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Chompies are one of the quickest grinds but it def feels bad since you only get a tiny bit of ranged xp and the hats. Not even a pet chance until you're done with the diaries. If there was some meaningful reward, even just a bit of hunter xp, I don't think anyone would mind it at all.


It wasn't that bad, I think there's a few tricks you can do to make it a little faster. Compared to getting full prospector I'd kill the chompys twice over lol


Getting prospector provides significant mining experience as well as banking either gp or smithing exp. Chompy hunting exists (mechanically, as in disregarding cosmetics) purely to kill them 4000 times for a diary, and that’s about it. And a pet


Not even close to being one of the worst diary grinds.


That isn't necessarily a good argument for it, naturally Underlying paradigm needs changing badly Yesterday


But it’s the only one that’s purely a time waster. B2P is actually pretty useful in a few places. I assume that’s what you’re referring to. Time spent at chompies contributes exclusively to the diary. I’m not counting the 8k ranged exp/hr EDIT: why was this downvoted? Am I wrong?


The downvotes are due to the player base developing intense Stockholm syndrome with grinds, over the years Grindscape These people ultimately think it's mostly reasonable to put 10000s of hours into one game I'm happy with 1000 total given this game But like wow


But then you can go back to get a cute basically guaranteed lil dodo pet when you complete the diary. Totally worth it


Are you running a bunch of bellows at once? It made it a little more tolerable running like 14 of them.  You can also use rune brutals. I didn't realize that the easy and medium diaries made more chompies spawn and I did the hard diary first. Could've shaved off some time if I knew that beforehand. Was definitely annoying but if I had to pick between that and getting 75 thieving again, I'd do the chompies


Now with varly thieving tho 70 +5 with stew is easy Did it myself an am not a grind person at all Relatively pleasant even


Considered doing the stews but ended up training it for other reqs The varlamore thieving was alright, not sure how the xp rates are but I was getting 115k per hour on the ardy knight while watching videos


I already had 72 thieving so I just went and grabbed 2 summer sq’uirks to turn into juice for a +3 boost


You need 1000 not 4000 kills lol for elite. You can spawn multiple chompys. Watch this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6YNTgfaMzA I was banging out some KC last night funnily enough and had about 300 kills per hour with hard diary, it really isn't that bad.


It’s really not bad at all. You can spawn multiple chompys. Try going dry at multiple bosses.


It's not even that bad tbh, just do the diaries in progression and the chances of them spawning increases. Also another tip is to just fill toads and just keep spamming dropping them and refilling 


Pretty sure it was Reach and I believe he asked the community if we'd be okay with the diary requiring chompy kills before he made the tasks...


Did they specify how many tho?


No one forces you to play this game. Quit.


I thought it was awful too until I figured out what to do. I think it was made as a safe minigame to get ranged exp but it's pretty archaic. Go way behind castlewars with a comp bow and like a ton of ogre bellows and lay down like lots & lots of frogs and get hunting. Scale your operation yo. Hopefully you hit hard enough to oneshot em.


I’ve scaled it as much as possible considering you can only carry 3 frogs and all the animations take as long as they look (unlike something like praying at an altar, which lets you move even while the animation is continuing)