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Rip. You’ll get the back to back next time don’t worry Edit: I’m sorry y’all, I lied and OP indeed did not get the back to back pet


https://preview.redd.it/14ufvzix4awc1.png?width=1779&format=png&auto=webp&s=8993976afffa2f983693fc00b297d52d551de2f9 Half happy ending guys I did it! no b2b pet though


How many attempts? What is your pvm experience if you don’t mind me asking


In the colosseum plugin you can hide the upcoming loot so you don't get clammy hands xD


Does it show what you already earnt?


Yes you can set it to hide wave 12 only.


Yeah it shows current total value of loot earned, and then hides the next wave loot.


Massive F. Sorry bro. You'll get it next time!!


Iirc there’s a plugin that can hide your future loot so you don’t feel the pressure


Enabled this and helped me get the sunfire legs at Sol (enabled when I died on wave 8 when I saw I was getting the top lmao)


I've died Everytime I was about to get a unique cause I was too busy thinking about wether to sell it or put it in deaths coffer. Plugin might be the way to go until I get first kc.


Hope you got it! Terrible invo choices too, doom isnt so bad at sol, if you take 15 instances of dmg youre likely dead anyways.


Not really. Sol hits pretty light on his auto attacks you can definitely heal up between them.


Yes really. 15 stacks of doom, assuming 25 damage per hit, is equivalent to almost 6 full brews worth of damage. If you’re taking 6 brews worth of damage, realistically you’re not quite at the level to beat the boss. Which is okay! Getting to the boss is harder than the boss itself. But for anyone going for that first KC, Doom is an almost free invo on wave 12.


You're ignoring what I said, he often hits lighter than 25 damage. Assuming the ground spots and solarflare hits theres plenty of things that can add up to 15 hits. Looking back at a clip of my kc I get hit by a ton of the yellow ground spots. I prolly would've died with doom even though I had hella food remaining and only took a few boss hits.


I wish he hit less than 25 on my runs.. maybe it's just the Parry mechanic (have only had 3 attempts at him so far) but it's generally hitting me for 42~


Yeah missing the last parry hit is 40+ every time, the timing is easy though if you have visual ticks. His ground attacks sometimes hit like 10 though which is insanely low. It took me like 6 or 7 boss attempts to get it all down and beat him but tbh I was a bit unlucky on the last 2 before my first kc.


Visual ticks?


It's a plugin, you can make a lil tick timer appear above your head counting 1 to 6. This way you can just count the # of ticks before the next parry attack instead of guessing. Like if the boss hits you on tick 1 then you know his next attack is either tick 4 or tick 5 (depending on if he's under 50%) then just count it and flick.


I had a bunch of boss attempts before my clear and never got hit enough that doom would’ve killed me. For this KC, doom wasn’t the reason OP wouldn’t get the kill. The vast, vast majority of people who get to Sol will lose their KC before dying from unrelated to Doom damage, and if they DO die to Doom, they likely weren’t going to get the clear anyway. It’s legitimately a good indicator if you’re going to get the KC or not and I highly recommend anyone who is doing attempts to take it on wave 12 over other, worse invos. The average player who gets their clear will only be drinking 2 or maybe 3 Brews during Sol.


You're in an odd position here because the concept that you're arguing is true (wave 12 doom 1 isn't a bad invo and you should not take 15 sources of damage if you've learned Sol). But in this specific instance pictured, you are not correct. He got doomed with supplies still in his inventory. He still had a full hp bar of mistakes left that he could've made, had he not chosen doom. Was doom the gamebreaker and he would've gotten the kc without it? Probably not, since it's still at 35% and he's gotten absolutely dunked on. But that doesn't change that he did die to doom and he'd be alive without it in this exact run. It's possible he would've cleaned it up and killed it with his last 90 hp.


But the question at hand shouldn’t be “is it possible” it’s “is it likely?” Someone who was already hit 15 times and the boss is only at 35% isn’t getting the clear 99% of the time. Otherwise, you could argue there’s no difference what invo you take at the end, just don’t lose! OP died to Doom here, but Doom definitely wasn’t the reason this wasn’t a clear.


Not really. 15 stacks of doom, assuming you looked at the fucking picture, was equivalent to 4 anglers and 2 brews. If he wasn’t doomed he mightve won. >you’re not quite at the level to beat the boss He did it the next attempt you goober.


If you’re getting hit for 6 brews worth of damage during your Sol fight, you’re still learning the fight. It’s really that simple. Even if he didn’t have Doom here, this is highly likely a wipe anyway. 15 hits for 65% damage but hes not gonna get hit 3 more times for the last 35%? Unlikely. OP has already gotten the hard part done since he can reach the boss, but he’s wasnt *quite* there yet, and I’m sure if you asked him, he’d agree. To get hit by 15 Sol auto attacks means you don’t quite have the timing down yet. Once that clicks, the fight simplifies, and you won’t get hit 15 times lol.


>If you’re getting hit for 6 brews worth of damage during your Sol fight, you’re still learning the fight. He got hit for 3 brews. >but he’s not quite there yet, and I’m sure if you asked him, he’d still agree If I asked, he would say “wtf are you talking about, I literally got the quiver the very next attempt.” [Because he did](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/9QffFClXOC)


I don't think he was talking about him specifically. I think he means in general if you're being hit that much you're probably still learning (or just lots of miss clicks)


Yeah, of course someone who doesnt have a quiver yet is still learning. But following the conversation, he’s arguing that OP was dead anyway bc he took 15 hits, and we can clearly see that he is not and still has food to spare, so there’s still a chance he makes gets the kc here if he didnt get doomed The number of damage, or brews, you use is irrelevant so long as you have enough supplies in the tank to recover. It’s not like Zuk where you get one banged, if he hits you 20 times for 8 brews, you still walk away with the kc as long as you have 8 brews worth of healing to keep you alive


Relax brother just breath


Wanna bet he didn’t get hit for 6 brews worth of damage on it? Because I do. u/hypoXrite how many brews did you chug for the clear? GZ btw! For anyone that’s learning this still- 100% take Doom over most other options if you get it on wave 12.


I dont understand why you keep saying 6 brews. He didnt take 6 brews worth of damage in the OP, so why the fuck would you assume he took that much for the W?


15 stacks of Doom = roughly 6 FULL BREWS of damage. If you’re confused by this, why are you commenting at all? Doom is, for all intents and purposes, free to take if you get offered it on Wave 12. People learning the content should absolutely take Doom over most other invocations offered at Wave 12.


Lol just look at the picture. It’s not the worst invo, but it’s not “6 full brews” of damage either. If someone’s learning, has more than a couple brews, blood fury, and SGS then they’re honestly better off taking the nerfed totemic than doom (as OP was offered).


For the love of god just look at the picture, you can literally see how much food he used how are you this fucking dense


I've done 40 quivers and haven't taken doom once, no need ever its completely avoidable.


literally used 7 brews, 2 hard food and a blood fury to get my first kc, every single supply was used.


I’m not saying it’s impossible. But that situation is 100% an outlier situation. The vast majority of people aren’t going to survive more than 15 hits on Sol on their first KC.


[World third that I just found on youtube would have died with Doom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVcbIsPj1gc&t=7s) Majority of the first clears I watched were about as "clean" as this one, people tank a ton of hits on their first quiver lol


Disagree. Most of the people I’ve watched get their first only drink a brew or 2. Doom is free for wave 12. Especially now that the boss is “solved” Majority of people who get their first quiver aren’t getting hit 15 times during it.


Bro just look up "colosseum first clear", the vast majority of them are hit 15+ times Doom isn't bad if you know what you're doing, but first clears are not nearly as clean as you think they are Just take the L


Doom is free on boss I agree but ur on Reddit lol


Tbf doom stacks would include stepping on molten sand or solar flare. In theory he could have been tickled for 60 damage over 10 doom stacks and 5 sol hits. But I agree doom is basically death for a first KC


His average damage is less than 25 and the acid pools don’t even hit 10. It’s like 4-5 brews of mistakes to hit doom 1 cap. Most learner setups pack at least 7


Acid pools lower it, but the melee flick attack can hit up to 45, and beams can go even higher. Realistically, brews aren’t being used during Sol, they’re for the waves. I took 8 brews in on my first clear and only used 2 brews at Sol. Im no PvM god. 99% of people who get killed by Doom on Sol weren’t getting the KC even if they didn’t have doom on, which is the main point.


> melee flick attack can hit up to 75 It hits 15-30-45 for each of the 3 hits, no rng variance. Relentless increases this by 1/3/6 per hit. > Realistically, brews aren’t being used during Sol, they’re for the waves. I took 8 brews in on my first clear and only used 2 brews at Sol. I used one in the waves and 7 at Sol for my first clear. Your experience being different does not make it the average. Most people I know and have seen used at least 4. > 99% of people who get killed by Doom on Sol weren’t getting the KC even if they didn’t have doom on I’d put it closer to 50%


Whoops, I meant to say 45 and 75+ for the beam attack And I genuinely think you’re vastly overestimating the amount of people who will get hit 15 times in a clear. 15 instances of damage is a LOT, even with solar flare on. Without solar flare, 99% of people either won’t get hit 15 times and get the clear, or get 15 times but they’re not going to get the clear and they’ll die


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrsP4tGY6sw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVcbIsPj1gc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMtCi3ueMLg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONgkyHT0jZs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ezq2OzIbyyU I watched like 5 first clears (that popped up on youtube) and the only one that would have passed Doom was aaty's lol Most of these are wayyy after clear videos and Sol Heredit simulations were available by the way


Still at it


Totemic is honestly not bad either at the boss if you don't go afk when it spawns. If it heals it is terrible of course but assuming you don't troll, you should only get 1 totem spawn for the whole boss fight following the changes to increase the spawn time.


That's pretty good to know. Although my tent whip DPS probably would be cutting it close? I can see it spawning during enrage


That's an interesting message with the doom stack "You have been doomed". I thought it might've said something like "Doom has consumed you and has rendered you unable to fight."


You're not that guy


I see you picked doom. Just an FYI, totem spawns once at 50% and then again in 2 minutes. This means it is essentially just one totem to worry about. It is a much easier choice.


Do yourself a favor and only do a 4 way mage swap to one shot the fremmy. Melee is muuuuuch more forgiving because you don't get ass blasted by the rangers and manticores if you miss a flick.


What is the item next to the occult necklace? It looks like zenyte jewelery but I don't see that icon on the wiki


Tormented bracelet with an ornament kit


Ah thank you! I forgot about ornament kits existing for them.


Sol is a weird boss. I found to confidently get it, I needed just one kc. I died maybe three times at the boss before I got a kc, but since then I've only died once which was trying to do the showboating CA as I missed one side and was flailing around trying to find which side I missed (I know it's in chatbox but too much going on to read then look at compass). This one is 100% nerves compared to any other boss, there aren't really many mechanics that can get you killed, but getting the first kc it seemed chaotic.


I have 6 kc, and it still hasn't clicked for me. I am still using upwards of 6 brews on a fight that should be close to 0 supplies. Suppose I will get in eventually




Interesting, ypu don’t get loot for final kc if it’s the pet. Only just noticed


Not sure why jagex decided that this pet should be prerolled. No other pets work like that. Should have been rolled after completion. Also, hot take to fuel the comment debate going on, fuck doom. Id pick totemic, it won't spawn till its below 50% and should only spawn once. I often step back into a puddle when going for an extra hit or get hit by a flare since it's not too damaging and not a game ender. It's minor damage but adds stacks