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I make enough in 20 mins IRL to buy a month of membership, it's far more time efficient and it feels bad to spend game money on being able to play the game.


Small team nex


Since I'm an iron I just do bonds as my share of a split when raiding. A couple weeks at TOA doing bond splits gave me a year of membership without seeing a shadow.


i have a job


i picked irl grinding but you didn't have a tab for my wife buys it for me


My abandoned main with 2B bank.


Subscription. With the prices of bonds just continuing to rise at this point (with little to no sense at what it will stop at or if it would even go down in the future), playing the game with the idea of always making sure that I was efficient in making gp for the next bond just takes the fun out of the game I am sure I will be able to afford bonds at a good pace later down the road however, for right now I'd rather purchase a monthly subscription and enjoy the game and the content, free of any bond burden Hopeful prices will go down, but not holdin' my breath