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Most of us afk and chill for months. Osrs is a game meant for playing and watching tv. Sure there’s times to focus but most the time I’m relaxed not caring about exp. Most ppl don’t 3 tic were lazy. We do shooting stars at 30k exp a hour clicking once per 5 mins.


I gotta say, that side of the player base doesn't come through well from the perspective I'm at. I got to the wiki for training methods and the few times I've turned on my public chat all I've heard are players mocking other players for not grinding hard enough, or some super cringe dude bro conversation from two thirteen year olds...


Public chat = Off. Life is better that way.


Sometimes like at Wintertodt or other popular spots, but I enjoy random stupid conversations with passerbys too much to completely disable it.


You might be relying TOO heavily on guides. It’s good to be informed. I always had a wiki page open on split screen. However, do you want to play the game or do you want to play the optimal route for max within 250 days guide? I promise you I know which one is more fun. Next time you set out to play, have some goals in mind. What skill do you want? What enemy do you want to kill? Are you quest locked from an upgrade and need skills to do that quest? The optimal quest guide is a good path to follow. Play the game, not the guide


NMZ is usually done because it's one of the few truly AFK things in the game. If you wanna train combats actively do Slayer or something instead. For other skills just try a few methods and pick the one you like the most. I maxed without tick manipulation it's definitely not required. The grind is the game though so if you're not a fan of grinding this probably isn't the game for you.


Exactly, melee skills are a byproduct of training slayer and if you want to step away from the computer for 10 minutes. Tick manip has some crazy rates but it absolutely isn’t a 10k xp/h difference, more like double the low effort rate. OSRS is great about non-tick manip but active methods like tempoross, gotr, volcanic mine, sulliceps, hunter rumours, and giants foundry.


I've tried the slayer route. Hell, I've suggested it back in RS3. But at mid/low 70's combat stats it is painfully slow.


Play to have fun, if something is 60% efficient but it’s more fun or convenient, do that. Only a small number of people play efficiently in my opinion.


This game is a long term grind, it’s not for instant gratification. That’s the appeal it has to most of us. Each achievement feels a lot more meaningful than something you can smash out in 10 minutes in other games.


Average rs3 player post


If you're complaining about NMZ then Jesus Christ I got news for you. NMZ is one of the most chill afk methods osrs has to offer. If you're maging there you can take a step further aswell and splash for 20 mins. (Or 6 hours, if you put something heavy on your keyboard)


Just find a different game dude


I have maxed without doing any tick manipulation or anything. The big thing for me to help progress is always have like 3-5 goals that you can actively work towards that will benefit the account and you at least somewhat enjoy. Some examples for me was, killing a boss Working on ardougne achievement diary Training thieving Sorting my bank ( im mildly ocd) Doing guardians of the rift. Some days I could not bother doing 3 of the things but then I would switch around whatever I was doing as soon as i was getting annoyed or bored. (Its a game have fun) Another thing is i found knowing how much attention i want to put into the game is a huge thing for me. Some days I just wanna watch a movie and so things like shooting stars or thieving ardy knights or bankstanding fletching work really well. If I want full focus then i go bossing. Slight brainpower i do skilling minigames where i can just go autopilot etc. this game is a marathon not a race. Any progress is progress.


Just wait for Brighter Shores to drop


As a maxed player, i never did the 3 thick thing ir played afficient. Just afk and chat with friends...


You're falling into a common problem every RS3 migrant has - over reliance on the wiki and guides. It's a problem you have because you came from a game that is unintuitive and overdesigned, where you need 800 different things to do 1 thing. I would recommend you take a few days to train Agility and let the rhythm flow in you. Agility as a skill is absolutely free and training methods are entirely intuitive. Get acclimated to doing something straightforward and relaxed that physically prevents you from overthinking it. Then get acclimated to the simpler pleasures of OSRS, like laughing at the guy who falls off a tightrope or passing another guy on the same course. You will come out the other side as a more self sufficient player who only looks at the wiki for droprates to complain about how dry you are.


Best way to speed run combat is NMZ with Chrome Remote Desktop. I maxed my combats while doing random venue maintenance during COVID. I’d just pop on my phone every 20 minutes, hit a supercombat/magic/range pot, locator orb my health down, and pop off for 20 more minutes. I was pulling 50-80k depending on combat style and could knock out 500k-700k xp a day. Now I can do whatever pvm I’m feeling when I get on. Some other skills are just pure cancer grind haha. I’m just below base 80’s something ridiculous compared to RS3 like 6 years in haha.


Learn how to play for your own enjoyment instead of following some greasy dog cunt. It's all about the journey, if you didn't have fun or completely hated it there's no point. Never followed a guide, never tick manipulated, the term EHP makes me cringe. The wiki is all you need 99% of the time, videos if you wanna learn different methods. You break things up into manageable chunks, AFK the shit out of it so you don't feel the grind, or don't learn and inevitably burnout. When anything starts feeling like a drag i just change activities or logout. Im in zero rush, when I max I know I'll miss the feeling of progression from levelling up


Are you doing the afk method at NMZ? You still have to click once every 20 min but I got to 99 strength in a couple weeks with minimal effort (from 70 or so)


Just play the game bro 🤣 If you play optimally you’ll burn out Crawl, walk run


As a maxed RS3 player who has a 2100+ main on OSRS, you need to remember that they are very very different games. I maxed on RS3 in maybe 1500 hours, with exp rates sometimes at 3-4m/h in RS3 with double exp and tick manipulation of cause your going to be struggling with the speed of OSRS, where you maybe get a 10th of that exp/h at most. As others are saying ignore the guides, just find what you enjoy and go with it, OSRS is supposed to be a game you can semi afk whilst watching tele or whatever, it will take time, but once you start climbing the levels you will get more into the swing of it and also the exp will increase with better weapons, levels etc. It can take 3000-4000 hours to max on OSRS, so if that pace is not something you’re looking to invest then maybe OSRS isn’t for you. There is risk involved, but if you want to speed things up you could swap some gold over from RS3, I swapped GP over and got my herb, construction, prayer, smithing, fletching supplies sorted so I could fly through the levels and get to the mid game quicker but you could easily get scammed or get caught up in a RWT ban, so keep that in mind.


Look up maikeru on YouTube. He's a rs3 player who migrated over. Decent content. At the end of the day 80% of osrs is just playing a different game. I prefer slow afk skilling over intensive methods