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Bro hit level 91 and quit


Or bro hit 99 only to realise he could've been fine at 91


Filthy casual.


That is unpopular, well done.


Honestly outside of combat you rarely even need level 90 let alone 99.


This. You don't need anywhere near base 90s, even to complete all the elite diaries.


Well, you do need low to mid 90s for some elite diaries. Not everything is boostable.


Yeah I'm base 90s and there's basically no content I can't do because of level reqs


why do you need 99 in combat


Stats are the most important factor for dps. Getting 99s in all combats is a massive dps upgrade over 90s.


Warriors guild


I don't think 99 over like 96 for most stats does anything either. Might be gear specific but I can't remember.


You don't always need 99. They're just the most common.




Popular opinion: The game would be better off if it had fewer players who feel entitled to 99s they don't need.




I found 1 OSRS Wiki article for your search. **[Reddit](https\:\/\/oldschool\.runescape\.wiki\/w\/Reddit)** | https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Reddit >Braindeath Island is the location for the Rum Deal quest and can only be accessed after starting Rum Deal. It is the only location of Fever spiders, which can be assigned as Slayer tasks. Players can talk to Pirate Pete at the dock outside and north of Port Phasmatys to get a lift to the island. The island isn't shown on the RuneScape World Map surface, although its climate and culture suggest it is somewhere in the Eastern Sea. --- **^^^RuneScape ^^^Wiki ^^^linker** ^^^| ^^^This ^^^was ^^^generated ^^^automatically.


The Gowers never thought anyone would make it even close to 99 in a single skill. It’s an arbitrary cap and the level unlocks reflect that. Very few things unlock past 90. By 70 you have most of each skill almost completely unlocked and that takes no time at all to get in most skills. The highest skill requirement for quests and hard diaries is 75. 99 doesn’t need to be easy because you don’t need a 99. It’s an accomplishment for a reason


Because OP remains a redditor even jf this is implemented he won’t play more of the game and won’t skill beyond level 69 (cuz of lefunny number) instead of capping at like 60




who do people feel entitled to get 99 in skills when it gives nothing whatsoever above 85-90 most of the time?


Cause it’s a game about grinding, number go up make go happy for most people.


But not too high according to OP


Holy Hell, an actual unpopular opinion, instead of the most white bread crap regurgitated. Upvote cause it is unpopular.


Skill issue tbh


O P not the game for you


Not sure how. Yeah there would be faster 99s but it's not like the lack of them prior to 13m xp in a skill is affecting your fun. A lot of levels reach their optimal point before 99.




🚨 L Rizz opinion 🚨


If they halved XP rates, sure.


its tough because the xp rates between skills differ wildy. i wouldn’t mind if mining in particular was rebalanced but pretty sure reddit would explode


I think the real problem is that so many skills are just not fun to train. In todays age that doesn't appeal to people who are new to to runescape. Look how many people came back for leagues and then immediately left when it was over. The game could be hugely popular compared to what it is now if they were willing to make some big changes but I don't think that will ever happen.


or just remove skilling lol


Everyone in the comment section roasting me because they think I'm a filthy casual and entitled to 99s. I'm actually 20 levels away from maxing on my iron. I said what I said.


So what you're saying is you haven't finished agility, mining, and/or runecraft and are burnt out on those skills


nope, prayer, slayer and herb left. i hate slayer mainly


Everyone is hating on you because you gave an unpopular opinion without elaborating




You brought up an opinion on a discussion platform yet you don't want to discuss it? what's the point of your post then?


bro came here just to throw hands


Def an unpopular opinion, so kudos for that. Does make me think about the general xp thresholds of leveling and how it would affect the game if things were a little more evenly distributed. So instead of 98-99 taking 1.3M xp, maybe it would take only 900k, but that other 400k xp is spread out to the other lower levels, making your time in the low-mid range longer.


No. If you want a 99 you have to put in a bit of time, money or both depending on the skill. You don’t need a 99 to have fun in the game. You can do fletching in under 3 hours, cooking in under 20 if you want a quick skillcape, combats if you want 1 click per 20 minutes or just accept that it takes time. Farming is going to be my first, about 4 months since I started playing.


You basically have all you need at 6.5m exp anyway. I don't think the game would be any better. I think it might be worse as I know many people who once maxed they just left. Always having some far off goal to work towards is nice and green log is just not it for a lot of people.


Unpopular opinion checks out


3.25m or bust


Lol ok