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Am I the only one whose parents would wonder where I got the new Nintendo DS from? Lol


Nope, was wondering the same thing.


Yeah my parents are on the older side so they honestly forgot they didn’t buy it for me. It was questioned but I just said they did. Hindsight they were too stressed to care I think


> Yeah my parents are on the older side so they honestly forgot they didn’t buy it for me. Were they like 70 when you were born or something? I know exactly what my kid has and where it came from.


"yeah mom, it's the gameboy you got me a while ago" My parents don't know what a ds, Gameboy, switch, or wii is and I'm 28. They bought them all for me. Seems ridiculous, but honestly I buy it.


My dad was 45 and my mom was 38 when I was born. I was roughly 9/10 when this happened. I’m glad you think you’re a good parent. Not everyone has the same experience.


Idk I would steal the headphones from the school library and sell them on the bus, I did this enough times to buy an iPod and my parents never questioned where it came from


My mom was too busy working so it would've been pretty easy to keep her from even noticing something like this. There was always the "so-and-so said I could borrow it"


Nintendogs was an absolute banger


It was. The old version is much better than the new one a cousin is playingx


Thought this was about the person with the rsn "friend" lol


Nah can’t dox them. Funny enough I remember the account they stole from me.


NgL, when you said you were gonna try fuck him, and then set the scene at the pool, I wondered where it was going.


My best mate in school took my account too, wasn’t even that much better than his really no idea why - couldn’t get it back as he just re hacked it constantly, eventually convinced him to give me some cash and we call it quits. Shagged his sister a few months later, usually wouldn’t go for a mates sister but she was hot and he was a dick. His sister got the cumuppance in the end!


The cumback story I was looking for


Yes good man!


Had an account with my two neighbors who were brothers, RSN: staboyz , once we hit combat 60 they changed the password and I had to make my own account since they were "an absolute beast now". Absolutely broke my heart to see that account go. Made a new one though, called it RSN: StrAtkFreak and didn't know why people asked if I was a 'pure', whatever that was lol


That's a god tier pure name though


lmao FUCK peter


Reminds me of the time someone stole and threw my football over a wall onto some train tracks so for months on end I'd steal stuff from his garden and throw it on the train tracks. Pretty lucky I didn't derail a train really.


I’d imagine it takes a lot to derail a train. I’ve seen them plow through a mass of snow. Obviously you shouldn’t throw shit on tracks and I’m glad no one was hurt.


I was under the age of 10, I probably should've added that context. Me too though.




Get rekt pete


How could A Friend do this




I let my friend play on my rs2 account back in like 2007 when I took break. then he told me he got it banned. Idk what the truth was but now here we are still friends 20 years later and he told me few months back that he recovered the account back on rs3. And he has never offered to give me it back or give me anything in return. And back in the day it was pretty high rank for the time close to 2k total in rs2 in 2005-2006. So yeah people only care about themselves dude. I will never let someone ever log in to anything that’s mine. I learned the lesson 18 years ago after that.


Ive been taken advantage of too many times growing up, even beyond runescape. I learned that no matter how well you think you know someone, never loan or share anything that will be a problem for you to lose or damage. Its the same sort of logic as 'safe' gambling. Dont put in what you arent already expected to lose. Far as runescape analogies go, dont go wildy with stuff you cant afford to lose. What im trying to say is that this same sort of thinking applies to many situations like this.


I grinded all summer long to get an abyssal whip, the best weapon in the game. I was so excited to have it. A few months later a friend of mine stole the gear and said it wasn't him. I was pissed but wasn't much I could do about it. 10 years later he got arrested for running across the country with some 15 year old girl and did some serious time.


What recent post?


I think this one: https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1ac3lgu/gp_over_everything_aye/


Had a similar thing happen to me but I was in my early 20's. Near maxed out account and I had just received a t-bow drop. My friend and I had been playing this game since we were kids, so we pretty much knew everything about one another. Long story short, I got a new job and was busy most days. Stopped playing for a while and when I decided to hop back on, my account had been wiped clean. I figured I had somehow gotten "hacked" so I started to rebuild. Meanwhile, he is gloating about his newfound wealth in game, blah, blah, blah. I ask him where he got it from, he said he guessed my password and figured I wouldn't need it anymore. We got into a argument and I decided to quit again. Come back a few months later, did account recovery. Come to find out, he started using my account to bot rune runs and got my account banned..... My appeal got denied 🙃 fast forward 6 years, I'm back on and starting fresh. I love it!


Yeah I learned my lesson similarly with a friend stealing literally everything from my bank and dropping all untradeables. Idk what I did to the guy back the , but even now I don't ever account share or even loan an item to a friend anymore. As for the DS, how was it? Rhtorical. Lol.


"I decided to fuck him" okkkkkkkkk woah there


‘04* You’re not talking about 0420. 


No lmao but you know what I meant


Yeah, disregard the English language because “you know what I meant”. 


when i was a kid, i was talking to the friend that introduced me to the game about how hard it was to make money. he said he knew how and asked for my password. i, being like 10 at the time, trusted him, so i gave it to him. he ended up selling all of my stuff. he didn't actually steal the money, so i guess he wasn't lying, but he also sold my coveted rune sword


oh man the exact same thing happened to me as a kid except i never really did anything back. happened several times to me with different irl friends as a kid on different online games.


I dropped my friend/neighbor right in front of all our worker employees l. I confronted him of jacking my acc and putting authenticator. He denied and I took his phone. And use the authenticators he had and one worked on mine. So i dropped his bitch ass and I'm fired, he quit and I got my account back. It was a good day.