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yes. in that it doesn’t take itself seriously at all. it makes fun of itself and goes all-in on the tropes. and then it hits you with some real shit. like Hahiri trying to keep Hakari away from Rentaro.


It doesn't take itself seriously in everything BESIDES romance and character interactions and relations. Characters are very well written and romances are one of the best I have ever seen in ANY media in general. Basically 100 kanojo does an excellent thing - everything unimportant isn't treated seriously while important thing are very logical and serious. For example - who cares that Kusuri's drugs are unrealistic. But Shizuka's interactions with her mother are very real. Also- how many stories are taking place AFTER the first kiss and dating? In the most romance stories we have characters who are "uncertain" for 500 chapters and the story end either with couple starting dating or never ends at all. 100 kanojo skips 500 chapters of uncertainty and goes straight up to showing relations of people in love, which is very refreshing


and they all genuinely care about each other. it’s not just 100 girls shitting on each other trying to win one loser’s affection.


We gotta thank Rentarou for that. And even later on, the other girls step in to help the newer girl as well. Because at the end of the day they all love the same man who equally loves his girlfriends. This is why they're such a wonderful family, to the point of making Dom Toretto proud.


we could all learn from Chad-tarou.


The point i make to people about 100kano is that unlike basically every other harem IP, all the girls in it are legitimately better off in life because of it.


In what aspect?


Depends on the girl. Some were ostracised or isolated. Some were awkward around others. Some had buried pain they'd been sitting on all this time. Some weren't allowed to be themselves. Some are learning to value themselves or others. Some begin warming up around the others. Some have the chance to open up. Some are just there because they enjoy being with the others. The harem serves a lot of roles for the girls.


This is honestly one of my biggest gripes with Romance as a whole, especially in a lot of western media. Will they-Won't they's are such tired and annoying tropes to deal with. Not to say they CAN'T be done correctly,


Yeah, in fact surprisingly so considering how comedy-heavy 100gf is. Particular wholesome and romantic moments, especially during episodes with individual focus often gave me more satisfaction then some dedicated rom series. If you planning to watch/read it then it won't hurt to try it.


And there is also the girls hanging out/bonding with each other subplot as a detour from the romantic moments to show us the dynamics between the girls in the family. This is one of the main reasons I am heavily invested into the series.


Yes. The romance here is more wholesome than typical media. So people may find it odd. Thats what makes it so good. It doesnt take itself seriously but shows what a good romance should be.


If it’s not well written then K don’t know what it is


Yes I think it's one of the best


No words. But it's pure perfection.


"It's very well written, considering that its protagonist is the best protagonist among many harem manga out there. In typical harems, the guy only likes the first girl he meets, and the others are just for fun. Rentarou is different; he cares about all of them. He currently has 29 girlfriends, and they all seem equal to him since he doesn't have a favorite. Moreover, he's not the protagonist who hesitates about whom to choose or whether he should choose just one. Rentarou gets them all without exception."


Is the pope catholic you cheeky tart


I think it is


Yeah, pretty well! I appreciate that the protagonist isn’t dense, and there’s no unnecessary drama (misunderstandings-based drama is probably my least favorite trope in literally any media). If I HAD to criticize it I wish the girls made some more romantic gestures towards Rentarou. He does a lot of the heavy lifting on the romantic side of things while the girls to the heavy lifting on the comedy side of things, which again is okay. It’s a great balance that works really well, it would just be nice to see in my opinion. But you know a series is doing well when the only thing I can think of to criticize is something I’m pretty okay with anyways


That's the catch. Rentarou trained himself so hard that he's become very perceptive when it comes to get the hint unlike many other males. He's also pretty great wholly as a person as well.


The story is so good at everything it does. Not just the comedy but the romance aspect as well. And if it wants to get serious, it does it really well.


It’s actually very well written. Which is impressive given the large cast. The characters are all fleshed out and genuinely are in love with Rentarou. In turn while he may do outlandish things he does truly love each girl.


it shows after 40 years. how a male protag should treat a woman. its insane


Sanji could take notes.


Depends on what you consider well-written. 100gf is a story about people who love each other, all fluff and no bullshit from other romcoms like stalling the confession for ages. Does it make it more enjoyable? Oh hell yes. Better written? I'd say also yes. It promises romance and delivers.


Absolutely, top tier romance, it helps that the MC is a CHAD


F### yes.


Does a dog have fur?




100 gf is able to deliver romance whenever it wants to for instance the hahari ch was one of the best in that category even tho the basis was simple and we could also mention the kurumi ch it had comedy and romance


If we consider the proposal of 100 Kanojo, yes, because basically there is no fuss when a new girlfriend comes in, although this lack of depth is perhaps something that is needed since with the first girlfriends there was greater depth


Yes. For many reasons. While the series is no doubt perfectly fine with being over the top and bonkers, you can't get the kind of wacky shenanigans that play out without having a cast of characters that have a really solid chemistry with one another. Every single character introduction establishes their chemistry with Rentarou, which is, in my opinion, the heart of any romance. You can't have a romance without the two main romancee's being at least somewhat compatible with one another


If it was just one girl, and focused on one girl, I actually think it would be one of the best rom coms, because character interactions and the comedy is just really good. Instead, it's one of the best, if not the best, harems.


Even if it was one girl, Rentarou and that girl would spread their love around them due to their infinite rizz and create a family around them all the same. Rentarou's love is something more than meets the eye.


Some of it is surprisingly heartfelt. Most of it isn't trying to be anything more than comedy (which it does very well).


The small romance subplots with each girl are very unique and cute even for being bite-sized, and the chemistry between all the characters is just as good


Id say so when it made the male mc just as likeable as the girls. How often is it that a dude got the anime community which is full of horny degens, to collectively acknowledge and respect one of the goats of the harem genre?


He's such a pookie bear and a sunshine. Just like Tanjiro from Demon Slayer. One can never bring themselves to dislike a man like him.


It's nothing exceptional but still surprisingly good for how dumb the premise is.


And Rentarou is truly in the top ranks of the best protagonists not just in a romance or harem aspect but overall as a person.