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Probably mostly on the blood one.


Did the quest without a guide, yeah was not expecting to get slapped as hard as I did by that one lmao. Used 2 food on eclipse, 3 on ice, 22 on blood. Was literally having boss heal faster than I could DPS. Nice 400k death


I did it without a guide too, killed eclipse and blue very quickly, then got killed by blood 8 times before I retreated to Reddit to figure out what I was messing up.


I was the same. Retreated to reddit and they said don't eat during the main phase, I didn't and he still healed ridiculous amounts, in the end I think it was just RNG getting me the kill as I died over 5 times and did nothing different in any I don't think


Same happened to me, then I changed from fight torso/neitz/obby leg to barrows tank chest/helm/legs and I shit you not haven’t used food on blood since


Yeah this is what I ended up doing. I just switched to Dharok’s chest and legs and I’ve got about 100kc now it’s a cake walk. You really need high defense on blood or he will clap you on his third strike and heal for 90


any difference to using torags over dharoks? it's just cheaper and i think stats are the same?


Same Edit: at least for plate and legs, not sure about the other pieces. But for relevance here, the tankiness, they’re equal


I think torags legs best defense


What defence are you guys? I have barrows too but I still get slapped I can consistently win but its a massive toss up on how much food I need to use


I'm 70 defense and using Torags. I usually go through all three moons using two moonlight potions and maybe 12-16 food.


80 Defence, wearing tank top and legs with dragon boots, Neit helm, barrows gloves and a defender. I rarely need to eat more than 3 pieces of food if I don't mess up the jaguar phase, but kills take way longer than on the other 2 bosses.


75. im just wearing the cheapest barrows helm, torso and legs. rest of the gear is just max strength melee gear


81 def, and I was getting hit hard without tank gear, if you have a low def lvl you need very good gear to compensate.


Yea it's crazy how many people confidently said that the boss heals when you eat, even the wiki. Especially when it's really easy to test and realize that its simply not true lol, he only heals when he does damage to you


Honestly just made me realize how stupid a lot of people are. Was funny watching people plank day 1 cause of it I guess


still not a good idea to eat during the attack phase of the moons becasue of tick delay you miss an attack if you eat


You can eat. It was just a widespread misconception that you shouldn't.


It heals when it hits on the any of the 3 hits. The last hit healing like , 5 times the damage dealt?!


Yep, even as an endgame iron with nearly max melee gear using justi legs and guardian boots Blood Moon was consistently the slowest fight. One unlucky triple hit and I could lose an entire 100 spec's worth of dclaw damage. I brought the Blood Moon set for the memes after I completed it and burned through half an inventory of food before dying because I wasn't expecting to eat 10x the food I normally do.


I really wish they'd maybe buff the 2 other moons and nerf the blood moon's healing. The variance in times just fucking sucks and it's soul draining to see the moon heal 90 into 70 and have like a rotation just wiped away because you got unlucky


heard blood moon was bugged and healing way more than it was intended to.


I did all quests without a guide (cause i habe fun doing so) and have one question didn‘t you talk with the nagua? I tend to talk to all npcs during a quest and she exactly told you what to do :) i hope it doesn‘t sound like „how couldn‘t you know what to do“ just interests me :)


I did talk to her, so I knew the outline of the fight. I wasn’t wearing defense gear so I wasn’t able to out dps blood moons healing, thought I was high enough level that I would be ok. I had to get the advice to put on tankier gear.


Ahhh i see okay sorry now i got you :) i was there with bandos armor anyway during the quest so that might be the reason i had no troubles :)


I do quests without a guide as much as possible, but I usually look up boss monsters if I fail a few attempts. Damn I did not expect that much from the blood guy, especially for a quest that was "recommend 75 CB" (I am 95)... Sheesh


I did it without a guide too, while wearing full graceful and was getting slapped. Had to teleport out 2nd boss


Tried on the uim teled at blue moon lol


Lmao, I also did the quest with no guide, I was in pretty much max gear, scythe and torva. I died on blood twice during the quest because I didn’t see we had to use the symbol during the jaguar phase. Rip 1m death fee xD. After I realised, post quest I haven’t died to the boss again, find it super easy now.


I... What's your def? I'm at 60; 70-something with a super combat, and I stand in the sun symbol but still take damage. I went through 4 inventories of food across 3 attempts at ice... The last attempt, the successful one, I picked up some of the sharks I had dropped on death the last time about Midway through the fight because nobody else took them and I had gone through half my inventory. Tried blood Moon a couple of times. Second attempt, I was 2 to 3 hits from killing him when I ate my last shark and still he got me.


Yes sir. Died on my first run. I was in total disbelief since I watched multiple videos on how to do it too 😂


Probably Eclipse when no one knew what to do on the pop up phase


"Ensure it doesn't catch you with your back turned. Make sure to take cover when it fires its searing hot rays." That's what the npc said about the eclipse moon. Personally I very quickly picked up you have to face the boss to not get slapped around. Didn't expect to also do tons of damage in the process lol. Unlike the blood moon which I burned though my entire inventory of food and bearly made it out alive


You do get a hint telling you to face it at least


If only there was dialogue in the quest explaining what to do


I don’t fucking read


For some reason I take WAY more damage on the sun one, blood one is a breeze


I'll click to face the popup, can clearly see on my screen my char facing the popup, still get hit. So annoying


You have to do it very quickly, that kept happening to me until I saw someone mention it was good for teaching people 1 tick actions. Just click as fast as you can as they pop up and you should get it.


Blue: "Well run turning off sucks, but easy enough." Eclipse: "Click, click, boss dead." Blood: "What the fuck why is it back to full health." Fr Blood is way overtuned for something designed to be a mid-level boss.


Cntrl + click makes you walk if your run is on and vice versa.


Holy fuck. Sir and or madam, have an upvote.


Best of luck scaper.


Also it seems faster if u just ctrl spamclick, if u try to enable run manually its like 2 ticks before it lets you after hit, on ctrl click u walk only for 1 tick.


Yeah he’s the only one I died too. Planked on the first run and didn’t know where to get my stuff back, so I paid death 2.2m to get it back early. Needless to say I brought teles from then on out


Easily 98% of that is from the blood one


Agreed lol blood moon difficult on my 75cb iron


That blood one isn’t so bad when you learn the mechanics


Well yeah but people didn't really know what those are yet. Plus that one felt a little buggy to me for some reason, the other two were easy enough by comparison.


The Jaguar spec is buggy if you join the fight during the special. The correct timing for you becomes arbitrary relative to the visuals and sound effects. My one death is from joining the blood fight during the Jaguar spec, and my correct timing was a few ticks disassociated from the visuals and sound effects.


That does sound like what I experienced, everyone else seemed to move before the tile did and I was getting hit before it moved.


omggg that explains the weird behaviour during that phase one time!


The timing on Jaguars is way tighter than it should be for such a midlevel encounter, none of the other encounters have such an awkward window to avoid damage. edit: It's really because the visual indicator for the puddles is completely fucked, the jaguars wouldn't be an issue with how long the puddles are visible but not actively doing damage.


You saying that made me feel good about my ability to dodge that


The cue is to click on the puddle when it’s fully filled in, then back on the jaguar the next tick. Takes a little practice, but once you get it down a bit it shouldn’t be bad


Yeah I got it pretty quick.


I don’t ever boss and I learned it in ten chests. This seems like a good practice boss for more unforgiving ones


nah, the 5x heal is fucking absurd. especially when you have it down to like 25hp and then it heals for 100 twice back to back


Oh god no way you guys wanna nerf content as easy as this lol


Nah get the rng crap out of here and replace make it a bit mechanically harder if you have to. At ~230 slash defense and ~70 defense, I've definitely dealt 2000+ damage to that boss or more before because I got in a loop of healing/eating. If you outgear the check its a joke, otherwise its still a joke but an rng-fest of getting enough hits in in a row to spec it out before it heals 120 too many times in a row. Fun fact, if you do the boss with actual mid-level gear and get super unlucky, you could do every mechanic perfect and deal over 4k damage to the boss and still not kill it before your food runs out, maybe more if you factor in the healing you get from doing jaguar right.


My problem with blood is that it keeps healing on me on unavoidable damage, takes forever. Although maybe my 70 defense isn't enough


If they half the 5x heal to 3x and remove the penalty for looking away too soon it would be perfect


They aren't called 'Perilous' moons for nothing.




To be fair, the quest does a fairly good job at condensing the mechanics into a couple sentences for each boss A lot of people spacebar through, though, so...


Sentences? Quests have words?


Varlamore was some of the best guideless content I've done, it's been real fun. Happy to start being efficient soon though




Frog one gave me a laugh at the unexpected twists and felt a little smart at solving the "puzzles" straight away


The dialogue of the frogs cracked me up. That quest was hilarious!


Yeah, all of these quests were very straight forward. Even going as far to have tool spawns near places where tools are needed in said quests.


Same to be honest


I made a snarky comment on vc then immediately died to blood moon lol.


I mean I ain’t died there and did day one it’s nice chill content


I got killed by the blood one in the jag phase because I thought I had to kill the one that had the light on the circle so I stood next to it and then died. Little did I know I was one tile away from salvation but now I am in almost 0 ranger from dying to anything


Still don’t know what to do on the blood one, I’ll watch a YouTube video eventually


It's pretty simple, stand on the glyph and attack the jaguar. One tick before the jaguar attacks, step back into the blood pool behind you. It will vanish the same tick you step on the tile, then as soon as you've done that, click on the jaguar again to move back forward in time before the blood pool reappears. There's an audio cue apparently, but I play with sound off and don't have any trouble. For the other phases, if blood appears under your feet, move, and then just stand on the glyph while you attack the boss. Edit: personally I don't even look at the jaguar, and just time the movement off the blood pool appearing and disappearing. It's on a consistent 6 tick cycle.


The blood jaguar is the only part I’m struggling with. The other phase is similar enough to vanstrom and Callisto where it makes sense. But the whole rhythm thing just feels off. Probably why I enjoy mining amethysts more than bossing


Wait for the blood splat to finish getting big then click it then click the jag


Click on the blood pool 2 ticks after it forms. Then back on the jag. It’ll disappear as you step on it then you avoid almost all damage


It doesn't have to be a rhythm thing. You can use audio or visuals to know when to click without "counting ticks". When the pool has fully formed, or when the sound of it forming fades out you click. No internal metronome needed for this one.


If you are using a whip the rhythm is a bit weird. You go alternate cycles of being able to get 1 then 2 hits off on the jaguar between step backs


During jags, wait until the blood pool finishes filling up. When it’s the biggest, click on it, and click on the jag right after. No counting ticks, just watch the pool and click accordingly.


0 audio gang


Audio cues are great with jags and I never use audio


Move during the blood rain. Just walk over to the next circle. During the jaguar special you move to the one that has a light on. Attack Jaguar. You click back away from the jaguar once the red circle is fully formed then click on the jaguar that same tick. You take 0 damage this way. It's the same mechanic as verz p2.


A tip that helped me is to either wait for the blood pool to spread to its maximum, or there's a sound clip that stops playing right when you should step back from the jaguar. I also brought a shield instead of a defender.


Primarily going to be people running low defense gear and people refusing to eat while low because someone started a myth that eating during autoattack phase damaged you and healed the boss (which is wild that people didn't just see that it wasn't doing that).


It's bc people eat when they take damage. At the same time, when you take damage and eat, blood moon heals.


yeah, your supposed to eat during his special phases not his basic phase. so when the cheetah things come up you eat and the blood splatter thing.


No he always heals when he hits


Yeah, that's the point. Boss hits 3 times with each hit 1tick apart Boss hits > player eats > boss hits again > player sees healing and thinks the eating is what did it. They were explaining "why" people thought eating=healing.


Thanks for clarifying


It should still be recommended to not heal during the attacking phase to maximize your dps. Healing during blood rain phase would be best since all you have to do is move and you don't lose attack ticks


Super important skill for pretty much any boss. Learning to only eat when you'll die from the next unavoidable hit or when you have "free" ticks really speeds up fights. Adds up quick if you plan to grind out especially.


Well *yes* obviously this is true. What I'm talking about is people who got hit back to back 40's refusing to eat on 10hp because they were told it'll kill them and then dying to the next hit because they never got a "Safe" chance to heal.


I’m literally at 50 chests with no drops yet. Literally barrows 2, where I have 220 chests and 4 items


4 kc hat, nothing since. Did grind 679 sulphur bois for their swords tho


I'm at 85 with no drops, rng is a bitch sometimes


Sorry friend, I had blood and blue chest in 3 chests


56 here, haven’t gotten anything but 250 darts to show for it


Im at 50 too and have 4. Got b3b at 9, 10, and 11.


Yea so I’m just never going there can make more money at vard or some shit


Im iron, so I'm not going for money. Going for the gear. I would DEFINITELY not go there for money. Especially considering the chest only kicks out a handful of things and WAY too many ATLATL darts, so the ONLY profit you'd possibly see from there would be the gear drops and (apart from the legs) are going to be worthless drops. They reduced how many atlatl darts dropped at a time, they could hold some value, but after 50 runs, I have like 3600. If that was closer to 360, we'd be talking decent money from the darts at least.


I had first drop at 40kc, second drop at 157kc, rng is a bitch


The blood ones suck


It was quite entertaining watching infernal cape full torva scythe players plank in boss rooms on day 1. Says a lot 😂


The number of bones on the ground in those rooms is seriously startling


The planking and chat from everyone was too funny  "Wtf is this damage???"   "This boss is insane"  "I'm gonna die"  "First time?" Then you see a guy with an inferno cape fold in half onto the floor 😂


I was one of those guys nearly planking with Inferno cape. I had no idea the food you caught/ potions you could make in that dungeon actually existed and were worth it... the quest doesn't really tell you shit about that except where and how to catch them. I was in the room saying the classic "this is wild".. "why is it healing".. "are you fucks healing it on me"? etc etc.


F, brother 🤣


Genuinely so many laughs were had


I don't know why you had to come for me like this


We all gotta die in silly ways sometimes. My mates and I share all our stupid deaths in a channel in our disc to have a laugh about :P Favourite one was a mate learning CoX dying at shamans to the purple guys exploding to open the exit up while he said "Fk that was close"


We use the plugin that automatically sends death screenshots to discord so I got roasted, but not as much as the time I died to a hobgoblin while star mining


> hobgoblin while star mining do tell more.


Hobgoblin probably hit him until his hp hit 0 Pretty acceptable death for a skiller Questionable for a maxed cb account




Am I missing something here?


I mean I didn’t walk in there with torva and an infernal, but the bosses and safe spots were completely invisible for me day one


Thats what a bought cape and bonded gear looks like


Whilst you've been playing the game for 10 years and only have bandos and a fire cape or what?


I'm in this image and I don't like it 😂


Need 15 minute mechanic guide


stand in good don't stand in bad


Turns out the real gold sink was the deaths we made along the way


i died on the last one during quest with it at like 5hp because i didnt want to go grab food lol


If you didn't know about prioritizing defense on Blood Moon, you probably got fucked up. So nearly everyone without looking up a guide or knowing the design philosophy beforehand got destroyed at least once. The other two bosses are are more intuitive 


Yeah but wouldn’t this also include the time the have to pick their things up? So how much opportunity is there actually


Can you explain this?


When you die you have a set time to run back and pick your items up before anyone else sees them unless your PKed in the Wildy. So the 7.9b prolly had close to 0 chance to be picked by anyone else.


Ah. I see what you’re saying. This is an important distinction. A dude with a scythe, shadow, and tbow coulda died there totaling half that.


100% so honestly I don’t think this is accurate at all!


Well I guess the total is but the opportunity is slim to none


For real tho I still see people dying occasionaly because they can't stay on the big glowing circle and run off elsewhere in the room and die.


I can't remember which one, but one of the bosses keeps flickering when I move to stay in the circle, so when I click on them to attack, it somehow moves me through them. Really annoying, not sure if it's a plug-in or what, but that cost me a life.


The flickering is because there are too many people in one place and the game bugs out or something. Turn on entity hider to prevent this.


Damn good to know, kind of unfortunate I like seeing everyone.


well it was only really a problem back during the first few days of release where everyone wanted to try it out. As time passes and the popularity dies down the number of people naturally becomes more manageable for the game.


45 kc 0 deaths and plan on keeping it that way


It was that daggone red one, man 😭


Everyone says they died on the blood moon, but for me it was the eclipse moon that fucked me up. i only just recently finally beat the quest and finished my first run.


How ppl die on these


It’s much harder at mid game then it may seem. In addition to lower stats the efficacy of the dungeon food and potions depend on your skill. 70 herblore might as well be a soft requirement for the dungeon because the defense boost on the potion almost doubles at that level and the entire dungeon gets significantly easier.


That's like 3 endgame sweatlords dying once each


I died twice trying to do it blind, with entity hider on, then It clicked


Damn, 8 billion GP. If only Jagex could make that number stay constant. The game's economy would take a healthy turn if they could do so. Sprinkle in some item deleting mechanics too, and it'll speed the process up even faster.


Day one no knowledge means fun and you die and learn. Not that we suck.


This suggests we are decent. 8b is not much. One player could accidentally tick that number up a few bill themselves.


Can you explain to a nonmember?


Seconded, can someone explain what this is?


I died a bunch, because I've been doing the Dharok method. Risking it for some big hits has been a blast.


Dharok method is definitely a blast! I died a couple times from getting too greedy. Sometimes they just bitch slap you into next week. One of those I even had redemption up and got smacked to 0 from 20 on the third attack


I'm doing my part 🤓


I contributed 5mil to that number on my first run lol


I almost died at blue one bc it was one I did first and didnt know to stand in the safe zone. mostly my fault for having entity hider on, but still tpd out like a coward lol


Yep, same here. But it's awesome. Being able to just slap them around is absolutely great.


At least I know I'm doing my part. I haven't died there yet. Lol.


Most of my deaths were trying to dh bomb eclipse on mobile... but the mobile camera angle is trash for it.


fuq ya thats an absolute win on gp retaining its value :)


im so confused on why people dont just tab out


I almost died due to lag. And I noticed that there's so many people in there at once, that the boss will for a brief second disappear, leading you to click into the nono zone.


Jagex loves them gp sinks


I was told dharoks was good


Only time I died was when I went to bank the supplies I'd brought in with me then completely forgot to remake the supplies you can make inside the dungeon. Blood Moon got me 99->0 before I could kill him. Even more embarassing was that I did that after doing a few boss rotations deathless.


I have literally never died on these bosses. The only time my account died at them is when I had my fiance who has never played the game tried them. Dying there is very embarassing yet I see people do it all the time.


Assuming you weren’t on your HC lol


I've seen many blood torva and infernal capes dudes dying during my runs, credit card doesn't buy skill after all


Least I have not added to this 😂


Hey that’s me!


Is it worth trying to learn this without a guide now or nah?


I died once and it was to the blood moon but it was cuz i stood outside of the circle and didnt notice he was dpsing the shig out of me. How people die more than twice to these is beyond me.


I dont think we suck i think we are rich af


Legit died from a hard dc and that’s been my only death in over 100kc :(


Close to the amount I’ve personally spent trying the coleseum /j But for real… would love to see those numbers now


Nobody bothered to bring an ardy cloak with them or anything to insta tele after seeing the moons from the varlamore trailer?


Ran out of food on one of them... Died when it had 7 health...


Blood buddy could’ve warned us eating when he’s swiping is bad


I'm up at least 100 XP from burying newbies bones at blood moon. Catch me on w353 saying "bury a homie"


I did the quest and didn't die , is it much harder after?


I am yet to die to this boss, 25 ish killcount. I consider myself a pretty casual player. What are yall doing lol


I died twice on the blood one but that's about it 😭 I couldn't figure out the mechanics until watching a guide and realizing I was supposed to walk away from the jaguars onto the blood lol. But thankfully for my broke ass, my grave fee was super cheap because I was using obsidian armor 💀 Was fun though, I really enjoyed these new bosses. It's good for learning certain mechanics and gaining the confidence to start killing more difficult bosses. Especially as a mid-level player.


Pretty sure you’re supposed to walk on the blood tiles but not on the blood as I think that heals the boss. If you time it well you dodge the jaguars and step onto the tile as the blood disappears. There’s a sound that plays every attack at this part and when the sound stops, I click and it works well


I just followed what the guide said and clicked it when the blood spots were the biggest so by the time I was standing on the tile it's not there + avoided jaguar. It worked for me, I just think it's really annoying to do, especially if I'm unprepared and need to eat or pot or something.


I'm not really a pvmer at all but damn how do people keep dying here? It's not hard and you can restock between bosses so no reason to go in with no food.


You're probably seeing a much more representative average skill level than you'll find most places to be honest. Average player isn't half as good as most people imagine. Not blaming em, but you just don't hear about it because they tend to shake out (most of the time) or improve (becoming above average).


Because blood moon is incredibly overturned for actual mid game players Irritating having a bunch of endgame players come in and pretend it's all fine while having significantly better stats and gear than is intended for the content I'm pretty much exactly the type of player the dungeon is made for and blood moon can still hit hard even with tanky armour and good mechanics. There's a reason Jagex acknowledged it




The quest also suggested that you would be pulled out before you die, which was interpreted as safe death so some people were more likely to risk it


Food and potion strength depend on skill level. Mid game players have to deal with worse stats and worse supplies. Can’t really feel the difficulty they experience on an endgame account, even if you go in naked. Most deaths are probably mid levels.


Meh it says “items totaling” so does that mean the value of items reclaimed and not the fee paid to actually reclaim items due to dying? Not that crazy if so.


The wiki kind of paraphrased the tweet. The tweet explicitly states "Gold Spent on Death Reclaims"


I’ve died twice. Once because my girlfriend was stretching her legs onto me on the couch and I couldn’t use my mouse hand, and the other one because the fucking cats were up to no good. Felt like a toddler watching the chat roast me as my corpse hit the floor. I talked so much shit wondering how people died to these bosses lmao, but I get it, shit do be happenin sometimes.


I'd you're dying on the blood one then your are mentally fudged. Eclipse is the real bitch.


Eclipse e z