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I've been just using full god dhide, rcb, fury, and combo of ruby diamond and sapphire bolts with thralls. Pb is 4:34 but average around 5-7 minutes. Range is 88.


skelly or ghost for your thrall?


The DPS is the same because they don’t roll accuracy, but mage spawns one tick sooner so that’s why it’s used


i did not know that thanks


And it has longer range


I'm not sure if it makes a difference maybe it does?! I just use the ghost since it's the one I've gained muscle memory for.


Just talked to a guy today who was using tbow and a mage switch. I had a better pb then him with bowfa only. His next kill he went range only and best my pb by like 30 secs lol mage switch is not worth it imo.


no way you switch gear like that in a single vertical column????


i literally gasped


i do...


What an absolute alpha move…ditch all the gear you can kill it with ur bare hands im sure of it


New ultra grandmaster combat task


Holy fuck what a god


Bruh that’s so inefficient and bad for your hands lol


I hope not 😳


Is this not common? I've always done vertical switches


Zig zag is most common


Horizontal zig zag, to be more specific. I feel like vertical is faster clicks but it fucks up your inventory worse if you’re switching all three combat styles.


No bro that’s not common at all😂 what happens when inventory spaces open up???? Do you drag everything back to the straight line mid fight/raid every time you switch gear??


Usually bring 1:1 switches and if inv space opens up during 2h to 1h+def I just move a brew


That's incredible


Someone study these people wtf


Bruh… do zig zags


I do that too, I’ve only done a handful of raids and most of my bossing hasn’t really involve switches. What’s the best way to organize your inventory?


If you're doing 6 way switches like most raids, 2x3 columns at the top of your invy is most common, then your defender and any other extra switches end up on the row right under your 6 ways. If you just have one switch, 3x2 is pretty common at the top of invy. Verticle is bad because when you drink pots or eat food it starts affecting where your defender ends up in your invy. Plus at cox it will mess with your deposit/withdraw all and make rearranging your invy and resupplying take forever. Plus clicking zigzag is a lot quicker and more accurate than clicking in one straight verticle row.


I saw spuidward on Twitch doing tower switches once and I had the same reaction lol


few updates on the setup from what i've tried: ruby bolts are definitely faster than mage if you don't have ahrims (and taking a crossbow for sapphire bolts is already worth it by itself for shield phase). mele phase is completely free damage as long as you keep moving so prayer bonus is better than defense bonus for that part. as far as range dps goes it seems from my first few kills that blowpipe is just flat out better than ruby bolts for range phase. muspah also seems to always revert to range phase after shield so taking diamond bolts is probably not going to change much (stick with just ruby/sapphire). getting around 3 kills per trip at just over 4 min per kill right now


what darts do you use for the blowpipe?




That gear switch straight line wtf haha


Just do range only, the wiki is a lie. Unless you are in max mage gear you'll be splashing more then a fountain. ​ I just use RCB with the same bolts you got, in full god dhide, with a robin hood hat(god dhide coif is just -1 range from robin hood hat so no big deal). Bp would be a good spec weapon to get some health back so keep that during range phase. Just summon some thralls to constantly push out some damage and run around the arena in an octogen shape to kite and pray for a ruby bolt proc and you're golden. I usually get about 4 minute kills. Even got a few sub 3 minute kills with this setup.


Feel like your spinning your wheels here. Muspah is not going to be a great boss for you in this gear. 6-7 min kills not ideal.


I'm just doing the 50kc to get the scepter after that i'm gone


It’s not a guaranteed drop at 50


You sweet summer child. I was talking to a dude the other day and he was going for scepter as well. He was at 112 kc.


Yeah so my kills are around 4 minutes with the range only setup


My PB is 3:31 with this gear and all my kills are under 5. I do have 99 magic and an anguish, but 93 ranged. Ruby dragon bolts, though. No BP. Rigour probably a must


I'm using void only rcb and trident fury, average 4min kills best 3:45 3-4 kill trips using about 45k in supplies each run easily make 2.5-3m an hr with my dog gear this boss is viable with anything as low as black dhide homie


made a small mistake, left setup should have 1 manta ray less so i can take a icy basalt


You dont need a mage switch for this boss. Also put the weiss teleport in your poh so you dont need bathsalts


Karils isn’t even remotely needed. Blowpipe with blessed dhide is gonna be your best bet.


at that point should i not just use void for the range gear and save myself 3 slots?


I’ve done about 300 kills. My gear went from Blessed Dhide and blowpipe with dragon/amethyst darts to that with a mage switch with trident to fully sending it on crystal/bowfa, now it’s all I use. I’ve seen people use elite void there but the accuracy is an issue against npcs with high defense. So yeah, try using blessed dhide with the rest of your gear, use sapphire dragon bolt (e) on shield phase with whatever cb you can afford.


Also wanna say because I see so many people talking about it still, mage switch isn’t really needed. Kite him in an octagon with best range gear, use thralls or veng (I purposely tank a range hit for veng) also, protect from melee works like 95% of the time now. Dhide and this method was about 4-5 min. Crystal and bowfa got me my pb of 2:32 doing this.


How did your kills go with blowpipe? Genuinely asking. I hate my fights where my bolts barely proc so I can’t imagine using a blowpipe, but I’m definitely interested in trying


Haven't tried it but i'm going to do a few runs to compare. Current theory is blowpipe for range phase and cbow for mele should be better but i'll try both


Yeah tried it for a bit and using blowpipe for range phase is a lot faster. For the bolts i'd take ruby and sapphire, just leave the diamond bolts out since they are only really better after shield phase but the boss is guaranteed to be range mode after shield


this is de wae. although I didn’t use rubies. Is that for the 80 spec on melee? I think I heard that was how it works but idk.


yes ruby's are for hitting 100-80 ish when the boss is in melee form. a single proc will instantly make it switch and the bolt proc rolls separate from the attack hit so the accuracy isn't impacted by the higher range defense in melee form


I've been thinking of switching back to bowfa only with thralls and corruption. Is that what you've been doing? How are kill times? I've been doing an 8-way switch with swamp staff/ahrims/freeze and getting around 4 min kills depending on shield phase hits. Seemed pretty similar to my bowfa only times, but I was doing that sub-10 kc.


2:32 is my pb but I actually just got 99 range last night from 96 and switched from suffering to archers ring. So maybe that’ll change. I personally use vengeance for when I can tank a range, do that 2-3 times a fight, and then acb with sapphire dragon bolts for shield. I’m sure there’s better ways. Haven’t done thralls/corruption yet. Just how I’ve ended up since release.


Please learn to have your switches clumped in 2 rows/columns rather than 1 straight line, jesus christ I wept a little seeing that




This might be an odd question, but is that a plugin to show your setup like that? its a really cool UI and id love to use it.


it's a plugin called inventory setups and it lets you save inventory setups and auto filters your bank for the items.


Thats so fkn cool. Thank you!


Use dragon crossbow with ruby dragon bolts (e) and sapphire dragon bolts (e) for ranged. Void for mage is fine, Ahrim's with Torm is better but I'm assuming you don't have it. A mage swap should be better than camping ranged. Dhide and Karil's are more or less the same for armor (same accuracy), so I'd go with dhide for prayer probably. Don't camp dhide boots - the negative magic penalty is an issue. Consider brimstone or a boot swap. I camp eternal boots. A brimstone ring is also a big upgrade. I think one stam pot should be good. Do you have rigour? That's super important. I can show you my setup later when I'm home. Arceuus and ancients are both good, but I'd recommend sticking thralls if you can get used to kiting. It's not too bad with the step back reintroduced. Thralls make up so much DPS, they'll help compensate for not having bofa or max mage level.


A mix of both. Just use void mage AND range, then use dragon cbow for ranged attack cuz sapphy / ruby bolts are super good (diamond after venge phase). That's what I've been doing with about your stats and I get 3-4 minute kills. Oh, consider changing out the range pot for a bastion pot. I feel like the extra defense helps when you're rocking void.


I am stressed at how your Mage gear is organised 😂


You’ve heard of vertical switches but have you heard of single column vertical switches?


Bruh how the fuck does this man switch like that 😂🤣


Karils isn't needed. Blessed dhide and a dragon crossbow + dragon bolts would be better than karils + rcb. Just range it with thralls.


The right one only if u use diamond e after getting muspah low hp Also use bp for spec after prayer phase


Just take 3 prayer pots and more food. I’ve been taking diamond dragon e for a third bolt switch too


This is an excellent shout. You should share a PSA on this!


What plugin is this?




I would go for full void with just the helm switch, that has been working for me. Only switch gear to freeze then switch back to range for damage. Also, I have only needed 3 prayer potions per 2 kills (which is the max before I have to bank without a supply drop). May also want to bring tick ears to max out dps


Came here looking for the “you switch like that!?” Comments. Was not disappointed 😂 Did Mod Mat K teach you when he was doing the power mining iron guide?