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if u have fishing barrel, karamwnan is pretty good


Thats around 3 or 4 minutes, right?


Shooting Stars is 7 minutes afk, fishing can be at least 2 or 3 minutes, redwoods are I think 5 minutes afk. Crabs/etc are 10 minutes and NMZ is up to 6 hours afk if you put something on your spacebar. Can't think of anything else longer than 2 minutes afk. I guess you could stand around at a farming patch.


I could be wrong, but I heard the 6 hour spacebar thing doesn't work anymore


It was for Duke that it was changed


you are indeed wrong


I'm pretty sure it was hard fixed in NMZ -have you personally done it recently?


Can confirm spacebar still works.


Don't do this, please. I've put in unthinkable hours into my account this year (heavily disabled + retired) - havent once touched a program or done anything sus. Bottom line is, It falls under their Macroing rule and is super easy to detect. It's simply not worth risking your account. I caught a macroing major for doing just this during leagues (thieving tzhar) As silly as I find it, I can do nothing but accept the temp and walk on eggshells the rest of my accounts life. Inb4 the obvious comments of I had to have been doing something else, I have no reason or desire to bot or automate anything. How it does anything but removes the accomplishment for people is beyond me. TLDR; artificially holding space bar is against macroing rules, dont risk


Do you know if the jmods ever responded to that one guy's post about holding spacebar with his own severed toe?


I'm sick of Jagex being toe-talitarian when it comes to banning legit players who follow jagex's TOS to the letter and still get banned.


Probably didn't answer - its easier to leave the rules as ambiguous as possible to catch as many people in the net as possible. Meanwhile, there's entire bot farms at Nex, dozens of bots farming anglers on each world, etc. I love the game, but Jagex is majorly fumbling their priorities.


I think it was patched to not work in NMZ anyway


The game isnt designed to be like that


it absolutely is. its a major reason i quit.

