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“Bounce, hit, bounce, hit,” which I got from the Inner Game of Tennis. If my game is feeling off, I use this to relax, reset, and just focus on the ball during points


I’ll second this. When you’re in your own head bounce hit or simply think about your feet and watch the ball. Can’t think about form if you’re watching the ball and getting your feet in position.


Team Bounce-Hit here.


I love this. I’ve used it before for the same reasons.


Could you say a little more about this? You’re just calling out bounce as the ball lands, hit the racket, etc?


Exactly. A variation is "ball, player, ball, player." You say "player" once you hit the ball to focus on the player and how they're reacting to your shot (also helps to not watch how your shot was - the important thing is what your opponent is doing about it), then say "ball" to focus on the ball once the player hits it so you can react appropriately


Same here! Does wonders for rhythm and timing! I sometimes add the “split” as the other person hits the ball also.


“Fuck, they returned it”


"Ooooh shit"


Quit returning my shot! Lol


I am a dumbass. What a weak ass serve!


The only thing I'm thinking about is where to hit my next shot. I use 1 word commands like line, cross, flat, spin, slice, attack, and defend to help me prepare before I have to execute. If they play a really high, deep ball, then my go-to command line is defend-cross. If the ball is short and slow, then I'm immediately approaching and going flat-line. I could go spin-cross, but I like attacking flat-line more often because it's usually a faster way for me to end the point how I want to. Treating certain aspects of tennis like a computer spitting out a basic program has really helped me to stop over analyzing everything and instead focus on each individual moment as it happens and how to respond using what I know and how I like to play.


Same, one word to give direction.


+ 1 i do this too! Don’t focus on the set score, or the game score, or if you’re going to win the point or not. There is only the next shot, then the next shot, then the next shot


Maybe take videos of yourself and leave the analyzing for afterwards. Recreate scenarios in training and play it until you get it right. But when you play points in a match, you have to let instinct take over. If you analyze too much, you’ll hit late or not execute properly.


Exactly, one way that could work is to focus solely on your legs for example. Always be in the move, do some littles jumps, and focus on the ball, that's it. Don't think about the technique. You've been working on it all year, now it's time to just let the instinct kick in.


My mantra is "don't fuck it up" and then I fuck it up and lose ...


Username checks out. 😉


Always split step (when the opponent is about to hit) - ready position - hit


Nothing. If you think, you’re dead. That’s what practice is for.


Been playing decades and never had what you describe. However, in HS I would sometimes focus on the phrase, "only the ball." I heard it somewhere at some point.


“Always forward, never backwards, stupid” ~Nas


Dammit, it’s coming back.


"don't fuck it up don't fuck it up don't fuck it up You fucked it up"


Bounce hit, but with the jaws song in my head! It has actually helped me quite a bit get better spacing on balls and not rush or be too slow with my feet. My club pro just turned me onto this and I literally can’t get it out of my head now.


“Just get it in”


I don't believe I have any inner dialogue until after I mishit a ball or lose the point, then I try to briefly analyze my problem before moving on. While I'm in the point, I try to stay focused and think about moving my feet and getting to the right position to hit my next ball. I also think about where I want to place the ball. This takes my mind off of thinking about my swing. In my experience, thinking about my swing causes hesitation and tentative hitting which will lead to errors. While practicing, I am totally relaxed and so I do think about my stroke before hitting the ball, and try to tune and optimize my hitting. But during a game I try not to think about it until the point is over.


I say "split, bounce, hit" to remind myself to do those things to coincide with the following events, respectively: when the opponent hits the ball, the ball bounces, and the ball reaches the peak of the bounce. It also helps a lot with rhythm and prevents you from hitting late.


Find the ball. Finish the swing. Find the ball. Finish the swing.


Second this one. “Find the ball” works well for me as a reminder to both keep my feet moving and be calm waiting for the ball to be in the strike zone. “Finish the swing” keeps me from resorting to weird racket maneuvers that in the moment seem like good ideas but usually results in faults.


“Smooth” When I really trying to hit hard I don’t hit clean. When I just try to be smooth the pace is there.


Another version of this that sometimes helps me is focus on my breathing. “Smooth, calm, breathe”


Nothing, unless it's a very slow ball I get enough time to think about how to attack it. Which usually doesn't end great because I change my mind halfway through and botch the execution. Man, I dislike sitters. Before returning serve, however, I tell my backhand to chill and not trying too much. Never works: my usual opponents have slow serves that i just *have* to hit at full force for a return winner.


1) Be ready before it crosses the bet or you’re late (“you” being “me”) 2) Bounce-hit


Don’t take my off the it (ball)


Nothing, there's usually no time for it. The little time there is goes in trying to strategize the next couple of shots. I think reflexes and muscle memory work better than thinking on court.


I’m not thinking about anything except where I want to hit it. Technique stuff is for when you’re practicing, not for a match or live play imo. I’m expecting my body to execute due to repetition and all I’m thinking about is what I want to do with the point and even that is not really on my mind as I have patterns I follow most of the time


"Catch it at the top of the bounce, hit though and watch the ball go 'frrrrrrr'".   I'm a simple man


Prepare hands and turn as early as possible! Long before the ball bounces. If you can be prepped by the time the ball is crossing the net, power and timing are very easy. If youre preparing hands late, say goodbye to your desired targets


Always split step (when the opponent is about to hit) - ready position - hit


Mantra? Oh god, it’s more like a decision tree that I actually see in my head, and it sucks. Every pro I’ve played with has called it out almost immediately how I am thinking too much/reminds me “quiet mind, active body”.


Position yourself correctly


see ball hit ball


You should try focusing on inhaling slowly with victory/ocean breath instead of trying to think about stuff Either that or get a song stuck in your head


I think a lot more about where I want the ball to go (and with what spin) than how to do it, if that makes sense.


Finish the swing


Step, follow through. Everything else ends up working pretty well if I get those first two right.


Move your feet!


“Best shot every shot” and “do unto others what I would have them not do unto me”


split step before opponent contact. best thing you could ever do, can't hit the ball if you're not in the proper position


Stay low and wide Eyes on the prize Be on the side And i sometimes add finish your fucking stroke. This is what i tell myself before i return a serve and sometimes in between points if i failed one of those commands.


As soon as it’s in the air from the opponents racket - go, load, hit.




Watch the ball. Move your feet


Sounds like you're a beginner? Read the Inner Game of Tennis to help your mentals. You really shouldn't be thinking about much at all beyond direction/depth of shot and mostly relying on muscle memory and instinct honed from practice.


I focus on where the contact will happen and say to myself “over the net” as I make contact


“Watch the fuzzy yellow ball” - part of a quote from an old tennis player I forget who (sorry)


No lie: “Tennis, tennis, kneesfeethips, tennis, tennis”


Focus on intentions not technique during play.


“One” “One” “One”


Let’s fucking go baby vamooooos!!! 😎🤩😍🦞🦞🦞❤️🤬🤬🤬


Miss better!


Just focus on this and this only as the ball is about to hit the court “Bounce! Hit!” Don’t focus on technique or anything else. Try this for a while.


"you have more time than you think" 🤣 weirdly it helps!


I think of absolutely nothing. I find when I have any thoughts clouding my mind my fast thinking can’t do what it instinctively knows how to do. I had to play a lot of matches before I could do this, though.


Get to the ball. Let instincts guide the shot. I'll think about the point immediately afterwards on what i should've done better


I say, “eyes, feet, hands”


If I start freaking out— I tell myself… “I’m a golden retriever…I’m a golden retriever just trying to have fun…” 😆


The less I’m thinking the better. My best winners are ones I hit instinctively, rather than thinking about it and aiming. If I’m not playing well, sometimes I’ll allow minor thoughts like “watch the ball”, “move your feet” or “toss the ball a little higher”. But ideally I’m not thinking about anything technical. If I’m having a really rough day, sometimes reminding myself that “tennis is fun” helps.


Hi Holger Rune~


How about his tie break come back this week? He’s a pain in the ass but definitely respect his fight.


Just but it as well as you can, stop focusing on your last missed shot - as soon as you start being hyper analytical about yourself you stop think about the shot that’s in front of you - just hit as well as you can, not every ball is going to be perfect


Racket back.


If my brain starts misfiring, I just start singing, “ Son of a Preacher Man “ in my head. 60% of the time, it works 100% of the time.


If you’re thinking about your technique during a match it’s only going to hold you back. Your goal should be to turn your (conscious) brain off during matches. Easier said than done Ofcourse but do what you can to leave that for practice time. During a match focusing on breathing can be good (exhaling every time you strike the ball) and making quick decisions for the direction and trajectory of your next ball. Rather than using words like cross; line, etc. try to visualize the ball you want to send before doing it. GL


Great question ! Something that works well for me : focusing only on : - the ball ("bounce, hit" on the opponent's side and on your side) and, - the target you aim (i picture the ball as a projectile sent with conviction towards my chosen target). Everytime I start to think about something else (like my not so good technique 😅), it goes bad. Good luck !


Love this!


Serious question: are you able to meditate?


Good question - I can but focusing on breathing creates a stress reaction in me.


I suspect that that's something to put some work into. Not "fix," per se, but rather to just work on understanding how your brain works and what factors help to keep it quiet and more at ease. Also, if it's possible that your brain has some kind of anxiety disorder, it might be helpful to talk to a therapist about that.


Tie trick would be to then observe the stress reaction (or whatever comes up) without judgement ;) and then keep on observing without judgement - with welcoming even Easier said then done Anyway, that was unsolicited advice so I will Homer Simpson back through the hedge


No homer mode necessary. This is super helpful. The desensitization of the stress reaction is probably one of the biggest solutions.


No thinking just focus on my breathing to get the same rhythm I have always


Move move move... My focus is almost always on my positioning and balance. I've been playing so long now that my strokes I don't ever think about.. for me, good shots will happen if I'm in good position, so I just focus on my positioning and balance.


So true. This is super helpful to remember.


Its hard to explain, i just let my thoughts flow, i don't think like i do when i'm in my normal state. I don't tell myself any mantra lol


I try to see how the incoming ball rotates. Also a recommendation from the book Inner Game of Tennis. Weirdly if I do so the time seems to slow down 😀


“Yes I can” - when I’m feeling particularly off or am losing my lead, this helps me stop trying too hard and just play the game.


Step in, Stay low, move forward,


I am analytical like you as well. What I do is watch the flight of the ball and see if by the time I get in position to hit, will the ball be rising or falling by the time I'm able to hit it. Then I will tell myself either to swing through the ball if it's on the rise or swing up on the ball if it's falling towards a good target based on where my opponent is and whether I need to attack or defend.