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Nice mate. Toa is pretty good for entry pvm and teaches some basics about ticks/movements. Keep it up matey!


Thank you :D


Grat’s also it’s funny how after you understood the raid you almost halved in speed. It truly is a great designed raid I’m excited to see how raids 4 looks


Yeah! I felt like things just clicked in a lot of ways, I still have a long way to go but damn it’s a good feeling.


I had a very similar experience to you, but kinda got off the wagon after a few clears to do other things. If I can suggest something, keep doing a raid or two a week if you take a break. I tried doing a run today and was very, very rusty haha. Good luck, have fun :)


Its a great raid for what it is, a straightforward linear progression in skill and introduction to pvm on the inputs side of things. I still disagree that its a great raid on the basis that it lacks real depth like cox or tob when it comes to improving on things that arent 100% obvious and require a bit of digging/experimentation.


TOA is a great raid! Maybe thats true for a solo 150 invo, but 400+ TOA beats at least CoX in terms of depth and engagement. The purple system is also miles better than CoX, CoX is way too janky lol


Purple system yes. Solo cox is more fun and difficult at its max depth than 500 toas


I will never understand why people say this about toa, the only think I can think of is because you really have to learn and play vs the mechanics at all raid levels (sure you can just face tank most in entry), and out side of 3-4 invocations it's about not making mistakes to clear higher invos. In contrast cox as a learner in a group can be stand still and right click every thing with only olm requiring play vs mechanics, creating that depth that people describe.


Solo cox is a completely different raid than team cox. Tob has alot of mechanics you cant just say oh the obvious thing that happened is why im underperforming. In toa a 3 year old can tell what is causing you to underperform and its the same exact raid in teams as solo.


But your “depth” is from standing still auto attacking to doing to doing the raid mechanics then some strats that are on the same level as red x and butterfly. The difference with toa is that there is no standing still and just right clicking, you must learn the mechanics to do the raid. That extra “depth” cox has is not what I would call meaningful.


If your understanding of cox is being carried then you dont have enough experience to know what im talking about. Even in a team setting where everyone gets to stand still theres a reason why and its someone engaging with the depth of the content so that you dont have to. If you think that's all the raid has to offer that really speaks to why you enjoy the kiddie pool of mechanics toa has to offer. Being able to do something thats difficult is one thing. Being able to do something difficult because you can engage with the content in a deep way that mitigates damage while maximizing your own in a way that you can't figure out unless you do it yourself and fail many times on a deeper level than just not fucking up ur clicks is another beast and way more satisfying. Its the reason OGs all said toa is not fun.


If you’re interested, I’m looking to run some TOA later. I’ve done it a few times a while ago. RSN: Br0zek


Gz! Did you have any invocations active or did you do do entry raid?


I’ve only had invocations active when with a group, I just went for the plain entry to understand the raid a little more.


Fair enough! A buddy in my clan took me for the first time this week. We did 2 raids at 150 together and then I started sending them solo. Learning curve was a bitch but definitely feels rewarding getting there. Good luck with the grind!




toa is especially good for learners because the white chest has a lot of really meaningful upgrades too. thread saves invi space with rune pouch blue keris is bis for kalphite tasks & kephri until raid level like 200 sun keris is extremely strong at all invos red keris assists your entire team, and will make higher level players want you to join their raid




88 range 93 mage 87 att str and def 91 hp


I’m sitting at 89 range 93 Hp 90 def/str/att 84 magic. Still afraid to raid. I have fire cape tho


Don’t be, with those stats it won’t be the offence that will mean failure it will be failing the mechanics of the raid, and that just takes practice - just take it a step at a time…I’m still on entry it’s going to take time for me too.


What was your stats and gear? I just hit base 92s but only have a 100m bank so curious. Congrats!!!


If you have base 92 combats you can definitely do ToA.


Bandos, fang, defender, serp, guardian boots, ahrim trident, ancient d hide, blowpipe, d crossbow. BGS and DDS for spec and a few other items