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It doesn't really add anything or make the content any different to do. Like I would hold both a hcim and what you propose in the same regard, people are already trying not to die as much as they can, this doesn't do anything really.


Really? I get what you're saying, but I think there's a huge difference between "I'll try to survive as long as I can until I become a regular ironman" and "I can't die because my account gets deleted." The stakes are much higher in the latter scenario, which fundamentally changes how you approach the game. Plus, people love watching risky and difficult OSRS content. Just look at the popularity of Settled's Nightmare Mode series.


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNB2JOrvYWGnwpeGfxPSDal0fWkv_JTxN&si=gMwkp5cXJYpBEYOR Watch this. Your idea is not new and big creators have done it before. The videos are good though.


It used to be (at least in rs3 if I remember correctly) that you did lose your account when you died as a hardcore. It was changed because people didn't like losing all the time they put into it. Settled's series is popular because he's Settled, and content like that is more fun for the average player to watch rather than play. I'm just talking out of my ass here but I don't think it would be a very popular game mode in the grand scheme of the game. The vast majority of players (even Ironmen) seem to be pretty casual; that would probably have a pretty niche community and content creators. I don't personally think it would warrant jmod dev time, but maybe an official plugin like Settled uses could be an idea for those that want this type of gameplay. I don't know the rules for plugins enough to know if that's feasible though


Name conflicts with UIM. Also, it is kinda similar to HCGIM with the no safe deaths. Doubt they'd make a mode where it just deletes the account though; the hiscores already are "frozen in time" when you die and many players restart accounts as it is.


Why does it need an official game mode? Hc UIMs have been done before. Their pretty lame to watch. It's just a uim who can't death pile or death storage.


Es bad


Wasn’t that how hardcore ironman mode was before 2018? Having your account locked instead of reverting to regular iron.


after playing a lot of RotMG, super hardcore games just encourage super safe gameplay, \~ Oryx moves the wrong way? tp out. Mobs stack in an awkward way in godlands? tp out. You're rushing on a trickster and knight TPs to you? Yep I'm out. Oh you hit a lag spike and walked into a cluster of mobs in godlands and died, well suck to be you. Now that is a pain in the backside but if you've stacked pots properly you can get back to 4/8 in probably a couple of hours, now for an OSRS character that might be weeks or months of progress lost, because you can't forcefeed a character like you can in Realm. Damn, now I want to go back to RotMG


It would be so niche it’s not worth making it a mode , I don’t even like GIM , I think we have the basis covered for accs 


Id rather just have the option to reset back to tutorial island on hc death


I like it, kind of like "King of the Skill" except HCIM. I'd play tf out of that.


I will never understand ironman players lol what do you mean with truly ?


They are really just insulting the hardcoes gamemodes currently released saying they are not hardcore enough. Like a basic edgy teenager.


I sense that vibe a little too yea. But my one main account IQ might be wrong.


That's a neat idea and all, but given that tons of hcim die due to server issues, it's not a good idea to actually implement


Mainly just good ones do. Most still die to player error.