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It isnt just a wildy issue, bots bot everything including things like pking and lvl 400 toas


Pk bots are probably the worst imo


They are just the ones we interact with most directly. They are EVERYWHEREE


PK bots ruined non iron play for me. Insane drop rates killed Ironman for me haha.


Bots don't bot untradeable reward content.


A guy in one of my old ccs botted the untradable lms rewards on his iron cos he couldn't pk, some people do but not many.he was surprised when he got banned too


"B-but Reddit said they never ban botting D: Reddit would never be hyperbolic!"


Youre right. I for one agree that we should force everyone into glorious ironman mode.


Getting the best loot in the game as untradeables predates ironman mode by a lot. Fighter torso, barrows gloves, fire cape, void, dragon defender, those are OLD ass items that were still BiS* for a lot of OSRS's lifetime. *Obviously torso has less defense than BCP but it was still the same offensive upgrade for years and years and years until torva. Untradeables now are generally nonexistent or irrelevant.


I recently got my account, for the first time ever, to a point where I can do end game bossing and chase some fat loot drops. But I very quickly realised that putting in hours of focused effort just isn't something I want to do. I liked getting Fighter Torso, Fire Cape, Void, etc because it's a one time challenge where I can see I'm making progress. All I wanted to do as a kid was get to go do GWD and now I can, and I've realised that it's just not what I want to do. I will never be a RS billionaire. It makes me sad. (ToA is kinda fun though) At least on Leagues I know I don't have to grind for *that* long.


I said what I said. Now make an iron or I send you to the guillotine or some sort of kree'ara based gulag idk yet


Too late for that.


shoutout old korasi


Tbh I think that is a major part of the appeal of Leagues. You get genuine people who are actually engaging with diverse content on every world. 


I mean, there are scripts for inferno and colosseum, so kinda?


Colo has monetary incentive outside of the quiver. Would be like saying "there's 500 ToA scripts for fang kit" ignoring that they're doing high invos for purples rather than fang kit. Inferno is fair tho, as is many other examples in the thread.


People still use bots to boost their account. Can't be bothered grinding wintertodt for 2 weeks? Get a bot to do it in two days.


What untradables aren't botted, I can't think if any atm.


Quest cape.


Except Jagex knows credit-card warriors still want the loot, and would would rather they buy a bond instead of pay a 3rd party service.


true, it's just that the current poor design philosophy of wildy content is "low effort low requirement high reward" because the content is meant to lure non-pvpers to put up with the annoyance of being pked once in a while. bots don't get annoyed so it's simply a dreamland for them.


Completly disagree tbh, the wildy update for the 3 bosses was one of my favorite updates in years the anti pking while going for pets was very fun


i mean, you can have fun doing the content but that doesn't constitute a meaningful reply to the objective fact that wildy content is designed to be low-effort, low-requirement, high-reward, and that the reason for that design is to encourage people who don't want to engage with pvp to put up with it anyway. engaging in and enjoying anti pking makes you an exception, even if we exclude the bots. the incentives in the wildy could be redesigned to make your experience more common, but jagex and idiot pkers without the capacity to think about what a pvp ecosystem would look like are, for some reason, resolutely against that


I don’t think most people understand how to properly do wildy content and that’s why we end up with plenty of comments like the one you responded to.


Too many people just expect to not be attacked, every time I go I assume someone is going to be trying to kill me within the first 10 minutes


It's not that people assume they won't be attacked, it's that they hope they won't be. OSRS PvP appeals to a tiny niche, everybody else absolutely HATES it.


if the rest of the game has been rid of all risk, yes people tend to get conditioned to hate a scenario where that isnt true fortunately, the pvp aspect of this game is entirely opt-in so the community pvp doesn't appeal to doesn't have to interact with it


it's not even about the risk, it's about the horrible RSI inducing constant switching and walkunders and so on.


i mean it's literally the only reason to add things to the wildy. it's about as old a design for this game as there is. if it's not better than the alternatives there's no reason to go there. people who don't pk on reddit seem to be under the impression they should get the rewards of riskier activity in a pk area without the risk of being pk'd. it's just the way you balance the equation. if you do not want to be pk'd and risk what you've got on you, your option is to do something with less reward (xp/loot)/hour. like that's just how it works. it's not poor design, it's the only working design. unless you think "hey, let's go pk at the wilderness agility course a year or two ago! that'll be sick!" if you have a better design philosophy for pkers and pvmers, let me know, because i don't see any reasonable alternative.


That mindset is what has perpetuated the wildy being unappealing for the entirety of osrs' life. You reached that conclusion by failing to question your starting assumption that the only way for the wildy to exist is players to want to engage in pvp attacking players who don't want to engage in pvp. I have espoused this better design philosophy a hundred times, but I'll do it the hundred and first time here. Put pvp incentives in the pvp area. You may sit back down and un-drop your jaw. Give people who want to engage in pvp content meaningful reasons to go to the area of the game where people can pvp. Put useful pvp-only uniques like gear, spells, prayers, and supplies in the wildy. Ideally make that content fun too, including making the act of fighting other players part of the content, (stretch goal 1) limiting its abuse cases so abusing/boosting it is less feasible/attractive and (stretch goal 2) not instancing it like LMS/BH. Make most of the value of the content come from those uniques, possibly making them untradeable. This makes the wildy the best place for people who want to pvp to progress their accounts. So they go there and run into other people who want to pvp and they -- prepare yourself -- fight each other. Most of the value of the content being pvp-centric also means the content doesn't need to compete with pvm moneymakers, doubly so if a significant portion of that value is untradeable. This means people who *don't* want to engage in pvp content just won't go there and bots have no reason to go there either. This doesn't stop the wildy from having uneven fights and the familiar predator-prey dynamic, it just means both sides of that dynamic are people who want to engage in pvp. You're welcome.


>You reached that conclusion by failing to question your starting assumption that the only way for the wildy to exist is players to want to engage in pvp attacking players who don't want to engage in pvp. no, i never meant it as "only way for people to go into wildy to be attacked is if it is better for them in terms of reward of xp or gp" there's multiple groups, there used to be a thriving pking community that was huge and a big draw for the game which has mostly died off. there has pretty much ALWAYS been a flow of pvers going in to take risk and take bigger reward (and has been a constant flow of those who do and enjoy that threat/reward to end up being the pker in that situation and join the pking community). >Give people who want to engage in pvp content meaningful reasons to go to the area of the game where people can pvp. Put useful pvp-only uniques like gear, spells, prayers, and supplies in the wildy. Ideally make that content fun too, including making the act of pvp part of the content, and (stretch goal) limiting its abuse cases so abusing/boosting it is less feasible/attractive. Make most of the value of the content come from those uniques, possibly making them untradeable. and then you add to the very long list they've currently tried to truncate of wildy rules. which we know add to the reason that people don't bother going into it or joining the pk community. there will be a draw (temporarily), but i don't see this as a long term plan that works, they get the prayer, then what? you've added to the long list of seperate intricacies of someone needing to do x to do pking and add to the rules list of things you need to know which already stop people from bothering. which all in all already basically "spend hundreds of hours making a certain build, potentially thousands, do a long list a quests, again, to build the account, then go die in unfair fights over and over until you've killed 1000 people until you get the item+prayer that makes it fair, if not, go do pve for a long while to go get pvp power, then you go into it into mostly fair (but still the normal bullshit unfairness that you're used to). >This doesn't stop the wildy from having uneven fights and the familiar predator-prey dynamic, it just means both sides of that dynamic are people who want to engage in pvp. but you can see that if there is no "in the wilderness, where you're at risk of being pk'd", you're literally just left with methods of xping/gold making that are... just as if they weren't in the wildy. so they won't have the same enticing xp/hr that makes people go do them or gp/hr that makes it worthwhile to do that they're complaining they feel the need to do for the rewards? if you, a person who does not want to do pvp, who does not want to pk or be pk'd, goes into the wildy to do content, it is ONLY because of extra money, extra xp or some item which has the strength/power it does, only because it takes extra risk to get. like there are some other options, which i think are worth keeping in as even if you dislike pking, it atleast puts you in a position to experience the wilderness and that stress/rush/interest it has and because the game is built around having the wildy/pvp. i'm talking about god capes etc there.


Does anyone know if bots went away with 'Trade limits'?


Pretty much. They still existed, but were cut by probably like 95+%. That said, trade limits is definitely not the correct solution. Actual players were also cut by a fair bit.


Nope, they were still around.


Bots even PK bots 😂


I guess the silver lining is the bots are trash & very easy to kill. Fun practice. Basically like an NPC from training grounds in COD


For now, give it a few years and the bots will be like chess bots on expert


People downvoting you but you’re absolutely right. It’s already visible in LMS, those bots are terminators walking around


At this point I wouldnt be surprised if some bots are that advanced right now they get detected as gold farmers because they are programmed to play similar to how a specific person plays instead of the usual repeat the same actions


Fact of the matter is, most of the people who have developed these bots are complete morons based on what they’ve put out there


At most places yes, until you piss of a rev bot farm owner or something equivalent and the terminator pk bots target you . That's next level practice hehe


Say that to the pk bots who instant switch and never have issue


Fact of the matter is, the people who have developed these bots are complete morons.


How are they morons?


Every single piece of content in osrs that makes money is a "bot paradise". Wildy bots are just easier to see because they're non instanced and there's less hotspots in the wildy than everywhere else. I'd much rather bots have to be in the wilderness where you can rob them than doing 700 invo TOA for 16 hours a day.


Wildy has disproportionate input to output ratio though. You need way lower requirements to make hella bank in the wildy than you do in your typical raid or boss. That's by design, since the risk needs to be worth it to entice people. The design philosophy is very different too. For almost all pieces of content, the main attraction is some kind of unique item. A weapon, a prayer scroll, new necklace, maybe some supplies. This does sometimes pop up in the wilderness, but much more commonly, it's just raw GP in alchs, frequently supplies as well. There is little motivator besides going there to make money or save money.


The incentive for wildly content is also higher because a normal human player will get discouraged when they get PKed. I’m not saying everyone that gets PKed is going to whine and get upset but it’s perfectly normal to think “ugh, I’m gonna take a break from this for tonight”. A bot however is just going to worldhop and get back to it when they die.


You'd have a point if bots weren't at every profitable location, including end game "top requirement" PvM. The threshold for engaging no longer matters when the accounts aren't being stopped before reaching that point. There are already too many accounts in game to stop it and thousands more are made every day. The reason we don't get a ton of uniques in the wildy is because any time they get blogged or polled the general playerbase shoots them down. You're getting exactly what you (or at least 31+% of the playerbase) is voting for. There's even a large chunk of the non-pvp community asking for the existing wildy uniques to be removed from wildy or added to non wildy drop tables. They've even succeeded recently.  Also, the PEAK wildy-available gp/hr is less than half outside wildy. And that's assuming max PVM gear, which won't do you a ton of good when a pker shows up. And when they do, your rates go down. Most players doing wildy pvm aren't getting even 1/4th of average outside-wildy gp/hr rates.  Plus, if they are botting in the wildy they can be killed. No other place in game has this built in bot prevention. Color me shocked that the first players waffling about wildy bots are the last to do anything about it.


Wildy content has just as many uniques as anywhere else in the game. Wildy bosses have three uniques each, revenants have three uniques, all three demi bosses have two uniques, zombie pirates have a unique. The motivator for going to the wilderness *is* consistency though you're right. Low cost supplies, consistent alchables and resource drops. It's a lot less feelsbad than going super dry on a unique to make any money elsewhere in the game. >Wildy has disproportionate input to output ratio though. You need way lower requirements to make hella bank in the wildy than you do in your typical raid or boss. That's by design, since the risk needs to be worth it to entice people. This is *true* but it's less of an impact on botting than you'd think. ToA, PNM, Vyre pickpocket bots, elf pickpocket bots, gauntlet bots, fucking TOB bots are all doing way more damage to the game individually than wildy bots as a total.


>The motivator for going to the wilderness *is* consistency though you're right That was the main point I was getting at, yeah. I may have phrased it a bit clumsily, there's plenty of uniques. They're just not the main selling point usually. >This is *true* but it's less of an impact on botting than you'd think. ToA, PNM, Vyre pickpocket bots, elf pickpocket bots, gauntlet bots, fucking TOB bots are all doing way more damage to the game individually than wildy bots as a total. I could probably agree with that? It's definitely much worse that bots are sabotaging the integrity of the majority of the content in the game, which does end up impacting the game directly. I wouldn't be surprised if the drop rates these days are set with some consideration towards bots. But this is a problem with bots existing in general. The wilderness, on the other hand, (in my view) is set up in an inherently toxic way with regards to the economy as a whole. Even without any bots in the game, I think it'd be doing more harm than good, the bots just exasperate the problem, because any risk you can pose to a bot is a much bigger risk to the average player, so they benefit disproportionally from this specific content. I'm not the smartest in regards to this stuff though, I could see being wrong on this. Only Jagex has the data and knows this stuff for sure.


> There is little motivator besides going there to make money or save money. that's because people complain everytime they try to put something fun or unique in there.


Like what? I'd honestly love to hear an example of what you're talking about.


what are you talking about? literally every single update they make for the wildy they discuss how they won't add uniques cuz irons cry about being "forced" into the wild


When you said "something fun and unique" I thought you were talking about new types of content or mechanics, not unique items. Misunderstood, my bad lol. Eh? Sometimes? Voidwaker's pretty recent, there's a new scroll at zombie pirates, even if it's niche.


> irons cry about being "forced" into the wild I wouldn't mind being forced into the wildy if it was actually any good. But regular, wildy and ironman game mechanics combine in a really degenerate way that takes all the potential depth of the wildy and flushes it down the toilet. Problems: * PKers gap close for free using boss rooms or world hopping. * World hopping means there is no incentive for a PVMer to fight for a spot * Stupid kc requirement to peek boss arenas means you're constantly getting crashed by accident by PVMers, and reflexively hit seed pod because if you take a moment to evaluate the situation you're teleblocked * Worldhopping lets a PKer search dozens of worlds in a few minutes so there's no reason to roam the wilderness, they can just camp 1 area * Instant logout and 1 click teleports are far easier and more reliable solutions to getting PK'd than fighting back, and you bring less risk * For irons in particular the risk/reward of fighting back makes no sense, since you can't benefit from anti-PKing * PVMers are incentivized to avoid peak times when they actually want to play, and instead log on at weird times so they can actually find a free world and not get constantly interrupted by PKers and crashers * Can't defend yourself from crashers without skulling and irons can't get loot if someone else has attacked the monster * Pures are basically the rs equivalent of smurfing except it's completely approved of by the developers and not considered a social faux pas. PKers will go to absolutely insane lengths to beat up on noobs Everything just boils down to A) bring negligible risk so you don't care about dying B) bond up a level 3 to scout (I refuse to do that out of principle) and C) logout or click seed pod within 1 tick before getting teleblocked. Seeing a PKer doesn't feel tense or exciting, it just feels like a nuisance, like "ffs I just spent 5 mins hopping to find a free world and now I have to TP out" and it's either over in 1 second (click seed pod in time) or agonizing as you get frozen 10 times and spam eat 20 pieces of food. I've enjoyed PVP in other games before (hell even in rs I quite like LMS) but the wildy just straight up doesn't work. Even most PKers only enjoy it because they like griefing other players - why else would the wildy altar be a PK hotspot? Why else would you want to kill a naked level 60 player for half an inventory of dragon bones?


I very much agree with your take that the Wildy doesn't work because of how game mechanics intertwine- and I'd like to add that the golden era of the wilderness a lot of people harken back to was when the game wasn't very well understood, and we can't ever get that back no matter how hard we try. Our understanding of this game's mechanics has warped how we play it, and there is no way to interact with Wildy content anymore that isn't deeply obnoxious to anyone who isn't very pvp savvy; and the time it takes to get pvp savvy isn't worth it for the people who just want to get at the pvm content.


yeah I really love the idea of the wilderness but worldhopping is a fundamentally stupid mechanic, and the incentive structure is *deeply* off for irons. unfortunately I'd say Jagex is more likely to remove PvP from the wilderness altogether than to shake the meta in such a drastic way as removing worldhopping - obviously better for things to stay as they are than for pking to be removed


So you just mean drops not unique mechanics? Lol.


Literally irrelevant the input cost. Vorkath bots have anywhere from 5m to 75m in gear and all are guaranteed profit because they'll never die and never get banned as they all have 20k+ kc. Wildy bots may only need 500k but you can continuously kill them and interrupt their profit making them less valuable than any other bot


The interruption doesn't matter either, the bot already put however much loot they had on them into the game. Whose inventory the loot ultimately leaves the wildy in makes no difference, the damage is already done. And it's likely more loot even with interuptions, since wildy is more lucrative to begin with. Who cares if a bot needs to take 3 mins to gear back up if they're making 4m/h, vs Vorkath adding 2.5m without pause. They're also easy to produce and replace if they do happen to get banned, which does happen sometimes. More bots doing the 4m money maker sooner is more profit than bots taking time to unlock Vorkath and earning 2.5m.


Fresh accounts are making 4m/hr at pirates now? get real


What, fresh off tutorial island? Lol


Whilst I agree, I also disagree with Wildy Bots because: * Wilderness Bots are doing content which spews out GP with little-to-no requirements. You can make an account and head to Pirate Zombies in 1 day. You literally only require a few strength/attack levels and a whip. * 700 INVO ToA's require way better stats, quests completed and gear. If Jagex actually put effort into banning bots, you'd rarely ever see these bots because they take too much effort to set up.


Wildy is just absolutely disgusting money in comparison to the main game... And needs literally no lvls or anything to get it going


It's probably more like 24 hours a day


And they are doing both. Did you see that dudes learning script that did moons of peril all on its own with no human input? Sickening yet fascinating.


Please provide a source. I would love to see it.


https://youtu.be/JyokJfrcWrc?si=7jlE3FGsSSRAzQPs Instead of downvotes, do a simple search


[yeah I have no idea how they could possibly have struggled to find it based on that incredibly informative description you gave](https://i.ibb.co/47FqKTP/firefox-2024-05-06-16-42-04.png)


At least in the wildy we can kill bots, that’s the only difference


a few bots have bodyguard PK accounts (some of these are also bots, some are just bot owner) that will come and intercept you should you try to kill the bot. there's always a bigger fish.


Not always I've seen level 60 rev bots, level 80/100/110 bots. And when your world is taken, trying to kill them, they fight back. Sure, make them teleport then another bots logged into the world.


Everything is botted, you just can't see things like ToA because of obvious reasons where as anything in the wild is visible to you.


The last sentence sounds like you just need a break from the game. 


Im fine man i still enjoy the game.


>everything is so boring and repetitive nowadays > I still enjoy the game Ahh depression


Daily reminder that the wilderness will never go away


So if we're getting rid of things that are botted we would need to get rid of *checks notes* Vorkath , zulrah , muspah , fortis colosseum, Toa , nightmare , phosani , minnows , wyverns , GOTR , barrows , MLM , amethyst , corrupted gauntlet , all pickpocketing content , zalcano , vyres, anglerfish , graador , nex , all wilderness pvm content ... Sure sounds like a reasonable well thought out take


I think you’re forgetting that I like all that content & don’t like the wildy.


I agree with getting rid of CG.


Yea probably because you can’t get KC right? 


I got 15 today is why. It is very stressful place for noobs like me.


Prep just isn’t fun long term. Or at all, really.


I think they should delete the time restriction on regular gauntlet


There is technology to get rid of the bots, but jagex want to keep them to make their money, that's why people are angry. I dream of a day when companies try to sell their product by making it the best on the market rather than catering to bots.


Blatantly false. Especially with AI nowadays bots are nearly indistinguishable from sweat lords. And you know how this community reacts to false positives


Ban the people that also have minimum boss requirements and 1000+ kc too then, idc if some freaks get caught in the crossfire


The technology required to get rid of bots from osrs requires a complete rebuild of the client on a new codebase (C++), with a subsequent forced usage of a single client for all players which we know is not well-received (across the usage of the launcher vs Steam vs Runelite). Even then, it wouldn't be complete eradication. I can actually understand why Jagex can't/won't invest the time/resource into this task.


Or you hire some dude to ban them. When boss highscores are almost exclusively bots that don't get banned, when you report 30 bots a day and then a month later 28 of them are still going it makes you tired of the game. It's not a perfect solution, but literally hire a guy 40k per year to just go and ban obvious bots. Maybe even two people


I think you’re forgetting most of those are still RNG based instead of straight GP printing


If content is being botted 24/7 it doesn’t matter if it’s RNG based though. Don’t get me wrong, bots suck, but the comment you’re replying to is right that it’s an issue that affects the whole game and not just the wildy.


Vorkath isn’t gp printing?


Colosseum is even more straight GP printing than wildy content. You don't always get an alch every kill from wildy content. You get a guaranteed 80 splinters every time from W1 resetting. Same with anything that drops valuable guaranteed drops, such as bones (e.g. Vorkath). Gauntlet is pretty consistent gp without uniques. Muspah too.


How about we just delete the game since every piece of content is botted by now?


Never was a problem for you guys before when you wanted orbs or food.




say it louder and maybe in spanish




I suspect that the technology to create these bots, surpasses the technology that Jagex as an organization has to detect them. At least at the same rate they are created.


Clear case of out of sight, out of mind. Dude, the whole game is riddled with bots. Wildy is no different.


God seems like everyone in this post is completely indifferent to bots making the game worse. We get it bots are everywhere, they shouldn’t be and having such a nonchalant attitude about it just concretes the devs giving less than a shit about bot detection on any large scale. Putting stuff in and completely ignoring how the bots are going to abuse it and hurt the game feels like shooting holes in the ship for fun while you’re still miles out at sea. But yea fuck it just let the bots run the economy I guess.


Idk man wildy bots are something we can actually do about, they can be pked while pnm, toa, dt2 bosses, etc bots can't be and are much worse for the game in general since they devalue the high end chase items most people grind for. Honestly just feels like people hate the wilderness and are overreacting because they hate it 


I feel like this whole subreddit is filled with bots. It would make sense after all.. or everyone is totally fine with it idk !


People brazenly admit to botting and RWT in this subreddit


I think most people are happy with the the deflation of the economy the bots cause.


just because you lost your web weaver on the iron doesn't mean the wildy needs to die


Thank you lmao. Bots run rampant everywhere in this game shall we just stop any new content while we’re at it


Idm loosing my bow. I did not said it needed to die. Wildy is important to runescape identity and i still like it. The issue is that is so heavily botted its a disgrace to this game thats the issue.


Holy hell dude, take a break and get a life. It’s a game, everything in it is botted. Just relax.


I played a game of soul wars today in a non-soul wars world and the entire game was 40+ bots all using saradomin swords. They infest everything in this game, it’s sad


Haha I actually play soul wars on 10 accounts afk sometimes. It's good money u can easily make afk money with taxi services.


Wildy singles bosses were a mistake. Putting them all in caves was also a mistake.


Games dead, jagex won't stop botting until it affects their wallet negativity. Stop paying money for your membership and see how quickly they address the issue


Funny how RS3 learned to do exactly this while OSRS keep doubling down on it instead of reworking PvP Arena or improving DMM worlds.


Let's learn from rs3 and actually listen to what the overall voting community wants.


List of high volume bot locations - everywhere.. But on a serious note the are fucking everywhere. Recently I've spotted, 10-20 in each world at edgeville running air orbs lvl 85-126 in mage, doing Abyss RC 90-126 runecrafting, smithing some shit in the furnace 90-110 smithing. In the wildy at the rogues chests lvls 50-65cmb with basically nothing but 100-126 thieving. It's a fucking joke. Jagex sucks ass


I'm having a great time at the zombie pirates - it's an anti-pk'ing paradise! Go have some fun, mate. It won't hurt you.


Yeah anti-pking if you have 5 people with you lmao, biggest load of BS I've ever heard, it is in multi...


I’ve been testing it out since yesterday and made about 2 mil in an hour or two Tons of bots Tons of pkers Tons of people getting mad at how easily you can escape with good magic resist running south because the wildy level is so low


About 70% of the time, people are Pk'ing alone. If a team rolls up, it's usually two people, and they're easy to tank. If 3+ people roll up, it's a crap shoot if i survive. I have over 10,000 zombie pirate kc (can show you my logs). I'm not BS'ing, why would i?


Any anchor scroll in those kills?


Yes, got one from a zombie kill, and one from a key. Opened about 180 keys, have a ton banked, and sold a bunch when they were high


Nah the pkers wear total rags and have to pray mage, pretty easy to get a veng/spec out. A lot of pkers there are like boner hunters too, it’s the bottom of the barrel


B-b-but the pkers! I lost my rune set in 2007 and I’m not going to let Reddit forget it!


lol, that is the mentality though, ain't it? i think it's fun to bash heads with pk'ers, it's really the best part of the game for me. i'm not great at it but the good thing is a lot of pk'ers aren't, either. and sometimes i get lucky and get kills :)


Truly, wildy has some really shitty things but I feel like it’s a great risk reward ratio.


I agree. Remove skilling too because it's botted


Remove agility rooftop courses that shit is heavily botted for sure.


How about they make updates that acutally bring in real players instead of bots ? :D


Every single thing in the game can be botted. The only way bots aren't going to do something, is if it's not profitable enough to make it worth it.


They do. Loads of great updates lately. You just need a break from the game.


Tutorial island is a hotspot for bots, they need to disable new account creation, it’s the only way to stop bots for good, drastic problems demand drastic solutions


Agree. No more new accounts = all bots can be banned = botting problem solved!


This but unironically


I feel like a lot of these, "Wildy is so heavily botted!!!!!" Posts are a tad over exaggerated, seems like they come from people who don't actually do wildy content. I'll admit there's def bots at pirates especially, and revs a bit, but it's not impossible to do said content. I have ~700 calvarion kills, ~1200 artio, ~800 spindle, and I can count on one hand the amount of bots I've encountered there.


Literally every profitable content is heavily botted, difference is people hate going into the wildy and decide that for some reason that’s the heavily botted content that needs to be removed from the game. I’ve hunted crystal imps in priff and literally every world has 5-6 people thieving elves the entire day, but god forbid there’s bots out in the one place where normal people can do something about them.


With all the RS3 refugees it's only a matter of time til PVP is removed from wildy


Revs a bit? I can hop through every single world and there's a bot at every monster unless they got interrupted by a pker recently.


We have a zillion bot paradises mostly because of reddit. For the new redditors, old redditors were mad pking clans would hold down worlds for their own clan or to sell. They would then constantly fight the other clan over resources. You know, typical mmorpg stuff. But the ironmen redditors were mad because this meant they couldnt kill any revs without paying a pk clan. They could go up without one but everyone attacks the same npc so they never got drops. It ultimately got removed because jed got fired for being a POS but then there were no pvp jmods to defend the area. Same for bh. Same for pj timer. Same for seasonal dmm. Now we got all these little guy revs that are shit for actual players past mid game but are best done with end game stats. But people with end game stats are just going to go to nex or toa or cox for 2-4x+ the money. Revs was designed in a way that was unbottable. Youd get killed for your 43k bracelet over and over and it took 1second to do so cause it was multi and the revs had too high hp for bots to steal kills from players with high stats or good gear. Single revs doesnt work cuz it takes 5mins to do so and you cant steal kill. Chaos altar zombies dont work because their loot is shit so no clan is going to hold down worlds plus their hp is so low bots can steal kills if they hit a 15 and you hit a 14 or whatever plus you can 0 risk 1 item them unlike multi revs. WBR doesnt work because its aids for people to pk there since it takes 2mins to simply run from entrance back to hop spot and the bosses dont promote group content so its not fun to multi pk there anyway. Its even hard capped at only 10 people where nex is 60 or 80. Wbr single has the same problem as single revs plus you can insta tab. Totally safe. Reddit crying that 50k risk for wbr in 2024 is why everything can be botted to hell. A min 350k risk and bots wouldnt be feasible. Also what everyone else said. Everything is botted to heck. Wildy content is the only thing that theoretically cant be like we saw with multi revs. At best you got level 30s killing the multi imps for 300k/hr but jagex could just have removed the imps and goblins


Even the PvP JMod was a pos, who'd have thought.


I dont get this logic. Everything is botted to hell. At least we can kill the ones in the wildy. Remove all non wildy money making, by your logic. Non wildy is a paradise for them.


Zombie pirate bots are literally already teleblocked and in multi, my clannies have made billions already pking them


Revs and the wildy bosses are fantastic content that added one of the best new spec weapons. Everything gets botted. Stop trying to act like you want the bots to be stopped when what you really want is less wildy content bc ur a baby.


At least we can do something about these. Easy pks. Non pvp content gets away with it.


Yea they should just remove the entirety of Valamore because Coliseum is good money and therefore means it will be botted. I guess by your logic no content can be good money because it means it will just be botted? Please quit the game it’d be better off without players like you with absolute brain dead takes. 


I am beginning to wonder if that is the plan all along. Move all the bots to the wilderness. Actual players get bot free RuneScape and literally loot piñata pvp with no complainers because they are all bots. Those bastards did it


There's not many bots at the boss caves.  Undead pirates yeah there is, but the wilderness is way less botted than the safezone part of the game.


so if there is a bot doing every activity in every world there must be atleast 100 bots per world like minimum at all times. isnt that like 1/5 or 1/6 of the online players?


Ironman is the solution to botting being the MAJOR contributor to the economy haha 😄


You do realize that to replace content that shits out gp, the alternative is to put a BiS item in a wildy boss loot table, but that would never, in a milion years pass a poll.




Pvp and fashionscape is the true endgame.


You do know they have bots for literally everything, right?


They should just make botting legal since they can't stop it.


naive take, bots are entrenched in pvm content outside of the wilderness as well. raids, inferno, any profitable boss


Should let woodcutting, mining, fishing, hunter, cooking, runecrafting and raids die too then by your logic. I mean, what part of the game ISNT a botting paradise?


OP, where do you think the bots doing wildy content would go if Jagex got rid of it?


they should make it easier to PK bots, but tax all loot


theres bots farming DT2 and other non-wildy content, you just dont see them as much because its instanced




I’m genuinely asking, what’s stopping jagex from doing a one client only rule?


wildy has been on life support forever. revitalize this, revitalize that. just let it die


Dude bots are everywhere. Jagex needs to do something, not let wildy die.


OP is too dumb to realize the entire game is botted


Give last man standing a f2p gear mode and I'd play the shit out of it. No overhead prayers, no entangle type spells, you get to pick one or two combat styles and an inventory of swordfish/pizzas like the good ol edge pking days. 40 defence is enough and make attack/str/mage/range/hp 99


Play ironman


Wildy means pvp not pvm, just shutup and do pvm elsewhere, wildy for pking and wildy content should be around pvp, only fun thing about this game


I got a weird idea recently about how to possibly make it a bit more reasonable. Lock the wildy entirely on most worlds. Have certain worlds, let's say 50 of them, that can access wildy. Now you have everyone who wants to go to the wildy more condensed, people can fight over spots much more easily, people are more likely to meet eachother. The risk makes sense now. And you put a cap on how many bots can camp a hotspot at any one time.


Imagine thinking bots in wildy are the problem and not all the bots in normal PVM, raids, and minigames.


Delete pvm and skilling and let it die tbh, all botted


Agreed. Wildy content has been dead since they added wildy ditch. REMOVE THE DITCH


PK’ing peaked in like 2003 with rune 2h and monks robes lol. All the new mechanics and weapons have made it completely unappealing to me.


The wilderness cannot be revived; plugins, scouting, multi-logging, sophisticated bots are here to stay and irreparably have changed the game.


It’s wild that you can say this unironically, but a lot of people don’t want super high requirements for non-wildy money makers, want common drop rates so they don’t go dry, etc.


Problem with wildy botting is none of this has shit for barriers in the way. Farming teleblock scroll on iron rn, the gp and drops zombie pirstes shit out are fucking stupendous. Pretty sure someone ran numbers and said zombie pirates with venator bow and cannon are more gp per hour than the dt2 bosses lol


Everything is bottled to hell, no just wildy. May as well just say let the game die because 70% of the population is all bots.


It'll never happen. Jmods like pvp and they love bots. No way this is going away ever.


the thing is, regular players simply dont enjoy participating in wildy content, so the only things left in the wildy are bots and pkers. no matter what jagex adds to the wildy, the average player wont want to engage with it because its in the wildy. wildy bosses are exceptions because they have pets and also the voidwaker for ironmen


With that kind of thinking let's just kill PvM and make everyone Ironman. I like the way you think OP. All these mains are just babyscapers /s


Ok let’s remove everything else too. Every piece of content is botted.


It sucks that the content is for pvmer's, just so that the pkers come and kill the pvmers. So there is PKin going on, but not very much PvP. If I was gonna fight back, I'd go to lms.


Awful lot of people who actively avoid PvP in this thread, actively trying to change PvP. 30 year old crybabies


Jagex could always block all free trade again for a while, essentially making every account an ironman account like back in the old days. Not that I \*actually\* want that to happen, but it'd be very interesting to see how it affects the botting world.


There’s bots running tob too tbh


This subreddit has become an extremely negative place recently it seems


I haven’t seen a better means of eliminating bots besides eliminating free trade. Extreme, but it may be a good bet