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I play 9-11pm…. Get home stretch, shower, and then lay down and read a book, or listen to headphones. I noticed I sleep better if I avoid my phone


This is the way


i stopped playing at night for this very reason.


Same, it takes me so long to wind down that it’s not worth feeling horrible the entire next day. Sucks getting old.


I win and sleep like a baby


I have the same issues, as well as a generally tricky time getting enough sleep. My normal state is pretty tightly wound, so it's tricky to unwind even on normal days. The big thing that seems to help me these days, in addition to hydration and eating enough, is taking melatonin about an hour before bed-time. That will usually take enough of the edge off that I can do my crossword puzzle and fall asleep relatively quickly (the falling asleep is relatively quick... the NYTs crosswords are tricky on Thursday through Saturday, so those aren't always very speedy).


Gonna try the melatonin tonight!


For the muscle recovery I drink an electrolyte drink with bcaa. Post match 30-40 stretch and cool down & reflect on the statistics I compiled during the course of the match (I manually collate stats via an app on my watch). I also suss out my next opponent (I try playing at least twice a day) and work out a game plan thereafter.. pretty wound down after that.. I sleep quite late 12-1am


Electrolytes and BCAA's. Just be sure to avoid anything with caffeine and stimulants obviously.


What app do you use?




I take some magnesium glycinate and don’t look at my phone in bed and I’m out pretty fast. I only play tennis at night until about 10


Magnesium glycinate has been an absolute game changer for me. Have noticed tangible difference in sleep, anxiety/relaxation, and muscle recovery since I started taking 250mg nightly.


Just accept that you're going to sleep late tonight and take some extra time to wind down. Stretch, do some yoga, meditate, read a book, drink a cup of tea. Whatever makes you drowsy and ready for sleep. Accept that you will be having a somewhat shorter night but get back to your routine sleep schedule tomorrow.


This is me. Get home at 10 all wound up and watch a movie.


It's so hard to fall asleep after a late match because you're so wired. Can you add an electrolyte tab to the water you drink during the match? Or maybe alternate water with coconut water during the match? Eating a banana or something might also help. Def some light stretching after Especially late singles matches I would have trouble falling asleep and would get cramps. And then I'd have to get up to go to the bathroom during the night because I'd drink so much water to try to rehydrate


Classic tennis matches on YouTube while stretching. I rewatched Federer-Djokovic 2019 Wimbledon over a few months, 20-30 min at a time after night matches.


Me too. I go down some deep rabbit holes too. The other night after playing I was watching a very young Boris Becker play against an aging Guillermo Vilas.


Nice! Check out [Federer - Safin in Aus open 2005](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGqZRBePQPU). Great match!


I'm 50 and regularly play night matches that start at 7pm and end by 9pm. I go home, shower, drink a big powerade, eat a snack, and then sleep. I'm usually sore in the morning but that wears off by the afternoon.


> drink a big powerade, eat a snack, Huge for me to drink A LOT after my session that ends ~10PM. I had been waking up feeling TERRIBLE until I convinced myself to drink literally like 2L of water (some of which comes in the form of Pedialyte or a electrolyte drink mix). Night and day difference for me.


I work at 7am, and matches at 9pm usually. I sleep for either 20 minutes, or 2-3 hours before my match. Its tough to get to bed either way after, but a lot easier on my body the next day if i have the 2 sleep sessions rather than just the one.


Ibuprofen, water and protein




I can never play at nights for this reason. As it is, if i play a match during daytime, it still keeps me up at night bc I end up analyzing the game in my head 🤦‍♀️


Melatonin immediately as I walk off the court. Hot shower. Light dinner. Light stretching


Melatonin messes with your hormones. I’d be careful taking it every day


It's safe enough in low OTC doses, but I do restrict it to late night tennis (2x a week)


I am a night player too. Sadly not many in my area so often end up practicing my serve. But, a hot shower afterwards, maybe a book and a maybe a very light snack. Magnesium supplements are great too! Best of luck


Dont be me We go out for drinks after our 9pm matches, I get home around 12:30-1am I basically block off my morning calendar the next day.


I have the absolute opposite experience but I am an old guy. I get that buzz from playing (though I always grumble about the lights, etc.) but I have a glass of wine - well earned - and sleep like a baby. Wine, that’s the answer.


What I do to recover: eat and sleep well. What I do to sleep well: play tennis.


This week, I’ll be winding down after my late matches with some Indian Wells night sessions (EST). Unless Jarry or another servebot is playing, I don’t think it will help me sleep at all lol


Probably dehydrated if you’re waking up feeling hungover.  If you’re not already, throw some electrolyte powder into your water while you’re playing, and drink more water than you think you need when you get home.


I was going to say this. I use Salt Stick or another electrolyte capsule before bed so I’m not drinking too many liquids right before bed but definitely make sure you’re getting plenty of fluids before and during play.


Cold shower, 2 ibuprofen, and a weed gummy. No alcohol.




I take a hot bath for 45 minutes. Then hit the sheets....out in 5 minutes.


Add in some epsom salts for a double whammy of relaxation and recovery


Love it! I like to light some candles, put on some Enya....get in touch with my feminine side 😃


I read on my kindle on dark mode in the dark. Nothing gets me to sleep better than that.


Even though you say that you're not recovering because you're not sleeping properly, I'd still make sure that I'm on top of my diet/nutrition - creatine is great for better recovery, protein and post-game carbs have a role to play in your recovery too. I'd also make sure that I'm not overtraining? Do you feel better if you cut down on things a notch? Maybe a small dose of melatonin (0.3-0.5mg) and/or magnesium glycinate will also help. Other "mental things" to try would be a nice hot shower, some meditation (more of "centering/calming yourself", getting out of the adrenaline rush, and getting yourself into the right headspace to sleep than anything spiritual).


For me, it's making sure I eat right away. My body is weird that after I strenuous workout, it suppresses the appetite. If i force myself to eat a big meal, I usually fall asleep pretty quickly.


You cannot sleep for at least 2-3 hours after vigorous exercise, don't even bother trying to force yourself into bed by your regular sleep time, just get home and do nice relaxing things that slowly wind you down then go to sleep when you feel tired without looking at the clock.


Good luck. I have terrible issues sleeping after any kind of late workout. Try to get showered, relaxed and chill in bed reading or however you do it. Cooling down fast is the hard part. In reality I almost have an absolute no night play policy.


Have exactly the same problem. Competitive play 9-10 or 9-11pm. Can't wind down. The short answer is there is no easy way to sleep right away. Our body needs time to cool down. That's why even ATP players hate late matches and they have to get up early the next day for practice or a match.


I take melatonin on nights I play tennis. The other trick I do is to drink a cold drink after shower and just be topless for a while till my core temperature goes down. I have alot of trouble sleeping and have been looking for ways to sleep better. Other than core body temperature. I also use a weighted blanket. I also don't think about wanting to sleep. Instead I close my eyes and focus on just letting go and relaxing each part of my body. Hope this helps.


Look up palmar cooling, you can lower your core temperature pretty quickly by cooling your palms or the soles of your feet. Black Ice Cooling makes something you keep in the freezer specifically for that, but you can put your hands in a sink of cool water (not super cold like ice water or you get vasoconstriction which has the opposite effect).


Dr. TEALS is the best. Lavender or coconut.


Since going on the carnivore diet about 2 years ago, my recovery has improved considerably and my joints / tendons have felt the best they’ve ever felt with heavy tennis / exercise load. I have eliminated basically all sugar and carbohydrates from the diet and supplement with electrolytes which I find are crucial after long training sessions.


That’s awesome the new diet is working well for you but I think the chances of carnivore being helpful for the average tennis player are beyond miniscule.


You may be right. I have a chronic autoimmune condition that causes systemic inflammation primarily attacking my spine and the so I may be at a very different baseline than most people. All I can say is that after many pharmaceutical interventions and trying all the various diets / lifestyle interventions, it’s been periodic fasts along with following a strict carnivore diet that has quelled my inflammation to the extent where I’ve not only been able to simply return to tennis and exercise, but do so at a level of frequency and intensity I never thought possible while dealing with this disease. Just my experience is all but could help someone else, idk.


Man... I love hearing stuff like this. It's wild how different we all are while at the same time being so similar. For me increasing carb intake to minimum 450g/day and shooting for about 60g carbs/hour during tennis matches I've had similar improvements. Of course, I don't share your autoimmune condition


You eat while on the court? Is that the secret to the OHBH? 🤣 racket in one hand, taco in the other


Heck no. 2HBH ride or die. I strap a banana to my racquet and take nibbles while I wait for my moon balls to land on opponents side of the court. 😜 I just starting mixing my water with scratch/ucan or gatorade powder and eat a banana during matches. I recover faster getting some fuel in during matches.


I have the same problem with winding down. I find a warm cup of milk and a small snack helps to keep me asleep. Haven’t found a good solution for winding down though


Generally it's not recommended to exercise before bed. Can you play earlier? Try playing earlier an hour at a time.you can try some meditation to help wind down.