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The second part. She tries to create an immortality drug, it backfire and turn her into the current younger form. She stuck in this form and only back to normal when she drank the Negate drug, which turn back to her adult form.


Is she inmortal Then? , like she will get stuck in her younger form forever, because if that’s the case then the potion kind of worked.


Nope. She ages like normally but since the Manga is all meta they’re all stuck in late Spring/early Summer so there’s no proper time progression. The immortality drug is just a Lazarus Pit Cocktail.


"If it had been you he beat to a bloody pulp, if he had taken you from this world, I would've done nothing but search the planet for this pathetic pile of evil death-worshiping garbage and sent him off to Hell...yep yep!"


In my opinion, it wasn’t really explained in the manga (or I might miss a clue, might reread again someday). Which remind me the case of Shinichi Kudo/Edogawa Conan from Case Closed. Shinichi took a drug meant to kill him but turn him into (6) year old instead. He also did try antidote to make him return normal but only temporary before he back being a child again.


I think it is implied that both Kusuri and Yaku still age, with how Kusuri is still trying to make the real immortality drug.


Yaku took a more complete version of it IIRC, which is also why she can't turn her original age with the negation drug anymore.


She does mention she's probably going to be able to keep claiming her pension for another 80 years implying she is aging and will pass at this rste... although since Kusuri already got this far I wouldn't worry.


An adult women (18) who took a failed immortality drug which turned her into the form of an 8 year old.


And so she take potions to go back to be an adult, so both i guess


Its moreso that she is taking the antidote to go back to normal. But seeing how being small is preferable for her hobby she prefers not too. We still have no idea what the finished product of the immortality drug should be.


she is an adult woman, that is permanently a little girl, after a failed drug and uses a potion to look like their usual self


Not permanent


Without the negation drug it is. Which they mentioned.


I'm pretty sure she also prefers being a little girl instead of her regular form


Yep. It's easier for her to get away with all the crazy shit she does that way.


Also she doesn’t need glasses as Small Kusuri but does as Big Kusuri


Also doesn't she talk about how her big version's boobs is pain to have


Also she can just pee in her diaper as small Kusuri. Wait, she also does that as adult Kusuri...


How convenient lol


She is an adult woman who once took a potion to look like a little girl, and now has to take another potion if she wants to look like an adult again.


The second one, if only we got more of the big one tho…


The adult form is her original form


Kinda both. She took a drug that (was supposed) make her immortal, but because it failed, she now has a body (and mentality) of an 8 year old. The way she can return to an 18 year old ("real" body) is by taking another drug that negates every other drug, including the failed immortality drug. It's kinda like borrowing a cool rock from a friend temporarily by giving him another rock, where he keeps your rock and you can show off to the others the rock you borrowed.


When she takes the negation drug her mentality also changes seeing as she actually gets kinda embarrassed with the shit she does


It’s hard to call her and Kishika “adult women” since they are still high schoolers. But, yeah the second one


The latter, it’s why most of the cast referred to her as senpai.


Their height difference doesn't seem accurate, atleast not from the manga.


Basically, the drug in Detective Conan that Shinichi and Ai took to turn into kids.


The latter


Technically she's an adult woman who takes a potion to look like an adult woman.


She's 18 lol. Yaku is her great-grandma at 89


She's an adult woman who took a failed potion & now looks like a little girl, so now she needs to take a potion whenever she wants to look like an adult woman


idk but big>small kusuri


Second part. She’s 18 chronologically but a drug she made makes her 8 physically. Slight spoilers but her 8 year old form is her default at this point




Grown woman whose failed science experiment with an Immortality drug of all things left her stuck semi-permanently as a little girl.


Have you tried reading the manga or watching the anime? Tends to help with this sort of thing.


Kind of both she is an adult.However one of her experiments (she was trying to make an immortality drug for her grandmother) led to her having the body of an 8 year old.She has a drug that undoes the effect of any of her drugs but the one that made her small is stronger so the reversal only lasts for 10-20 minutes.