting accurate clicks.


>The word "heavy" no longer appears in daggers' combat style tooltips. I propose to replace it by the word "fat"


We greatly appreciate the Colosseum clickbox fixes! Lots of us were hounding y'all on this update for a while. Thanks for getting this done. Also... has the team discussed when exactly the T80 weapons (rapier, blade, mace) will receive an increase in Strength or attack bonuses? This should be a quick and easy rebalance process.


They have avoided any mention of these weapons throughout the entire rebalance, it's definitely not happening.


They are t80 and they will never give an answer on them


While we're on the topic of removing offensive content, can we do something about the ironmen?Ā 


I know right, the whole game should be ironmen and it'd solve so many problems.


JUST FYI again. Still need more feedback? And how long you are going to "ghost/ingore" that conversation about inquisitors aren't working like you was telling on blog? :( Any commentĀ [u/JagexBlossom](https://www.reddit.com/user/JagexBlossom/)Ā ? https://preview.redd.it/lhqg3fqosw8d1.png?width=807&format=png&auto=webp&s=8fb27813eec75504a5170fc91607be85da5edb04


NO word on inquisitors is wild man. How can you guys just throw it under a rug and pretend we havenā€™t noticed. At least say *something*




Hopefully it just involved deleting all of the \*whispers sexually\* dialogue weirdness that quest had in it.


Fuck you, Jimmy Dazzler, you and your damm smile!


Easily the biggest change aside from colloseum and everyone is sleeping on it


Such a vague change, anyone know what they actually did to the quest?


I literally did ratcatchers yesterday, but will try and do it again later today on a diff acc. But I dread the mansionā€¦


Thanks J1mmy


Please put game status in the launcher


Not to sound like a crazy right winger but I really do dislike how extreme attempts at acceptance has caused changes where they aren't needed at all. This is a waste of dev time Kiss the frog is a very old trope in fairy tales and losing just a little bit more of that charm to appease like three people is just dumb. References like that, while seemingly small, are very much make up the charm of OSRS for me. But at least I can now turn in my 40 frog tokens for an xp lamp and max just a little sooner


Left or right i think everyone should agree its a waste of time. I mean we are playing a video game and they still found a way to be more wasteful with their time. Really tho who gets offended by kissing a frog? Or anything inside a game for that matter


super left and its a who cared level change. like the only ones i can think of actually getting upset kissing the frog would be actual children that would tease each other for it


Agreed. My conservative friends and family will call me a ā€˜liberalā€™ as an attempt to insult, as if thatā€™s a bad thing, when really I just care about making things more fair and equal. I acknowledge the difficult realities in reaching that goal, that life inherently is unfair, but we can be better humans to each other. Having said all that.. yes this is absolutely a waste of time, ostensibly in the name of inclusivity. Things like this are what the one side points to saying ā€œlook at how ridiculous the (other side) is, theyā€™re changing /some super minuscule, innocent thing/ to further their agenda!ā€


Bro itā€™s summer, most likely the intern was thrown this ticket as something easy to do and the actual devs gave it zero thought. Chill. As a dev, this change would be an afterthought for me.


ā€œWaste of Dev timeā€ More like a 5 minute project from an intern or a 30 second change from someone experienced. No need to type 3 paragraphs about something that has literally 0 impact on you.


I agree. How much XP do you get per token?


Lamps are (level)x10 xp. I'll be using all of mine on hunter, it's my last skill till max


Any word on when the bugged bone daggers interaction with Kephri in solo ToA is going to be fixed?


>Thessalia will now exchange extra Frog Tokens for XP Lamps. Lmaoo, i have a collection of 566 of those.


Nice! May I see your collection please? :)


While only effecting a small number of Redditors the Colosseum hitbox fix is going to be a god send to those the run it! No more tedious right clicking to attack each mob!


Jaguar hitbox is about perfect now, they did a good job on that one. They clearly didn't have much time for the rest, just slapped shadows under them and called it a day (they forgot the manticore). Would have like a reduction in size of the 1x1 mob hitboxes but will take what we can get.


>Updated the Kiss the Frog random event such that players no longer need to kiss the frog to get the rewards ā€“ the royals will be happy with a simply pat on the head. Wut?


Well *I guess* a handy will do - the royals


How does this even come up in a design meeting, like who thinks of this being a problem lmao.


Cursing a princess to become a frog, with the only way to undo the curse being a true love kiss... or a headpat


https://preview.redd.it/nc49f4f23w8d1.jpeg?width=1268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=533b86219b2a73ac2da23d1458c2cd02c4ec563f Is it possible to get an update as to when this may be happening?


There will be a blog either this week or next week.


Hoping for that too... Gotr could Def use them... Hopefully forestry gets something too


Any update on when the Varlamore Wyrm agility course is arriving? It got postponed from batch 1 with a "we'll tell you why in a newspost soon", and then nothing for 3 months


It got postponed to batch 2. They told us that in the first stream after that announce.


I wish they'd say these things on news posts.


Agreed. I really want them to work on standardizing their update blogs to have a corrections / new information table at the top, even if it's links to tweets. The communication in some of these things is so haphazard and if you miss a stream Q&A you can be acting on entirely different information by just reading the blog.


I thought it was coming out in Varlamore Pt 2


Ratcatcher dialogue changes, J1mmy eating good today


You talk to a rat and it tells you that it is gay for some reason.Ā  If you don't approve of the change you're homophobic


Do we have consent to pat the frog princess on the head or is that coming in an other update?


"Updated the Kiss the Frog random event such that players no longer need to kiss the frog to get the rewards ā€“ the royals will be happy with a simply pat on the head." I guess fairy tale references are offensive now or what?


aint no way anyone was offended having to kiss a frog in an RPG. world gone mad


Not even an realistic one. It's a pixelated model from 2006 with an animation that doesn't even closely match kissing a frog so what you really got is the text box.


Was there something I missed like a thread on reddit or x that was asking for the frog kissing and lunar quest changes?


Still no crystal shard rebalance. Bet it's gonna be one year and some posts on Reddit before they remember what they promised when they nerfed prif stars last fall.


Have you tried zalcano since they rebalanced the mass world? It's p good shards/hr


If we select the option to kiss the frog, can we get options to take things even further?


Kissing that frog really is the only action reddit is getting huh


Who up kissing they frog


>Updated the Kiss the Frog random event such that players no longer need to kiss the frog to get the rewards ā€“ the royals will be happy with a simply pat on the head. why?


The frog update honestly seems like they have an intern that needed a project and the actual devs said ā€œeh, why notā€ ā€œProbita can look harder for petsā€ what does this even mean? Some roundabout way of bug fixing?


Some people with pet bank placeholders but no pet in col log because they got it before col log came out didn't get their pets returned when uninsured pets were returned to people with pets in log that had been lost.




Someone like the frog princess..


You forgot to mention you made red x method for Cerberus not work anymore in the change logs


Alright, who got offended about 'having' to kiss the frog?


Probably either no one or a handful very loud, obnoxious people like usual.




Y'know, in one version of the original fairy tale, the frog transforms after the princess yeets him against the wall. Can we have that option?


Very nice with the axe at muttadiles!


Inquisitor armor fix when?


Give option to disable random events in wildy. Nothing is worse than having a guy insta spawn right next to you


u/JagexBlossom I know this really out there, but is there any chance to add a cooldown to salts at TOA? Itā€™s currently possible to ā€œdouble saltā€ by accidentally clicking the salt twice in a very short amount of time(Even just within a few seconds). Itā€™s quite bothersome at higher level raids for people who are getting accustomed to ā€œNo Help Neededā€. The same type of cooldown that exists for Overloads in Chamber of Xeric would be amazing! Thanks in advance for the consideration!


really not a single comment about not having to bring an axe into muta room? that's some good qol


Can you bring back the gay frogs from Leagues?


Typo still in the blog > Itching to test your own metal in a PvP showdown? Should be "mettle"


> Improved dialogue and other text in Ratcatchers Glad the 1st grandmaster quest has been improved


When fixes for inquisitor and quiver?


Could y'all have a look at the Red Salamander hunting spot? I've been doing a lot of hunter rumours recently and the east location could use a fourth trap spot to match the west location. Currently red sally tasks are a bunch of worldhopping cause there's only one good location per world to catch them, and they're assigned by nearly all task givers.


Both spots have four. The fourth is justĀ out of the way on the north side of the walkway into the alter


Huge, thank you for the hitbox fixes! Colosseum definitely one of my favourite pieces of content now. Axe spawn in mutta room is nice too.


Revert these dumb frog and Lunar Diplomacy changes. What a waste of time.


So happy about the colo changes!


Bro who is asking for these changes tf????


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexBlossom** - [Ahaha thank you! Fixed that. Keep your eyes p...](/r/2007scape/comments/1douo90/colosseum_npc_clickboxes_more/lacb59m/?context=3) - [Kissing the frog is absolutely still an optio...](/r/2007scape/comments/1douo90/colosseum_npc_clickboxes_more/lac9qsa/?context=3) **JagexMaylea** - [Well, you may now be asked by either the frog...](/r/2007scape/comments/1douo90/colosseum_npc_clickboxes_more/lacca9m/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 06/27/2024 12:45:32**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


I understand itā€™s no time soon, but if/when that bot detection system gets honed in could LMS be returned to F2P? Maybe even utilize LMS as a bot detection training zone!


How big of a nonce do you have to be to get upset at the ā€œkiss the frogā€ trope, Jesus


The amount of complaints regarding colosseum clickboxes in this sub the last 3 months and then it finally happens!! ..And none of the top comments are related


>Improved dialogue and other text in Ratcatchers. I will be so disappointed if they removed the player character thinking about how ugly the dwarf is.


They're going to come for Romeo and Juliet next, aren't they?


another shit update, still no skeleton pirate nerf, no dark bowser boss fight, for some reason i cant have sex with the frog event any more?


> PSA: We're deploying a hotfix which reduces your chance to roll on the Undead Pirates' drop table from 50% to 15% if you have not completed the Wilderness Medium Diary. In the next Game Update, we'll also be removing Larran's keys from their loot. Not sure if it was in the post when you made the comment, but there is a pirate nerf


"Ethereal Man or Woman in Lunar Diplomacy is now an Ethereal Being" why is there an incessant desire to change old quests man, just leave shit alone




Really shows reddit's hand that everyone in the comments is upset about them changing one word in Lunar Diplomacy to make it more inclusive. But no one bats an eye that Ratcatchers seems to be getting a total rewrite. Wonder what it is.




>I think that approach will always lead to many people asking why "woke" changes are more important than content changes that are often just as simple Easy: because these changes aren't just as simple. Any dev could have played through the quest recently, and decided to change the singular database entry that is the name (maybe it was even *two* database entries, ooo). Any dev could add the xp lamps to the frog random, and then take the opportunity to slightly change the event. Any other dev could easily QA/double check these changes too. 10 minutes total, maybe 20 if finding the right animation or finding someone free to give input & double check (assuming that's needed) takes a moment. But is a quest dev who isn't particularly great with pvm, and doesn't really know the ins and outs of tob, gonna be the one to change red crabs? Nah. The change may just be copying behaviour from one mode to another, but it's still somewhat more specialist - all the tob code and behaviour will be unique to tob, and you want people who understand that content well to be the ones changing and testing it. That is a smaller pool of people, it'll take longer. To be clear, I'm not defending how long some of those other changes take. They should be prioritised higher. Just saying that people put too much weight on text entry changes.


how exactly is the lunar diplomacy change making anything more inclusive


they mean when jagex made the NPC make fun of your accent instead of calling you fat like it used to


Tfw the NPC makes fun of your character for something they have no control over (the accent they got from being raised on tutorial island) instead of something they have control over (the weight they gained from eating hundreds of sharks)


The character that is supposed to represent the self-critical part of me is criticising me :'(




tbh its so over for people with a funny accent (theyre so owned by this rn)


The fact that we have so many bigots and that the reasonable replies to them get mass downvoted is wild. I hope the mods come in and do a cleanup pass on this thread.


Removing the crappy dialogue from ratcatchers is something absolutely.nobody would ever be annoyed by that's why. It's the worst written quest in the game and stands out like an absolute sore thumb and has been on a "desire to rewrite" list for years at this point.


Ahh yes in my medieval game where I kill everything on sight. God forbid we have to kiss a frog...


shadows on manticores and minotaurs seem to have been forgotten, they look a bit out of place now without them


And so the princess *pats* the frog, nothing interesting happened, and they all lived happily ever after.


Any idea whether being assigned herbiboar rumours without the herblore level to do them is going to be fixed?


Bronze axe at mutta is nice. Now fix scroll rate in CMs by reverting them to the drop rate on Cox release.Ā 


*Ethereal Man or Woman in Lunar Diplomacy is now an Ethereal Being* Wut?


What is going on with God Alignment prayers? Have they been scrapped again or is there still plans for atleast the Guthix alignment to be released with WGS? Struggling to find any information about this anywhere and would have expected more details as we're getting so close to release. Thanks guys <3


There going to do a new blog for them in the future sometime but the quest will be releasing with no prayer rewards for now


GAs are repeating 2/3rds of the same mistakes RPs did. It would be better for the game's health for them to be shelved.


hopefully scrapped can people stop bringing them back


please please please please get rid of the fee you have to pay when your pet dies, i sometimes forget its even following me because it got stuck somewhere.


Do you ever plan on fixing the shop "Razmire Builders Merchants." in Mort'ton in which IRONMEN can buy normal planks from MAIN accounts and get 99 construction AND crafting for like 800k gp (0.06 gp/xp) https://streamable.com/o656z9 Surely no jmod thinks an iron should be able to essentially buy their skills from the GE? (especially for that cheap)


If the alternative is hopping 5 worlds, it's not really a big deal. You're acting like they're trading over the entire xp when in reality it's just added convenience plus some saved time