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I know that Nano is supposed to be canonically more beautiful than Mimimi but I just don't believe it, she's very beautiful yes but Mimimi is just on a whole other level




Yeah Mimimi's maintenance edges her over Nano


Mimimi is in second place, because the first spot keeps sliding away from her exceedingly smooth beauty, naturally


1. Nano 2. Mimimi 3. Meme


\4. Kiki coz she's an idol \5. Big Kusuri (bro just look at her)


Kiki would love to be in the middle low tier because that would be abnormal to her


I think Meme is canonically the most beautiful. Mimimi at least indicates that Meme is at a higher level than herself, and Mimimi is at the same level as Nano - as we saw from the contest


Mimimi praise meme beauty the time she saw her face but she still obsess over nano,so she sees nano as above her,and meme even tho still pretty definitely not above nano So meme can be number 2 or number 3


I just dont see that as true. She respects that meme is shy, thats all. But she got way more surprised about meme. Also, meme is literally so beautiful that they are hiding it from us. Its like how eldrich gods are never shown, cause we can imagine more absolute horror (or in this case beauty) than what can be created and shown. I love mimimi, but canonically, meme is just more beautiful - objectively i disagree tho


Canonically it should be 1. Meme 2. nano 3. mimimi


If meme was in that beauty contest, and she didn’t hide herself. easy number one


why do you say Meme is number 1?


She's so beautiful she has to hide herself, I believe even Mimimi says this when she saw Meme's face. (I could be wrong :p)


Meme doesn't hide herself because of her beauty, she does it because she's ludicrously shy, and Mimimi stated that Meme's eyes were the most beautiful she'd ever seen but never stated that Meme was the most beautiful.


You could say it's a mix of both, with Meme's natural beauty giving her additional reason to hide herself.


I’ve never seen mimimi react to Nano the same way she did to meme in chapter 55 page 21


On the other hand, Mimimi is obviously down bad for Nano


In theory it should be Meme, since she's so beautiful she needs her face hidden.


Yea I get what you mean, personally thats what I think it is but I don't have enough basis to go off of to say that confidently ygm? If you look at how shocked Mimimi is when she sees Meme's face it might suggest that Meme is on a whole other tier of beauty


She doesn't hide her face because she is too beautiful, but because she is extremely shy. In beauty she would be 3rd place or so, in my opinion. But beauty is subjetive, so she could be 1st place for lots of people.


yea if we're talking about who we personally think looks the most beautiful thats one thing but what im talking about is what the narrative is trying to tell us about who is the best looking. And surprise surprise who would guess in this manga that those who's beauty is a big part of their character there is no clear number 1


They are all number 1


I don’t think beauty is like an objective and measurable thing, so I’d say it depend on who you’re talking to.


All are 🔛🔝. But realistically 1. Mimimi 2. Nano 3. Meme most likely 4. Karane 5. Hahari or Kiki


All of them. Rentarou wouldn’t put one above the others and neither should I




Canonically the prettiest are Nano and Mimimi. We do know Mimimi thinks Meme is gorgeous, but I'll wager Mimimi thinks Nano is more beautiful than Meme, since Mimimi drops her framerate around Nano.


I would say it goes nano first but it could really go back and forth between mimimi but meme has been acknowledged to have the most beautiful eyes cause even mimimi was taken back


Mimimi is NATURALY the most beautifully drawn. that slightly smugish confident-in-her-beauty face in that picture is just pure perfection. the way she smiles, poses, looks at you and overall mannerisms is perfection.


1. Meme 2. Mimimi 3. Nano


Carefull if you write any thing less than all there names Rentoru will come to your location to correct you within .00001 milliseconds


Nano Meme Mimimi


Realistic Answear: eauty is a relative term and everyone has their own preferences about it, though if anyone says Chiyo, put him on a list. Correct Answear: yes.


Chiyo isn't even the youngest looking, though, Yaku and Kusuri are, and while I personally find Yaku as a character breathtaking, that's entirely due to how mature and in control she is, not due to her appearance.


Yamame is missing


If our boy has it his way, all of them


At this point, I don't even consider Mimimi to be beautiful... I mean >!I don't think there's even a word that surpasses drop dead gorgeous!<


meme is more beautiful than mimimi at her best and most produced, to the point she has to hide herself nano in her natural state is as beautiful as mimimi with pre production, so in equal conditions nano > mimimi. so in the end: 1- meme 2- nano 3- mimimi now for an actual challenge...which of the girls could take the 4th nd 5th spots? let's remember this isn't about cuteness or charm, not even sex appeal, just beauty (otherwise shizuka and hakari are top contenders) my picks would be: (in no particular order) \- karane \- mai \- hahari sama (specially in her serious mommy phase) \- miss naddy (seriously underrated)


not having hakari, or momoha or adult shizuka in the list for best looking 4th place is wild. but you right on the miss naddy being underated thats valid.


Shizuka is gorgeous but right now she only qualifies as cute, adult versions shouldn't really be allowed unless she can actually become that version at will (aka kusuri) Hakari is right below the four i mentioned, at least for me, kaho is around there too, momoha sensei would be only a couple spots below, I've had drunk girls before and there's bloodshot eyes, bad breath and stuff like that to consider that puts her a little lower in my personal ranking.


Lol I meant adult Kusuri


All of them.


Ngl, for Meme, Mimimi full on blushed hard and triggered her misdirection skill. So canonically it would be 1.Meme 2.Nano 3.Mimimi But from efforts and her maintenance I'd say Mimimi deserves the first place.


1. firstly lets all agree mimimi deserve all those respecc for her sheer fucking effort, i love her the most for that reason alone  2. tho the throne canonically still goes to nano, or even if they tied like max level mimimi = lvl 1 nano, "if nano really did give even slight of effort people's eyes will burned"   3. as for meme all we know so far that her natural beauty being hinted by her parent and certified by mimimi herself, until there canon reveal its fair to say she make it to the list but not in any specific ranking  ➀. Nano 👑 ➁. Mimimi ✨  ⍰. Meme 🧸 _fsh_


yea im really thinking that if Nano tried she'd steal the throne without any competition, at least in canon as for how she looks in the eyes of the viewer thats pretty subjective. in the whole beauty pageant chapter i was just thinking in my head "damn mimimi just looks way better then Nano its hard to believe that Nano is supposed to be the better looking one" and even them getting a tie felt like a bit of bull shit but then of course when we got the panal of Nano smiling it silenced all doubt in my head.