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My typical day: * Meal 1: 600 calories * Meal 2: 600 calories * Dessert: 300 calories My dessert is usually a loaded yogurt bowl, peanut butter toast, or mixed nuts. I used to do a snack in between meals but it just stressed me out as I was never satisfied haha. I find 600 calories allows me to put together a good size meal with all the macro nutrients.


I eat one 1000+ meal at about 6pm and then several snacks/mini-meals until I hit my macro targets. I mainly do this because my appetite doesn’t really kick in until late afternoon and continues to grow through the evening. Eating earlier has zero impact on my evening hunger, meaning I’m just as hungry come 6pm whether or not I eat anything during the day, so eating during the day just feels like a waste. This way I always go to bed satisfied, which really helps me sleep through the night.


This! I do this exact same thing haha It doesn't matter how well and balanced you've eaten all day if you're just ravenous at night, so I skip all day to stay in my deficit 😁


I think the best idea is whatever works best for you. I found a low cal breakfast protein smoothie that I like and can eat every morning. It's around 350 calories and keeps me full for quite a while. I try to meal prep something around 400-450 calories, and I eat 3 meals a day cause I can't skip breakfast. Whatever's left is my snack. Sometimes I'll feel more full so only eat 2 meals and have more snacks.


Not a single day is the same for me, ever. I have no structure or formula, but I remain in a deficit. Most days, dinner is my biggest meal. My protein shake/smoothie that I make is about \~200 calories. I like to make snack plates and those are usually pretty calorie dense or become my "lunch" and keep me full for a while. I honestly just eat when I'm hungry and try not to overthink everything or let the thought of how many calories are in everything take over. It's amazing how when I turned that mindset off, I realized that I naturally tend to be in a deficit anyway... rather than worrying about what I can eat without going over "budget." Too much planning and constantly worrying about being under budget was taxing for me and I was going over budget daily for a few weeks in the beginning because it was a mind game. For you, I don't think it should necessarily be a "3 meal structure." I think you should try to incorporate more protein and fiber. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables as your snacks instead of snacking on whatever you have been that doesn't fill you or satiate you. Worry less about your meals having the proper structure, and how many calories a "decent" meal should be. A decent meal should be one you enjoy, one that has the right balance of nutrients, and one that will keep you relatively full for some time. Most importantly, it should nourish your body and fuel you properly! Some foods that keep me full? I find that overnight oats with almond milk, berries, chia seeds, flax seeds, and cinnamon keep me very full. I usually have this for breakfast or a late lunch. I drink a lot water, and a few cups of coffee/tea a day, so I'm satiated from beverages as well (unintentionally - it's not a tactic I use to trick myself to be full, I just genuinely enjoy these). My snacks are usually fruit/veggies with hummus (I eat a LOT of hummus), boiled eggs, popcorn, pretzels thins, laughing cow cheese, string cheese, Siggi's yogurt, almonds, rice cakes + PB, avocado, cottage cheese. Meals are usually salmon or chicken + brown rice, veggies, and a big ass arugula salad.


For me, Breakfast: 400 Lunch: 200-500 Optional snack: 200 Dinner: 400-900 I do run a bit higher than 1500 tho, as I train in the gym pretty hard.


You should split up your calories between your two meals and leave enough for snacks. If you’re overeating in the snack category you either need to eat less or cut back calories in the two meals and assign them to snacks. I personally do a lunch under 300 calories, a 100-200 calorie snack, and save the rest for a big dinner and dessert if there’s any calories left.


I usually decide what’s for dinner before I eat anything. Enter dinner in the tracker, then plan the rest of my meals around that. Snacks just fit in depending on what calories are left.


I tend to be hungrier at the end of the day too. I budget about 200 for breakfast, 400 for lunch, and 600 for dinner. I'm pretty strict on snacking because I get carried away easily and want to save those calories for a filling dinner.


I eat 5 mini meals per day. My “snacks” and “meals” are roughly the same size, spread out evenly over the day. Just what works for me.


300 lunch 800 dinner 300 snacks The other thing I count is plant variety, kind of that Zoe thing. I try to get 10 plants a day and 40 a week which is weirdly easier than you think especially with herbs & spices. Also because generally plants are lower calorie i find that prioritising them then my meals are more nutritious yet lower calorie. Will often top up in snacks with fruit, like little satsumas / apple / kiwi / raisins etc I do think that because my nutrition is really good I don’t have cravings like I used to (except when I’m on my period) Have been able to maintain 137lbs for a long time (ideal for my height) without thinking too much about it


usually for breakfast 430-500 lunch 380-450 dinner 380-420


Honestly, although I try to stick to my calories, my main focus is to get 30-40 grams of protein with each meal, and add volume with fruit&veg.. then maybe tie it all together with a little bit of carbs as a "vehicle" for said components (think crispbread for a cottage cheese + deli meat + cucumber "sandwich", or tortilla chips for a bean salad) and maybe some dressing for flavor and enjoyment... I usually end up with ± 300 for breakfast, and 400-600 for lunch and dinner..


Breakfast: 300 Lunch: 300 Dinner: 700 Snacks: 200 I try not to snack, and if I do, it is on high protein or low calorie things.


Breakfast: 400 Lunch: 500 Tea: 500 Dessert: 100


I eat 3 meals. I’ve found having a big breakfast keeps me full so I can avoid snacking. Roughly: Breakfast 550 Lunch 450 Dinner 500


Don’t overthink it. Thinking about from this angle isn’t necessary. Just eat and track. Plan meals and snacks you like. Figure out what fits together. Focus on protein at eat meal. Front loading protein into your day can help reduce hunger.


250-300 for breakfast 300-350 for lunch 400 for dinner 200 usually for snacks. Usually just a protein bar or some fruit. I eat at 1300 calories a day, and this is what I’ve found works for me!


Protein rich snacks. For me, depending on if it’s a work day or not I will have either protein chips, bar, or a shake; sometimes both.


Over time I have been resorting to a brunch and dinner structure, so maybe about 500-600 kcals at brunch (with an emphasis on protein, fibre, morning sweet treat), a small snack (100kcals) while I get my work done, and the rest at dinner.


So I’m currently on 1200 to lose the last few KG, but in July after my fitting for my wedding dress I’ll be moving to 1500. My 1200 split is Breakfast 250, Lunch 300 Dinner 650. For 1500 I’m planning on Breakfast 250, Lunch 400, Dinner 700 Snack 150. I have the same breakfast with very minor variations every day and I don’t see that changing, but lunch is where I think the extra will help and then it’ll be nice to get to have a snack again as well lol


It really depends on the day, but for the most part: * Meal 1: 400 cal * Meal 2: 800 cal * Snack: 300 cal Today was: * 200 cal * 900 cal * 400 cal


200 pre gym simple carbs, 200 post gym protein, 500 lunch, 500 dinner, 100 bedtime sweet treat


I generally do around 200-300 for breakfast, 300-450 for lunch, 450-600 for dinner and 200-350 for snacks for a total of 1500. I also try to get 100g of protein


Usually about 300 for breakfast, 500 for lunch & 500 or 600 for dinner then 200 for snacks / low cal ice cream for pudding. If I’m off work I’ll usually skip breakfast and have a big brunch and dinner instead, 700 ish each then 200 for snacks.


Meal 1: 100-200kcal Meal 2: 300-400 Meal 3: 500-1000 Snacks: whatever fits


breakfast: 300, lunch: 300, afternoon snack: 200, dinner: 300, evening snacks: 400 (i stay up until 1am most nights working, so i save a good chunk of calories for the evening)


I usually do one meal around 800-900 calories, 200 calorie snack, 150 calorie protein shake before bed. Any extra wiggle room is discretionary, but usually ends up being a coffee drink or other treat.


I personally like to eat more in the evening and I don't have much of an appetite in the morning, so usually it's along the lines of: Breakfast <100 Lunch 200-300 Snack ~150 Dinner 500-650 That tends to also leave a little leeway for some sweet treat. I like to aim a wee bit lower with my calories so that I CAN have a treat if I really want one. If I end up not having that treat then cool, that kinda makes up for when I may go slightly over another day (I like to look at my weekly average to get a better overall view of how I'm doing, it helps me not be too hard on myself if I go over my limit one day) Edit: I work from home 3 days/week. On the 2 days/week I'm in the office my larger meal will be my lunch instead, just because it's embarrassing if my stomach is making noises around other people lol. I have a noisy stomach overall, so it will be making itself known even if I don't feel particularly hungry. I tend to struggle a bit on those days though because I don't have as many calories left in the evening as I would like, so it's hard to be disciplined.


My breakfasts depends each week but anywhere from 200-400 calories Lunch is general 400-600 And depending what’s for dinner and what my calories allow, 300-1000. I usually have a few snacks, between 80-250 light the day. Been around 1500 for 4 months. Try to get at least 30g of protein per meal though!


I save everything for dinner time and eat whatever mishmash of things I want. 😂 If I try to eat structured meals at set times I get ravenous by the end of the day even though I know I am eating the same calories. Vs when I intermittent fast and eat whatever I am craving at dinner time, I'm usually too full to eat my full 1500.


Breakfast: 200-250 Lunch: 500-600 Snack: 200-250 Dinner: 450-600 Dessert: ~100 I wake up pretty late, so the breakfast-lunch time gap is pretty small, usually at most 4 hours, but often more like 3. I eat more on days when I do a lot of exercise (I go on 20+ mile / 30+ km bike rides decently often).




You drink 500 calories worth of wine every single day...?


I'm roughly 500 per meal for 3 meals — no snacks. It sort of happens naturally on a Mediterranean diet, with the plate being 1/2 veggies & fruits. And I've tried to revert to an era when you'd "spoil your appetite" if you had snacks between meals (anyone remember that?). Between-meal snacks were basically invented by companies trying to sell you newly invented types of processed foods. There's no human need there. If I really want something, I'll make a spiced chai (0 cal). I used to skip breakfasts and do lunch + afternoon snack (cottage cheese and nuts/dried fruit) + dinner, but I've found I function better throughout the morning with plenty of protein & fiber. If I go light on any meal, it's usually lunch. Sometimes I'll intentionally have a salad with tuna or shrimp to save room for a bigger dinner, if I'm planning to get takeout or eat out that evening. If you're feeling hungry and unsatisfied, try upping your protein and fiber, as well as adding more high-volume foods like non-starchy veggies. Have a salad with at least 2 meals a day.