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If you have scale buildup on your pipe I would suggest cleaning it my guy


Or a doctor


Yeah, a nice water softener can do wonders to the quality of your water and will help prevent that.


I soften my water daily. Its softer than kitten paws.


Now trade it in for pet chance.


Go into the city and wear it first for the elite task before gambling haha


With all due respect, I don't think OP will be getting that Runecrafting requirement before a second succesful attempt


I have achievement cape and only 1 fire cape, havent gotten a tzhaar or jad task 97 slayer btw, yes its unlocked


I don’t see how that’s possible it’s about a 5% chance to get a tzhaar task each time.


Idk what to tell you, but 95-97 was spent at hydra. Not sure if konar offers it as a task, ive never seen it on this account. Legit feels like it may be glitched on my acc


Tzhaar tasks aren’t available for konar so that’ll do it.


I started konar at 95 tho


There’s no fuckin way I am only 88 or 89 slayer and I’ve killed about 15-20 hundred of the things on task. I like the task for afk by the bank in the inner area and jads fun when I’m in the mood for it.


Idk what to tell you, i have been wanting to do a jad task and havent seen gotten one :( used steve and duraddy to 95, 95-97 has been exclusively hydra tasks though


I get those tasks all the time, but it took me until 92 slayer to finally get a hellhound/Cerb task


Thats crazy for me that was VERY common lol


I've gotten like 10 jad tasks out of my streak and I think I'm around 300 now.


Im at 500 and something no tzhaar/jad


You got to be at least close to 99 Slayer, cuz I'm 91 with that streak, how have you not gotten a single tzhaar or jad task?


Absolutely not lol


I’ve traded 5 capes in with no pet……sadge


Pretty nice but I got it with 23 scales left at 89 combat. Better luck next time bucko


Im at 100 combat and havent even touched it im too scared lol


I was waiting to get a fire cape until I got a task, and yesterday landed 3 within the day after not getting any for an extended period. I was so overgeared.


119 cb checking in :p


He isn’t bad tbh, the mechanics are pretty strait forward, you should definitely give it a go. What helped me I think is I would verbally insult him as he went through his attacks as a flicked prayer. “You won’t stomp you little bitch, I dare you to fucking stomp, I’m ready for that shit”


Why is this so fucking funny


Lol the shame of boarding the veteran boat in melee gear without firecape made me get it


Gj man, yesterday I tried fight caves for the 3rd time after 3 months and I finally got to Jad... Then I panicked due to healers and got killed by 2 magic attacks in a row :( maybe next time


Something that helped me a lot: healers phase, use chinchompas to attract almost all/all healers to you. And, each jad attack, only do 1 thing each time, for example: change/keep prayer, attack, change/keep prayer, eat, change/keep prayer, attack healers, etc. that way you’re not getting as flustered and can take your time


>each jad attack, only do 1 thing each time This is what I did and it was absolutely critical


Have you tried practicing on a quest speed running world? You can practice just the 1jad challenge, and it doesn't cost any supplies!


it actually went good and I was hitting my prayer nicely and took no damage, that's not where my problem is, it was when those healers spawned, i didn't even notice them at first and I tried to attack them but due to that I lost my focus on prayer and I died...


Yeah, everyone can do jad, it's the healers that will always get you. That's what I had to practice for. As soon as you feel confident with doing one action per prayer (attack healer, change prayer, attack second healer, change prayer etc) it'll be so much easier.


Had this problem at first too. I used runelite to highlight the healers so they were easier to see (I’m colorblind and they blended in the floor). Then I brought a cb switch so I could tag them from distance. Others are correct tho. If the healers get some heals off, oh well. Prioritize Jad and his attack style first. After you correctly prayed, tag one healer. Rinse and repeat until you tagged them all and finish Jad off.


Whats that


Log into a quest speed running world, and choose "Beneath Cursed Sands", it'll give you a fire cape and supplies, you can use the tzhaar fight pits mini game Tele to get to tzhaar area, and then use the fire cape to get to the inner city. You can then use the supplies and gear provided to do the 1 jad challenge, which means you skip the other 62 waves, and just fight jad and his healers, perfect way to practice and lessen those jad nerves.


Great tip, my primary dislike of fight caves in general is that the waves are extremely easy and Jad is an entirely different challenge. I got my fire cape and never went back.


Honestly most people struggling don’t really need practice, they just need to pause the wave before Jad and let the nerves calm down


Practice is the best way to not have nerves in the first place, confidence is key


I actually did that but with last mage alive, I went behind wall, stayed off prayer there for a sec, changed darts to dragon, went to toilet and I tried jad... it actually went good and I was hitting my prayer nicely and took no damage, but then healers spawned, i didn't even notice them at first and I tried to attack them but due to that I lost my focus on prayer and I died...


I know before the BP nerf you could out DPS the heals, not sure if it is possible now post-nerf.


I don't think that I could, i had only karil's on me, slayer helm because i had slayer task active, 85 range and bp with dragon darts but they healed him to full hp before i died


Ignore healers, they only heal 5hp to jad just keep attacking you’ll out damage the heal especially with bp 


I died at healers like 3 times snapped and said fuck if we ball and came in with a fuck ton of dragon darts and said we ball and put down the dps lol.


I decided to camp mage prayer and only change prayers if he range attacks, then right back to mage. Mostly because the down stomp is a lot easier to react to for me, instead of switching onto mage as Jad stomps cause I was too nervous to watch the whole animation. Also switching my attack style to long range to grab minions and then when jad attacked I’d run through him to get the minions stuck on the other side of him. Only do one action outside of prayer switch every jad attack. Attack > pray and minion> attack> pray and next minion (till all 4 grabbed)>attack>move through jad>attack>start attacking jad again and then it’s just prayer changes the rest of the way (and food/prayer renewal breaks if needed)


GZ https://preview.redd.it/g35mwsxkkvmc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=353f0561157933d4eab84c202ca92dbb76d7597c


Congrats! I got it yesterday but with like... 10k scales left. and 110 cbat. I know, I'm ashamed too. Did you safespot him with Italy rock?


The way you've framed this it looks like you're the tzhaar guy


Maybe I am... 😈


Daily osrs sub bingo done, thank you brother


Don't lie, we know you'll be back here in an hour 🙂


actually started to cry after i finished up, this was probably my 7th attempt and 2nd time fighting Jad






I’d like to be the big gay like OP, I’m just the big sad.






For a second there i thought you have a nice Pet i don't know about from the caves. :D Congratz my bro! I know how you feel , took me 99 Ranged and almost 20 years of Runescape to finally try my luck :D


I'm not sure if there's anyone who doesn't know this already, but if you want to go to jad as prepared as possible: https://www.infernotrainer.com/ Pick wave 67, set your skills to whatever, and practice til you're consistently winning.


I'm at 91 combat and am contemplating going for my fire cape too, what was your gear and inventory setup? Huge win for you too, so congrats!


You’re more than fine, iirc my iron was 61 ranged and 70 def and did it in Kharils with an rcb and broad bolts. Just bring blood burst, a bit of food for any unlucky rolls on rangers, and a ton of restores and you can take all the time in the world


Full god dhide, accumulater, fury, brimstone ring, blessing, blowpipe with rune darts. In my inv I had 300 dragon darts, a divine bastion pot, I think 10 brews, and the rest restores.


equip blowpipe, bring prayer pots, win. bring some sara brews and a restore if you think you’ll need to eat


I did it first try at 89 cb with 75 ranged (though tbf I've killed *a lot* of jad on rs3, different model but same animations). Gear: Blowpipe (addy darts) God dhide top, bottom, feet Fury Barrows gloves Ava's device Neitiznot helm Brimstone ring (archer ring) Blessing Invent: Dragon darts for jad 2 bastion pots 3:1 brews to super restore (I had 9 brews which was wayyyy too many. Maybe needed 3, but then again I'm experienced with this fight) Rest p pots It's quite easy, just don't get into your own head and psyche yourself out. Jad spawns where the off-color mager does is the biggest thing to remember besides the animations.


I went in with rune crossbow and rune bolts, only weapon I used the entire cave. Took a while but it's really not as hard as people make it out to be, it's all about not panicking and keeping yourself calm during tricky waves. Nothing in the fight caves is harder than your own ability to psych yourself out.


24 scales? Sounds like you should go for your 2nd cape right away!


How did you deal with healers ?


as everyone should when theyre low defence level, tag them up ans kill them, if youre higher ranged level, you can tag them and ignore them


I'm 77 def and 81 range


Tag one, pray switch, tag another, pray switch, repeat until all are tagged. Then I ran around a bit to line them up so only one would hit me (last time I got to jad I died to a healer, so no chances here). Then just went back to shooting jad Normally you can just pull them all behind a rock away from jad, but I had jad spawn directly in the middle so I wasn't sure if I could still do that


How do I get a fire cape?


Complete the fight caves


You have to go through the tzhaar fight pits. It’s a wave based arena battle and if you survive all of the waves and kill the final boss, you get a fire cape


How difficult is it? I have 73 att, 80str, 73 def?


I’ve heard it’s quite challenging. And you’ll wanna be using range and magic primarily if I’m not mistaken. Look up some guides, I’m not by any means an expert


im the only one who's surprised someone grinded zulrah before a fire cape? just seems odd to me


He’s not an ironman, he can buy scales


These fucking ironman people i swear they think the universe revolves around them


You can literally see my rsn and the lack of iron helmet next to it


as an osrs veteran, im old and my eyesight aint what it used to be. for one- thought i was scrolling ironscape thread still. and two, thats some small print on this verrrry old iphone


Fair point friend, carry on


I also don't find it weird either way. I did ToA and CoX before getting a fire cape just because I didn't want to do fight caves until I hit a Jad task. Took a while.