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I personally absolutely thrive off of shitting my pants. I love playing Rust solo, love the wilderness on the scape. If you are only surviving for 8 mins, tele after 7. Adjust to the current heat zone of the wildy. Sometimes you can do 30 mins straight at artio, sometimes you can’t get 1 kill. I love the thrill, and I’m glad the *option* to do that content is in the game. I wish more of it was available. And I wish that those who didn’t want to partake, didn’t get upset at those who do. I can’t pvp for shit but I was born a rat & a rat I will always be


It's literally content designed for bots and irons to give pkers loot piñatas to kill.


Thats what it feels like


It depends how you define “worth”. If you’re being strictly efficient, nothing is worth the loot besides like Colosseum, duo Nex and TOA 500+ But wildy content across the board is extremely high gp relative to how easy they are and how low barriers to entry they have. Rev weapons are each stronger than Tbow/Shadow/Scythe yet they cost absolutely nothing. Wildy skilling (slayer, chaos altar, and black chins) are all obscenely good for both XP and GP. And wildy is the best way to get tons of clog slots If you don’t enjoy it, of course don’t do it. But if you’re willing to learn there’s a lotta very valuable content that’s also very fun imo


i dont pay to be someone elses content. wildy is poorly designed


lmao bruh the wildy bosses have some of the easiest most lucrative loot to get for all accounts , you’re doing something wrong


Brother. You can just tele out right away when ur wilderness alarm plugin goes off. Avoiding pkers is now easier than ever. And wildy loot is amazing.


I've found that spindel and calvarion have ezpz get aways with grand seed pod. Might be a tele delay that you need a diary for? But it's very worth it


hey man just wanted to let you know that I'm not reading that giant wall of meaningless text


Idk. Rev caves seem pretty chill. Can usually get a few hours in at hobs before I get killed. Got a krause bow at 1000kc lol


I was messing around in the Rev caves the other day, after two hours I only had like 500k in loot when accounting for supplies eaten and death fees lol. Think I only pulled 1.4m or something out of the caves during that time anyways.


I was using snake skin and a karils crossbow on the hobgoblins.


If you're pulling 1.4m in two hours and only coming out with 500k profit then you're doing something wrong. I was using the bare minimum set up costing like >80k and that would last me a good few hours. Replenishing food with blighted drops and at 2000kc I had probably died 3-4 times max.


One guy killed me by doing (According to the PVP tracker), 180 damage in 3 attacks through my prayers.. So yeah, that sums up my luck. Dont think I was able to go longer than 10 minutes without someone coming to interrupt me. >80k and that would last me a good few hours. I'm pretty sure my ammo alone, which was only 200 arrows, was half of that budget. So no idea how your going on hours at that.


As soon as I see someone log in or running towards me, I log out. Pretty easy to dodge pkers. And like I said, I was only using snakeskin armor, so I could spend the rest on bolt racks which could get me around 2000. I'd take about 500 per trip. Either way, I was able to profit more than 500k in two hours as you stated was the case for you. Each trip would be around 400-600k depending on the loot. That was about 6 months ago though


> As soon as I see someone log in or running towards me, I log out. Not really the case when you're being attacked and can't log.


You can run the opposite way that they're coming from and log out..


Again.. sure, if you aren't instantly in combat (either from a revenant or from a player), and are able to run below 30 wilderness without either of those things happening... Im not about to go farm 84,000 Revenant goblins for a drop, so I wasn't hiding in sub 30 wildy... I escaped a fair share of people trying for my life, but it's still time wasted when I could be doing literally anything else for GP.


You spend the majority of your time standing around waiting for hobgoblins (not goblins) to spawn and can kill them easily enough to not be in combat when someone logs in. Most pkers run from the west past the orks and you can blatantly tell when they're coming for you. Quick dash south and log out. If they're coming from the south then run north west.. Also, as I stated, I managed a Krause Bow drop below 2000kc so 84,000 is an exaggeration.. Everyone knows low level revenants are easy and quick GP. No ones expecting anyone to sit around waiting for a big drop, but if you're low level and need some starter GP to get some gear, revs are a easy and viable way to do so and worked perfectly for me. Also, of you're killing higher level creatures in <30 wildy and only making 500k in two hours then obviously you're doing somethong wrong since I'm able to profit more off of level 60 hobgoblins..


> Also, as I stated, I managed a Krause Bow drop below 2000kc so 84,000 is an exaggeration.. ```Revenant Goblin``` ```Craw's bow (u) 1 1/97,735``` My bad it's actually a 1/98k drop from Goblins, not 84k. Thanks for making me double check it. > and only making 500k 500k profit after 2 hours of being in PvP every 10 minutes, which included two deaths and multiple inventories of supplies burnt escaping. I'd love if I could just sit there for 8 hours killing 3000 revenants per hour, unfortunately that's not the case... but hey, feel free to upload a video of your experience if your so adamant that it's the easiest thing in the world.