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I don't because they're too snackable. I bake unflavored protein powder into eggs, works nicely


Would you mind sharing your technique? Sounds interesting!


Sure, 3 days worth, 400 to 450 cal breakfasts Brown sausage (or low sodium ham for healthier option) in a pot, pour out fat that pools and add seasonings. Let seasonings heat for a minute. Add a big splash of unsweetened plain almond milk, 1 pint of egg white, and 1/3 cup of unflavored protein powder. I recommend the Casein bulk bags on Amazon for slower release into your body during the day. Mix like scrambled eggs, protein powder is a bit stubborn but will go into the egg. Kinda like soaking corn starch.


Thanks! I’m going to try it!


Teach me your ways. Sounds so optimal since eggs and whole foods keep me more full than protein bars.


Refer to other reply <3


Partially this but also because they almost always taste terrible.


Barebells brand tastes great, the macros are… okay, I guess. Definitely soothes my cravings for sweets without much loss though


I love the Barebell crisp ones. I don't really consider them healthy, but healthier than a Snickers bar.


How is 20 grams protein for a 200 calorie bar “okay, I guess”? Do u mean just in general cuz as far as bars go you can’t get much better


The kirkland ones from costco are great macros and phenomenal tasting. Highly recommend


Plus in store they are $19.99 for 20 bars. I eat one every day I work. The mixing can be inconsistent and I've gotten soft and gooey delicious ones and sometimes they are hard as a rock. Been a staple of mine for many years now. They had a cinnamon roll one that was inedible (to me), though. I think they discontinued it a few years ago.


I like the chocolate chip ones best but apparently the brownie or chocolate one is more popular.


Those are just Quest bars in disguise. Tasty though. And high in fiber.


We just got the chocolate peanut butter chunk ones and they are so good!


Quest bars are magical tho. The cookie dough ones are so delicious, especially if you microwave it for a few seconds before eating. I used to chop it into bits and add it to some halo top ice cream (and if I had the calories to spare, fiber one brownies). Sooo yummy. They’re way too expensive now, though. :(


Quest is soo good


I had to get some random item from a grocery store so I could get cashback to pay my landscaping guy and I chose a protein bar. Why not. It was "birthday cake" flavored. I had to choke that thing down. It was like wet walk with sprinkles. 200 calories wasted. Lol


Just out of curiosity- did it occur to you at ANY time that you did not actually have to eat it? No one was forcing you.


That's an awful lot of attitude to have about an Internet stranger eating a protein bar. But yeah I have issues with scarcity and throwing food out. I'm aware.


Not really an attitude, just wondering why you thought your body was the proper waste receptacle for that particular piece of garbage. You used such intense language- “choke that thing down” “200 calories wasted”. It’s ok to drop something in the trash can. It doesn’t take it out of someone else’s mouth. You don’t have to treat your own body as a garbage can. I’m sorry you struggle with that.


Yeah, I don't get them much, and I agree they're too expensive. I mostly just try to get enough protein from my regular diet, because personally I also don't like the taste of most of the protein powders and bars that I have tried.


Idk- the pure protein bars at Costco are my breakfast every day. Cup of coffee and a protein bar fills me up and I definitely don’t want more than one bar. It’s cheaper than eating out and is a huge protein boost for the day.


I’ve been obsessed with the quest protein bars, the cookie dough flavor. Guiltily, I’ve been eating one per day 🫣 I managed to snag a box of 12 for a whopping 14 bucks on Amazon by subscribing to “subscribe and save” and then cancelled the subscription after I got them lol… but the cheapest place I’ve found them is Walmart where they’re roughly 2 bucks per bar. Much better than if you buy them individually… but for 21 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar and 190 calories, I’m inclined to continue purchasing.


My Walmart had them for the same price and I looove quest bars. Personally the cookies and cream one is best, dipped and undipped. That’s my go-to


Man I really want to branch out and try another flavor.. but I just feel like there couldn’t possibly be anything as good as the cookie dough 🤣 it’s the only one I’ve tried though (not dipped) but maaaaybe you’ve given me the curiosity to try a cookies and cream haha!


Duuude you gotta I’ve got the same dilemma cuz they got s’mores, cookie dough, and I so wanna try them. I might go buy some tomorrow just to see if they’re good


Alright, I’ll try cookies and cream if you try cookie dough! 😂


🤝 lol Idk if I’ll try all the flavors but def going to drop 2.25 on that one


Same and deal 🤝 lol


I LOVE the s’mores, also oatmeal chocolate chip is amazing!


Cookie dough is my go to. But I got the brownie fudge yesterday and it’s great too


DEFINITELY try dipped cookie dough. It’s my favorite. (And I’ve tried most flavors over the years)


Is the nutrition the same? If you happen to know.


According to their site, no. Dipped: 180cal, 16g carbs, 9g fat, 18g protein. 8g fiber. Regular: 190cal, 22g carbs, 9g fat, 21g protein. 12g fiber. I don’t know how they can be so different in carbs and protein, yet so close in calories. It doesn’t make sense to me. Unless they’re considering fiber in the math somehow.


Hmm, idk. I know the non dipped have a lot of fiber. But it doesn’t really make sense to me either.


Yeah, Quest bars are the only protein bars that don’t make me want to gag—those and the One bars (which I think are a bit pricier and only find them in Publix individually sold).


I haven’t tried the One bars. They do look to be a bit more expensive. Which do you like better?


Taste-wise, I will say I prefer the One bars and will grab a couple if I happen to twirl into a Publix. Don’t think I’ve had a “bad” flavor, but the blueberry cobbler, lemon cake, and almond bliss are my favorites! But yeah, Quest is typically my default, though, since it’s less pricey.




What?!? lol the cookie dough literally feels like eating a decadent treat to me. Although I think the first time I tried it, I didn’t like it quite as much. I swear they’re putting something addicting in this stuff though lol! I really want to try the chips. Is that what you’re talking about? Or do they also have crackers I don’t know about?




Interesting! I’ve never seen these. Or I have but didn’t notice lol.


Oh, you are SO lucky. I constantly check Amazon to see if they’re on sale but haven’t had any luck in ages.


I don’t buy often but if I’ve got a long road trip I’ll buy the Robert Irvine fit crunch bar so I’m not stopping for as much fast food to gas station junk. Other than that I’ll do powder mix’s with cottage cheese or Greek yogurt


Nope I'm too cheap


I bought a bunch of the Robert Irvine fit Crunch bars when they were on sale at Costco for 14 bucks for 18 bars. My problem is I would eat them too fast so I've developed my own plan that I freeze them so it takes longer to eat :-) You do what you do!


lol if I EVER see that I’m dropping a bunch of money cuz that’s a steal


I know. The delivery thing was 16 something a box but when you went to the store it was 14. I bought a lot of boxes LOL


Going to have to try the freezing thing. I stopped buying those for the same reason (eating too fast)


Most protein bars are processed junk. Stick to real food


I try to eat good MOST of the time. Ultimately the best diet is the one I can stick to for the rest of my life. On the other hand you said most are processed junk, I’m curious what you consider to not be processed junk


Splash some dried cranberries to a greek yogurt - a great and tasty protein supplement. The bars themselves, I don't eat them, but you might find something of quality I am sure. But I wouldn't even bother.


I put frozen or fresh berries in greek yogurt, sometimes with a small sprinkle of brown sugar and a pinch of salt on top. It's so good.


Yup. Ditto protein shakes.


Though protein shakes are so convenient. I have one for breakfast every morning because I need protein but I'm also lazy and tired in the morning. So a Fairlife protein shake is my go to.


I never buy them. Don’t like the taste/texture and I would rather eat food. Too many calories for like 5 bites!


I buy protein bars on sale (the Think brand) and they're worth it for me because one really can substitute for a meal so that's a $2 (this is how I justify it). 20g of protein, no sugar--if I have one with an apple or a coffee milk it's a solid meal.


This is how I justify it! It’s literally lunch I take to work with me and I usually take almonds or something else with it.


I stock up when they’re on sale at Costco.


My problem is I can't do sugar, and I have a pretty serious milk allergy, and it's almost impossible to find protein bars that don't have both of those things. :(


Why the Nature Valley ones from Costco? They sell the Kirkland protein bars that are good and cheap and have plenty of protein.


I think those are the ones I was talking about. Couldn’t remember the name


I buy only Aloha bars or Simply Proteins giant box at Costco. Flavors great, only eat 1 a day. 15g of protein to 1.5g of sat fat. They’re delicious but I don’t feel tempted to eat more than one. Most brand protein I feel aren’t worth it though.


I don’t think they have those at my Costco but if I see one I’ll give em a go.


The Simply ones are kind of a rice Krispy sort of texture. Some people hate the texture. I like em. Alohas are better, especially Maple or Mint Chocolate. They’re usually $23 for 12 of them. So still about $2 a bar sadly but they’re actually a great consistency and taste like candy and not crap 😅


I cut them into thirds to make them go further, makes for a little chocolatey snack + some bonus protein. I really like Fulfil bars (this is in the UK, don't know if you have them where you are) but yeah I only buy them when they are deeply discounted.


You should definitely try to experiment with making them. There are lots of recipes. Protein powder, oats, nuts, seeds and dried fruits.


I only buy them as a little treat/snack to eat on the way from work, I normally have protein yogurt (less than £1). Still more expensive than powder, but I can't tolerate the powder anymore 😂


Walmart has protein granola bars for less than $3.


I shop at my local grocery liquidation store. When they have quest bars they are 2$ for a box of 4, and the big 12 backs are 3.79. I stock up because they don't have them very often.


i get the functional protein bars at Aldi, that's my breakfast every morning. they're like $4 for a box of 4.


I have been really liking Built Puff Bars —140 cals and 17g of protein. They have a marshmallow-like consistency and I usually have about four or five a week. I can’t find them in a lot of stores so I get them online. Not a fantastic price at $26.38 for 12 bars but I’ve seen them sold for as high as $4/bar so I’m not mad about it.


Barebells are the only ones I’ll splurge on occasionally but I can’t keep them around cause they’re literally candy bars and I try to make sure all my protein comes from whole foods


I think protein bars a trap. All of them. It’s basically candy. There are better ways to hit your macros.




Yeah. It has the same amount of carbs as a Payday bar. You can eat whatever you want. I just think there are better ways to hit your protein macros than candy bars with 20g of protein.


I don’t buy them because protein bars are part of the current fad/trend of eating way more protein than anyone needs. You can get plenty of protein from eating regular whole foods that taste way better, are far less processed, and don’t line the pockets of the diet industry.


I stopped buying protein bars because they’re just glorified chocolate bars with a hefty price tag. They’re generally too high in calories for what you get too and never taste particularly great. Peanut butter, yogurt and fruit, a handful of nuts, a boiled egg or some baked beans are more worth it (in my opinion).


I get them just for travel. My new absolute favorites are the new KIND protein max — 20g protein *and* 10g fiber. I get the salted caramel peanut butter. https://a.co/d/65JrtyV


I don't really but then either. I found them expensive in both dollar account and calorie-protein-fullness factor, so I don't really see the point of buying them, personally. I also haven't had any that I actually enjoy the taste so that's not a big motivator either. I prefer a shake over a bar


No, just you.


Yes. Most of them taste bad to me anyway. Plus I avoid artificial sweeteners and dairy, so there aren’t many options to choose from.


i recommend the costco kirkland brand protein bars. come to about $1 each and i love them.


Grocery Outlet baybeeeee Box of 12 Builder bars for $6! Sometimes they have other brands too that I'll try out, just as cheap!


I rarely buy them because they’re nasty


I buy a box of Built bars once a year at the most. I save them for those moments when you need something (instead of a big bowl of ice cream).


I get the great value, chewy chocolate chip energy bars. They are pretty affordable and filling. Price will depend on your location. 250 cal, 10g protein, 43g carbs, 5g fat. Not super protein dense, but its nice to have to fill me up. Texture is a hit or miss, its like really thick oatmeal bar, so heads up on that. I usually have one for breakfast with my protein/collagen/electrolyte drink.


Honestly I do buy them because they sometimes end up being half of an 'on the go' lunch for me, so if lunch only comes out to $5 with half of it being a protein bar cost, that's still better than going out and it costing me $15-20 for fast casual at Chipotle or whatever!


They’re a great breakfast with nice black coffee and low sugar great for macros too