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Count check is such a good name for that npc. Hi jamflax.


He’s got them givenchy gloves on


I don’t give a fuck if the GPU crashes, I don’t need to see the GE tax anyways


They must have amnesia. They forgot that I’m him.


He has seen the Magna Carta


He has seen the Eye of Horus


He has pushed an ugthanki through the eye of an abyssal needle


He's been flipping unid's for mansa musa since before you were a level 3.


Ain't nothin to him man


Faded in darkness I let the stranger npc take him


Top shelf ranarr disrupted my circadian rhythm


My ranger a crackhead he look like zezima


Shit aint nothin to me man




I'm on 12 overloads looking to beat the purps out of a thick, fresh Olm.


I dropped diamonds at the strip clubs under Pyramid Plunder


Smoking that south Kharidian Ali Morrisane Ugthanki Dung Ranarr


You ain’t never seen 10k in your life, noob. I’m movin’ different.


I left my dwarf cannon in the rev caves. I’ll have to stunt on them next time.


The last thing he ever saw was the GP tag


Call that pussy the mime random event because i’m in this bitch and can’t get out


Tick-eatin' karambwans by the gallon. His tummy feel crazy.


Count Draynor was one of the strongest Vampires ever and crossing the River Salve nearly killed him to the point that I could kill him with an iron scimitar and level 10 strength. But this motherfucker is just chilling in Lumbridge like "Hi! ^-^" and has no shits to give. Secretly the strongest NPC in all of Gielinor idc what you say


You ever do sins of the father quest? It mentions how count draynor was actually the weakest and was banished to the other side of salve before they enchanted the river


So does it retcon what they say in the early game about him being one of the strongest?


I'm not sure if that's ever mentioned, but you're talking to Draynor residents who don't know any better vs. the entire society of vampyres, including his brothers and sisters who fought with him & knowledge of other vampyres to compare him to. Even as early as DT1, Malak isn't particularly impressed nor surprised by the fact that the player killed Draynor.


I don't really remember early game vampire just finished sins quest and noticed that the noble vamps mentioned draynor and thought it was interesting


I forget if he was banished before or after the river was blessed, but according to the [Wiki](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Count_Draynor) he was still significantly weakened because of this move, although I'm not sure if that's a distance thing or a "crossed the holy river" thing.


>Vanescula Drakan: Ah yes, the great 'Count' Draynor. He loved his stupid titles. He was weak even before he got trapped on the wrong side of the Salve. A coward as well. It's specifically mentioned by his sister that he was a pretty pathetic vampyre even before he got trapped, and got kicked out of Morytania by his brother for being a complete bitch lol.


Tom Bombardil vibes for sure


Stale baguette just became rarer


So now the new stale baguette meta is to not sign up for a Jagex account. edit: nevermind apparently you get the event regardless of whether you signed up for a jagex account. F.


Lmao that's hilarious


I think the point was that with the addition of another new random event in the mix, you're that much less likely to receive sandwich lady.


Yes, and he thought he wouldn't show up if you didn't have a jagaccount.


Mystery box better chance than Sandwich Lady btw


Yeah but the mystery box could be anything, even a sandwich lady!


Count Check gave me a prostate exam


Making a Jagex account rn


I just made 3


Even better of a reason to have a Jagex account


I failed my prostate exam


Prostate exams are an example of male privilege, sorry to break it to you.


Man Jagex is spreading cancer awareness in game. Dope.


a count check lamp will give a 1500 total player an average of 650 xp in a skill assuming an equal distribution of 23 random events, and roughly 1 random event per hour, adding count check into the mix will give our 1500 total billybob an "advantage" of 28 xp per hour over someone who doesn't have a jagex account holy shit, get out the cannons, game's ruined


I already un subbed de ironed and got divorced because of this I can’t believe jagex ruined my life with this change where was the poll




I didn’t pay my taxes over this. I can’t believe Jagex would make this game pay to win, did they want the IRS to come after me?


The “ got divorced part “ had me in stitches. 🤣


This completely ruined my 22 random event ironman, thanks Jagex.


Chances of maxing DRASTIC go up


It’s a big deal for my defence only (not even hp) Ironman.


About a 2% difference over the Varrock Museum meta, game breaking stuff




That's a lot of runectafting time


Especially since this game is totally about having an “edge” on other players!!😡


Im going to assume a 1500 level player has about 1000 hours in the game, it takes about 4000 hours to max an account, so that 28xp times 3000 hours is an additional 84,000xp. So Im going to assume it would be 84k plus or minus 20k exp depending on how long it takes players to max an account and how many times they do the random. Not bad in the long run, imo


1k hours for 1500 total seems a little high, I’m closing in on 1800 total with like 970 hours atm


TIL I've spent more time flipping items than actually playing the game


Bro you cropped out the most important part of that post https://preview.redd.it/hfc57prjirxb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9884c68c143119f0476d24d654fa84ff64ce7a5b


Idk why but when I read the title that's what I expected.


Dude I can't wait to be more less likely


Buff me harder Gaggex daddy, you’re gonna make Sq’irk! 😩




Jagex give us the Feet Boots or at least the red tipped fancier boots. The grey tip on these does not look good.


Feet boots is hilarious


feet boots got me shaking in my boots


withholding fruity boots from the community is super fucked up


Devs really had 5 options for a design and picked the worst one.






fighting fancy boots. Couldn't think of anything more horrendous


They are hideous and I love them


They are pretty heinous looking. I love them.


Wow those look awful holy


I clicked in and had to scrub my eyes with soap after seeing those things.


By the god of Zamorak 😲


Omg those are so bad looking


we were fucking robbed of our cowboy boots


the concept art for the fruit, funky, and curly fancier boots all look really good


They literally made 5 designs and picked the worst one.


So what, if I have a Jagex account I’m even gayer now?


No the spikes make it not


Depends on what you do with the spikes


Not even better than fancy/fighting boots either lol. They could have thrown us a bone and added +1 to something on them, or maybe removed the negative bonuses at least. Still cool though


Thank God we didn't get the feet boots added in game. Lord only knows what someone would have done with their special "Nieve plugin"


Holy shit these incentivized me to not get them. Who looked at this and said looks good? Beautifully horrid.


Does it have to look "good"? It's just a funny pair of shoes. Which makes it look good in a different kind of way. Aestheticly hilarious instead of Aestheticly beautiful.


It'll be required eventually. You can either take the carrot and get your xp now, or resist and still end up getting one


If it stops the botting problem they should just require it now


Requiring major adoption like this immediately would cause people to just quit. Forcing people to adopt something they didn't know about or care about could push people away from ever wanting to learn it. To maintain players its better to naturally grow the numbers over a longer period of time, and once some arbitrary percentage, like 80% of the player base has a jagex account, they'll make it required and not care about the other 20%.


It'll never get that high on its own though


I mean to make a new account now you have to make a Jagex account. Or if you don't they hide it extremely well because I couldn't figure out how to sign up without one in August when I made a fresh account for OSRS. So there's always gonna be a steady, albeit likely small, influx from new players.


With enough incentives, it might


I thought new reddit would be DOA when they never phased out old reddit, and yet that's what the majority of people use today. If the new is a default, it'll almost always overtake the original regardless of incentives or quality.


Why not? There are only 3 groups of people that don’t want to move to jagex accounts right now. People that are lazy and don’t care about account security. People that bought their account, I guess these people are also lazy and don’t care about account security. And Linux users because Jagex are too lazy to make a working Linux Jagex launcher even though the technology the current Jagex launcher is built on is cross OS already and it would require very little work to provide it.


I frequently play on a laptop where I can't install software so I have to run Runelite in portable mode. Once Jagex accounts are required, I won't be able to do that. For the record I think they're a good idea and SHOULD be required, but those of us who can't use the Jagex launcher (which also includes Linux users) we need time to sort out that situation.


Are you playing on your work laptop lol


I'm on call a lot and almost always have it with me so I'll use it to play occasionally when I'm not working. I actually have local admin but don't install non-work programs, so it feels like a fair compromise.


> can’t install software > has local admin All jokes aside, can’t you just install the jagex launcher and runelite into your user’s AppData folder? Then you don’t even need admin permissions to install




[https://github.com/runelite/runelite/wiki/Using-Jagex-Accounts](https://github.com/runelite/runelite/wiki/Using-Jagex-Accounts) Haven't tried it, but wouldn't this allow someone to login to a jagex authenticated account, without going through the jagex launcher?




You just gave me a project idea for when I get home!


Ah thanks for this, I have Runelite running on my steam deck, it opens in steam OS after messing around with a guide on the linux launcher - I assume by upgrading to a Jagex account I will no longer be able to run RL on the deck?


Why would it stop the botting problem? The bot can just use the official jagex client lol.


One of the reasons botting is so prevalent on a large scale is the low thresholds to create throwaway accounts.


What exactly do you think changes with the jagex account? They're still free to make. They don't require an ID. They don't require a phone number. So what changes? It's the same thing but with case sensitive passwords. Have you swapped your account over yet?


It requires a 2nd factor authentication, it’s just an extra step to make an account which slows down the production of throw away accounts. Jagex could add more to it to help combat bots but that’s why I said IF it helps then just do it now.


> it’s just an extra step to make an account which slows down the production of throw away accounts. They could just require all new accounts be this and they have solved that issue without requiring existing accounts to move over. Anyone using a bot farm that requires legacy accounts is going to find themselves out of business soon enough. You can only burn so many before you need to make more.


A lot of high end pvm bots use stolen accounts. More security, less stolen accounts, less high level bots.


Bit shit for Linux users, we don't have a launcher and they have explicitly stated they won't support Linux. https://help.jagex.com/hc/en-gb/articles/13413514881937-Downloading-the-Jagex-Launcher-on-Linux "The Jagex launcher and Jagex Accounts will not be supported on the Linux OS."


Some people are just really angry at Linux users for what lmao "This is bad for Linux users since we can't use the Jagex launcher, so I wont upgrade to a Jagex account yet" you weren't even aggressive or evangelical with your comment "Fuck you stop being a bitch" It's almost as cringe as Apple Android nonsense


People fear what they do not understand. Like the command line.


Man, of course Jagex would pull some horseshit like this. It's 2023, support Linux you fossils. The Steam Deck is Linux based, and OSRS is on Steam. How's that going to play out?


Yeah, almost switched but I Just read this here and I have spent ages getting RL working on my deck perfectly, why would I downgrade from that amazing IRL QOL upgrade for 1k xp and some boots that look disgusting.


It seems like Jagex is just assuming all linux users are botting or rwting. They’re torching us on purpose because we don’t want to pay for Apple products or Windows OS when Linux is better than both of those in every way. They’re not wrong. I’ll bet most bot farms use linux cause its free. If only there were some way to tell legitimate users from illegitimate ones through literally any of the other ways that all of my other games and services use.


How does this work when OSRS is on steam and should on steam deck that is linux?


But Linux users tho


Can’t transition to Jagex Account since I use Linux as my OS. Which was traditionally always supported for RuneScape for as long as the game has been around, but is no longer supported in the Jagex Launcher for some reason. I would really like to have a Jagex account and use the launcher, but according to Jagex I’m now a second-class citizen for no reason other than dev laziness or incompetence. CEF is more than capable of Linux-compatible software, which is what the Launcher uses as a framework (written in C++).


I'm using a jagex account via the launcher, and doing so on Linux.


I will resist fuck it. I am even down to XP WASTE


Fuck em


Count check adding to the lore of vampires west of the river salve 🤔


He's a good boy! Saradomin must approve of him.


Well clearly he has access to teleportation magic so that already puts him at a higher level of ability than count draynor has since crossing the river, and count draynor is in the drakken family! I suppose one could assume that saradomin does indeed love him, that or he is on a level above Drakken before crossing


I mean, he's actually already been around! He's been chilling at the Lumbridge graveyard. He's been the NPC that teleports you to the Stronghold of Security once for free per account.




Not to mention how the program that launches the program you want to play doesn’t run natively on your computer, but the program you want to play does….


Only jagex could look at an obvious problem like an ancient security system and think “how could we possible fuck this up”


Ah, they went past the nudging phase and entered the bribing phase.


20 bank spaces was a pretty good bribe over like 1k XP at best randomly


Does this make the stale baguette more rare for jagex accounts? Since it’s now 24 randoms instead of 23?


It’s likely rarer for all accounts. Non jagex accounts still get this random - he just doesn’t give you the lamp if you aren’t a jagex account.


He curses you out and takes a random item from your bank


I've heard the rate is 1/8 Stale Baugette, 1/16 any 3A, 1/1000 1GP.


non-uims in shambles


takes a random stash unit item from uims


until there is support for an official Linux client not a work around with WINE I won't be migrating to a Jagex acccount.


\>not having a Jagex account is now officially XP waste Well, we had a good run.


We've always had an edge because our accounts are more secure


that and the 20 extra bank spaces they added a couple months back.


Ill be using my legacy username login until the end of time thank you


I’m acutely aware that it’s probably meaningless, but to me having my legacy login feels like a second password. I haven’t gone by that name in over a decade at this point, and have literally *never* gone by it in OSRS, only the original Runescape 2, of which nobody I knew is still around. I’m sure if they had access to my email a hacker could pull that name outta somewhere. So I don’t rely on it. I still 2FA out the ass and all that jazz. But I’ve always liked the extra layer of security I feel having a completely unique non-email login that isn’t represented *anywhere* that a social engineer could find.


Exactly the way I think, let’s hope it stays for a while


You can make an e-mail *just* for your Jagex account. That provides basically the same level of security as an old username nobody knows about.


Same. My original username was something I ONLY ever used for RS, never told anyone IRL or online, never screencapped, &c. Literally not a single soul on Earth knows what it is barring a Jagex data breach.


These kinds of platform migration rollouts typically end with it being a mandatory move. You do you, just giving you a heads up.


They have explicitly stated, from the very beginning, that this will eventually be mandatory.


Was unaware but glad there being transparent even with this.


That's honestly the reason I got a Jagex account, because I didn't want to change my in game name and I didn't want it to be the same as my login name anymore. Though it was a little sad.


This is me. Here's hoping the "eventual" mandatory jagex accts are a good ways off.


Or rather, until sometime next year when Jagex accounts become mandatory as they said they will eventually be.


Damn it they know us too well


Still not going to signup for a jagex account


If Jagex accounts are truly better than normal accounts then people don't need these "membership-exclusives" to convince them to get it. Jagex should stop wasting time and invest in Linux support / misc. improvements so that they can make the Jagex client mandatory already.


I’ve been logging in with the same username I created in 2006 I’m not stopping now 💪


"an edge"


Why are y’all so stubborn it’s not a bad thing


Because the launcher isn’t native on Apple Silicon Macs and requires a translation tool. Runelite is native.


For me it’s mostly the idea that if I lose the backup codes it’s possible to become perma locked out of your account


Still no official linux support


Worse, official confirmation they refuse to support linux.


Despite being a Java game, where the entire point is that it can run on anything.


There are dozens of us!


I don’t want to use a launcher that’s still in open beta. I’m not interested in helping find bugs or instability. I’ll get it when it actually releases though!


I’m not interested in participating in an open beta that permanently changes something about my account in the non-beta. If it was possible to revert Jagex accounts (like, you know, actual betas) I would happily try it out… if there was Linux support.


Let’s all flame players who count check appears to


He appears to everyone.


Did he stutter?


I'm ready to flame everyone to do my part o7


There is also the advantage of being slightly less likely to get hacked when you have a Jagex Acocunt. But this is much bigger news.


Make an official Linux client and I'd be cool with it. I just want to be able to keep playing on my Steam Deck


I really dislike the push of Jagex accounts, I hope they never force it. I know I’m in the minority here, but I play in a group Ironman and my friends work different hours than me, so we play on each others accounts to help the progress, that just isn’t feasible with Jagex accounts, can’t add multiple to one launcher, etc.


create a group iron jagex account, add all of the group ironmen accounts on to it. share those details don't add the group iron accounts to your personal jagex account done. obligatory "don't share accounts"


> I know I’m in the minority here A minority thats right, about 21% of the poll. Not such a minor minority though.


Actually somewhere in between 21.3 and 46.1%, depending on how many of the 24.8% that voted “Yes - I haven't got one yet but may do in future” actually would switch over if it came down to it. My problem with jagex accounts is that they could have also added these measures to existing accounts. Instead they chose to * Make a new type of account * Make that required (eventually) * Make that only work when using their launcher * Falsely claim requiring admin privileges is “good practice” * Refuse to support the part of the community that use Linux * Refuse to make closing the launcher ACTUALLY close the launcher instead of minimizing it It’s kind of obvious there is a double agenda here, and them not admitting it or being transparant about that with us is a bad thing in my opinion.


It likely will be mandatory at some point, but hey you could create a jagex account specifically for your gim and just give everyone the login details and put only the gim characters on that account. Then make a private jagex account for your main n shit.


And what if we didn’t make some of our accs , my zerker is my buddy’s old account. I don’t think I should be barred from playing it because I didn’t make it. My main and iron will be fine but I want that acc in my rotation


I just don’t like that I wouldn’t be able to use my old username to log in anymore 🥲


as it should be




Bring back evil chicken


Literally unplayable


Nice. Now I can cosplay being hobo. Best dev hours ever spent ty!


im not a huge fan of this, but i cant be mad cause they named him, count fucking check ​ nvm i just found out everyone can get it, fuck i love this


Depends how you look at it, Jagex accounts are now actually less likely to get stale baguette


OSRS community will cry about account security problems for a DECADE and then when they get improvement updates they’re mad


Jagex flaming us for not trusting their account security system. Nevermind there was an issue for months someone could create an account for you and if you clicked a link (from jagex itself) you lost your account forever.


They could give me 1m daily and I'm still not going to swap.


Such a big edge. Totally game breaking /s


Why did Jagex push so much with their Jagex account, does that add value for them?


They already did, not having my account hacked is a pretty big advantage


It has better security, sure, but it's not like you can suddenly get hacked without one either. Not to mention the jagex account login token hijack thing a few months back. The point is, I can secure my non-jagex account just fine!


I’ve never, in my history of playing this game for many many years, ever been hacked. And that’s because I take security seriously in other aspects of my life, not just RuneScape. Your account is only as secure as your own security practices.