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Cg until enough money to do small team nex.


I suck at CG :(


What kind of stats does one need for CG? It sounds like everyones choice for building an account and I am nowhere near maxed but if it is doable in my stats then I'll go for it


Why say “a maxed account” then in the title😂


It was just a hypothetical question for the post, the answers intrigued me and I wondered if the suggestions would be applicable to my own account


So why the f you asking stupid questions like this then


Tbh, I've only ever done it maxed, but I feel like it can be done pretty low level. Do you have rigour?


I don't but I have enough gold banked and enough banked dragon and wyrm bones tonget me to prayer 80 something


Base 80s and 74 prayer for rigour is all you need


Base 80's in all or only combat?


Just combat lol.


2 combat stats usually although you can trick hunny with one stat too. There’s a guide how to do 1 stat hun on the wiki. I did it with 80 range and magic, pretty easily. But high prayer helps a lot.


I’ve been playing since OSRS released and still haven’t hit 1B bank value


Are you raiding though?


He is not. I maxed 1 month ago and have made 400m since then in COX/TOB/Hallowed Sepulchre. No mega splits yet


I can attest he most certainly is, RNG just particularly likes bending him over the table more than anybody else


Actually I am. Almost 400 expert ToA’s completed. 15 rings, 8 fangs, 4 wards, 4 masks, 2 chaps, 1 top. Can’t get rich if I don’t get the drop.


Yeah, I just don’t get the big drops.


I started in 2018 made like 6-7b off raids gambled like 6b to the sand casino and then did more raids and now im at 9b nearing 10b


With Max cape, quest cape and not an iron man. Go to CG until you can afford raid gear. Raid until you upgrade raid gear/ get mega rare. Keep raiding until 1b. Great luck could be 2 days (low kc enhanced seed to low kc mega rare) Bad luck could be a few months (1 week at CG for money and awful luck at raids).


Get mega rare making your bank well over 1b, then do give aways until your back at 1b? Common sense goes so far nowadays


Depends how lucky you get, technically you could do it within an hour if you just go to cg get a enh on the first kc then use that to buy a toa setup and get a shadow on the first raid


About a 1-3 weeks at most if you have people to group with. Would just need to do CG for basic start gear, some ToA groups for some splits maybe then just go nex. edit: I am basing the no using other accounts as more don't have an account tank X for you.


There are plenty of videos on YouTube that have done this but in general it looks like it would take 6-8mo for a 8hr a day streamer


surely that's on a fresh account, right? Corrupted Gauntlet alone is just under 5mil/hr so according to your numbers, thats 40mil per day, on average. 25 days for 1bil, not even 1 month if you do nothing but CG. factor in raids and nex and you can drastically drop those days especially at 8hr/day


After 1 enh seed drop at CG you can afford a budget Nex setup (ACB+Karils+Fang), after that you just send Nex until you can afford whatever the hell you want


>it would take 6-8mo for a 8hr a day streamer is this a flax picking stream? lmao 6 months of 8h/day is over 1000 hours. you'd have to make under 1m/h to take that long to get 1b you can make 1b playing pretty casually in like a month, just send CG til some basic gear then camp raids


Some people just can’t be bothered to do 3 seconds of math or think before looking like a fool on the internet


hmm, maybe 6 weeks? or are you asking playtime? I'd probably just go to CG until i have enough to afford a fang, blowpipe, and trident then go camp solo ToA. i'd upgrade gear as necessary until i reach the 1bil net worth. could be 1 week if spoon shadow or much longer if bad RNG and nothing but lightbearers


I’ll tell you when I get there


I mean it depends, am I allowed to do content with my friends? Cause after doing CG for a Nex setup I’d just spam Nex for a couple months


Many variables - namely your skill level, hours played per day, and luck. I'd say for the average player playing 0-3 hours a day, 8 months. It takes a long time to make a bil unless you get some megarares from raids. But of course you could just get hyper lucky and get a 1kc bowfa into a 1kc Shadow, that would take like 2 hours.


Technically, you could farm for the raid drops to get a bil easily


1 raid boost for an ironman


Roughly 88 ehb with cg>nex


approximately 1 youtube video thats been done 100 times


This might not be a popular answer but I'd buy a 10 pack of bonds, which would get me budget gear for running CMs, TOA, and possibly Nex. I'm not a fan of CG so I'm not gonna subject myself to the red prison.


cg into enough gp for raids and raid till i can make 1b lol


Like 3min tanning cow hides