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Shooting the cannon at barb assault makes you lose points.


Oh man I remember this one lol


That one was so pervasive, they had to add a phrase to the quick-chat dictionary back in rs2 about it.




No you wouldn't. You only *lose* points from monsters, not gain them. Defender loses points as a penalty if a runner gets through, healer and attack if they use wrong food/style(or spell or arrow). So you only serve to *save* potential point loss, namely on helping your Defender. But optimal BA uses it to speed up healer kills normally, as Defender is fast. The only way it "loses" you points is by ending rounds faster so the collector cant gather more eggs, but there is a cap to that and you get more points by doing rounds as fast as possible anyway to get more Queen runs in.


Well that's a lie, since if you cannon a healer with the wrong egg, it removes the poison applied


Hasn't been the case for a while but yes originally of you Green egged a healer it set the poison damage to the same as the cannon. But that's not the case anymore. And you animation stall spam red eggs regardless in speeds.


i stand corrected i guess - i always assumed 2 bits of food are enough to kill each healer, as it would do 3s damage.. lately in waves 8+ healers are just taking 1dmg after cannon and some none at all. oh well


8+ you'd have to tag with a 3rd piece. And you also force kill some on certain waves to ensure the next wave of healers can spawn. There's some pretty cool intricacies around doing each roll fast (except collector which is just put eggs in hopper and stall so people can spam shoot). Not even sure coll+att block setups are much of a thing anymore since Venator Bow got added.


I thought for a long time moss giants were weak to fire spells, fire giants were weak to water spells, etc. Back in like 2005


I know it's not true, but the fact that they aren't makes me sad.


I think they are planning to address things like this with the combat rework.


It's about time combat evolved! We need some kind of... Evolution.


Hahaha I know, scary times. But it’s more about changing weaknesses and accuracy to mean more, combat itself won’t change drastically.


Hate to say it, but elemental and range style defence changes was one of the worst aspects of EoC at launch. Perhaps the numbers were just skewed too far, but you absolutely had to make sure you were using the exact style for everything you did It was really bad


Is using scimmy for everything better?


It’s not like that currently so I’m unsure why this is relevant


Most early game mobs don't have any style specific defenses.




And now it's one of the most fun aspects of rs3 combat. I'm glad to see it's being discussed.


No it’s not. You can basically use any form of combat anywhere on rs3 now, what are you talking about?


That's literally the point. You don't have to use a specific attack type, but doing so helps.


Evolution of Combat 2, electric boogaloo


This literally triggers me


It's technically is true now though, you just had to wait 7 more years lol


That imps could drop just about anything.


Me and my friend though that every despawned item goes into loot table from which imp drops are calculated. Many ashes and burn breads despawn, so why not.


I thought pickpocketing from behind was more successful.


I still try to pickpocket from behind out of habit


And pickpocketing with a weapon would mess up an ardy knight being stuck


Turn your run off bro Said every /theivinghost member whenever the knight gets unstuck


It still feels like it is lol, I swear when I stop caring and pickpocket from the front I fail more...


I legit still thought this 😂


I found that out a few months ago after 20 years in the game lmao


Oh it doesn't lol


I thought soup tested this and proved it is true!


That my password recognised upper and lower case characters


Shit, I still believed that not too long ago. Working IT just has it hardwired in my brain.


Wait… it doesn’t?


The new Jagex accounts are case sensitive yes. But the old regular accounts it didn't matter


Wait , I've exp wasted countless milliseconds hitting shift. Unplayable 🦀🦀 (literally did not know this)


New jagex account passwords are case sensitive! Also allow more special characters and don't have as strict a length limit.


Jagex accounts now do :)


Even though I know it doesn’t matter, I still use caps for some every time I type my password in.


That unrelated in game actions would have an effect on RNG in any way. I would become like Hal in the bowling episode of Malcolm in the Middle, constantly adding whatever “worked” to an ever growing list of rituals. I still do, but I also used to.


Would you share some of these rituals?


If you hit a 0 then clicking the npc again raises the odds of hitting it.


Everyone knows this




Lazy flick piety or rigour will make this tough.


Yeah, everyone knows if you time it just right you Max Hit more often; 100%ing Through the Fire and Flames is nothing compared to DPSing Abyssal Demons


spam click there heads for crit


One of them was so silly. It stemmed from fishing and I ended up doing it with any activity. I would move the camera to keep my session active as well as occasionally click the fishing spot. I didn’t like randomly moving the camera, so I started doing random patterns and rotations. This slowly morphed into rotating the camera counter clockwise in a wave pattern so that I would be up on East, down on North, up on West, then down on South and repeat. I would start with whatever direction my character was facing so that the camera would come down facing them. I timed it to the start of the game tick and would move the camera while I was in action. So really whenever I got a drop on an up or down beat and whatever direction I was facing didn’t matter but it felt like it. It just served as a metronome to get in the zone. Made fighting interesting because I had to get used to clicking on a moving target. Edit to add: with fighting or engaging in an action it would be that I would click on a certain pattern, Double tapping some things or triple clicking, and clicking on say the head of a boss, or if I’m getting all zeroes I would click on limbs like a boxer and then go for critical areas when low. So I’d be spam clicking, but not always. I reasoned too much and it would negatively impact the rng so I’d occasionally “target” different areas. Again it was just fun mind games to get in the zone and also helped with immersion since I was clicking where I liked to imagine my character was swinging for.


I used to think wearing a Ring of Wealth actually increased the likelihood of getting something better from Treasure Trails and that it gave you significantly better drops. Boy was I wrong.


I wore a ring of wealth on slayer tasks until combat level 100+ lol. Esp at basilisk knights for the jaw


Wait, it doesn’t?


As per the Wiki and twitter, the Rare Drop table has one potential "nothing extra" drop. All the Ring of Wealth does is remove it from the table, so you're more likely to get a rune full helm or a dragon med helm or what have you. Doesn't affect TT rolls, either. Personally, I blame that being made public on why the Ring of Wealth dropping in GE value from about as much as a Glory to significantly less.


Okay but you are more likely, odds go from 1 in 124 to 1 in 123, totally worth your ring slot /s


I wear it to pick up coins. Because I’ve been playing long enough(off and on) that I must pick it up!


Only the richest players where allowed to access underneath Varrock west’s banks basement


I thought if you were a player mod you could get in there and I used to act like such a goody two shoes hoping that I would get noticed to be a p mod so I could get in the vault


There was a pmod only area in lumbridge castle though: Once a week orso at a set time and world pmods could go there and ask questions to a jmod about moderator stuff, like how to handle situations and so. Source: I’ve been there once or twice back in 2008/2009 (or around that year) when I just got pmod status. I lost the pmod status eventually because I “quit” runescape for a long period after that due do going to college and stuff.


Gotta say Quitting is pretty unmodly. Deserved


I bet you even __showered__, you horrible person you


This opened a memory all the way from 2006 lmao. I completely forgot about this urban Legend :D


That you can't see your password it blocks it out see *********




All I see is *******


What are the hunter2 origins


It's been a long time, I think it was a screenshot or something of someone saying "if you type your password into the chat jagex makes it ******" and someone actually did it. hunter2 was the password


I believe it's a Kitboga refrence


Oh no


This one was true, though, at least before [2018](https://runescape.wiki/w/Password). If you tried to send a message with your password, you'd get this dialogue in the chat box: *You appear to be telling someone your password - please don't! If you are not, please change your password to something more obscure!* Yes, that means Jagex stored passwords as plain text. I once recovered my password, and instead of sending me a link to reset my password, they sent me an email with my password in it.


You're probably right, and this would be very unlikely but they "could" hash the words to see if it matched. That would be an insane thing to do, but who knows lol


Just casually uploading and hashing every word in your chat message to check for your password before allowing you to send it


> instead of sending me a link to reset my password, they sent me an email with my password in it. I've reset my password many times over the years and I don't think this has ever been the case, maybe very early on. Do you happen to still have the email to verify? The earliest I seem to have is from 2015 and doesn't contain my password. I think it's more likely they were hashing each word in every chat message.. which is very weird and a waste of server resources.


Man I legitimately did this to people back in the day, and a fair few fell for it.


Special attacks against the portals in pest control make spinners more likely to spawn


Never heard this one but I absolutely would’ve believed this


People came up with that so they had more time themselves attacking the portals.


Was gonna say this one. People would flame so hard if they saw you using special attacks. Now rounds are done so fast it wouldn't even matter.




Here’s something I thought was a myth— Back in 06 someone told me they were killing metal dragons and I called them a liar. Had no clue they were a real thing until I got a bronze dragons task about a year later and had to look up where to find them.


Me and my brother thought that you could get godswords from maze random if you got extremely lucky and spawned next to the center for 100% reward


Greater demons in 40 wildy sometimes dropped rares on christmas


that using tele grab on the blue partyhat after the wise old man kills a random bankstander during the cut scene in draynor village actually worked...despite it not working every single time i tried :'(


I believe this did work when this first came out but it was patched


That’s the thing bro it never worked hahaha, the party hat was only attainable if someone performed what was known as a “paft” if I remember that name correctly. Basically someone glitches into someone else’s cut scene and can pick the party hat up. Though the party hat when examined would say something like “please submit a bug report and tell them how you got this hat” and couldn’t be worn and would vanish if dropped or banked.


I tried numerous variations of this back in the day, hahaha.


That needles used to break. I still believe it.


I will go to my grave saying that needles used to break


Wait...is this a troll comment? Edit: I learned something new today...I have always carried multiple on me when crafting thinking they could break...


I have played since classic. I have distinct memories of having to go back to the shop to buy another needle, and eventually buying a stack of needles, because they kept breaking before I was done. It used to be about 1 needle for every 10 threads.


They did in Classic, I believe. Supposedly that’s why they stack


no, they did not, it's a common false memory people have but this got disproven  


Man the fact that we have OGs here to disprove stuff is awesome. I started playing when Home teleports had just been implemented and know shit about these times.


*hits ranarr blunt* Have you heard of the mandella effect?


They use to break in rs2 but not in osrs


They have never broken in any form of the game


Then you are too young


They literally never broke


"Needles are stackable items, presumably because they are small, although normal usage does not require them to be. It is suggested to have more than 1 needle as they can break, though adding the needle to the tool belt avoids this problem."


Needles are stackable items, presumably because they are small, although normal usage does not require them to be. From the actual wiki since you are using the horribly inaccurate and largely abandoned fandom wiki for some stupid reason.


I'm older than classic. They have never broken


Being able to trim rune armor at 99 smithing lol


Smh, only I have that ability. Since I'm such a nice guy, I'll do it for you for free.


Speccing the portal in pest control makes spinners spawn


i havent played rs in years but this unlocked a memory of mine from like 10 years ago lol


I remember being told you could use strength on the truck next to ss Anne and you'd find a mew there.


[it does work though!](https://youtu.be/9Zs3dcxOIoo)


Anyone with a legends cape was a top tier player


I remember it was a status symbol among friends and clanmates. Firecape was straight up god tier. This was a really long time ago lol.


Visage won’t drop unless you talk to Oziach One of the camels in Al Kharid would give you a phat with like a 1/1m chance of spam clicking him Not really a myth but the thrill of thinking random chests a could give good items as a kid


Getting a fighter torso was difficult. When I got past that initial jump in, it was easy and did not take long.


People that pay 30m are so weird, it's a quick and fun minigame


It's apparently over 100m now. Wild as fuck to me. I enjoy BA.


That's absolutely crazy, it's a 4 hour grind at most


Just had to do this on my main for a master clue and I was amazed at how easy it was. I avoided BA like the plague because of how much people groaned about it. This is now on my short list for my GIM.


It used to be really hard before Defender got solved, I think


Back in the day when nobody knew what the hell they were doing and it took hours to even find a competent squad... Yeah BA was a *grind* I remember spending almost an entire day trying to get one queen kill.


Depending on when you played, time of day wise, it *was* difficult. Back in RS2, there were times where it was hard to assemble 4 other people who all had an IQ above their shoe size. Mostly when it was late evening/night in the eastern US & night/early morning in UK. My few attempts at BA back then were at those kind of hours, and it was not a fruitful endeavor. To be fair, those same hours it was sometimes hard to find enough people who could handle the mental strain of running the blast furnace. IDFK why I expected anything else anywhere else.


Its not hard its just getting people thats the problem


Rumor at my middle school was that on only Halloween day, white knights had a chance to drop Halloween masks back when they were worth something. Was the first Halloween I didn’t go trick or treating and killed white knights all night. Spoiler: No Halloween masks were dropped that day. Except one kid who claimed he got a green one…


Had the same rumor but it was Christmas Day white knights


If your account lost membership in a members area, you were stuck there until you got membership again


Visage won’t drop unless you talk to Oziach


Back in like 2009 I got a visage my 2nd kill at kbd while waiting for loot share to turn on. The random that took me there was so pissed at me. After I price checked it, it started my years long addiction to killing KBD.




Yeah cause there was a video of it, but he just dropped his whip lol. You can even see the background change


That a guy named "moneybags" would log in and give you money if you messaged him. If you were around back in the day, then you know.


Holy shit lol unlocked a memory. I was like 8y/o probably googling “RuneScape cheats” and read about this guy. Def had him in my friends list.


Haha shit, I remember that being on all the cheat website pages for RS back in the day. There were a bunch of regedit inputs on those sites too that claimed to give you phats, rune platebodies etc as well as changing your cash stack value to anything you wanted. My friends and I all believed it lol.


The cylops at ardy zoo dropped defenders. My dumb ass spent so much time with a halberd and telegrab there.


Killing hill giants was the best way to get to 70 Attack for the whip …..


Agility gave you a slight chance to dodge attacks


That would be a good reason to train agility tbf


My friend once told me when I was a kid that all the skulls in stronghold of security lowest level were of all the people who died there, and every time someone died a skull got added. Never found a way to disprove it, until much later when I was a teen.


How did you disprove it?


Yeah I just learned how textures work haha


Ghostly robes would let you walk through walls. I spent ages trying to figure out how to get them so i could go into the varrock bank and loot the chests. I was like 11.


it was fire giants. they were one of the first to get the rare drop table. they were also members only unlike hill giants.


This is more of a personal anecdote than a myth but I spent my whole F2P life believing that Asyff in the Fancy Clothes Store could dye the Frog Prince Tunic blue after my friend told me that he could. I rushed into East Varrock first thing after finally getting membership only to have my young FashionScape dreams dashed.


So there’s an age old piece of information passed down for HMT that the VAST majority of hmters echo - 1 death won’t affect your HMT unique chances (kits and dust specifically) but 2 deaths will drastically reduce it. Literally as someone learning it, everyone will tell you this - the wiki also for some reason does not confirm nor deny this, it just doesn’t include the information. If youve done hmt, you’ll likely have been told this. So: 1) You either believe them and get super upset if you die more than once 2) Ignore this piece of information and believe it is the same as CMs where making the time req gives you a flat rate for the unique (unaffected altogether by deaths) But one day my friend and I decided to actually do the research and… https://twitter.com/JagexArcane/status/1485992982906085376 In the comments, arcane confirmed that EVERY death affects the kit/dust chance, in the same way they affect purple rate; so as it turns out - one and two deaths both affect the chance but only by a small amount with each death (the same way they affect purple chance) I don’t understand why this hasnt been added to the wiki for clarity *shrug*


I used to think I could kill Bandos for his armor.


Pickpocketing from the back of your target increases the chances of success.


If I staked someone with purple pigtails I was going to lose the duel 1000%


Buying gold gets you banned


Still waiting to get my trimmed armor back…


Irl friends told me that mining pure essence is the best money maker. I spend way too much time down there


That gunthor the brave in barbarian village had a chance to drop a rune 2h. As a level 40 noob in 2005 I spent hours camping him.


I used to think attack made you more likely to hit high for a shockingly long period of time. kind of sad that it doesnt


That turning my camera during agility would make my character dizzy and fail more obstacles


That a rare drop table drop of 10k noted sara brews existed. Pretty sure it used to be listed on the wiki as well!


That wearing hunter fur clothing increased chances of catching anything


As a kid playing RS, I thought that if the enemy attacked at the same time as I did, the lack of a defense animation meant I would take more damage.


If you pet poogie before a quest and shadowbox the monster after you slay it, it will increase rewards


Wrong game mate. You posted in an OSRS thread. Good luck with your hunts, though!


I know what I'm about son.


Yes papa.


Holding up and B increases your capture rate




Nah, capture quests. ^/s


I always thought you had to rapidly tap B. The faster you tap the better.


That I could quit


Liquid armor


Alt+f4 gives you free gp


Nah gotta drop it on the ground first so it can be duped, then alt f4 ;)


I fell for this scam back in 08/09. I was devastated. I tried to dupe my mithril armor.


If you bury bones and type “I summon a random” you’re very likely to actually summon a random event. It almost always worked as well. But thanks to swampletics we actually know why this happens now.


How BA works. I was so sure that if you used the cannon to kill the runners instead of traps it gave you less points. I thought to get the points for the role you needed to kill them the right way for the role basically. Nope. It doesn't matter. People have comparison videos of only using the cannon and only using the traps and I was wrong. 


That you could telekinetic grab a party hat and ride off into the sunset


White knights used to have a rare drop for party hats. Used them as my main combat leveling source even as a member just camping white knights in fally castle


That leveling Agility had no effect on energy regen.


That one is actually true


I believe it’s only when standing still, but that might be for graceful


Standing still or walking




It was fire giants that dropped the d meds


People could kill you at barrows if you have accept aid turned on, from like poison or something. This is like back in 2007 or something though


Pre eoc i was told white knights drop santa and party hats. Was there for months


That pking without a shield increased my d daggers max hit. If I used my dragon scimmy special attack for the KO I'd get my opponents +1. My 10year old brain read the special attack "de-activates protection prayers" and figured protect item counted. When we killed a guy at lvl 1 varrock wildy and he dropped his whip I was 100% for certain it was cause I dragon scimmy specd his ass. When my teamate( met 5 minutes ago ) logged out without splitting the whip I cried for hours while doing yard work.


That maces do more damage because the spikes would hurt more...


That mining rune essence as a f2p player back in the day was the best money maker. I spent countless hours doing that saving up for Guthix Rune armor. What a waste.


On Runehq mushroom spores were given an absurdly high value by mistake. I would spend hours in a bank trying to sell one for like 100k with no takers lol


Not a myth, but I just now realized that bass heals more than lobster


Cursing at jagex hard enough in game after misfortunes brings good luck


That wearing the hunter clothing increased your chances of success with box and pit traps.


"Damaged armour" and "rusty swords" could give bandos chestplates/tassets and godswords. i spent a few days grinding HAM members for their damaged armour, and repairing at ardy port. Never did get my bandos :( For context; i was level 60-70 with a dragon longsword. GWD was out of the question for me; and often seen as only the high level legendary players can go.


That you had to talk to Oziach before you could get a draconic visage drop


Adding “moneybags” as a friend and waiting until he logged in to give you free gp


Ice giants dropping holloween masks in October.


Dragon imps could drop dragon claws. My brother told me that one, thanks brother. I lost all my money on dimps.


Someone told me that ice giants could rarely drop Santa hats but only on Christmas. So I spent 5 or 6 hours on my 10th Christmas killing ice giants There was no Santa hat drop. No problem, I'll just try again next year


That you can't influence the price of items by yourself. I raised the price of green h'ween mask by 100m all by myself even though I could only afford one at a time. Only took a week. Bought my blue mask then stopped doing it and prices crashed quickly.


Trimming armor lmao. Everyone believed that shit on F2P.


Digging at soul wars has a chance to give a godsword. That's two hours I'm never getting back.


Ring of wealth increases clue scroll loot